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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
7861 Calle Dos Lagos, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
Replace electrical for pool damaged in 2007 firestorm.
Date:  December 22, 2009

Permit type: Residential alterati | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2009-1007-20 | Parcel: 267-051-18-00
2009/12/220997861 Calle Dos Lagos, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
7861 Calle Dos Lagos, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
Misc supplemental plumbing permit so 1003-20090063 can final.
Date:  December 22, 2009

Permit type: Residential alterati | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2009-1011-20 | Parcel: 267-051-18-00
2009/12/220997861 Calle Dos Lagos, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
17496 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
Det-single story 1152 sq ft barn w fs and misc. Electrical.
Date:  April 14, 2008
Value:   $26,035

Permit type: New residential acc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1006-20 | Parcel: 267-132-04-00
2008/04/14260359917496 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
17455 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
2007 fires rebuilding 5 sqft attached patio cover with fireplace and wetbar. Misc electrical and plumbing. 1011736 plu 03 03 08 see c of a for original scope... Vmd
Date:  February 25, 2008
Value:   $7,135

Permit type: Residential alterati | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1005-20 | Parcel: 267-132-14-00
2008/02/2571359917455 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
17345 La Brisa, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
2007 firestorm streamline rebuild 2744 sqft sfd w ac & fs, 898 sqft attached garage finished w fs, 743 sqft deck, 413 sqft patio cover, and 4 amps ((original was 27 sqft primary structure per damage assessment report)) 1011736 plu notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection
Date:  June 3, 2008
Value:   $407,792

Permit type: New primary residential structure | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1001-20 | Parcel: 267-132-23-00
2008/06/034077929917345 La Brisa, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
17455 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
2007 fires rebuilding 4721 sqft sfd with ac & fs, 985 sqft attached finished garage with fs, 4 amp service, temp power, original sfd was 45 sqft per damage assessment, 1011621 plu. Notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection
Date:  February 7, 2008
Value:   $542,456

Permit type: New primary residential structure | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1003-20 | Parcel: 267-132-14-00
2008/02/075424569917455 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
17455 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
Fico grading for: 2007 fires rebuilding 4721 sqft sfd with ac & fs, 985 sqft attached finished garage with fs, 4 amp service, temp power, original sfd was 45 sqft per damage assessment, 1011621 plu. ~~plan check permit and grading violation fees waived for fire rebuild per cdw. Ksg~~
Date:  February 28, 2008

Permit type: New primary residential structure | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1026-20 | Parcel: 267-132-14-00
2008/02/2809917455 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
7861 Calle Dos Lagos, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
Firestorm 2007 60 sq ft sfd w ac, fs and attached 7 sq ft garage fs fin, 75 sqft breezeway; septic to sewer conversion. ((original house was 60 sq ft w 4 sq ft detached garage per damage assessment report)). Notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection 1011736 plu
Date:  August 25, 2008
Value:   $814,746

Permit type: New primary residential structure | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1001-20 | Parcel: 267-051-18-00
2008/08/25814746997861 Calle Dos Lagos, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
17345 La Brisa, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
2007 firestorm streamline rebuild 2744 sqft sfd w ac & fs, 898 sqft attached garage finished w fs, 743 sqft deck, 413 sqft patio cover, and 4 amps ((original was 27 sqft primary structure per damage assessment report)) 1011736 plu notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection 01 08 2009 see plan changes cond of aprvl for info... Jrj
Date:  September 29, 2008
Value:   $407,792

Permit type: New primary residential structure | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1003-20 | Parcel: 267-132-23-00
2008/09/294077929917345 La Brisa, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
17345 La Brisa, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
2007 fire streamline rebuild 4368 sqft (7 sqft of conditioned offices & 3648 sqft of workshop barn area) on same foundation & 4 amp meter on pole. Misc. Elec., plum. & mech. Original barn was 2952 sqft. 17-dec-2007: per assessors records, original structure consisted of two areas -- barn & stables @ 26 s. F. And living quarters @ 14 s. F. For a total area of 40 s. F. This is the amount that will be credited back for the rebuild. Ksg 1011736
Date:  December 4, 2007
Value:   $82,336

Permit type: Ag. Bldg, barn or accessory strct. | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1001-20 | Parcel: 267-132-23-00
2007/12/04823369917345 La Brisa, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
17508 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
4721 sq ft sfd w both and 985 sq ft attached fin garage w fs and 445 sq ft covered patio at the entry to the courtyard (one outdoor fire place at the entry to the house)... 4 amps electrical service... Dah 06 6 05 notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection
Date:  June 6, 2005
Value:   $505,110

Permit type: New primary residential structure | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1001-20 | Parcel: 267-131-26-00
2005/06/065051109917508 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
17345 La Brisa, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
2007 fire streamline rebuild 4368 sqft (7 sqft of conditioned offices & 3648 sqft of workshop barn area) on same foundation & 4 amp meter on pole. Misc. Elec., plum. & mech. Original barn was 2952 sqft. 17-dec-2007: per assessors records, original structure consisted of two areas -- barn & stables @ 26 s. F. And living quarters @ 14 s. F. For a total area of 40 s. F. This is the amount that will be credited back for the rebuild. Ksg 1011736
Date:  January 11, 2008
Value:   $82,336

Permit type: Ag. Bldg, barn or accessory strct. | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1006-20 | Parcel: 267-132-23-00
2008/01/11823369917345 La Brisa, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
17508 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
4721 sq ft sfd w both and 985 sq ft attached fin garage w fs and 445 sq ft covered patio at the entry to the courtyard (one outdoor fire place at the entry to the house)... 4 amps electrical service... Dah 06 6 05 temp power. Notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection
Date:  March 16, 2006
Value:   $505,110

Permit type: New primary residential structure | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1003-20 | Parcel: 267-131-26-00
2006/03/165051109917508 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
17455 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
2007 fires rebuilding 4721 sqft sfd with ac & fs, 985 sqft attached finished garage with fs, 4 amp service, temp power, original sfd was 45 sqft per damage assessment, 1011621 plu. Notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection
Date:  December 7, 2007
Value:   $542,456

Permit type: New primary residential structure | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1001-20 | Parcel: 267-132-14-00
2007/12/075424569917455 Rancho Del Rio, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
7861 Calle Dos Lagos, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067
Firestorm 2007 60 sq ft sfd w ac, fs and attached 7 sq ft garage fs fin, 75 sqft breezeway; septic to sewer conversion. ((original house was 60 sq ft w 4 sq ft detached garage per damage assessment report)). Notice to permittee: temp power shall be inspected prior to framing inspection 1011736 plu 1 5 10: see conditions of approval other text detail dated 1 5 10... Amc
Date:  April 2, 2009
Value:   $814,746

Permit type: New primary residential structure | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2009-1003-20 | Parcel: 267-051-18-00
2009/04/02814746997861 Calle Dos Lagos, Rancho Santa Fe, Ca 92067Hancock Construction
1 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410
Non-ferrous building addition
Date:  December 7, 2012
Value:   $300,000

Permit type: Industrial addition | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 12-12255
2012/12/07300000991 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410Hancock Construction
1 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410
Non-ferrous building addition
Date:  September 17, 2012
Value:   $20,000

Permit type: Land disturbing perm | Permit status: Finaled | Permit id: 12-40237
2012/09/1720000991 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410Hancock Construction
1 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410
Non-ferrous building addition
Date:  November 27, 2012
Value:   $20,000

Permit type: Land disturbing permit - industrial addition or alteration | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 12-40237
2012/11/2720000991 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410Hancock Construction
1 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410
Non-ferrous building addition
Date:  January 29, 2013
Value:   $300,000

Permit type: Industrial addition permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 12-12255
2013/01/29300000991 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410Hancock Construction
1 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410
Non-ferrous building addition
Date:  November 27, 2012
Value:   $20,000

Permit type: Land disturbing permit - industrial addition or alteration | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 12-40237
2012/11/2720000991 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410Hancock Construction
1 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410
Non-ferrous building addition
Date:  January 29, 2013
Value:   $300,000

Permit type: Industrial addition permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 12-12255
2013/01/29300000991 Workman Rd Chattanooga Tn 37410Hancock Construction

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