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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Date:  July 12, 2006
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Steven Blumner | Client Address: 61-43 61-43 186 Street Fresh Meadows Ny 11365 | Client Phone: (718) 886-2816 | Client Company: Charli Homes Corp | Permit id: 402032974
2006/07/1209418909 48 Avenue Queens NyPaul Di Natale
97 99 Street Queens Ny
Application filed solely for administrative purposes. No work permit(plumbing). This filing is in conjunction with job number 401592193.
Date:  May 11, 2006
Value:   $1
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Michael Valletta | Client Address: 47 47 Crescent Cove Road Seaford Ny 11783 | Client Phone: (718) 850-8540 | Client Company: J&m Management Of Nassau Corp | Permit id: 402066250
2006/05/1119497 99 Street Queens NyPaul Di Natale
8653 256 Street Queens Ny
Legalize change of existing garage to rec. Room and toilet @ bsmt. Remove dob viol o8o205c13hbo4, ecb viol. No. 34488657h. No work to be done under this application and no change in use, bulk and egress.
Date:  July 28, 2006
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Andrea Muras | Client Address: 86-53 86-53 256 Street Floral Park Ny 11001 | Client Phone: (718) 343-7004 | Client Company: Owner | Permit type: Gen const | Permit id: 402269629
2006/07/2810000948653 256 Street Queens NyPaul Di Natale
8622 256 Street Queens Ny
Legalize change of existing garage to re c, room @ bsmt. Floor, remove violation 080205c13hbo8,ecb viol. No. 34 488662m. No work to be done under this application and there is no change in us e , bulk, egress or occupancy. See comments in section # 16
Date:  September 6, 2006
Value:   $2,000
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Margaret Richman | Client Address: 86-22 86-22 256 St Floral Park Ny 11001 | Client Phone: (718) 343-0850 | Permit type: Gen const | Permit id: 402269638
2006/09/062000948622 256 Street Queens NyPaul Di Natale
121 Waverly Avenue Brooklyn Ny
Renovate exist apts and create duplex apt at basement fl.
Date:  February 24, 2006
Value:   $81,000
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Pat Caroleo | Client Address: 84-31 84-31 85 Avenue Woodhaven Ny 11421 | Client Phone: (718) 849-4156 | Permit type: Renovate apts | Permit id: 301979410
2006/02/248100094121 Waverly Avenue Brooklyn NyPaul Di Natale
625 Union Street Brooklyn Ny
Fire protection plan filed herewith in conjunction with nb application# 301546922. No change to use, occupancy or egress.
Date:  October 11, 2006
Value:   $100
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Sam Chang | Client Address: 92-29 92-29 Queens Blvd., C-2 Elmhurst Ny 11374 | Client Phone: (718) 459-8500 | Client Company: Mcsam Hospitality Llc | Permit type: F. P. P | Permit id: 302199859
2006/10/1110094625 Union Street Brooklyn NyPaul Di Natale
36 1 Street Queens Ny
Job filed for temporary plywood construction fence and obtain fence permit for nb filed under job # 402281927. No change to bulk, egress, or occupancy.
Date:  August 3, 2007
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: David Greene | Client Address: 4206a 4206a Bell Boulevard, Suite 247 Bayside Ny 11361 | Client Phone: (718) 428-5248 | Client Company: Insight Builders, Inc. | Permit id: 402471865
2007/08/0309436 1 Street Queens NyPaul Di Natale
5548 Metropolitan Avenue Queens Ny
Subdivide existing lot & buildings into 2 tax lots and 2 zoning lots. Obtain certificate of occupancies. No work to be done under this application. There will be no change in use, egress or occupancy.
Date:  July 21, 2011
Value:   $1
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Joseph Crifasi | Client Address: 62 62 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood Ny 11385 | Client Phone: (718) 821-5999 | Client Company: All Metro Corp | Permit type: Gc no work | Permit id: 402570099
2011/07/211945548 Metropolitan Avenue Queens NyPaul Di Natale
4915 168 Street Queens Ny
Legalize second floor addition to obtain updated coo , no work to be done. All work done under alt # 638 1989 , permit # 4p0002369 . No change in use occupancy or egress.
Date:  May 20, 2008
Value:   $41,720
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Francis Moy | Client Address: 49-15 49-15 168 Street Flushing Ny 11365 | Client Phone: (718) 445-9890 | Permit type: Gc no work | Permit id: 410016628
2008/05/2041720944915 168 Street Queens NyPaul Di Natale
3136 Queens Boulevard Queens Ny
Fire protection plan filed herewith in conjunction with nb application #401651020. No change to use, occupancy or egress.
Date:  November 26, 2008
Value:   $100
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Sam Chang | Client Address: 92-29 92-29 Queens Blvd., C-2 Elmhurst Ny 11374 | Client Phone: (718) 459-8500 | Client Company: Mcsam Hospitality Llc | Permit type: Fpp | Permit id: 402593332
2008/11/26100943136 Queens Boulevard Queens NyPaul Di Natale
55 Metropolitan Avenue Queens Ny
Subdivide existing lot & building into 2 tax lots and 2 zoning lots, obtain certificate of occupancies. No work to be done, no change in use, egress & occupancy. This application to be tentative lot 1 per r. P. Form 604.
Date:  September 15, 2011
Value:   $1
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Joseph Crifasi | Client Address: 62 62 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood Ny 11385 | Client Phone: (718) 821-5999 | Client Company: All Metro Corp | Permit type: Gc no work | Permit id: 402570106
2011/09/1519455 Metropolitan Avenue Queens NyPaul Di Natale
2924 Bruckner Boulevard Bronx Ny
Kitchen renovation in existing firehouse on lst floor. There is no change in use, occupancy or egress under this application.
Date:  August 31, 2000
Value:   $500,000
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Vic Mcdaniel | Client Address: 30 30 Tompson Ave. Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 391-1163 | Client Company: Dept. Of Design & Construction | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 200623931
2000/08/31500000942924 Bruckner Boulevard Bronx NyPaul Di Natale
14903 84 Street Queens Ny
To obtain new certificate of occupancy
Date:  April 15, 2005
Value:   $9,500
Contractor: Paul Di Natale

Client: Francesco Raneri | Client Address: 149-03 149-03 84 Street Howard Beach Ny 11414 | Permit type: Obtain new c. O. | Permit id: 402020068
2005/04/1595009414903 84 Street Queens NyPaul Di Natale

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