Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 100 1075 Ocean View Avenue Brooklyn Ny Exterior masonry and parapet repairs, caulking, plaster repair and painting. Associated miscellaneous site work, plumbing work,and interior repairs. Also roof replacement. Client: Aileen Del Prado | Client Address: 30 Thomson Long Island City Ny 10111 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 302568512 | |||||
SCORE 100 3787 Bedford Avenue Brooklyn Ny Replacing pool floor & wall down to the waterproofing. Installing additional drain in the pool as per doh and installing (2) new drains on the pool deck. Replacing guardrail at spectator area, repairing glazed brick tile at several locations around the pool area. Adding a portable ada pool lift. Replacing locker room plaster and hung ceiling. Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 340124948 | |||||
SCORE 100 1 Amsterdam Ave Manhattan Ny Patch & repair spalls, cracks & exposed rebar in exterior concrete facade. Replace two exterior plaza staircases. New and replacement gates to receive new panic bar hardware so as not to impede egress Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 Thomson Street Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 103645968 | |||||
SCORE 100 9 Lexington Ave Manhattan Ny Herewith filing interior alteration for escalator modernization at west building - hunter college . No change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Michael Stabulas | Client Address: 1 Penn Plaza New York Ny 10119 | Client Phone: (212) 273-5090 | Client Company: Dasny | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121594220 | |||||
SCORE 100 921 Lexington Avenue Manhattan Ny Herewith filing interior alteration for escalator modernization at east building - hunter college. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Michael Stabulas | Client Address: 1 Penn Plaza New York Ny 10119 | Client Phone: (212) 273-5090 | Client Company: Dasny | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121594239 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Ernest Faraci | Client Address: 419 Park Ave Ny Ny 10016 | Client Phone: (212) 685-6200 | Client Company: Walter & Samuels Inc | Permit id: 121793719 | |||||
SCORE 100 109 59 Inwood Street Queens Ny Eliminate water infiltration into cellar by applying waterproofing at electrical room foundation walls, remedy conditions at areaways and pipe penetrations, replace hoistway hatch and areaways access doors, replace building joint. Work also includes masonry and roof repair. Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 402890662 | |||||
SCORE 100 29 76 Northern Blvd Queens Ny Partition, door modification and related construction as per plans. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Michael Feigenbaum | Client Address: 29-76 Northern Blvd Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 361-8994 | Client Company: 29-76 Realty Co. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 421060675 | |||||
SCORE 100 Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 500874146 | |||||
SCORE 100 28 E Victory Boulevard Staten Island Ny Replacing existing roof skylight & addition protective guard rails. No change in use or egress as shown on drawings filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Michael Stabulas | Client Address: 1 Penn Plaza New York Ny 10119 | Client Phone: (212) 273-5090 | Client Company: Dormitory Authority State Of New | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 520213171 | |||||
SCORE 100 469 Seventh Avenue Manhattan Ny Partitions, ceiling modifications and related construction as indicated on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Richard Brooke | Client Address: 666 Fifth Avenue New York Ny 10103 | Client Phone: (212) 716-3645 | Client Company: 469 Holding Llc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122105042 | |||||
SCORE 100 921 Lexington Avenue Manhattan Ny Herewith filing interior alteration for escalator modernization at east building - hunter college. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Michael Stabulas | Client Address: 1 Penn Plaza New York Ny 10119 | Client Phone: (212) 273-5090 | Client Company: Dasny | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122827833 | |||||
SCORE 100 21 Walton Avenue Bronx Ny Remove and replace existing wood flooring in gymnasium and replacement of existing wall pads. Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 201024033 | |||||
SCORE 100 11 Carroll Street Brooklyn Ny Herewith filing for the lobby upgrade at medgar evers college. No change to use egress Client: Michael Stabulas | Client Address: 1 1 Penn Plaza New York Ny 10119 | Client Phone: (212) 273-5090 | Client Company: Dormitory Authority, St Of Ny | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 310303597 | |||||
SCORE 100 7 East 12th Street Manhattan Ny Remove exterior doors, door frames and hardware and replace with new. Remedial stone and concrete repair work to perform the door replacements. Scraping, priming and painting of existing steel lintels. Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 103888982 | |||||
SCORE 100 115 Broadway Manhattan Ny Minor demolition. Installation of partition,doors,ceilings as per plans. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Jennifer Asbedian | Client Address: 115 115 Broadway New York Ny 10006 | Client Phone: (212) 385-1200 | Client Company: Capital Properties | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 120195564 | |||||
SCORE 100 2987 Fredrick Douglas Boulevard Manhattan Ny Installing sinks, gas & cabinetry to renovate classroom into science laborator y Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: School Construction Authority | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 103890158 | |||||
SCORE 100 1 Convent Avenue Manhattan Ny Kitchen upgrade, including the removal and installation of grease waste piping,and fixtures. Minor concrete, and renovation work. There will be no change to egress, use or occupancy. Client: Nazar Saif | Client Address: One One Penn Plaza New York Ny 10119 | Client Phone: (732) 664-6971 | Client Company: Dormitory Authority State Of Ny | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 120911442 | |||||
SCORE 100 10959 Inwood Street Queens Ny Eliminate water infiltration into cellar by applying waterproofing at electrical room foundation walls, remedy conditions at areaways and pipe penetrations, replace hoistway hatch and areaways access doors, replace building joint. Work also includes masonry and roof repair. Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 402890662 | |||||
SCORE 100 Client: Michael Stabulas | Client Address: 1 1 Penn Plaza New York Ny 10119 | Client Phone: (212) 273-5090 | Client Company: Dasny | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 320526622 | |||||
SCORE 100 10525 Horace Harding Expressway Queens Ny Alteration to convert a windowless building into a building with windows, including (30) new masonry openings, new aluminum windows, new window guards, new exterior stucco and interior plaster. Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Ave Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nysca | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 402884562 | |||||
SCORE 100 1 Convent Avenue Manhattan Ny Kitchen upgrade mechanical work,and related general construction, including minor concrete and patch work at the 1st,2nd and 3rd floors. There will be no change to egress, use or occupancy. Client: Nazar Saif | Client Address: One One Penn Plaza New York Ny 10001 | Client Phone: (732) 664-6971 | Client Company: Dormitory Authority State Of Ny | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 120911889 | |||||
SCORE 100 Client: Michael Stabulas | Client Address: One One Penn Plaza New York Ny 10119 | Client Phone: (212) 273-5090 | Client Company: Dormitory Authority State Of New | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 520072215 | |||||
SCORE 100 Client: Michael Stabulas | Client Address: One One Penn Plaza New York Ny 10119 | Client Phone: (212) 273-5090 | Client Company: Dormitory Authority State Of New | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 520072224 | |||||
SCORE 100 1075 Ocean View Avenue Brooklyn Ny Exterior masonry and parapet repair and replacement, roof replacement, flood elimination as well as associated structural, mechanical and plumbing work Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Street Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 302570787 | |||||
SCORE 100 4105 Farragut Road Brooklyn Ny Elevator replacement: provide new elevator cab including new hydraulic power unit; provide new mechanical & plumbing systems within the elevator machine room; provide new mechanical equipment at courtyard; provide new architectural finishes affected by elevator replacement; bring code compliance to an existing shaft and elevator machine room Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island Cit Ny 11001 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 302564589 | |||||
SCORE 100 2976 Northern Blvd Queens Ny Partition, door modification and related construction as per plans. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Michael Feigenbaum | Client Address: 29-76 29-76 Northern Blvd Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 361-8994 | Client Company: 29-76 Realty Co. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 421060675 | |||||
SCORE 100 544 7th Avenue Brooklyn Ny Patch and repair walls, floors and ceiling in the boiler room after the demolition of existing boilers and incinerator louvers. Also paint new gas meter room. Demo patch ad repair existing breezway ceiling to accommodate steam and condensate pipes replacament. Client: George Roussey | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Isl. City Ny 111013045 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nyc School Consrtuction Auth. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 302581971 | |||||
SCORE 100 183 South 3rd St Brooklyn Ny Replacement of windows including window shades and guards, exterior masonry & parapet repairs roof repairs, caulking, plaster repair and painting. Foundation wall waterproofing as well as associated miscellaneous site work, plumbing work,and miscellaneous interior repairs. Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 10111 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 302568488 | |||||
SCORE 100 2525 Haring Street Brooklyn Ny Exterior window wall replacement, roof replacement in selective areas as shown on drawings, door replacement in selective areas, replacement of damaged masonry walls, flashing, sealants, coping and other non-structural elements. No change in use, occupancy & means of egress. Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island Cit Ny 10111 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nysca | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 302568371 | |||||
SCORE 100 3 Marcy Avenue Brooklyn Ny Roof replacement, windows recaulking and cellar flood elimination. Several areas of brick displacement. Proposed work also is to address, correct, and remove all outstanding violations. Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Ave Long Island City Ny 10111 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nycsca | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 302567229 | |||||
SCORE 100 ![]() ![]() Client: Ernest Farci | Client Address: 419 419 Park Ave Ny Ny 10016 | Client Phone: (212) 685-6200 | Client Company: Walter & Samuels Inc | Permit id: 121793737 | |||||
SCORE 100 10615 71 Avenue Queens Ny Interior & exterior alteration to existing mcdonalds restaurant as per plans. No change of use , egress and occupancy. Client: Edmond Nassim | Client Address: Cutter Mill Road Great Neck Ny 11201 | Client Phone: (516) 394-0505 | Client Company: 106-21 F.H. Shopping,Llc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 421532853 |