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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
1026 Odeon St, New Orleans, La 70114
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant residential bldg to grade. Declared public nuisance by hous and neighborhood development.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Price, Robert | Permit id: B03005468
2003/10/130821026 Odeon St, New Orleans, La 70114Marie Smith
1226 Odeon St, New Orleans, La 70114
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant residential bldg to grade. Declared public nuisance by hous and neighborhood development.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Ent Assn, Oakdale Benevo L | Permit id: B03005470
2003/10/130821226 Odeon St, New Orleans, La 70114Marie Smith
1107 Wagner St, New Orleans, La 70114
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant residential bldg to grade. Declared public nuisance by hous and neighborhood development.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Lane, William | Permit id: B03005471
2003/10/130821107 Wagner St, New Orleans, La 70114Marie Smith
1713 Wagner St, New Orleans, La 70114
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant residential bld to grade. Declared public nuisance by hous & neighborhood development.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Moore, James | Permit id: B03005473
2003/10/130821713 Wagner St, New Orleans, La 70114Marie Smith
218 S Salcedo St, New Orleans, La 39565
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant multi-family dwelling to grade as per housing and neighborhood development.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Esources Llc, Complete Prop R | Permit id: B03005474
2003/10/13082218 S Salcedo St, New Orleans, La 39565Marie Smith
1726 N Villere St, New Orleans, La 70065
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant double(1726-28) to grade as per housing and neighborhood develop- ment contract. Declared public nuisance.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Ivory 3, Leo | Permit id: B03005476
2003/10/130821726 N Villere St, New Orleans, La 70065Marie Smith
1715 N Robertson St, New Orleans, La 70112
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant single to grade as per housing and neighborhood development contract. Declared public nuisance.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Koelle, Phillipine | Permit id: B03005477
2003/10/130821715 N Robertson St, New Orleans, La 70112Marie Smith
1811 Marais St, New Orleans, La 70116
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant single to grade as per housing and neighborhood development contract. Declared public nuisance.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Honore, Leon P | Permit id: B03005478
2003/10/130821811 Marais St, New Orleans, La 70116Marie Smith
1309 St Anthony St, New Orleans, La 70125
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant double(1309-11) to grade as per housing and neighborhood develop- ment contract. Declared public nuisance.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Dieth, Emile H | Permit id: B03005480
2003/10/130821309 St Anthony St, New Orleans, La 70125Marie Smith
1826 Urquhart St, New Orleans, La 70116
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant double(1826-28) to grade as per housing and neighborhood develop- ment contract. Declared public nuisance.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Alexander, Alfred J | Permit id: B03005481
2003/10/130821826 Urquhart St, New Orleans, La 70116Marie Smith
2917 Painters St, New Orleans, La 70122
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant double(2917-19) to grade as per housing and neighborhood develop- ment contract. Declared public nuisance.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Hibbs, Jerry | Permit id: B03005483
2003/10/130822917 Painters St, New Orleans, La 70122Marie Smith
27 Painters St Unit Rear, New Orleans, La 70122
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demo rear vacant residential bldg to grade as per housing and neighborhood development contract. Declared public nuisance.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Flores, Florincia | Permit id: B03005484
2003/10/1308227 Painters St Unit Rear, New Orleans, La 70122Marie Smith
2734 Painters St, New Orleans, La 70122
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant residential bldg to grade per housing & neighborhood develop contract. Declared public nuisance.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Jacob, Richard A | Permit id: B03005485
2003/10/130822734 Painters St, New Orleans, La 70122Marie Smith
35 Piety St, New Orleans, La 70126
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant commercial bldg to grade as per housing and neighborhood develop- ment. Declared public nuisance.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Shorty, Vernon J | Permit id: B03005486
2003/10/1308235 Piety St, New Orleans, La 70126Marie Smith
6997 Pinebrook Dr, New Orleans, La 70187
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish existing single family dwelling to grade. Property declared imminent danger by division of housing and neighborhood development.
Date:  October 15, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Singleton, Bernard | Permit id: B03005535
2003/10/150826997 Pinebrook Dr, New Orleans, La 70187Marie Smith
2037 Montegut St, New Orleans, La 70117
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish existing single to grade. Property declared imminent danger by the division of housing and neighborhood development.
Date:  October 15, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Hammons, Gillespie L | Permit id: B03005536
2003/10/150822037 Montegut St, New Orleans, La 70117Marie Smith
2033 Montegut St, New Orleans, La 70058
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish existing single family dwelling to grade. Property declared imminent danger by dhnd.
Date:  October 15, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Price J, George I | Permit id: B03005539
2003/10/150822033 Montegut St, New Orleans, La 70058Marie Smith
1927 Montegut St, New Orleans, La 70119
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish existing single to grade. Property declared a public nuisance by dhnd.
Date:  October 15, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Taylor, Lucius | Permit id: B03005540
2003/10/150821927 Montegut St, New Orleans, La 70119Marie Smith
1932 Lamanche St, New Orleans, La 70117
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish existing double (1932-34) to grade. Property declared a public nuisance by the division of housing and neighborhood development.
Date:  October 15, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Johnson J, Earl | Permit id: B03005542
2003/10/150821932 Lamanche St, New Orleans, La 70117Marie Smith
1314 Jourdan Av, New Orleans, La 70122
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant residential bld to grade as per contract from housing & neigh- borhood development. Declared public nuisance.
Date:  December 29, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Wade, Irma | Permit id: B03006799
2003/12/290821314 Jourdan Av, New Orleans, La 70122Marie Smith
36 Louisa St, New Orleans, La 70129
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant single to grade. Declared public nuisance by housing & neighbor- hood development.
Date:  December 29, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Richardson, Arthur | Permit id: B03006800
2003/12/2908236 Louisa St, New Orleans, La 70129Marie Smith
3232 Louisa St, New Orleans, La 70126
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish single to grade. Declared public nuisance by housing & neighborhood development.
Date:  December 29, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Hall, Chris | Permit id: B03006802
2003/12/290823232 Louisa St, New Orleans, La 70126Marie Smith
5022 N Robertson St, New Orleans, La 70117
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish single to grade. Declared public nuisance by housing & neighborhood development.
Date:  December 29, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Neason, Katie M | Permit id: B03006803
2003/12/290825022 N Robertson St, New Orleans, La 70117Marie Smith
2815 Louisa St, New Orleans, La 70126
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish single to grade. Declared public nuisance by housing & neighborhood development.
Date:  December 29, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Seals, Earl B | Permit id: B03006804
2003/12/290822815 Louisa St, New Orleans, La 70126Marie Smith
2814 Louisa St, New Orleans, La 70126
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish single to grade. Declared public nuisance by housing & neighborhood development.
Date:  December 29, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Pinion, C | Permit id: B03006805
2003/12/290822814 Louisa St, New Orleans, La 70126Marie Smith
6118 St Claude Av, New Orleans, La 70117
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish multi-family to grade. Declared public nuisance by housing & neighbor- hood development.
Date:  December 29, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Church, Light City | Permit id: B03006807
2003/12/290826118 St Claude Av, New Orleans, La 70117Marie Smith
21 Harmony St, New Orleans, La 70126
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant multi-fmly to grade. Declared public nuisance by housing and neighborhood development.
Date:  December 29, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Jackson, Henry | Permit id: B03006808
2003/12/2908221 Harmony St, New Orleans, La 70126Marie Smith
20 Gordon St, New Orleans, La 70117
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish double to grade. Declared public nuisance by housing and neighborhood development.
Date:  December 29, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Tyler, Tyrone | Permit id: B03006810
2003/12/2908220 Gordon St, New Orleans, La 70117Marie Smith
1232 Thayer St, New Orleans, La 70114
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant double to grade. Declared public nuisance by housing & neighbor- hood development. Any further use shall require a separate permit.
Date:  January 16, 2004
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Prevost, Elaine F | Permit id: B04000252
2004/01/160821232 Thayer St, New Orleans, La 70114Marie Smith
3907 Metropolitan St, New Orleans, La 70121
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant double to grade. Declared imminent danger by housing and neighbor- hood development.
Date:  January 16, 2004
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Hawkins, Willie L | Permit id: B04000253
2004/01/160823907 Metropolitan St, New Orleans, La 70121Marie Smith
1918 Harmony St, New Orleans, La 70115
Building demolition and debris removal single-family dwelling demolish double to grade. Property declared a public nuisance by the divison of housing and neighborhood development.
Date:  January 29, 2004
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Thompson, Beatrice L | Permit id: B04000541
2004/01/290821918 Harmony St, New Orleans, La 70115Marie Smith
5804 N Galvez St, New Orleans, La 70127
Building demolition and debris removal single-family dwelling demolish existing single to grade. Property declared a public nuisance by the division of housing and neighborhood development.
Date:  January 29, 2004
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Williams, Larry | Permit id: B04000542
2004/01/290825804 N Galvez St, New Orleans, La 70127Marie Smith
6 2nd St, New Orleans, La 70130
Interior demolition double residence partial demolition to rear of building. Property declared imminent danger by the division of housing and neighborhood development.
Date:  January 29, 2004
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Hunter, Junior | Permit id: B04000543
2004/01/290826 2nd St, New Orleans, La 70130Marie Smith
1693 N Claiborne Av, New Orleans, La 70116
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demolish vacant double (1693-95) to grade as per owners request. Housing conservation district approval is needed.
Date:  March 16, 2004
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Emile Labat, Ltd | Permit id: B04000891
2004/03/160821693 N Claiborne Av, New Orleans, La 70116Marie Smith
Rear / 27 Painters St Unit Rear, New Orleans, La 70122
Building demolition and debris removal vacant lot demo rear vacant residential bldg to grade as per housing and neighborhood development contract. Declared public nuisance.
Date:  October 13, 2003
Contractor: Marie Smith

Client: Flores, Florincia | Permit id: B03005484
2003/10/1308227 Painters St Unit Rear, New Orleans, La 70122Marie Smith

Contractor Rank Contractor Details Number of Projects Avg. Project Cost Years in Business Photos
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