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SCORE 96 Client: Ronald Legendre | Applicant: Ronald Legendre | Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 76656 |
SCORE 96 Client: Brandon Landry | Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 66485 |
SCORE 96 Applicant: Ladd Legendre | Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 54291 |
SCORE 96 Applicant: Ladd Legendre | Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 54291 |
SCORE 96 Applicant: Ronald Legendre | Permit type: Fence | Permit id: 53312 |
SCORE 96 111 Shadows Bend Dr Baton Rouge La 70810 New construction single family residential-5 bedrooms & 4-1/2 bathrooms - second floor storage area not to be used as a sleeping room. Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 40518 |
SCORE 96 Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 43808 |
SCORE 96 7222 Joliet Ave Baton Rouge La 70806 Residential generator 22kw. Natural gas 281,000btus. Must have 3 from any structure. 5 from any opening. Min slab 3 1/2". No servitude, no flood zone. Client: James Bonaventure | Applicant: James Bonaventure | Permit type: Residential: generator | Permit id: 41567 |
SCORE 96 Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 29726 |
SCORE 96 Applicant: Ronald Legendre | Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 17500 |