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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
109 Kenaum Ct Nashville Tn 37209
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code: to construct 12 x 18 screened porch attached to rear of single family res.... Rear setback min 20... See plan...
Date:  August 5, 2015
Value:   $4,048

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201529732 | Parcel: 114080a05500co
2015/08/05404893109 Kenaum Ct Nashville Tn 37209Outdoor Living Tony Marchman
7117 River Park Ct Nashville Tn 37221
To construct 320sf screened in deck to the rear of existing single family residence. 5 min. Side setback, min. Rear setback. Not to be over any easements. Planning not needed per a. D. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  August 7, 2015
Value:   $5,997

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201533139 | Parcel: 155030b05500co
2015/08/075997937117 River Park Ct Nashville Tn 37221Outdoor Living Tony Marchman
8405 Danbrook Dr Nolensville Tn 37135
To install a roof cover over existing rear deck. Pursuant to ordinance no 2008-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i , holder of this permit, hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction or demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provisions of the metropolitan code
Date:  August 7, 2013
Value:   $9,500

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201324531 | Parcel: 186040a16600co
2013/08/079500938405 Danbrook Dr Nolensville Tn 37135Outdoor Living Tony Marchman
211 Treutland Ave Nashville Tn 37207
To construct a x 22 screen porch addition to rear of residence. Sp overlay. 5 min side s b; min rear s b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  April 29, 2015
Value:   $8,246

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201516641 | Parcel: 8211001500
2015/04/29824693211 Treutland Ave Nashville Tn 37207Outdoor Living Tony Marchman
6621 Christiansted Ln Nashville Tn 37211
To construct a new 16 x 16 screened porch attached to rear of single family res... See plan. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 106. Site plan sent to file and inspector
Date:  June 16, 2014
Value:   $12,539

Permit type: Building residential | Permit id: 201421194 | Parcel: 172100b00600co
2014/06/1612539936621 Christiansted Ln Nashville Tn 37211Outdoor Living Tony Marchman
109 Kenaum Ct Nashville, Tn 37209
Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code: to construct 12 x 18 screened porch attached to rear of single family res.... Rear setback min 20... See plan...
Date:  August 5, 2015
Value:   $4,048

Permit type: Building residential - addition | Permit id: 201529732 | Parcel: 114080a05500co
2015/08/05404893109 Kenaum Ct Nashville, Tn 37209Outdoor Living Tony Marchman
1808 Ordway Pl Nashville, Tn 37206
To construct 10x11 covered porch over off rear of existing residence extending across western side of footprint of existing open deck. ... Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  June 2, 2016
Value:   $9,500

Permit type: Building residential - addition | Permit id: 201625825 | Parcel: 08310023800
2016/06/029500931808 Ordway Pl Nashville, Tn 37206Outdoor Living Tony Marchman
7117 River Park Ct Nashville, Tn 37221
To construct 320sf screened in deck to the rear of existing single family residence. 5 min. Side setback, min. Rear setback. Not to be over any easements. Planning not needed per a. D. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  August 7, 2015
Value:   $5,997

Permit type: Building residential - addition | Permit id: 201533139 | Parcel: 155030b05500co
2015/08/075997937117 River Park Ct Nashville, Tn 37221Outdoor Living Tony Marchman
2302 20th Ave S Nashville, Tn 37212
To construct 16 ft x 18 ft (288 sq ft) screen porch to rear of existing residence... . Minimum 5 side setbacks and minimum rear setback. Pursuant # 2006-1263 metro code of laws, i (holder of permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metro code; for every feet of street frontage, or fraction thereof, one 2 inch caliper tree as listed in the urban forestry approved tree list shall be planted on the subject property.
Date:  April 28, 2016
Value:   $24,500

Permit type: Building residential - addition | Permit id: 201619801 | Parcel: 104160h00200co
2016/04/2824500932302 20th Ave S Nashville, Tn 37212Outdoor Living Tony Marchman
1004 Heathfield Cir Brentwood, Tn 37027
To construct a 12 x 22 screen porch to rear of residence. Min rear s b.
Date:  June 2, 2016
Value:   $5,895

Permit type: Building residential - addition | Permit id: 201626346 | Parcel: 172090a15100co
2016/06/025895931004 Heathfield Cir Brentwood, Tn 37027Outdoor Living Tony Marchman
7952 Boone Trce Nashville, Tn 37221
To construct a 3 sf uncovered deck addition to rear of residence. Pre 1998 pudr mpc must review application.
Date:  April 6, 2017
Value:   $7,146

Permit type: Building residential - addition | Permit id: 2017022892 | Parcel: 126150a08200co
2017/04/067146937952 Boone Trce Nashville, Tn 37221Outdoor Living Tony Marchman
7363 Rolling River Pkwy Nashville, Tn 37221
Restrictive covenant for detached structre on file 20151027-01009156 to construct a 22 x 38 attached carport to rear of residence. Min side s/b; min rear s/b. Pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  September 22, 2015
Value:   $15,667

Permit type: Building residential - new | Permit id: 201540932 | Parcel: 141150a05300co
2015/09/2215667937363 Rolling River Pkwy Nashville, Tn 37221Outdoor Living Tony Marchman

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