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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
1 Rebel Ct, Rotonda West, Fl 33947
Rotonda west rebel court bridge location #3: ug conduit future site lighting, 1 amp panel, 1 - amp recept.
Date:  January 5, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 20140609916 | Parcel: 412015278024
2015/01/050881 Rebel Ct, Rotonda West, Fl 33947Kbj Development Services Inc
42 Boundary Blvd, Rotonda West, Fl 33947
Cape haze bridge location #1: ug conduit for future site lighting, a 1 amp panel & 1 - amp recept
Date:  March 13, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20140609923 | Parcel: 412027428006
2015/03/1308842 Boundary Blvd, Rotonda West, Fl 33947Kbj Development Services Inc
291 Rotonda Blvd E, Rotonda West, Fl 33947
Rotonda east bridge, location #5: ug conduit future site lighting, 1 amp panel, 1 - recept.
Date:  February 23, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 20140609921 | Parcel: 412119327011
2015/02/23088291 Rotonda Blvd E, Rotonda West, Fl 33947Kbj Development Services Inc
254 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a6-2 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  August 10, 2011

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100597 | Parcel: 422329477002
2011/08/10088254 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25112 Estrada Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a4-2 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100557 | Parcel: 422329303001
2012/05/1808825112 Estrada Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
163 Minorca Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a8-2 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100610 | Parcel: 422329427001
2012/05/17088163 Minorca Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16076 Badalona Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a3-3 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100552 | Parcel: 422329103006
2012/05/1808816076 Badalona Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25101 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a5-2 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100572 | Parcel: 422329314010
2012/05/1808825101 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25518 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a7-1 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100601 | Parcel: 422329459001
2012/05/1708825518 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25202 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a2-5 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100549 | Parcel: 422329127004
2012/05/1808825202 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25368 Puerta Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a2-4 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100569 | Parcel: 422329255003
2012/05/1808825368 Puerta Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25468 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a1-2 burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  March 8, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 20110100521 | Parcel: 422329226008
2013/03/0808825468 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25834 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a7-4 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100608 | Parcel: 422329480004
2012/05/1708825834 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25049 Alcazar Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a3-4 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100555 | Parcel: 422329159004
2012/05/1808825049 Alcazar Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25364 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a1-4 burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100525 | Parcel: 422329201011
2012/05/1708825364 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16085 Juarez Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a1-1 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  March 8, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 20110100519 | Parcel: 422329236008
2013/03/0808816085 Juarez Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25414 Estrada Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a5-1 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100566 | Parcel: 422329327011
2012/05/1808825414 Estrada Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16313 Juarez Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump statopm manhole no a1-3 burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  March 8, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 20110100523 | Parcel: 422329227007
2013/03/0808816313 Juarez Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16298 Branco Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a8-3 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100611 | Parcel: 422329282007
2012/05/1708816298 Branco Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25716 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a7-3 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100607 | Parcel: 422329484008
2012/05/1708825716 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16217 Quesa Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a4-1 electric serivce burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100556 | Parcel: 422329158002
2012/05/1808816217 Quesa Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16032 Hesta Misty Ct, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a3-1 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100550 | Parcel: 422329128001
2012/05/1808816032 Hesta Misty Ct, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25613 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a7-2 electric service burnt store village ssewer improvement
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 20110100604 | Parcel: 422329462009
2012/05/1708825613 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
250 Harborside Blvd, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station 412 electric service
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 17, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100615 | Parcel: 422329354003
2012/05/17088250 Harborside Blvd, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16331 Maya Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a8-5 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  October 13, 2011

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: October 13, 2011 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100614 | Parcel: 422329434005
2011/10/1308816331 Maya Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16355 Perdida Ct, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a8-4 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  October 14, 2011

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: October 14, 2011 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100613 | Parcel: 422329283001
2011/10/1408816355 Perdida Ct, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16298 Branco Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a8-3 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 17, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100611 | Parcel: 422329282007
2012/05/1708816298 Branco Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
163 Minorca Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a8-2 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 17, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100610 | Parcel: 422329427001
2012/05/17088163 Minorca Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16304 Minorca Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a8-1 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 17, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100609 | Parcel: 422329407002
2012/05/1708816304 Minorca Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25834 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a7-4 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 17, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100608 | Parcel: 422329480004
2012/05/1708825834 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25716 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a7-3 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 17, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100607 | Parcel: 422329484008
2012/05/1708825716 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25613 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a7-2 electric service burnt store village ssewer improvement
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 17, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100604 | Parcel: 422329462009
2012/05/1708825613 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25518 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a7-1 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 17, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100601 | Parcel: 422329459001
2012/05/1708825518 Prada Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
254 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a6-2 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  August 10, 2011

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: August 10, 2011 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100597 | Parcel: 422329477002
2011/08/10088254 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25272 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a6-1 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  March 8, 2013

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100574 | Parcel: 422329402002
2013/03/0808825272 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25201 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a5-3 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100573 | Parcel: 422329336007
2012/05/1808825201 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25101 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a5-2 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100572 | Parcel: 422329314010
2012/05/1808825101 Doredo Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25368 Puerta Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a2-4 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100569 | Parcel: 422329255003
2012/05/1808825368 Puerta Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25414 Estrada Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a5-1 electric service burnt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100566 | Parcel: 422329327011
2012/05/1808825414 Estrada Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16345 Quesa Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a4-3 electric service brunt store village sewer improvement
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100560 | Parcel: 422329301010
2012/05/1808816345 Quesa Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25112 Estrada Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a4-2 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100557 | Parcel: 422329303001
2012/05/1808825112 Estrada Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16217 Quesa Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a4-1 electric serivce burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100556 | Parcel: 422329158002
2012/05/1808816217 Quesa Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25049 Alcazar Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a3-4 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100555 | Parcel: 422329159004
2012/05/1808825049 Alcazar Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16076 Badalona Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a3-3 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100552 | Parcel: 422329103006
2012/05/1808816076 Badalona Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16331 Alcira Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a3-2 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100551 | Parcel: 422329104011
2012/05/1808816331 Alcira Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16032 Hesta Misty Ct, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a3-1 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100550 | Parcel: 422329128001
2012/05/1808816032 Hesta Misty Ct, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25202 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a2-5 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100549 | Parcel: 422329127004
2012/05/1808825202 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25281 Cadiz Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no. A2-3 elec service fpl from power pole burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100548 | Parcel: 422329253002
2012/05/1808825281 Cadiz Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16065 Minorca Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a2-2 elec service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 18, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 18, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100547 | Parcel: 422329202002
2012/05/1808816065 Minorca Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16063 Quinta Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole a2-1 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements s s drawings 20110100523
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 17, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100527 | Parcel: 422329204005
2012/05/1708816063 Quinta Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25364 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a1-4 burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  May 17, 2012

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: May 17, 2012 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100525 | Parcel: 422329201011
2012/05/1708825364 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16313 Juarez Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump statopm manhole no a1-3 burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  March 8, 2013

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100523 | Parcel: 422329227007
2013/03/0808816313 Juarez Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
25468 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a1-2 burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  March 8, 2013

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100521 | Parcel: 422329226008
2013/03/0808825468 Alicante Dr, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
16085 Juarez Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
Pump station manhole no a1-1 electric service burnt store village sewer improvements
Date:  March 8, 2013

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20110100519 | Parcel: 422329236008
2013/03/0808816085 Juarez Cir, Punta Gorda, Fl 33955Kbj Development Services Inc
42 Boundary Blvd, Rotonda West, Fl 33947
Cape haze bridge location #1: ug conduit for future site lighting, a 1 amp panel & 1 - amp recept
Date:  March 13, 2015

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: March 13, 2015 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20140609923 | Parcel: 412027428006
2015/03/1308842 Boundary Blvd, Rotonda West, Fl 33947Kbj Development Services Inc
291 Rotonda Blvd E, Rotonda West, Fl 33947
Rotonda east bridge, location #5: ug conduit future site lighting, 1 amp panel, 1 - recept.
Date:  February 23, 2015

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20140609921 | Parcel: 412119327011
2015/02/23088291 Rotonda Blvd E, Rotonda West, Fl 33947Kbj Development Services Inc
561 Boundary Blvd, Rotonda West, Fl 33947
Rotonda north bridge, location #4: ug conduit future site lighting, 1 amp panel, 1 - amp recept.
Date:  March 13, 2015

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Closed | Completion date: March 13, 2015 | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20140609919 | Parcel: 412013102001
2015/03/13088561 Boundary Blvd, Rotonda West, Fl 33947Kbj Development Services Inc
1 Rebel Ct, Rotonda West, Fl 33947
Rotonda west rebel court bridge location #3: ug conduit future site lighting, 1 amp panel, 1 - amp recept.
Date:  January 5, 2015

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20140609916 | Parcel: 412015278024
2015/01/050881 Rebel Ct, Rotonda West, Fl 33947Kbj Development Services Inc
296 Rotonda Cir, Rotonda West, Fl 33947
Rotonda bridge west location #2: u. G. Conduit future site lighting, 1 amp panel, 1- 20amp recept.
Date:  February 17, 2015

Permit type: Commercial electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 20140609914 | Parcel: 412015477003
2015/02/17088296 Rotonda Cir, Rotonda West, Fl 33947Kbj Development Services Inc

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