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SCORE 99 2816 West 23 Street Brooklyn Ny Remove existing 15,0 gal fuel oil stor age tank and replace with new 1 ,0 gallon capacity fuel oil storage ta nk with related piping and controls as ndicated on plans. No change in use or e gress. Client: Anil Nirody | Client Address: 75 75 Church St New York Ny 10007 | Client Phone: (212) 306-6736 | Client Company: N Y C Housing Authority | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 301230763 |
SCORE 99 1661 West Farms Road Bronx Ny Close extg. 5 gal waste oil separator tank in place and replace with new 10 gal tank as shown with new pipi ng and controls at nycdds garage no change in use or egress Client: Afzar Samani | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Ave Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 391-1064 | Client Company: Nyc Ddc | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 200685295 |
SCORE 99 6 Casanova Street Bronx Ny Install pre-engineered automatic dry che mical fire suppression system o er fuel oil dispensing area at exisitng garage. No change to use egress or occu pancy. Client: Afzar Taherzadeh | Client Address: 30 30 Thompson St Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Company: Ddc | Permit id: 200625350 |
SCORE 99 Client: Afsar Samani | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Street Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 391-1064 | Client Company: N Y C Dept Of Design And Constru | Permit id: 301353201 |
SCORE 99 175 88 Avenue Queens Ny Closure, removal and installation of #2 heating oil storage tank systems no change of use occupancy or egress Client: Afzar Samani | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson St Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 391-1064 | Client Company: Nyc Dept Of Design/const. | Permit type: Gen const | Permit id: 401538724 |
SCORE 99 1 Meserole Avenue Brooklyn Ny Installation of new 50 gal. Fuel oil ta nk with new piping and controls to replace existing 50 gallon tank. Rem ove 30 gallon emergency generator tan and install 25 gal day tank. No change in use or egress. Client: Afzar Taherzadeh | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Ave L I C Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 391-1064 | Client Company: Nyc Dept Of Design & Const | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 301055578 |
SCORE 99 2011 Surf Avenue Brooklyn Ny Remove existing 15,0 gal. Fuel oil tan k and replace with new 15,0 g l fuel oil storage tanks with related pi ping and controls. No change in use or gess. Client: Anil Nirody | Client Address: 75 75 Church Street Bklyn Ny 10007 | Client Phone: (212) 306-6738 | Client Company: Nyc Housing Authorithy | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 301230772 |
SCORE 99 Client: Afzar Samani | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue L.I.C. Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 391-1064 | Client Company: N.Y.C. Dept Of Design And Constr | Permit id: 103119956 |
SCORE 99 233 West Street Manhattan Ny Propose to remove 25 gallon diesel emergency generator tank and install new 50 gallon diesel emergency generator tank with new piping and controls. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: Afzar Taherzadeh | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 391-1064 | Client Company: Nyc Dept Of Design & Constr. | Permit type: Const. | Permit id: 102787995 |
SCORE 99 9224 Rockaway Beach Boulevard Queens Ny Installation of soil and groundwater hyd rocarbon remediation system as hown on plans. Excavation, replacement and restoration of contaminated siol fro m surface areas as shown. No change in u se or egress. Removal of system upon jo completion. Client: Afsar Samani | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue L.I.C Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 391-1064 | Client Company: Nyc Dept Of Design & Const. | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 401422046 |