SCORE 86 Date: March 3, 2016 Value: $6,224
Client: Allen Fred And Kazumi Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 37810052 | 2016/03/03 | 6224 | 86 | 1211 Wunderlich Dr , San Jose Ca 95129 3165 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: April 8, 2016 Value: $2,334
Client: Hoffman Gregory G And Rosemarie A | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 43955011 | 2016/04/08 | 2334 | 86 | 14 Lesher Ct , San Jose Ca 95125 3936 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: May 27, 2016 Value: $7,002
Client: Naslund Erik M Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 29924007 | 2016/05/27 | 7002 | 86 | 3231 Greentree Wy , San Jose Ca 95117 3027 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: March 23, 2016 Value: $3,858
Client: Hunter Holly T Et Al | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 68502049 | 2016/03/23 | 3858 | 86 | 5277 Tomahawk Dr , San Jose Ca 95136 3342 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: January 3, 2018 Value: $778
Client: Huang Jiayuan And Ji Jia | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 24101023 | 2018/01/03 | 778 | 86 | 1455 Carmine Wy , San Jose Ca 951313023 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: January 3, 2018 Value: $3,890
Client: Aguilar Dolores | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 67625031 | 2018/01/03 | 3890 | 86 | 3751 Yerba Buena Ct , San Jose Ca 951211053 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: January 3, 2018 Value: $778
Client: Walker Douglas S And Virginia H R Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 67625031 | 2018/01/03 | 778 | 86 | 5318 Knights Estates , San Jose Ca 951351210 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: June 5, 2017 Value: $1,556
Client: Bryant Betty J | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 70438028 | 2017/06/05 | 1556 | 86 | 224 Arbor Valley Dr , San Jose Ca 951191805 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: September 14, 2017 Value: $2,334
Client: Martin Jennifer L Trustee & Et Al | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 52334030 | 2017/09/14 | 2334 | 86 | 2243 Westchester Dr , San Jose Ca 951246027 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: April 8, 2016 Value: $2,334
Client: Hoffman Gregory G And Rosemarie A | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 43955011 | 2016/04/08 | 2334 | 86 | 14 Lesher Ct , San Jose Ca 951253936 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: May 27, 2016 Value: $7,002
Client: Naslund Erik M Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 29924007 | 2016/05/27 | 7002 | 86 | 3231 Greentree Wy , San Jose Ca 951173027 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: March 23, 2016 Value: $3,858
Client: Hunter Holly T Et Al | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 68502049 | 2016/03/23 | 3858 | 86 | 5277 Tomahawk Dr , San Jose Ca 951363342 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |
SCORE 86 Date: January 8, 2016 Value: $3,112
Client: Dagostino Sharon M Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 69617015 | 2016/01/08 | 3112 | 86 | 6338 Vegas Dr , San Jose Ca 951201844 | Jemico Llc Dba Renewal By Anderson John Wise |