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SCORE 56 194 37th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37209 To construct a detached 16 x 16 shed with a height not to exceed 16.... Not to be used for living nor commercial purposes.... And also to construct a new uncovered ( 21 x 27) ground level deck from the existing deck to this shed..... Rear setback min 10... Sides min 5.... 1. Acknowledges applying for this self building permit in own name, & will act as own contractor accepting full responsibility for code compliance, for hiring & employing individuals & has ultimate responsibility for my own work & for the work of others. Acting as my own general contractor, i further understand that i may forfeit certain protections, which might be available to me through the state of tenn general contractors licensing process. I further acknowledge that as a self building permit holder i am responsible for requesting all required inspections & completing all authorized work in compliance with applicable adopted codes. I further understand that separate permits are required for any proposed electrical, plu Permit type: Building residential - addition | Permit id: 201524665 | Parcel: 10401043500 |