SCORE 89 Date: June 18, 2009 Value: $1,800
Client: Storey, Norma | Permit id: Sfd20091739 | 2009/06/18 | 1800 | 89 | 3703 Latham St Rockford, Il 61103 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: July 16, 2009 Value: $900
Client: Gilley, Rosette | Permit id: Mulcom20091465 | 2009/07/16 | 900 | 89 | 18 16th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: August 17, 2009 Value: $1,800
Client: Fox, Willean | Permit id: Mulcom20091562 | 2009/08/17 | 1800 | 89 | 2238 Parmele St Rockford, Il 61104 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: November 24, 2008 Value: $9,800
Permit id: Sfd20081214 | 2008/11/24 | 9800 | 89 | 1412 Blaisdell St Rockford, Il 61101 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: July 1, 2009 Value: $9,870
Permit id: Sfd20091851 | 2009/07/01 | 9870 | 89 | 3501 Preston St Rockford, Il 61102 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: January 6, 2010 Value: $1,600
Client: Alpine Bank | Permit id: Sfd20101003 | 2010/01/06 | 1600 | 89 | 219 Washington St Rockford, Il 61104 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: March 17, 2010 Value: $1,450
Permit id: Sfd20101138 | 2010/03/17 | 1450 | 89 | 921 8th Ave Ct Rockford, Il 61104 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: October 15, 2009 Value: $5,400
Client: City Of Rockford, Community Development | Permit id: Sfd20092494 | 2009/10/15 | 5400 | 89 | 6 Lexington Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: July 16, 2009 Value: $9,600
Permit id: Sfd20091932 | 2009/07/16 | 9600 | 89 | 956 Grant Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: November 23, 2009 Value: $9,700
Client: City Of Rockford, Community Development | Permit id: Sfd20092728 | 2009/11/23 | 9700 | 89 | 619 Avon St Rockford, Il 61101 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: July 13, 2010 Value: $9,500
Client: Hernandez, Victor | Permit id: Sfd20102110 | 2010/07/13 | 9500 | 89 | 2 Irving Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: November 3, 2009 Value: $8,100
Client: City Of Rockford, Community Development | Permit id: Sfd20092607 | 2009/11/03 | 8100 | 89 | 116 Day Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: June 4, 2010 Value: $6,200
Client: Jasike, Greg | Permit id: Sfd20101811 | 2010/06/04 | 6200 | 89 | 327 Foster Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: October 23, 2009 Value: $7,400
Client: City Of Rockford, Community Development | Permit id: Sfd20092562 | 2009/10/23 | 7400 | 89 | 1812 Green St Rockford, Il 61102 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: June 16, 2010 Value: $1,200
Client: Carlson, Brad | Permit id: Sfd20101896 | 2010/06/16 | 1200 | 89 | 921 Grant Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: March 31, 2010 Value: $8,000
Permit id: Sfd20101231 | 2010/03/31 | 8000 | 89 | 3329 8th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: June 13, 2011 Value: $12,000
Client: Zion Lutheran Church, Mark Peterson | Permit id: Sfd20111790 | 2011/06/13 | 12000 | 89 | 618 5th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: November 23, 2010 Value: $8,750
Client: City Of Rockford, Community Development | Permit id: Sfd20103315 | 2010/11/23 | 8750 | 89 | 1227 Andrews St Rockford, Il 61101 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: September 23, 2009 Value: $8,770
Client: Zion Development | Permit id: Sfd20092367 | 2009/09/23 | 8770 | 89 | 814 4th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: March 18, 2009 Value: $2,875
Client: Larson, Dan | Permit id: Sfd20091083 | 2009/03/18 | 2875 | 89 | 2234 11th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: January 11, 2011 Value: $8,500
Client: Heckinger, John | Permit id: Sfd20111014 | 2011/01/11 | 8500 | 89 | 26 Wren Cir Rockford, Il 61107 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: May 26, 2011 Value: $4,800
Client: Liahona Development Llc | Permit id: Sfd20111641 | 2011/05/26 | 4800 | 89 | 407 Kishwaukee St Rockford, Il 61104 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: October 12, 2010 Value: $4,950
Client: City Of Rockford, Community Development | Permit id: Sfd20102977 | 2010/10/12 | 4950 | 89 | 636 Hartford Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: September 1, 2011 Value: $9,700
Client: Sterling National Bank | Permit id: Sfd20113146 | 2011/09/01 | 9700 | 89 | 4403 Alpine Oaks Ave Rockford, Il 61114 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: November 23, 2010 Value: $6,950
Client: City Of Rockford, Community Development | Permit id: Sfd20103316 | 2010/11/23 | 6950 | 89 | 1307 Andrews St Rockford, Il 61101 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: April 28, 2010 Value: $5,600
Client: City Of Rockford, Community Development | Permit id: Sfd20101498 | 2010/04/28 | 5600 | 89 | 5 Hartford Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: July 17, 2009 Value: $7,650
Client: Hollingshed, Lynn | Permit id: Sfd20091953 | 2009/07/17 | 7650 | 89 | 7 Kilburn Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: June 24, 2009 Value: $12,300
Client: Patriots Gateway Community Center | Permit id: Sfd20091770 | 2009/06/24 | 12300 | 89 | 604 4th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: March 11, 2010 Value: $8,250
Permit id: Sfd20101113 | 2010/03/11 | 8250 | 89 | 325 Day Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: April 20, 2009 Value: $6,500
Client: Kula, Walter | Permit id: Sfd20091305 | 2009/04/20 | 6500 | 89 | 914 Horace Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: August 27, 2009 Value: $8,200
Client: Lifescape Community | Permit id: Sfd20092206 | 2009/08/27 | 8200 | 89 | 818 Maple St Rockford, Il 61101 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: November 12, 2009 Value: $5,200
Client: City Of Rockford, Community Development | Permit id: Sfd20092677 | 2009/11/12 | 5200 | 89 | 611 Woodlawn Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Purcell Bob |
SCORE 89 Date: September 26, 2011 Value: $4,000
Client: Smith, Charles | Permit id: Sfd20113550 | 2011/09/26 | 4000 | 89 | 1407 Arthur Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Purcell Bob |