Phone: (619) 698-2527 , (214) 748-3647

Para Quality Construction specializes in:

Para Quality Construction offers services:

Para Quality Construction operates out of 7853 El Cajon Bl Ste E La Mesa Ca 91941- and holds a Cslb Contractor license.
You can reach Para Quality Construction by phone: (619) 698-2527 , (214) 748-3647.

Para Quality Construction completed most projects in 2010 and had largest sales volume ($169,136) in 2008. The average valuation of Para Quality Construction's project is $46,491.

Based on the information received from San Diego County CA building department, there are 10 building permits associated with Para Quality Construction over the past 2 years . These building permits valued at $464,905.

If you are considering hiring Para Quality Construction for your home renovation project, we recommend using our bidding system to get competitive quotes.


Para Quality Construction has CheckPermit score of 86 which places them above 100% of local contractors.
We usually recommend hiring a contractor with a rank of 75 or above.


10 projects completed between 2008 and 2010.
An average 5 projects per year.


Project cost varies between $8,192 and $84,568.
An average project cost is $46,490.


Completed most (6) projects in 2010 and had largest sales volume of $169,136 in 2008.

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24 Mcdougal Pl Alpine Ca 91901
Sfd fire damage repair -- replacing 323 sqft of windows (same size -- ); replacing 2 doors ( sqft); replacing all interior drywall (68 sqft); replacing sqft of roof (tile); replacing fau; misc electrical, plumbing, & mechanical. Your project may need to comply with cool roof requirements based on the 2008 building energy efficiency standards. Products required to comply must be labeled by the cool roof rating council (crrc), listed in the crrcs rated product directory (www. Coolroofs. Org), and tested for solar reflectance and thermal emittance. Your building inspector will check for compliance at inspection.
Date:  August 2, 2010
Value:   $34,019

Permit type: Residential alteration-addn | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 20, 2010 | Permit id: Pds2010-1005-20
24 Mcdougal Pl, Alpine, Ca 91901
Sfd fire damage repair -- replacing 323 sqft of windows (same size -- hra); replacing 2 doors ( sqft); replacing all interior drywall (68 sqft); replacing sqft of roof (tile); replacing fau; misc electrical, plumbing, & mechanical. Your project may need to comply with cool roof requirements based on the 2008 building energy efficiency standards. Products required to comply must be labeled by the cool roof rating council (crrc), listed in the crrcs rated product directory (www. Coolroofs. Org), and tested for solar reflectance and thermal emittance. Your building inspector will check for compliance at inspection.
Date:  August 2, 2010
Value:   $34,019

Permit type: Residential alterati | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2010-1005-20 | Parcel: 402-360-07-00
24 Mcdougal Pl, Alpine, Ca 91901
Sfd fire damage repair -- replacing 323 sqft of windows (same size -- ); replacing 2 doors ( sqft); replacing all interior drywall (68 sqft); replacing sqft of roof (tile); replacing fau; misc electrical, plumbing, & mechanical. Your project may need to comply with cool roof requirements based on the 2008 building energy efficiency standards. Products required to comply must be labeled by the cool roof rating council (crrc), listed in the crrcs rated product directory (www. Coolroofs. Org), and tested for solar reflectance and thermal emittance. Your building inspector will check for compliance at inspection.
Date:  August 2, 2010
Value:   $34,019

Permit type: Misc. (antennas, tennis cts, gazebo) | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2010-1005-20 | Parcel: 4023600700
2524 Cam De Los Aves Alpine Ca 91901
256 sqft detached rec room for existing sfd.
Date:  June 3, 2010
Value:   $8,192

Permit type: New residential acc structure | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 5, 2010 | Permit id: Pds2010-1006-20
2524 Cam De Los Aves, Alpine, Ca 91901
256 sqft detached rec room for existing sfd.
Date:  June 3, 2010
Value:   $8,192

Permit type: New residential acc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2010-1006-20 | Parcel: 520-281-36-00
2524 Cam De Los Aves, Alpine, Ca 91901
256 sqft detached rec room for existing sfd.
Date:  June 3, 2010
Value:   $8,192

Permit type: Garages for sfd/duplex | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2010-1006-20 | Parcel: 5202813600
4359 Mt Helix Highlands Dr, La Mesa, Ca 91941
533 sqft 2 story sfd addn. W ac, 111 sqft finished garage addn., new fire place at master suite, remove tub at masterbath & replace with new lav, remodel stair landing, drop exhaust duct soffits, & add laundry chute. Misc. Elec., plu. M , & mech. 5 12 09: plan change see conditions of approval for details. 1srs
Date:  May 12, 2009
Value:   $84,568

Permit type: Residential alterati | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2009-1004-20 | Parcel: 495-480-34-00
4359 Mt Helix Highlands Dr, La Mesa, Ca 91941
533 sqft 2 story sfd addn. W ac, 111 sqft finished garage addn., new fire place at master suite, remove tub at masterbath & replace with new lav, remodel stair landing, drop exhaust duct soffits, & add laundry chute. Misc. Elec., plu. M , & mech. 5 12 09 plan change see conditions of approval for details. 1srs
Date:  May 12, 2009
Value:   $84,568

Permit type: Addition/alter to sfd/duplex | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2009-1004-20 | Parcel: 4954803400
4359 Mt Helix Highlands Dr, La Mesa, Ca 91941
533 sqft 2 story sfd addn. W ac, 111 sqft finished garage addn., new fire place at master suite, remove tub at masterbath & replace with new lav, remodel stair landing, drop exhaust duct soffits, & add laundry chute. Misc. Elec., plu. M , & mech. 5 12 09: plan change see conditions of approval for details. 1srs
Date:  December 17, 2008
Value:   $84,568

Permit type: Residential alterati | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1001-20 | Parcel: 495-480-34-00
4359 Mt Helix Highlands Dr, La Mesa, Ca 91941
533 sqft 2 story sfd addn. W ac, 111 sqft finished garage addn., new fire place at master suite, remove tub at masterbath & replace with new lav, remodel stair landing, drop exhaust duct soffits, & add laundry chute. Misc. Elec., plu. M , & mech. 5 12 09 plan change see conditions of approval for details. 1srs
Date:  December 17, 2008
Value:   $84,568

Permit type: Addition/alter to sfd/duplex | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1001-20 | Parcel: 4954803400
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