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SCORE 99 72 Ormond Ave, Asheville, Nc 28801 March 12, 2013 2:19:07 pm heatherr. Dockery waterproofing - excavation of area by foundation wall on side of structure in order to apply waterproofing material; har location:patton ave to haywood rd to ormond ave; to request residential inspections call redacted phone number: waterproof 25 feet of foundation wall. March 12, 2013 5:11:32 pm revans. Client: Dochery Waterproofing | Permit type: Res: accessory structure | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 13-01447 | Parcel: 10922 |
SCORE 99 Client: Carter Demo | Permit type: Res: demolition | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 05-06374 | Parcel: 27705 |
SCORE 99 172 Wembley Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804 October 4, 2012 4:06:34 pm heatherr. Young demo - emergency demo of wet ceiling, partial walls ceiling portions that are currently falling in kitchen & dining are; har location:merrimon ave to wembley rd; october 4, 2012 4:45:02 pm heatherr. This is ok to let go i will fax later _______________________________ michael b. Matthews air quality engineer wnc regional air quality agency 49 mount carmel road asheville,nc. 28806 phone: 828-redacted phone number fax: 828-redacted phone number www. Wncairquality. Org; to request residential inspections call redacted phone number: demolition permit - building comments the issuance of this permit does not reflect approval or acceptance of building parts to remain after demolition. Adjoining public and private property shall be protected from damage during demolition work. Provisions shall be made to control water run-off and erosion during construction or demolition activities. All debris a Client: Young Demo | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 12-05753 | Parcel: 29212 |
SCORE 99 Client: Hatchlee Remodel | Permit type: Com: remodel | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 12-05305 | Parcel: 34810 |
SCORE 99 Client: Belt Remodel | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 12-03330 | Parcel: 23093 |
SCORE 99 9 Maple Ridge Ln, Asheville, Nc 28806 May 3, 2012 5:33:38 pm ssalyer. Emergency demo only for sewage clean up;demo of materials of carpet pad baseboard and paneling for stephanie belt at laurel wood condos;coordinate in field;mike matthews aware of emergency sent application for approval;sls sls informed mark to let inspector go by to check job site;sls; may 3, 2012 5:38:06 pm ssalyer. Called mike matthews for air approval he called and explained about situation released but still sent for mikes approval;sls; may 3, 2012 5:39:55 pm ssalyer. Coordinate in field with inspectors call redacted phone number for inspection;sls Client: Belt, Stephanie | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 12-02461 | Parcel: 23093 |
SCORE 99 5 Griffing Blvd, Asheville, Nc 28804 April 9, 2012 4:07:16 pm heatherr. Magura interior demo - removal of carpet, bath vanities, kitchen cabinets, vinyl flooring, particle board subfloor and interior walls (except where electrical is affected) on main floor demo only; har location:kimberly ave, rt on griffing blvd, lt on n. Griffing blvd; to request residential inspections call redacted phone number: building comments: refer to the plan review comments attached to the approved drawings for important information or corrections for compliance with the building code. The approved plans and review comments are required to be kept on the jobsite for viewing by the city inspectors. The building permit is required to be posted on the job site at all times during the project. The permit shall be in a weathertight location or container accessible to the city inspectors during their inspections. Note!!! - the inspector will turn down an inspection if the permit, approved p Client: Magura Interior Demo | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 12-01907 | Parcel: 27502 |
SCORE 99 Client: Magura Remodel | Permit type: Res: remodel | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-02377 | Parcel: 27502 |
SCORE 99 Client: Magario Repair | Permit type: Res: remodel | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 11-01437 | Parcel: 22093 |
SCORE 99 Client: Ledgewood Unit 14e | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 10-01563 | Parcel: 20802 |