SCORE 92 Date: October 15, 2010 Value: $13,776
Client: Garcia Felix C And Gloria | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 64709041 | 2010/10/15 | 13776 | 92 | 1303 Park Pleasant Cl , San Jose Ca 95127 4215 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: June 3, 2010 Value: $16,072
Client: Duffy Stephen W And Christine M | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 30508012 | 2010/06/03 | 16072 | 92 | 1381 Maria Wy , San Jose Ca 95117 3618 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: April 29, 2014 Value: $13,776
Client: Williams Justin And Hailey A | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 45134042 | 2014/04/29 | 13776 | 92 | 14 Searcy Dr , San Jose Ca 95118 1955 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: October 20, 2009 Value: $14,924
Client: Smith Steven T | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 30746039 | 2009/10/20 | 14924 | 92 | 17 Cassiar Dr , San Jose Ca 95130 1515 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: May 18, 2011 Value: $13,776
Client: Yarbrough Michael J And Vera M Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 44219073 | 2011/05/18 | 13776 | 92 | 2547 St Lawrence Dr , San Jose Ca 95124 1341 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: October 5, 2010 Value: $14,350
Client: Lucero Joseph P And Matilde M Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 09205011 | 2010/10/05 | 14350 | 92 | 2625 Poplarwood Wy , San Jose Ca 95132 1039 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: September 18, 2012 Value: $14,350
Client: Stanley Loren And Joy L Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 43941070 | 2012/09/18 | 14350 | 92 | 2781 Cherry Av , San Jose Ca 95125 4822 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: May 22, 2009 Value: $9,500
Client: Mcdonald Harold J And Megan D Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 44720060 | 2009/05/22 | 9500 | 92 | 3456 Corning Dr , San Jose Ca 95118 1315 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: August 23, 2010 Value: $15,498
Client: Kato Jean Toshiko Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 46208021 | 2010/08/23 | 15498 | 92 | 4083 Luneta Dr , San Jose Ca 95136 1953 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: June 21, 2012 Value: $15,498
Client: Mack Carl J And Joan S Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 52752003 | 2012/06/21 | 15498 | 92 | 5378 Rucker Dr , San Jose Ca 95124 5644 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: February 17, 2011 Value: $18,600
Client: Boncato Concepcion S | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 41225006 | 2011/02/17 | 18600 | 92 | 9 Dry Creek Rd , San Jose Ca 95124 0000 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: February 17, 2011 Value: $18,600
Client: Boncato Concepcion S | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 41225006 | 2011/02/17 | 18600 | 92 | 9 Dry Creek Rd , San Jose Ca 951240000 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: October 15, 2010 Value: $13,776
Client: Garcia Felix C And Gloria | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 64709041 | 2010/10/15 | 13776 | 92 | 1303 Park Pleasant Cl , San Jose Ca 951274215 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: June 3, 2010 Value: $16,072
Client: Duffy Stephen W And Christine M | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 30508012 | 2010/06/03 | 16072 | 92 | 1381 Maria Wy , San Jose Ca 951173618 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: April 29, 2014 Value: $13,776
Client: Williams Justin And Hailey A | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 45134042 | 2014/04/29 | 13776 | 92 | 14 Searcy Dr , San Jose Ca 951181955 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: October 20, 2009 Value: $14,924
Client: Smith Steven T | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 30746039 | 2009/10/20 | 14924 | 92 | 17 Cassiar Dr , San Jose Ca 951301515 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: May 18, 2011 Value: $13,776
Client: Yarbrough Michael J And Vera M Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 44219073 | 2011/05/18 | 13776 | 92 | 2547 St Lawrence Dr , San Jose Ca 951241341 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: October 5, 2010 Value: $14,350
Client: Lucero Joseph P And Matilde M Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 09205011 | 2010/10/05 | 14350 | 92 | 2625 Poplarwood Wy , San Jose Ca 951321039 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: September 18, 2012 Value: $14,350
Client: Stanley Loren And Joy L Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 43941070 | 2012/09/18 | 14350 | 92 | 2781 Cherry Av , San Jose Ca 951254822 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: May 22, 2009 Value: $9,500
Client: Mcdonald Harold J And Megan D Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 44720060 | 2009/05/22 | 9500 | 92 | 3456 Corning Dr , San Jose Ca 951181315 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: August 23, 2010 Value: $15,498
Client: Kato Jean Toshiko Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 46208021 | 2010/08/23 | 15498 | 92 | 4083 Luneta Dr , San Jose Ca 951361953 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |
SCORE 92 Date: June 21, 2012 Value: $15,498
Client: Mack Carl J And Joan S Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 52752003 | 2012/06/21 | 15498 | 92 | 5378 Rucker Dr , San Jose Ca 951245644 | Roof King Inc Gerard Richards |