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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Unit 1 / 661 Fairview Rd, Asheville, Nc 28803
Comment date: thu apr 04 00:00: est 2002 - replacing sewer line, via fax from debbie wilbur to sb. Call dan stewart at redacted phone number.
Date:  April 4, 2002

Client: Doug Harris | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 02-01360 | Parcel: 97691
2002/04/04091661 Fairview Rd, Asheville, Nc 28803Roto Rooter Of Asheville
62 Springside Dr, Asheville, Nc 28806
Comment date: thu apr 12 00:00: edt 2001 - building sewer replacement. Call tim jones redacted phone number.
Date:  April 12, 2001

Client: Sarah Adkins | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 01-01500 | Parcel: 31940
2001/04/1209162 Springside Dr, Asheville, Nc 28806Roto Rooter Of Asheville
41 Oregon Ave, Asheville, Nc 28806
Comment date: mon may 00:00: edt 2002 - replacing sewer line, via fax debbie wilbur. Call tim jones at redacted phone number.
Date:  May 20, 2002

Client: Mike Summey | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 02-02101 | Parcel: 9431
2002/05/2009141 Oregon Ave, Asheville, Nc 28806Roto Rooter Of Asheville
29 Ambler Rd, Asheville, Nc 28801
Comment date: mon jan 28 00:00: est 2002 - sewer repair, via fax from jennifer bryant. Call dan stewart at redacted phone number.
Date:  January 28, 2002

Client: Christine Richardson | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 02-00382 | Parcel: 10784
2002/01/2809129 Ambler Rd, Asheville, Nc 28801Roto Rooter Of Asheville
11 Adamswood Rd, Asheville, Nc 28803
Comment date: mon aug 21 00:00: edt 20 - replacing sewer line. Call dan stewart redacted phone number.
Date:  August 21, 2000

Client: Bianca Gabriel | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 00-03987 | Parcel: 33739
2000/08/2109111 Adamswood Rd, Asheville, Nc 28803Roto Rooter Of Asheville
23 Brucemont Pl, Asheville, Nc 28806
Comment date: tue nov 28 00:00: est 20 - sewer replacement by jsb via fax, jennifer bryant redacted phone number inspector tim jones redacted phone number
Date:  November 28, 2000

Client: Bernadette Gibson | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 00-05518 | Parcel: 10410
2000/11/2809123 Brucemont Pl, Asheville, Nc 28806Roto Rooter Of Asheville
189 Fairfax Ave, Asheville, Nc 28806
Comment date: thu jan 00:00: est 2002 - sewer replacement, via fax jennifer bryant. Call fred mckenzie at redacted phone number.
Date:  January 10, 2002

Client: Debra Hellman | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 02-00135 | Parcel: 18068
2002/01/10091189 Fairfax Ave, Asheville, Nc 28806Roto Rooter Of Asheville
305 Oak Pl, Asheville, Nc 28801
Comment date: wed apr 03 00:00: est 2002 - building drain repair by jsb via fax, jennifer b redacted phone number inspector dan stewart redacted phone number
Date:  April 3, 2002

Client: Helen Cable | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 02-01334 | Parcel: 33841
2002/04/03091305 Oak Pl, Asheville, Nc 28801Roto Rooter Of Asheville
55 Dogwood Ct, Asheville, Nc 28805
Comment date: wed may 22 00:00: edt 2002 - building sewer replacement, via fax from jennifer bryant. Call dan stewart at redacted phone number.
Date:  May 22, 2002

Client: Bayshore Company | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 02-02166 | Parcel: 12193
2002/05/2209155 Dogwood Ct, Asheville, Nc 28805Roto Rooter Of Asheville
155 Davenport Rd, Asheville, Nc 28806
Comment date: thu oct 12 00:00: edt 20 - sewer replacement by jsb via fax, jennifer bryant redacted phone number inspector tim jones redacted phone number
Date:  October 12, 2000

Client: Inge Buckner | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 00-04841 | Parcel: 14375
2000/10/12091155 Davenport Rd, Asheville, Nc 28806Roto Rooter Of Asheville
92 Horizon Hill Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
Comment date: tue aug 28 00:00: edt 2001 - replacing sewer line by jbs via fax, debbie wilbur redacted phone number inspector tim jones redacted phone number
Date:  August 28, 2001

Client: Sally Kennedy | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 01-03669 | Parcel: 24673
2001/08/2809192 Horizon Hill Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804Roto Rooter Of Asheville
22 Plateau Rd, Asheville, Nc 28805
Comment date: tue mar 06 00:00: est 2001 - replace sewer by jsb via fax, jennifer bryant redacted phone number inspector dan stewart redacted phone number
Date:  March 6, 2001

Client: Nancy Perone | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 01-00959 | Parcel: 8651
2001/03/0609122 Plateau Rd, Asheville, Nc 28805Roto Rooter Of Asheville
Redwood Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
Comment date: wed aug 08 00:00: edt 2001 - putting in bathtub drain by jsb via fax, jennifer bryant redacted phone number inspector tim jones redacted phone number
Date:  August 8, 2001

Client: B.S. Mcguire | Permit type: Com: mechanical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 01-03334 | Parcel: 26955
2001/08/08091Redwood Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804Roto Rooter Of Asheville
28 Sandon Dr, Asheville, Nc 28804
Comment date: wed aug 16 00:00: edt 20 - remodel basement. Enlarge bathroom, replace garage doors with sliding glass door, upgrade plumbing & electric.; comment date: mon jul 07 00:00: edt 2008 - july
Date:  July 7, 2008
Value:   $11,300

Client: Patrick Ochsenreiter | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 00-03939 | Parcel: 24695
2008/07/07113009128 Sandon Dr, Asheville, Nc 28804Roto Rooter Of Asheville
98 Louisiana Ave, Asheville, Nc 28806
Comment date: mon jul 29 00:00: edt 2002 - sewer replacement. Via fax jennifer bryant. Sb issued. Call tim jones at redacted phone number.
Date:  July 29, 2002

Client: Martha Are | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 02-03361 | Parcel: 10599
2002/07/2909198 Louisiana Ave, Asheville, Nc 28806Roto Rooter Of Asheville
146 French Broad Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801
Comment date: fri jul 07 00:00: edt 20 - replacing sewer line by jsb via fax, jennifer bryan redacted phone number inspector dan stewart redacted phone number
Date:  July 7, 2000

Client: Isaiah Tutt | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 00-03316 | Parcel: 10694
2000/07/07091146 French Broad Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801Roto Rooter Of Asheville
81 Johnston Blvd, Asheville, Nc 28806
Comment date: wed may 08 00:00: edt 2002 - modular home; stand alone grading permit; comment date: thu aug 22 00:00: edt 2002 - electric called in by jason redacted phone number;cah; comment date: fri
Date:  February 12, 2003
Value:   $108,800

Client: Argueta Modular Home | Permit type: Res: new | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 02-01446 | Parcel: 21445
2003/02/121088009181 Johnston Blvd, Asheville, Nc 28806Roto Rooter Of Asheville
116 Birch Ln, Asheville, Nc 28704
Comment date: fri jan 18 00:00: est 2002 - sewer replacement, via fax from jennifer bryant. Address is 116 birch lane. Call dan stewart at redacted phone number.
Date:  January 18, 2002

Client: C.T. Hoster | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 02-00264 | Parcel: 6601
2002/01/18091116 Birch Ln, Asheville, Nc 28704Roto Rooter Of Asheville
1/2, / 661 Fairview Rd, Asheville, Nc 28803
Replacing sewer line, via fax from debbie wilbur to sb. Call dan stewart at redacted phone number.
Date:  April 4, 2002

Client: Doug Harris | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 02-01360 | Parcel: 97691
2002/04/04091661 Fairview Rd, Asheville, Nc 28803Roto Rooter Of Asheville

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