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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
19453 Garden Lake Ct Baton Rouge La 70809
New construction residential
Date:  September 15, 2015
Value:   $500,000

Client: Phillip Haddad | Applicant: Phillip Haddad | Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 52425
2015/09/155000009319453 Garden Lake Ct Baton Rouge La 70809Haddad Contractors Llc
18107 Highland Market Dr Baton Rouge La 70810
Vanilla box-style complete interior (requiring future renovation for occupancy) to create lease space 104 of 1,003 s. F. For future mercantile use.
Date:  May 31, 2014

Client: George Kurz | Applicant: Michael Sullivan | Permit type: Commercial: complete interior | Permit id: 38138
2014/05/3109318107 Highland Market Dr Baton Rouge La 70810Haddad Contractors Llc
18107 Highland Market Drive Baton Rouge La
New shell construction of 8,466 s. F. Bldg. For mercantile use (intended for six unresolved suite spaces--see vanilla box interiors). Electrical service contains 4 suite meters and 1 house meter.
Date:  May 22, 2014
Value:   $1,100,000

Client: George Kurz | Applicant: Michael Sullivan | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 37890
2014/05/2211000009318107 Highland Market Drive Baton Rouge LaHaddad Contractors Llc
15524 Airline Hwy. Baton Rouge La 70817
Interior renovation to 4,0 s. F. Of existing 10,634 s. F. Bldg. For office warehouse use.
Date:  March 20, 2014
Value:   $128,000

Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 35699
2014/03/201280009315524 Airline Hwy. Baton Rouge La 70817Haddad Contractors Llc
635 Highlandia Dr East Baton Rouge La 70810
New construction of a 5,6 sf. Pre-engineered metal bldg. For warehouse use of non-combustibles. Rear exterior wall 1 off pl is constructed with a 2-hour fire distance separation (rated for exposure to fire from both sides).
Date:  November 19, 2015
Value:   $350,000

Client: R J Mcgimsky | Applicant: Phillip Haddad | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 51894
2015/11/1935000093635 Highlandia Dr East Baton Rouge La 70810Haddad Contractors Llc
18107 Highland Market Dr Baton Rouge La 70810
Interior renovation to existing vanilla box complete interior suite space 105 of 1,2 s. F. For mercantile use.
Date:  September 17, 2015
Value:   $36,000

Client: George Kurz | Permit type: Commercial: complete interior | Permit id: 51826
2015/09/17360009318107 Highland Market Dr Baton Rouge La 70810Haddad Contractors Llc
635 Highlandia Dr Baton Rouge La 70810
New construction of a 5,6 sf. Pre-engineered metal bldg. For warehouse use of non-combustibles. Rear exterior wall 1 off pl is constructed with a 2-hour fire distance separation (rated for exposure to fire from both sides).
Date:  August 28, 2015
Value:   $350,000

Client: R J Mcgimsky | Applicant: Phillip Haddad | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 51894
2015/08/2835000093635 Highlandia Dr Baton Rouge La 70810Haddad Contractors Llc
9808 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge La 70810
New 3161 sf. Urgent care clinic w 5 exam rooms; 1-story, non-sprk. With parking and landscaping.
Date:  March 18, 2014
Value:   $304,000

Applicant: Gerard Langlois | Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 35603
2014/03/18304000939808 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge La 70810Haddad Contractors Llc
171 Manchac Park Ln Ste B Baton Rouge La 70817
Remodel (to existing shell construction of 99,122 s. F. Bldg. For heavy manufacturing facility occupancy: permit 44337) limited at this point to e and p in slab for f-1 use, suite b of 74,735 s. F.--revisions changed suite space to 77,718 s. F. (pud 3-08) revised plans 7/28/2015 add enclosed equipment yard with generators, interior renovations and including ceiling floor and stairs anticipating future second floor build-out.... Earls electric is installing sandblast equipment only
Date:  January 13, 2015
Value:   $4,000,000

Client: Kenneth St. Romain | Applicant: Cheryl Cloud | Permit type: Commercial: complete interior | Permit id: 44615
2015/01/13400000093171 Manchac Park Ln Ste B Baton Rouge La 70817Haddad Contractors Llc
9222 Burbank Dr Baton Rouge La 70820
Renovation of existing batting cages on "existing slab" (sounds inappropriate for this new use) to cover with roof and add walls and e, m, p for office and equipment room to create 7,2 s. F. Bldg. Assembly-3 recreation indoor baseball. Construction type iiib. Based on the use as a batting cages we are using the occupant load calculation table 1004. 1. 2 as exercise rooms which is 72 sf / gross= 144 people.
Date:  March 18, 2016
Value:   $185,581

Client: Tom Bernhardt | Applicant: Philip Haddad | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 56565
2016/03/18185581939222 Burbank Dr Baton Rouge La 70820Haddad Contractors Llc
4706 Oak Estates Ln Baton Rouge La 70809
New single family residence
Date:  July 8, 2013
Value:   $559,460

Client: Brennan And Ashley Uter | Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 28640
2013/07/08559460934706 Oak Estates Ln Baton Rouge La 70809Haddad Contractors Llc
9026 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809
New shell construction of bldg. 2: 4,728 s. F. Bldg. Plus 141 s. F. Covered porches intended for three business tenants, suites 200, 201, & 202. (sp 20-15)
Date:  November 18, 2016
Value:   $583,000

Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 61862
2016/11/18583000939026 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809Haddad Contractors Llc
22323 Rabbit Run Dr Baton Rouge La 70817
New single family 2-story residence located in the 100-109 mph windzone
Date:  January 26, 2017
Value:   $634,218

Client: Jason Brock | Applicant: Phillip Haddad Iii | Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 69670
2017/01/266342189322323 Rabbit Run Dr Baton Rouge La 70817Haddad Contractors Llc
9808 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge La 70810
Complete interior to create lease space 2 of 3,526 s. F. For business use.
Date:  May 11, 2017

Permit type: Commercial: complete interior | Permit id: 76384
2017/05/110939808 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge La 70810Haddad Contractors Llc
Date:  April 4, 2017
Value:   $125,000

Client: Jason Brock | Permit type: Residential: accessory | Permit id: 75500
2017/04/041250009322323 Rabbit Run Dr Baton Rouge La 70817Haddad Contractors Llc
9844 B Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809
Interior renovation of 1,5 s. F. Existing vanilla box comp. Interior (35998) for business use.
Date:  August 1, 2017
Value:   $75,000

Applicant: Tina Konczol | Permit type: Commercial: remodel | Permit id: 77589
2017/08/0175000939844 B Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809Haddad Contractors Llc
9026 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809
Complete interior to suite 201 of 1576 s. F. In bldg. 2 for business office use.
Date:  November 18, 2016

Permit type: Commercial: complete interior | Permit id: 61989
2016/11/180939026 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809Haddad Contractors Llc
9026 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809
Complete interior to suite 202 of 1576 s. F. In bldg. 2 for business office use.
Date:  November 18, 2016

Permit type: Commercial: complete interior | Permit id: 61990
2016/11/180939026 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809Haddad Contractors Llc
2257 Tiger Crossing Dr Baton Rouge La 70810
New construction residential
Date:  May 12, 2016
Value:   $493,116

Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 58492
2016/05/12493116932257 Tiger Crossing Dr Baton Rouge La 70810Haddad Contractors Llc
9373 Baringer Foreman Rd Baton Rouge La 70817
Foundation only of 11,185 s. F. Bldg. #3 intended for 2 future tenant spaces for business use (sp 2-17) sewer treatment plant.
Date:  September 5, 2017
Value:   $120,000

Applicant: Mike Kennedy | Permit type: Commercial: special foundation | Permit id: 80462
2017/09/05120000939373 Baringer Foreman Rd Baton Rouge La 70817Haddad Contractors Llc
4021 W E. Heck Ct Baton Rouge La
New construction of shell bldg. B of 2,762 s. F. (+ intended for 2 office suites: b1 and b2 for business office use.
Date:  August 9, 2017
Value:   $290,000

Permit type: Commercial: shell | Permit id: 77334
2017/08/09290000934021 W E. Heck Ct Baton Rouge LaHaddad Contractors Llc
9026 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809
Complete interior to suite 2 of 1576 s. F. In bldg. 2 for business office use.
Date:  November 18, 2016

Permit type: Commercial: complete interior | Permit id: 61988
2016/11/180939026 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809Haddad Contractors Llc
22323 Rabbit Run Dr Baton Rouge La 70817
Detached assessory building located in the 100-109 mph windzone, flood zone from #69670
Date:  January 12, 2017
Value:   $175,000

Client: Jason Brock | Applicant: Phillip Haddad | Permit type: Residential: accessory | Permit id: 69668
2017/01/121750009322323 Rabbit Run Dr Baton Rouge La 70817Haddad Contractors Llc
9808 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge La 70810
Complete interior to create lease space 201 of 1,8 s. F. For business use.
Date:  May 11, 2017

Permit type: Commercial: complete interior | Permit id: 76385
2017/05/110939808 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge La 70810Haddad Contractors Llc
9808 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge La 70810
New construction of 5,8 s. F. Shell bldg. B intended for 2 suites: 2 (3,526 s. F.) and 201 (18 s. F.) and 474 s. F. Of porches.
Date:  May 11, 2017
Value:   $562,000

Permit type: Commercial: new | Permit id: 75173
2017/05/11562000939808 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge La 70810Haddad Contractors Llc
4021 W E. Heck Ct Baton Rouge La
Complete interior to create suite space b1 of 1,381 s. F. For office use (+ s. F. Porch) in shell bldg. B of 2,842 s. F. (permit 77334) intended for 2 office suites.
Date:  August 9, 2017

Permit type: Commercial: complete interior | Permit id: 78749
2017/08/090934021 W E. Heck Ct Baton Rouge LaHaddad Contractors Llc
4021 W E. Heck Ct Baton Rouge La
Complete interior to create suite space b2 of 1,381 s. F. For office use (+ s. F. Porch) in shell bldg. B of 2,842 s. F. (permit 77334) intended for 2 office suites.
Date:  August 9, 2017

Permit type: Commercial: complete interior | Permit id: 78750
2017/08/090934021 W E. Heck Ct Baton Rouge LaHaddad Contractors Llc
9026 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809
Site work/parking lot in anticipation of office park with 6 future office bldgs. To total 32,195 s. F. No lighting intended for parking lot. (udd4: sp 20-15) (spud 4-15)
Date:  October 12, 2016
Value:   $583,000

Permit type: Commercial: parking lot | Permit id: 56796
2016/10/12583000939026 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge La 70809Haddad Contractors Llc
9373 Baringer Foreman Rd Baton Rouge La 70817
New shell construction of 10,685 s. F. Bldg. #3 intended for 2 future tenant spaces for business use and parking lot. (sp 2-17) sewer treatment plant. Foundation under permit 80462.
Date:  September 28, 2017
Value:   $950,000

Applicant: Mike Kennedy | Permit type: Commercial: shell | Permit id: 76900
2017/09/28950000939373 Baringer Foreman Rd Baton Rouge La 70817Haddad Contractors Llc
4706 Oak Estates Ln Baton Rouge La 70809
New single family residence
Date:  August 15, 2013
Value:   $559,460

Client: Brennan And Ashley Uter | Permit type: Residential: new | Permit id: 28640
2013/08/15559460934706 Oak Estates Ln Baton Rouge La 70809Haddad Contractors Llc
15955 Old Perkins Rd Baton Rouge La 70810
Foundation only for future 4,5 s. F. Bldg. For factory-industrial use, saw shop.
Date:  October 12, 2017
Value:   $35,000

Permit type: Commercial: special foundation | Permit id: 80666
2017/10/12350009315955 Old Perkins Rd Baton Rouge La 70810Haddad Contractors Llc
15955 Old Perkins Rd Baton Rouge La 70810
Foundation only for future 24,4 s. F. Office warehouse bldg. With mezzanine.
Date:  October 12, 2017
Value:   $150,000

Permit type: Commercial: special foundation | Permit id: 80667
2017/10/121500009315955 Old Perkins Rd Baton Rouge La 70810Haddad Contractors Llc

Contractor Rank Contractor Details Number of Projects Avg. Project Cost Years in Business Photos
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