Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 99 59 Middagh Street Brooklyn Ny Change of use from a three family dwelling into a single family private residence, including a horizontal enlargement. New certificate of occupancy to be obtained. Client: Jennifer Robertson | Client Address: Po Box 4146 New York Ny 10163 | Client Phone: (212) 551-1043 | Client Company: 59 Middagh Llc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 320971837 | |||||
SCORE 99 181 East 65th Street Manhattan Ny Combination and renovation of two(2) existing apartments into one (1) apartment. Work include general construction and plumbing modification as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Mark Fariborz | Client Address: 181 East 65th Street New York Ny 10065 | Client Phone: (212) 796-1999 | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121691311 | |||||
SCORE 99 11 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of and existing apartment. Work includes general construction and plumbing modification as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Scott Hirsch | Client Address: 11 Park Avenue New York Ny 10128 | Client Phone: (212) 255-7733 | Client Company: 11 Park Aenue Tenants, Inc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121738174 | |||||
SCORE 99 336 West End Avenue Manhattan Ny Combination and renovation of two (2) existing apartments into one (1) apartment work include general construction as per plans filed herewith. No change to use egress or occupancy. Client: Bernard Iser | Client Address: 17 Broadway New York Ny 10019 | Client Phone: (212) 247-2603 | Client Company: 336 West End Avenue Corp | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121738860 | |||||
SCORE 99 1185 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment 12l on the 12th floor. Work includes general construction, interior demo work, window replacement, & mechanical and plumbing modifications as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Edouard Gersche | Client Address: 1185 Park Avenue New York Ny 10128 | Client Phone: (212) 350-2808 | Client Company: 1185 Tenants Corporation | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121776122 | |||||
SCORE 99 1148 Fifth Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment 7c on the 7th floor. Work includes general construction, mechanical and plumbing modifications as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Audrey Spiegel | Client Address: 675 Third Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 370-9200 | Client Company: The 1148 Corporation | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122040709 | |||||
SCORE 99 1 Central Park South Manhattan Ny Combination and renovation of two (2) existing apartments into one (1) apartment on the fourth floor. Work includes general construction, mechanical and plumbing modifications as per plans filed herewith. Client: Timothy Okeefe | Client Address: 7 Lexington Avenue New York Ny 10065 | Client Phone: (646) 485-6168 | Client Company: 1 Cps C/o Halstead Management | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122048355 | |||||
SCORE 99 1185 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment 4a on the 4th floor. Work includes general construction, mechanical and plumbing modifications as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Jonathan Morris | Client Address: 2 East 88th Street New York Ny 10128 | Client Phone: (646) 731-2713 | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122473732 | |||||
SCORE 99 455 East 57th St Manhattan Ny Apt 10a: remove and install interior non-bearing partitions, hung ceilings, cabinetry, finish floor, plumbing and mechanical ductwork and equipment in conjunction with renovations to apt 10a at the tenth floor; replace existing lot-line windows with new. No change in use, occupancy or exists proposed. Client: Heather Benveniste | Client Address: 2 West End Avenue New York Ny 10024 | Client Phone: (917) 612-8305 | Client Company: 455 E 57 Inc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122695306 | |||||
SCORE 99 812 Fifth Ave Manhattan Ny Apt#7a: interior renovations to existing apartment as per plans filed herewith. Remove and install interior, non-bearing partitions, hung ceilings, finish flooring, millwork, and plumbing fixtures. No change in use, exits or occupancy proposed. Client: Jeff Horowitz | Client Address: 8 Fifth Ave New York Ny 10065 | Client Phone: (212) 518-8255 | Client Company: Fifth Central Park Corp. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122854152 | |||||
SCORE 99 993 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation to apt 5e work to include partition, ceiling, door, mechanical and plumbing work as indicated on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Bruce And Cara Haggerty | Client Address: 993 Park Avenue New York Ny 10028 | Client Phone: (917) 345-3969 | Client Company: 993 Park Avenue Corporation | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122964300 | |||||
SCORE 99 36 East 69 Street Manhattan Ny File for instalation of new fireplace on the fifth floor. No change to use, egress, or occupancy. Client: Carolyn Pean | Client Address: 1 1 Dupont St. Plainview Ny 11803 | Client Phone: (516) 349-0540 | Client Company: Alexander Wolf Co. | Permit type: Arch./st. | Permit id: 104222887 | |||||
SCORE 99 617 West End Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation and combination of two existing apartments, 11a and 11b. Architectural, plumbing and mechanical work to include through the wall ac units in conformance with the cooperatives master plan. Change in egress. No change of use or occupancy. Client: Terence Benson | Client Address: 617 617 West End Avenue, 9a New York Ny 10024 | Client Phone: (212) 724-9302 | Client Company: 617 Apartments Corp. | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104174590 | |||||
SCORE 99 502 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny File for renovation of an existing apartment on the 22nd floor. Architectural and plumbing work. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Tom Pienkos | Client Address: 725 725 5th Avenue New York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 715-7297 | Client Company: Trump Corperation | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 104272886 | |||||
SCORE 99 17 East 89 Street Manhattan Ny Interior renovation of existing apt. 12b. Architectural, plumbing, and mechanical work. No change of use, egress, or occupancy. Client: Emmet Hegarty | Client Address: 675 675 Third Ave New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 370-9200 | Client Company: 17 East 89th St. Owners Inc. | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 104272706 | |||||
SCORE 99 8 St Nicholas Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing townhouse. Architectural, mechanical and plumbing work. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Robin Stone | Client Address: 8 8 St. Nicholas Avenue New York Ny 10031 | Client Phone: (917) 374-2149 | Client Company: Robin Stone & Gerald Boyd | Permit type: General const. | Permit id: 104085188 | |||||
SCORE 99 1016 5 Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment #10c on the tenth floor. Architectural, mechanical, and plumbing work. No change in use, occupancy or egress. Client: David Dreyfuss | Client Address: 675 675 Third Ave New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 692-8397 | Client Company: 111 East 85th Street Owners Inc. | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 104442541 | |||||
SCORE 99 163 East Street Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing townhouse. Architectural work. Demolition work filed under a separate application. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Isaac Diana Corre Newman | Client Address: 825 825 Third Avenue, 9th Floor New York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 288-7435 | Client Company: C/o Eton Park Capital Mgmt | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 104917609 | |||||
SCORE 99 1185 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment #16g on the 15th floor and penthouse. Architectural, mechanical and plumbing work. Interior work only. No change in use, occupancy or egress. Client: Toni Hanson | Client Address: 675 675 Third Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 370-9200 | Client Company: Douglas Elliman Prop. Mngmt. | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 104743690 | |||||
SCORE 99 10 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment #6a on the 6th floor. Architectural, mechanical and plumbing work. No change in use, occupancy or egress. Client: David Dreyfuss | Client Address: 675 675 Third Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 455-4731 | Client Company: 10 Tenants Corp C/o Elliman | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 104657569 | |||||
SCORE 99 8 Fifth Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment #14c on the 14th floor. Architectural, plumbing and mechanical work. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Livi Skintej | Client Address: 7 7 Lexington Avenue New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 546-1094 | Client Company: Brown Harris Stevens Management | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 104898112 | |||||
SCORE 99 2 West 67th Street Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing duplex apt # 12c on the 12th floor and 13th floor. Architectural, plumbing, mechanical and structural work. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Gail Wainer | Client Address: 18 18 East 64th Street New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 753-3381 | Client Company: Wallack Management Co. | Permit type: Arch/struc | Permit id: 110345877 | |||||
SCORE 99 1 East 94 Street Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment 3b on 3rd floor. Architectural & plumbing work. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Robin Lander | Client Address: 6 6 East 43rd Street, 14th Floor New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 634-8928 | Client Company: 1 East 94th Street Apts. | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 104555321 | |||||
SCORE 99 52 East 72 Street Manhattan Ny Interior demolition of an existing triplex apartment on the 17th, 18th and 19th floors with associated plumbing work. No new architectural work proposed under this application. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: William Harra | Client Address: 152 152 West 57th Street, 12th Floor New York Ny 10019 | Client Phone: (212) 307-0500 | Client Company: Abc Management Corp | Permit type: Gen. Constructn. | Permit id: 110079174 | |||||
SCORE 99 1125 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment #2b on the 2nd floor. Architectural, mechanical and plumbing work. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Demolition work filed under application#110149090. Client: Daniel Wollman | Client Address: 415 415 Madison Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 371-2525 | Client Company: 1125 Park Avenue Corp. | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 110323374 | |||||
SCORE 99 48 West 86th Street Manhattan Ny Renovation of an existing residential apartment #3 on the 3rd floor. Work types include ot architectural and plumbing. No change of use, occupancy, or egress. Client: Carole Ferrara | Client Address: 48 48 West 86th Street New York Ny 10003 | Client Phone: (212) 475-8811 | Client Company: 48 West 86th Street Tenants Corp | Permit type: Architecture | Permit id: 120678098 | |||||
SCORE 99 1185 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment #4j on the 4th floor. Architectural, mechanical, and plumbing work. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Toni Hanson | Client Address: 675 675 Third Avenue New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 350-2808 | Client Company: Douglass Elliman Property Mgmt | Permit type: Architecture | Permit id: 120571997 | |||||
SCORE 99 1185 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of an existing apartment. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Toni Hanson | Client Address: 675 675 Third Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 350-2808 | Client Company: 1185 Tenant Corp. C/o Douglas El | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 120895335 | |||||
SCORE 99 East 74th Street Manhattan Ny Renovtion of an existing apartment. Work include general construction and plumbing modification as per plans field herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Laura Grey | Client Address: East 74th Street New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 307-0500 | Client Company: East 74th Street Inc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121084833 | |||||
SCORE 99 East 72nd Street Manhattan Ny Architectural, plumbing and mechanical work filed for the renovation of an existing 11th floor residential apartment. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Rob Schenck | Client Address: East 72nd Street New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 753-3381 | Client Company: 72nd St Owners Corp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120797496 | |||||
SCORE 99 525 East 11 Street Manhattan Ny Combination and renovaiton of two (2) apartments into one (1) apartment. No change to use egress or occupancy. Client: Met Dalipi | Client Address: 127 127 East 59th Street New York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 699-8900 | Client Company: Fillmore Condo C/o Matthew Adam | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 120938842 | |||||
SCORE 99 205 West 76 Street Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment ph3f on the 15th floor. Architectural and plumbing work. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Michael Winston | Client Address: 423 423 West 55th Street New York Ny 10019 | Client Phone: (212) 506-5830 | Client Company: The Harrison Condominiums | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120441771 | |||||
SCORE 99 2 West End Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment on the 10th floor. Architectural, mechanical and plumbing work. No change of use or occupancy. Change in egress Client: Ernest Faraci | Client Address: 419 419 Park Avenue South New York Ny 10016 | Client Phone: (212) 696-7134 | Client Company: 2 West End Avenue Condominium | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120406408 | |||||
SCORE 99 65 East 96th Street Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment 17f on the penthouse level & outside terrace space. Work to include general construction, removal & installation of interior non-load bearing partition & related finishes. Mechanical work to include a new air conditionng system, & plumbing modifications as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy Client: Charles Richter | Client Address: 65 65 East 96th Street New York Ny 10128 | Client Phone: (212) 360-6797 | Client Company: The Gatsby Condominium | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122048364 | |||||
SCORE 99 255 East 74th Street Manhattan Ny Renovation and combination of apartments 4c/d and 5/6d on the 4th, 5th, and 6th floors. Work includes general construction, plumbing and mechanical modifications as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: David Abrams | Client Address: 255 255 East 74th Street New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 229-0200 | Client Company: 255 East 74th Street Condominium | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121971090 | |||||
SCORE 99 76 Franklin Avenue Staten Island Ny Facade and repairs as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Howell Fr: Charles | Client Address: 76 76 Franklin Avenue Staten Island Ny 10301 | Client Phone: (718) 727-6100 | Client Company: Christ Church New Brighton | Permit type: Facade | Permit id: 520200014 | |||||
SCORE 99 224 East 49th Street Manhattan Ny Interior demolition of an existing townhouse with associated plumbing work. No change of use, occupancy or egress. No new architectural work proposed under this application. Client: Scott Asen | Client Address: 224 224 East 49th Street New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 758-2323 | Permit type: Demo | Permit id: 110345868 | |||||
SCORE 99 1185 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment 12k on the 12th floor. Work includes general construction, mechanical and plumbing modifications as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Daniela Kunen | Client Address: 675 675 Third Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 350-2808 | Client Company: Douglas Ellliman Property Manage | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122129240 | |||||
SCORE 99 2 Central Park South Manhattan Ny Renovation and combination of existing apartments 11c & 11d on the 11th floor. Work includes general construction and modifications to existing mechanical and plumbing systems as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Adam Zerka | Client Address: 4 4 Ninth Avenue New York Ny 10001 | Client Phone: (212) 560-6400 | Client Company: 2 Central Park South Owners Co | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121922660 | |||||
SCORE 99 17 East 89th Street Manhattan Ny Renovation to apartment 7d work to include partition, ceiling, door, mechanical and plumbing modifications as indicated on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Theodore Clement | Client Address: 17 17 East 89th Street New York Ny 10128 | Client Phone: (917) 608-5922 | Client Company: 17 East 89th Street Tenants, Inc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122907444 | |||||
SCORE 99 10 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovate existing duplex work to include partition, ceiling, door, mechanical and plumbing work as indicated on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Brian Katz | Client Address: 10 10 Park Avenue New York Ny 10128 | Client Phone: (212) 257-4995 | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122684513 | |||||
SCORE 99 941 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of an existing apartment. Work include general construction, mechanical and plumbing modification as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Lloyd Goodman | Client Address: 941 941 Park Avenue New York Ny 10028 | Client Phone: (212) 350-2810 | Client Company: 941 Park Avenue Inc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121612861 | |||||
SCORE 99 1125 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation to apartment 2e work to include partition, ceiling, door, mechanical and plumbing work as indicated on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy Client: Daniel Wollman | Client Address: 415 415 Madison Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 351-2525 | Client Company: Gumley Haft | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122723963 | |||||
SCORE 99 429 Greenwich Street Manhattan Ny Renovation of an existing apartment. Work include general construction, mechanical and plumbing modification as per plans file herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Linda Lagorga | Client Address: 429 429 Greenwich Street New York Ny 10012 | Client Phone: (212) 217-0517 | Client Company: Tribeca North Condominium | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121685499 | |||||
SCORE 99 129 West 22nd Street Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing apartment #2 on the 2nd floor. Work includes general construction, mechanical and plumbing modifications as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Jamie Chan | Client Address: 129 129 West 22nd Street New York Ny 10011 | Client Phone: (212) 229-0200 | Client Company: Top Of The Loft Inc C/o First Se | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 121794987 | |||||
SCORE 99 9 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of an existing residential apartment. Work to include ot arch, mechanical, and plumbing. Client: Neil Rappaport | Client Address: 675 675 Third Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 370-9200 | Client Company: 9 Park Avenue Apt Inc | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120700214 | |||||
SCORE 99 221 West 82nd Street Manhattan Ny Renovation of an existing residential apartment 9c on the 9th floor. Work types include architectural and plumbing. There will be no change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Marie-Pierre Julien | Client Address: 675 675 Third Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 350-2887 | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 121046554 | |||||
SCORE 99 535 East 86th Street Manhattan Ny Install gas dryer in conjunction with dob #120663638 in an existing apartment #17f. Work type include plumbing. There is no change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Judith Rich | Client Address: 675 675 3rd Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 692-8356 | Client Company: 535 E. 86th St. Corporation | Permit id: 121436981 | |||||
SCORE 99 907 Fifth Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of an existing duplex apartment #9a #10a on the 9th and 10th floors. Architectural work. No change of use, egress, or occupancy. Client: Roberto Buaron | Client Address: 907 907 Fifth Ave New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 739-1360 | Client Company: 907 Fifth Ave Corp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 120596989 | |||||
SCORE 99 535 East 86th St Manhattan Ny Renovation of an existing apartment #17f. Work includes ot arch, mh, and pl. There is no change of use, egress, or occupancy. Client: Norbert Gottenberg | Client Address: 675 675 3rd Ave. New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 692-8356 | Client Company: 535 E. 86th St. Corporation | Permit type: Architecture | Permit id: 120663638 | |||||
SCORE 99 222 East 49th Street Manhattan Ny Renovation of existing rear yard. Landscape design and plumbing work. No change of use, occupancy, or egress. Client: Scott Asen | Client Address: 222 222 East 49th Street New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 758-2323 | Client Company: 222 East 49th Street | Permit type: Landscape | Permit id: 120652454 | |||||
SCORE 99 37 West 44th St Manhattan Ny Filing herewith fire protection plan. No change to use egress or occupancy. Client: Timothy Mccormick | Client Address: 37 37 West 44th St New York Ny 10036 | Client Phone: (212) 382-1000 | Client Company: The New York Yacht Club | Permit type: Fpp | Permit id: 122506564 | |||||
SCORE 99 175 Riverside Drive Manhattan Ny Renovation to apartment 11e work to include partition, ceiling, door, mechanical and plumbing modifications as indicated on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Lenore Ruben | Client Address: 175 175 Riverside Drive New York Ny 10024 | Client Phone: (212) 595-1340 | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 123333464 | |||||
SCORE 99 262 Central Park West Manhattan Ny Renovate apartment 10e. General construction, hvac, and plumbing modifications as per plans. No change in use, egress, or occupancy Client: Steven Salargo | Client Address: 675 Third Avenue 6th Floor New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 350-2808 | Client Company: 262 Central Park West, Inc. | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 123306154 | |||||
SCORE 99 1 East 81st Street Manhattan Ny Renovation to apartment 8b c work to include partition, ceiling, door, mechanical and plumbing modifications as indicated on plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Adam Wolfberg | Client Address: 6 West 18th Street New York Ny 10028 | Client Phone: (212) 229-0200 | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 123140555 | |||||
SCORE 99 812 Fifth Ave Manhattan Ny Apt#7a: install hvac ductwork, equipment and gas appliances in conjunction with apartment renovations. No change in use, exits or occupancy proposed. Client: Jeff Horowitz | Client Address: 8 Fifth Ave New York Ny 10065 | Client Phone: (212) 518-8255 | Client Company: Fifth Central Park Corp. | Permit id: 123290535 | |||||
SCORE 99 123 East Street Manhattan Ny Interior renovation of existing townhouse. Partition, plumbing and mechanical work. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Paul Ursula Lowerre | Client Address: 123 123 East 80th Street New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 570-1108 | Permit type: Aarchitectural | Permit id: 102603176 | |||||
SCORE 99 131 East 66 Street Manhattan Ny Interior renovation of an existing apartment. Partition, plumbing and mechanical work. No change of use occupancy or egress. Client: John Soutter | Client Address: 7 7 Lexington Avenue New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 508-7200 | Client Company: 131 E. 66th St. Corp. C/o Bhs | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 102763010 | |||||
SCORE 99 14 East 109 Street Manhattan Ny Renovation of original entrance to an existing church. There is to be no change of use, occupancy or egress under this application. Client: Adam Mccoy | Client Address: 14 14 East 109th Street New York Ny 10029 | Client Phone: (212) 369-1140 | Client Company: Church Of St. Edward The Martyr | Permit type: Arch. / struc. | Permit id: 103463707 | |||||
SCORE 99 1 Sutton Place South Manhattan Ny Interior renovation of an existing apartment. Partition work. Mechanical and plumbing work. No change of use, occupancy or egress. Client: Robert Mcfarland | Client Address: 7 7 Lexington Avenue New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 508-7200 | Client Company: Sutton Pla | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 102883337 | |||||
SCORE 99 1 Beekman Place Manhattan Ny Interior renovation of existing apartment. There is to be no change in use, ocupancy or egress. Client: David Delena | Client Address: 675 675 Third Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 350-2808 | Client Company: 1 Beekman Pl. Inc.C/o Insignia | Permit type: Gen construct | Permit id: 103170756 | |||||
SCORE 99 1172 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of an existing apartment. Partition work, plumbing work and mechanical work. No change to use occupancy or egress. Client: Jim Price | Client Address: 1172 1172 Park Avenue New York Ny 10128 | Client Phone: (212) 749-0660 | Client Company: 1172 Corporation | Permit type: Int renov | Permit id: 102963090 | |||||
SCORE 99 1125 Park Avenue Manhattan Ny Interior alteration to existing apartment 2e. Architectural, mechanical and plumbing work. No change of use, egress or occupancy. Client: David Grayson | Client Address: 1125 1125 Park Avenue New York Ny 10128 | Client Phone: (212) 289-3699 | Client Company: 1125 Park Avenue Corp. | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 103978876 | |||||
SCORE 99 1 East End Avenue Manhattan Ny Interior renovation of an existing apartment. There is to be no change of use, occupancy or egress under this application. Client: Matthew Newman | Client Address: C/omaxwell K C/omaxwell K 9 East 38th Street New York Ny 10016 | Client Phone: (212) 684-8282 | Client Company: 1 East End Avenue Tenants Corp | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 103276777 | |||||
SCORE 99 8 5 Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of apartment 14f. Architectural, mechanical and plumbing work. No change of use occupancy or egress. Client: Livi Skintej | Client Address: 7 7 Lexington Avenue, 5th Floor New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 508-7200 | Client Company: 8 Fifth Avenue Corporation | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 103949239 | |||||
SCORE 99 East 87 Street Manhattan Ny Interior modification in conjunction with alteration type i 102000781. Minor architectural work. No change of use, occupancy or egress under this application. Client: Alan Kroll | Client Address: 17 17 Broadway New York Ny 10019 | Client Phone: (212) 468-4800 | Client Company: Canowie Part.C/o Davis & Gibert | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 103529825 | |||||
SCORE 99 923 5 Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation of an existing apartment, 15a. Architectural and plumbing work. No change of use, occupancy or egress under this applicaton. Client: Larry Grunfeld | Client Address: 415 415 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 317-2525 | Client Company: 923 5th Avenue Assoc. | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 103953456 | |||||
SCORE 99 21 South End Avenue Manhattan Ny Renovation and combination of two existi ng apartments, 8 and 9 floors. Architectural and plumbing work. There is to be no change of use, occupancy or egress under this application. Client: David Richman | Client Address: 7 7 Lexington Avenue New York Ny 10021 | Client Phone: (212) 508-7200 | Client Company: Regatta Condominium C/o Halstead | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 103805063 | |||||
SCORE 99 201 East 77 Street Manhattan Ny Legalization for combination of two apartments 3c and 3d on the third floor. There is to be no change of use, occupancy or egress under this application. No work under this application. Client: Harvey Greenberg | Client Address: 127 127 East 59th Street, 3rd Floor New York Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 699-8900 | Client Company: 201 E. 77th Owner Co. C/o | Permit type: No work | Permit id: 103792148 | |||||
SCORE 99 17 East 89 Street Manhattan Ny Interior renovation of existing apartment. There is to be no change of use, occupancy or egress under this application. Client: David Delena | Client Address: C/o Insignia C/o Insignia Res. Group, 675 Thi New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 350-2808 | Client Company: 17 East 89th Street Tenants Inc. | Permit type: Architectural | Permit id: 103144937 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Peter Kruzan | Client Address: 909 Third Ave 6th Flr Ny Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 753-3210 | Client Company: 320-27 Corp C/o Heron Mgmt | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 100796809 | |||||
SCORE 99 ![]() ![]() Client: Peter Kruzan | Client Address: 909 Third Ave 6th Flr Ny Ny 10022 | Client Phone: (212) 753-3210 | Client Company: 320-27 Corp C/o Heron Mgmt | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 100796809 |