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SCORE 59 Client: Michael Rose | Client Address: 24-12 21 Street Astoria Ny 11102 | Client Phone: (917) 442-0716 | Client Company: Broadside Realty Corp | Permit type: Facade | Permit id: 121853315 |
SCORE 59 41 West 34 Street Manhattan Ny The existing granit wall panels shall be removed and replaced with a three coat stucco system over the existing brick masonry substrate at the second floor level front facsade only. The total area of stucco to be applied is approximately 276 sf. Other areas of the building are to remain as is. Client: James Coffey | Client Address: 125 Park Ave New York Ny 10168 | Client Phone: (212) 372-2000 | Client Company: Na | Permit type: Stucco install | Permit id: 121735872 |