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SCORE 76 149 Webster St Boston Ma 02128 Roof vynyl windows re-wire house/smokes/cos re-plumb house insualtion blue board &; plaster install new kitchen new 3 baths wood flooring prime and paint hvac. Permit type: Renovations -interio | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1-3fam | Permit id: Sf46383 | Parcel: 0104556000 |
SCORE 76 149 Webster St East Boston Ma 02128 Roof vynyl windows re-wire house smokes cos re-plumb house insualtion blue board &; plaster install new kitchen new 3 baths wood flooring prime and paint hvac. Client: One 49 Webster St Condo Tr | Permit type: Renovations -interior nsc | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1-3fam | Permit id: Sf46383 | Parcel: 0104556000 |
SCORE 76 149 Webster St East Boston Ma Roof vynyl windows re-wire house/smokes/cos re-plumb house insualtion blue board &; plaster install new kitchen new 3 baths wood flooring prime and paint hvac. Client: One 49 Webster St Condo Tr | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: April 8, 2011 | Current use: 1-3fam | Permit id: Sf46383 | Parcel: 0104556000 |
SCORE 76 Permit type: Demolition - interio | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1-3fam | Permit id: Sf45088 | Parcel: 0104556000 |
SCORE 76 Client: One 49 Webster St Condo Tr | Permit type: Demolition - interior | Current use: 1-3fam | Permit id: Sf45088 | Parcel: 104556000 |
SCORE 76 Client: Tays Realty Llc | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: March 30, 2011 | Current use: 1-3fam | Permit id: Sf45088 | Parcel: 0104556000 |
SCORE 76 Permit type: Renovations -interio | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1-4fam | Permit id: Sf42421 | Parcel: 0601111000 |
SCORE 76 309 E St South Boston Ma 02127 Install non bearing 10ft partition wall to separate living from storage Client: Dahlgren Hall Condominium | Permit type: Renovations -interior nsc | Current use: 1-4fam | Permit id: Sf42421 | Parcel: 601111000 |
SCORE 76 Client: Dahlgren Hall Llc | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: March 21, 2011 | Current use: 1-4fam | Permit id: Sf42421 | Parcel: 0601111000 |