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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
203 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3323; garage 615; deck 764 new-3323-151-00
Date:  January 8, 2001
Value:   $226,462
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200022899
2001/01/0822646288203 Topwater Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5106 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3073;garage 554; deck 1 - new-3073-150-00
Date:  January 8, 2001
Value:   $208,952
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes | Client Address: 5108 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200022898
2001/01/08208952885106 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
1401 Regents Park Ln Greensboro Nc
Date:  October 1, 1998
Value:   $204,360
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722-D North Church St Greensboro Nc 274050000 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Permit id: 199804119
1998/10/01204360881401 Regents Park Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
201 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3470;garage 735;deck 228 (new i54 133-99)
Date:  October 25, 2000
Value:   $239,060
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Harper Paul | Client Address: 201 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc 27455 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200018540
2000/10/2523906088201 Topwater Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5107 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3805; garage 735; deck 228 (new 854 133-99)
Date:  October 25, 2000
Value:   $260,500
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200018541
2000/10/25260500885107 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5111 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3898; garage 770; deck 306 (new 6 132-99)
Date:  October 25, 2000
Value:   $267,932
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200018542
2000/10/25267932885111 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
50 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Date:  December 11, 1998
Value:   $197,308
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes L.P. | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Permit id: 199804972
1998/12/111973088850 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5009 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Date:  December 11, 1998
Value:   $167,964
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes L.P. | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Permit id: 199804971
1998/12/11167964885009 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5012 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr - garage-787, deck-199
Date:  December 17, 1998
Value:   $179,028
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes L.P. | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Permit id: 199805063
1998/12/17179028885012 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
Date:  February 5, 1999
Value:   $185,314
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes, L.P. | Client Address: 5005 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199901245
1999/02/05185314885005 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5002 Bodie Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3470; garage 735; porch 228 (new 854 133-99)
Date:  May 31, 2001
Value:   $239,060
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Clowers Dennis | Client Address: 5002 Bodie Lane Greensboro Nc 274550000 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200109371
2001/05/31239060885002 Bodie Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
50 Bodie Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3268; garage 624; porch 152 (new 803 134-99)
Date:  May 31, 2001
Value:   $223,152
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client Address: 50 Bodie Lane Greensboro Nc 274550000 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200109373
2001/05/312231528850 Bodie Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5102 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3558; garage 488; deck 2 - 2001-0116
Date:  February 5, 2001
Value:   $240,372
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200101425
2001/02/05240372885102 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5104 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3269; garage 547; deck 213 2001-0117
Date:  February 7, 2001
Value:   $222,286
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200101426
2001/02/07222286885104 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5008 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Finish bonus room in house under construction
Date:  April 16, 1999
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes L.P. | Client Address: 227 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: Int/ext alterations | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199906706
1999/04/1615000885008 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
1401 Regents Park Ln Greensboro Nc
Addendum to house under construction - finished garage into sales office (model home)
Date:  June 9, 1999
Value:   $22,356
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722-D North Church St Greensboro Nc 274050000 | Permit type: Int/ext alterations | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199910524
1999/06/0922356881401 Regents Park Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5007 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Date:  December 11, 1998
Value:   $158,430
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes L.P. | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Permit id: 199804970
1998/12/11158430885007 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5011 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Date:  August 16, 1999
Value:   $191,574
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199915228
1999/08/16191574885011 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5003 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr- 3148htd, 348garage, 245 covered deck
Date:  January 2, 1999
Value:   $189,302
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes, L.P. | Client Address: 2722-D N Church St Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199900779
1999/01/02189302885003 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
51 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 2980; garage 624; porch 152 (r-0681-99)
Date:  November 16, 1999
Value:   $149,560
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199920312
1999/11/161495608851 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
Date:  February 10, 1999
Value:   $174,758
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199902032
1999/02/101747588850 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5008 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-3179htd, 735gar, 228porch
Date:  December 28, 1998
Value:   $204,360
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes L.P. | Client Address: 227 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199805133
1998/12/28204360885008 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5006 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr- 2636 htd, 395 garage, 200deck
Date:  January 2, 1999
Value:   $152,244
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes, L.P. | Client Address: 2722-D Nc Church St Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199900781
1999/01/02152244885006 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5003 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Int/ext alterations
Date:  January 29, 1999
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes, L.P. | Client Address: 2722-D N Church St Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199902206
1999/01/2910000885003 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5003 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Finish bonus room on house under construction
Date:  April 16, 1999
Value:   $15,500
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes, L.P. | Client Address: 2722-D N Church St Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: Int/ext alterations | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199906708
1999/04/1615500885003 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5112 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 03323; garage 615; deck/porch 148 (r-316. 00)
Date:  June 8, 2000
Value:   $193,232
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Lsof Partners X Lp C O Scott Harris Hudson Advisors Llc | Client Address: 6 North Pearl St 15th Floor Dallas Tx 752010000 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200008723
2000/06/08193232885112 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5108 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-4079htd-garage-735-porch-228/ addendum review only r-753-99. Use in conjunction with nrs plan # new 854 133-99.
Date:  December 22, 1999
Value:   $237,246
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes | Client Address: 5108 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199923007
1999/12/22237246885108 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5002 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Date:  February 10, 1999
Value:   $204,202
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199902034
1999/02/10204202885002 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5015 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-3630htd-garage-770-dk/pch-306-r-0640. 99
Date:  October 27, 1999
Value:   $214,480
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199919117
1999/10/27214480885015 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
2 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc
Value:   $134,656
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Jones, Richard Pam | Client Address: 2 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Cancelled | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199919122
134656882 Topwater Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
204 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2890/gar-554/porch-120/deck-120/plan # 299. 00
Date:  May 26, 2000
Value:   $146,420
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200008299
2000/05/2614642088204 Topwater Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5006 Bodie Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3630/gar-770/deck-porch-306-new 6 132-99
Date:  July 5, 2001
Value:   $250,780
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Hammersmith Homes Inc. | Client Address: 5006 Bodie Ln Greensboro Nc 27 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Cancelled | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200112215
2001/07/05250780885006 Bodie Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5008 Bodie Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2752/gar-480/deck-10-new 649 131-99
Date:  July 5, 2001
Value:   $185,828
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Hammersmith Homes, Inc | Client Address: Po Box 13178 Greensboro Nc 27415 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Cancelled | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200112216
2001/07/05185828885008 Bodie Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5004 Bodie Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3693;garage 843;deck/porch 245c - 2001-0938
Date:  July 30, 2001
Value:   $255,662
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes, L.P. | Client Address: 2722-D North Church St Greensboro Nc 274050000 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200109635
2001/07/30255662885004 Bodie Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5105 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Date:  December 20, 2000
Value:   $240,828
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200022305
2000/12/20240828885105 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5109 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Date:  December 29, 2000
Value:   $218,804
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200022306
2000/12/29218804885109 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
302 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3884/porch-228/plan # r-300. 00
Date:  June 20, 2000
Value:   $212,016
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722-D North Church St Greensboro Nc 274050000 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200008298
2000/06/2021201688302 Topwater Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
51 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3784; garage 740; deck/porch 446
Date:  August 3, 1999
Value:   $223,596
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Llp | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199914073
1999/08/032235968851 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5101 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-3805htd-garage-735-dk/pch-228-r-0639. 99
Date:  October 28, 1999
Value:   $222,450
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199919116
1999/10/28222450885101 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5004 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Date:  February 10, 1999
Value:   $185,132
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199902035
1999/02/10185132885004 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
303 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc
Date:  March 4, 1999
Value:   $176,694
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Rudy & Michelle Clark | Client Address: 303 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc 27455 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199903297
1999/03/0417669488303 Topwater Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
205 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 3805, garage 735; deck/porch 228
Date:  April 26, 1999
Value:   $222,450
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722 D N Church St Greensboro Nc 27405 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199906704
1999/04/2622245088205 Topwater Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
5103 Heddon Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr - htd 2605; garage 531; deck/porch 146 - (r-317. 00)
Date:  June 8, 2000
Value:   $131,910
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722-D North Church St Greensboro Nc 274050000 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200008725
2000/06/08131910885103 Heddon Way Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
2 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr-2586htd-garage-480-dk/pch-10-r-0641. 99
Date:  October 22, 1999
Value:   $134,656
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Jones, Richard Pam | Client Address: 2 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 199919118
1999/10/22134656882 Topwater Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
202 Topwater Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3470/gar-735/deck-porch-228/new 854-133. 99
Date:  January 24, 2000
Value:   $204,360
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes Lp | Client Address: 2722 N Church St D Greensboro Nc | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200000584
2000/01/2420436088202 Topwater Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp
50 Bodie Ln Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3805/gar-735/deck-porch-228--new 854 133-99
Date:  July 5, 2001
Value:   $260,500
Contractor: Newmark Homes Lp
Electrical Contractor:< Ks Elec
Plumbing Contractor: Pete Wall

Client: Newmark Homes,Lp | Client Address: 2722-D N Church St Greensboro Nc | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Cancelled | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200112213
2001/07/052605008850 Bodie Ln Greensboro NcNewmark Homes Lp

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