Phone: (619) 442-3754

Jose Edwardo Jaramillo specializes in:

Jose Edwardo Jaramillo offers services:

Jose Edwardo Jaramillo operates out of 1235 Pierre Way Ste #g El Cajon Ca 92021 and holds a Cslb Contractor license.
You can reach Jose Edwardo Jaramillo by phone: (619) 442-3754.
Jose Edwardo Jaramillo's company name is: Complete Home Service.

Jose Edwardo Jaramillo completed most projects in 2012 and had largest sales volume ($5,288) in 2012. The average valuation of Jose Edwardo Jaramillo's project is $588.

Based on the information received from San Diego County CA building department, there are 9 building permits associated with Jose Edwardo Jaramillo over the past 2 years . These building permits valued at $5,288.

If you are considering hiring Jose Edwardo Jaramillo for your home renovation project, we recommend using our bidding system to get competitive quotes.


Jose Edwardo Jaramillo has CheckPermit score of 83 which places them above 75% of local contractors.
We usually recommend hiring a contractor with a rank of 75 or above.


9 projects completed between 2010 and 2012.
An average 4 projects per year.


Maximum project cost is $5,288.
An average project cost is $587.


Completed most (7) projects in 2012 and had largest sales volume of $5,288 in 2012.

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12 Barrett Lake Rd 25 Dulzura Ca 91917
Park name: barrett lake mhp park i. D. No. 37- 0306 space no.: 25 map ref: 1294 c5 community: dulzura description: install a replacement mh ets 107 g note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  November 15, 2012

Permit type: Other : 1158 - m. H. P | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: December 7, 2012 | Permit id: Pds2012-1035-20
1315 Pepper Dr 5a El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: pepper villa mh park park i. D. No. 37- 0576 space no.: 5a map ref: 1251 j2 community: el cajon description: 4 sqft deck (asbuilt) for existing mh note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  November 14, 2012

Permit type: Building : 1154 - m. | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: April 20, 2013 | Permit id: Pds2012-1035-20
1315 Pepper Dr 6 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: pepper villa mh park park i. D. No. 37- 0576 space no.: 6 map ref: 1251 j2 community: el cajon description: 2 sqft deck (asbuilt) for existing mh note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  November 14, 2012

Permit type: Building : 1154 - m. | Permit status: Permit expired | Completion date: April 17, 2013 | Permit id: Pds2012-1035-20
9395 Harritt Rd 293 Lakeside Ca 92040
Park name: lake front park i. D. No. 37-04 space no.: 293 map ref: 1232-f4 community: lakeside description 256 sf califorinia room and 64 sf porch (repair replace) for existing mh note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 24, 2012

Permit type: Building : 1154 - m. | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: November 16, 2012 | Permit id: Pds2012-1035-20
1315 Pepper Dr 12 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: pepper villa mh park park i. D. No. 37- 0576 space no.: 12 map ref: 1251 j2 community: el cajon description: installing new ac unit for existing manufactured home (customer states existing hook up just plugged into it no work to coach itself) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 9, 2012

Permit type: Combination : 1156 - | Permit status: Permit expired | Permit id: Pds2012-1035-20
1315 Pepper Dr 66 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: pepper villa mh park park i. D. No. 37- 0576 space no.: 66 map ref: 1251 j2 community: el cajon description: installing new ac unit for existing manufactured home (customer states existing hook up just plugged into it no work to coach itself) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 9, 2012

Permit type: Combination : 1156 - | Permit status: Permit expired | Permit id: Pds2012-1035-20
11624 Riverside Dr Lakeside Ca 92040
Ti to remodel facade of existing "eucalyptus liquor" -- remove mansard roof & framing, remove existing trim columns & framing, remove brick veneer; add new exterior walls (11 lf), adding new parapet & stucco exterior (2 sqft, bora). 06 08 12 plan change field structural only see c of a... Vmd
Date:  February 10, 2012
Value:   $5,288

Permit type: Building : 43 - com | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: November 14, 2012 | Permit id: Pds2012-1021-20
134 I 8 Business 21 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: rancho la vista park i. D. No. 37- 0164 space no.: 21 map ref: 1232 d6 community: lakeside description: add awning extender (approx sqft) bp07-01 note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  November 18, 2011

Permit type: Building : 1154 - m. | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: December 2, 2011 | Permit id: Pds2011-1035-20
255 E Bradley Ave El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: villa cajon mhp park i. D. No. 37- 0273 space no.: 78 map ref: 1251 f2 community: el cajon description: 48 sq. Ft. Porch (spa 88-56), 2 sq. Ft. Awning, 1 sq. Ft. Engineered cabana for existing park model in m h park (created prior to 1982); misc electrical note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct. 8 27 10: plan change strl. Only see cofa for info. 1srs
Date:  June 10, 2010

Permit type: Building : 1154 - m. | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: October 11, 2010 | Permit id: Pds2010-1035-20
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 rows

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