SCORE 96  Date: May 17, 2010  Value: $1,795
Client: Loury, Wayne | Permit id: Plum20101438 | 2010/05/17 | 1795 | 96 | 3215 Winnebago St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 1, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Lundberg, Anita | Permit id: Plum20111170 | 2011/03/01 | 695 | 96 | 39 Sage Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 9, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Coleman, Regina | Permit id: Plum20101531 | 2010/06/09 | 695 | 96 | 214 Alliance Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 3, 2010
Client: Orput Companies | Permit id: Plum20101125 | 2010/03/03 | 0 | 96 | 1645 Alpine Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 30, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Moreland, Evera | Permit id: Plum20101715 | 2010/07/30 | 695 | 96 | 222 Waldo St Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 31, 2010  Value: $250
Permit id: Mech20101397 | 2010/03/31 | 250 | 96 | 3024 Gladstone Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 5, 2010  Value: $175
Permit id: Mech20101572 | 2010/05/05 | 175 | 96 | 1217 Gordon Ave Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 26, 2011  Value: $2,965
Permit id: Mech20112055 | 2011/07/26 | 2965 | 96 | 36 Charles St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 9, 2011  Value: $200
Client: Turner, Lee | Permit id: Mech20111350 | 2011/03/09 | 200 | 96 | 2438 Elm St Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 18, 2010  Value: $1,165
Client: Martin, Joseph | Permit id: Plum20102059 | 2010/11/18 | 1165 | 96 | 217 Oakwood Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 32 Alpine Rd Rockford, Il 61109Dollar store. Convert business to retail store. Install gas line for 3- future furnaces- 125,0 btu each. Against owner(fine imposed per ss)  Date: April 28, 2011  Value: $2,965
Client: Rosauer, John | Permit id: Mech20111644 | 2011/04/28 | 2965 | 96 | 32 Alpine Rd Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 27, 2010  Value: $3,730
Permit id: Mech20101535 | 2010/04/27 | 3730 | 96 | 2982 Cheroakwood Ln Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 7, 2010  Value: $973
Client: Mulford Park Apartments | Permit id: Plum20101425 | 2010/05/07 | 973 | 96 | 425 Gramercy Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 10, 2008
Client: Glowa, Marian | Permit id: Plum20081103 | 2008/12/10 | 0 | 96 | 117 Rockford Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 7, 2009  Value: $1,240
Client: Hai Quynh Restaurant | Permit id: Plum20091218 | 2009/04/07 | 1240 | 96 | 324 7th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 19, 2010  Value: $1,865
Client: Silva, Jo Anna | Permit id: Plum20101335 | 2010/04/19 | 1865 | 96 | 1214 17th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 14, 2009  Value: $2,265
Client: Due, Cecil | Permit id: Plum20091693 | 2009/09/14 | 2265 | 96 | 2208 19th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 4, 2010  Value: $500
Client: Bradley, Sherrie | Permit id: Plum20091949 | 2010/02/04 | 500 | 96 | 2138 6th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 26, 2010  Value: $800
Client: Howard, Shirley | Permit id: Plum20101246 | 2010/03/26 | 800 | 96 | 2314 7th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 20, 2009  Value: $1,795
Client: Vich, Carl | Permit id: Plum20091517 | 2009/07/20 | 1795 | 96 | 2305 7th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 16, 2009
Client: Fry, Randy | Permit id: Plum20091871 | 2009/11/16 | 0 | 96 | 2104 21st St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 26, 2009  Value: $1,195
Client: Bussey | Permit id: Plum20091803 | 2009/10/26 | 1195 | 96 | 413 27th St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 20, 2008
Client: Mosher, Richard | Permit id: Plum20081064 | 2008/11/20 | 0 | 96 | 2616 Brighton Rd Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 27, 2008
Client: Worden, Francis | Permit id: Plum20081025 | 2008/10/27 | 0 | 96 | 3407 Cross St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: January 6, 2010  Value: $2,395
Permit id: Plum20101013 | 2010/01/06 | 2395 | 96 | 1323 Kent St Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 14, 2010
Client: Medrano, Miguel | Permit id: Plum20101327 | 2010/04/14 | 0 | 96 | 1215 Independence Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 19, 2010
Client: Peavler, Jody | Permit id: Plum20101073 | 2010/02/19 | 0 | 96 | 212 Buckbee St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 5, 2009  Value: $1,965
Permit id: Plum20091834 | 2009/11/05 | 1965 | 96 | 1925 4th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 31, 2009  Value: $1,695
Client: Zachary | Permit id: Plum20091199 | 2009/03/31 | 1695 | 96 | 1507 Iris Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 8, 2009
Client: Aviles, Bonnie | Permit id: Plum20091628 | 2009/09/08 | 0 | 96 | 807 22nd Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 1, 2010
Client: Copp, Dennis | Permit id: Plum20091946 | 2010/02/01 | 0 | 96 | 822 22nd Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 29, 2009  Value: $600
Client: Taco Bell | Permit id: Plum20091548 | 2009/07/29 | 600 | 96 | 2602 Auburn St Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 14, 2010  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20101328 | 2010/04/14 | 695 | 96 | 625 Independence Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 8, 2010  Value: $3,000
Permit id: Plum20101299 | 2010/04/08 | 3000 | 96 | 439 Irving Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 10, 2009  Value: $500
Client: Gordon, Steve | Permit id: Plum20091410 | 2009/06/10 | 500 | 96 | 2419 Jefferson St Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 24, 2009  Value: $1,695
Client: Blocher, George | Permit id: Plum20091538 | 2009/07/24 | 1695 | 96 | 322 Albert Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 1417 Andrews St Rockford, Il 61101Hang 2" sewer pipe due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify homeowner city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: May 3, 2010  Value: $465
Permit id: Plum20101393 | 2010/05/03 | 465 | 96 | 1417 Andrews St Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 19, 2010  Value: $1,965
Permit id: Plum20101225 | 2010/03/19 | 1965 | 96 | 515 Newport Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 20, 2008
Client: Marchetti, Melba | Permit id: Plum20081068 | 2008/11/20 | 0 | 96 | 404 Mclain Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 19, 2010  Value: $1,565
Permit id: Plum20101226 | 2010/03/19 | 1565 | 96 | 515 Newport Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: January 25, 2010  Value: $300
Client: Rathskeller, Der | Permit id: Plum20101055 | 2010/01/25 | 300 | 96 | 1132 Auburn St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 29, 2009  Value: $5,965
Client: Anderson, Chandler | Permit id: Plum20091971 | 2009/12/29 | 5965 | 96 | 856 Haskell Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 28, 2009  Value: $2,260
Client: Childrens Development Center | Permit id: Plum20091638 | 2009/08/28 | 2260 | 96 | 6 Main St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 1, 2009  Value: $460
Client: Sullivan, Dan | Permit id: Plum20091207 | 2009/04/01 | 460 | 96 | 1524 Myott Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 8, 2010  Value: $2,665
Client: Serns, Owen | Permit id: Plum20101100 | 2010/02/08 | 2665 | 96 | 1602 Jackson St Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 15, 2010  Value: $2,465
Permit id: Plum20101205 | 2010/03/15 | 2465 | 96 | 1621 Deborah Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 12, 2010  Value: $300
Client: Hinton, Mary | Permit id: Plum20101373 | 2010/05/12 | 300 | 96 | 3336 Alida St Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 20, 2009
Client: Chastain, Sheryl | Permit id: Plum20091493 | 2009/07/20 | 0 | 96 | 2903 Garfield Dr Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 7, 2009  Value: $1,800
Permit id: Plum20091222 | 2009/04/07 | 1800 | 96 | 2816 Arcadia Ter Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 7, 2009  Value: $1,000
Permit id: Plum20091221 | 2009/04/07 | 1000 | 96 | 3027 Arcadia Ter Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 1, 2010  Value: $565
Permit id: Plum20101155 | 2010/03/01 | 565 | 96 | 3304 Summerdale Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 5, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Jacobson, Brenda | Permit id: Plum20101408 | 2010/05/05 | 695 | 96 | 425 Welty Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 5, 2008
Client: Amcore Group Investment | Permit id: Plum20081042 | 2008/11/05 | 0 | 96 | 26 Highcrest Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 18, 2009  Value: $400
Client: Forsay, Mary | Permit id: Plum20091602 | 2009/08/18 | 400 | 96 | 7241 Sentinel Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 30, 2009  Value: $2,900
Client: Keibatsjke, Keith | Permit id: Plum20091551 | 2009/07/30 | 2900 | 96 | 3 Mclain Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 31, 2008
Client: Daraphet, Somvandy | Permit id: Plum20081135 | 2008/12/31 | 0 | 96 | 418 Gregory St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 7, 2010  Value: $973
Client: Mulford Park Apartments | Permit id: Plum20101423 | 2010/05/07 | 973 | 96 | 344 Gramercy Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 5, 2010  Value: $5,795
Permit id: Plum20101405 | 2010/05/05 | 5795 | 96 | 323 Gramercy Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 7, 2010  Value: $973
Client: Mulford Park Apartments | Permit id: Plum20101422 | 2010/05/07 | 973 | 96 | 383 Bancroft Ct Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 27, 2010  Value: $500
Client: Chantam Ct Apartments | Permit id: Plum20102263 | 2010/12/27 | 500 | 96 | 1905 Riverside Blvd Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 20, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Troy | Permit id: Plum20111468 | 2011/05/20 | 695 | 96 | 2744 City View Ct Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 28, 2010  Value: $765
Client: Spatalno, Jennie | Permit id: Plum20101592 | 2010/06/28 | 765 | 96 | 2264 Churchview Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 4428 Pepper Dr Rockford, Il 61114Replace water heater, gal due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: January 13, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Mayzer | Permit id: Plum20111031 | 2011/01/13 | 695 | 96 | 4428 Pepper Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 7, 2011  Value: $765
Permit id: Plum20111881 | 2011/09/07 | 765 | 96 | 6155 Palo Verde Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 18, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Carter, Dennis | Permit id: Plum20111825 | 2011/08/18 | 695 | 96 | 1623 Prospect Ct Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 18, 2011  Value: $1,565
Client: Wilson, Judy K | Permit id: Plum20112033 | 2011/10/18 | 1565 | 96 | 136 Prospect St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 21, 2011  Value: $1,265
Permit id: Plum20111611 | 2011/06/21 | 1265 | 96 | 1 London Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 16, 2010  Value: $1,565
Client: Mavenan, Ed | Permit id: Plum20101772 | 2010/08/16 | 1565 | 96 | 1011 12th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 7, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Binder, Nancy | Permit id: Plum20101871 | 2010/09/07 | 695 | 96 | 927 20th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 20, 2010  Value: $750
Client: Lundgren, Jim | Permit id: Plum20101671 | 2010/07/20 | 750 | 96 | 1311 16th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 8, 2010  Value: $1,295
Permit id: Plum20102093 | 2010/11/08 | 1295 | 96 | 13 Parmele St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 28, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Rock, Linda | Permit id: Plum20111640 | 2011/06/28 | 695 | 96 | 1515 10th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 18, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Johnson, Susan | Permit id: Plum20111706 | 2011/07/18 | 695 | 96 | 1107 20th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 12, 2011  Value: $1,965
Client: Swenson, Don | Permit id: Plum20111797 | 2011/08/12 | 1965 | 96 | 1311 11th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 30, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Lynch, Diane | Permit id: Plum20111301 | 2011/03/30 | 695 | 96 | 20 5th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 23, 2010  Value: $673
Client: Cross Country | Permit id: Plum20101680 | 2010/07/23 | 673 | 96 | 2225 10th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 23, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Tate, Michele | Permit id: Plum20101790 | 2010/08/23 | 695 | 96 | 1901 6th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: January 31, 2011  Value: $1,999
Permit id: Plum20111055 | 2011/01/31 | 1999 | 96 | 1528 20th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 15, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Dehart, Kevin | Permit id: Plum20111804 | 2011/08/15 | 695 | 96 | 712 27th St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 23, 2010  Value: $1,665
Client: Moist | Permit id: Plum20101800 | 2010/08/23 | 1665 | 96 | 2209 Parmele St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 10, 2010  Value: $565
Client: Kinison, Scott | Permit id: Plum20101888 | 2010/09/10 | 565 | 96 | 3907 Public Ln Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 28, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Sutherland, Sean | Permit id: Plum20101699 | 2010/07/28 | 695 | 96 | 1923 Raismore Rd Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 15, 2011  Value: $465
Client: Tapcorn, Mary | Permit id: Plum20111369 | 2011/04/15 | 465 | 96 | 236 Vale Ave Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 22, 2010  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20102043 | 2010/10/22 | 695 | 96 | 3005 Wesleyan Ave Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 1316 Widergren Dr Rockford, Il 61108Replace water heater due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: December 27, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Carlson, Ingrid | Permit id: Plum20102267 | 2010/12/27 | 695 | 96 | 1316 Widergren Dr Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 3, 2010  Value: $769
Client: Martinez | Permit id: Plum20102196 | 2010/12/03 | 769 | 96 | 815 Peter Ave Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 20, 2010  Value: $1,590
Client: Berglund, Connie | Permit id: Plum20101464 | 2010/05/20 | 1590 | 96 | 906 Parkside Dr Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 523 28th St Rockford, Il 61108Gal due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify homeowner city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: May 25, 2010  Value: $750
Client: Marik, Shirley | Permit id: Plum20101485 | 2010/05/25 | 750 | 96 | 523 28th St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 19, 2010  Value: $765
Client: Rathke, Tim | Permit id: Plum20101785 | 2010/08/19 | 765 | 96 | 512 28th St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 29, 2010  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20102064 | 2010/10/29 | 695 | 96 | 4 Rockford Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 25, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Spilmon | Permit id: Plum20101810 | 2010/08/25 | 695 | 96 | 28 State St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 2, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Biavati, Karen | Permit id: Plum20111871 | 2011/09/02 | 695 | 96 | 2931 Oak Grove Ln Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 511 27th St Rockford, Il 61108Gal due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: November 29, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Linderman, Mary | Permit id: Plum20102168 | 2010/11/29 | 695 | 96 | 511 27th St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 316 Vale Ave Rockford, Il 61108Replace water heater, gal due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: December 27, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Anderson, Cynthia | Permit id: Plum20102262 | 2010/12/27 | 695 | 96 | 316 Vale Ave Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 21, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Clendening | Permit id: Plum20101471 | 2010/05/21 | 695 | 96 | 106 Oriole Cir Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 22, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Evueg | Permit id: Plum20101572 | 2010/06/22 | 695 | 96 | 2019 Nebraska Rd Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 3, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Schoepski | Permit id: Plum20111767 | 2011/08/03 | 695 | 96 | 3131 Maryland Rd Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 13, 2011  Value: $665
Client: Gutshall, Gary | Permit id: Plum20111349 | 2011/04/13 | 665 | 96 | 11 6th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 26, 2011  Value: $1,465
Client: Gardens, Orchid | Permit id: Plum20111518 | 2011/05/26 | 1465 | 96 | 727 3rd St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 25, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Vietch, Starlyn | Permit id: Plum20102037 | 2010/10/25 | 695 | 96 | 829 18th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 8, 2010  Value: $765
Client: Wheaton, Roger | Permit id: Plum20101630 | 2010/07/08 | 765 | 96 | 819 22nd Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 1, 2010  Value: $665
Permit id: Plum20102181 | 2010/12/01 | 665 | 96 | 401 Webster Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 22, 2010  Value: $2,365
Client: Voss, Brian | Permit id: Plum20101931 | 2010/09/22 | 2365 | 96 | 1408 National Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 5, 2011  Value: $1,695
Client: Larson, Mark | Permit id: Plum20111653 | 2011/07/05 | 1695 | 96 | 2419 Vernon St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 10, 2011  Value: $3,865
Client: Entsminger, Rex | Permit id: Plum20111451 | 2011/05/10 | 3865 | 96 | 1525 National Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 15, 2011  Value: $2,265
Client: Stevenson, Lincoln | Permit id: Plum20111802 | 2011/08/15 | 2265 | 96 | 11 Main St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 12, 2011  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20111461 | 2011/05/12 | 695 | 96 | 1509 River Bluff Blvd Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 7, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Perez, Andy | Permit id: Plum20111551 | 2011/06/07 | 695 | 96 | 2025 Pierce Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 25, 2010  Value: $1,000
Permit id: Plum20102050 | 2010/10/25 | 1000 | 96 | 2211 Van Wie Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 23, 2010  Value: $675
Client: Lynch | Permit id: Plum20101575 | 2010/06/23 | 675 | 96 | 224 Rockford Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 23, 2010  Value: $1,765
Permit id: Plum20102260 | 2010/12/23 | 1765 | 96 | 401 London Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 26, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Moran | Permit id: Plum20101492 | 2010/05/26 | 695 | 96 | 16 Sprucewood Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 23, 2011  Value: $1,865
Client: Willsod, Josh | Permit id: Plum20111500 | 2011/05/23 | 1865 | 96 | 311 Oak Knolls Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 18, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Hucksep, Mervin | Permit id: Plum20111707 | 2011/07/18 | 695 | 96 | 1126 Arden Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 30, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Long, Don | Permit id: Plum20111860 | 2011/08/30 | 695 | 96 | 622 Wood Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 23, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Stokes, William | Permit id: Plum20111499 | 2011/05/23 | 695 | 96 | 3505 16th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 6, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Eberly, Nancy | Permit id: Plum20111324 | 2011/04/06 | 695 | 96 | 2734 9th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 28 8th St Rockford, Il 61109Install soaking tub due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: December 29, 2010  Value: $500
Permit id: Plum20102282 | 2010/12/29 | 500 | 96 | 28 8th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 29, 2011  Value: $1,432
Client: Swanson, Robert | Permit id: Plum20111642 | 2011/06/29 | 1432 | 96 | 2637 11th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 30, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Otwell | Permit id: Plum20102179 | 2010/11/30 | 695 | 96 | 1293 Anee Dr Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 5642 Alma Dr Rockford, Il 61108Replace water heater, gal due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: January 5, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Smmons, Vallarie | Permit id: Plum20111010 | 2011/01/05 | 695 | 96 | 5642 Alma Dr Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 8, 2011  Value: $1,165
Client: Little Caesars | Permit id: Plum20111892 | 2011/09/08 | 1165 | 96 | 3134 11th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 27, 2011  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20111950 | 2011/09/27 | 695 | 96 | 387 Shay Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: January 6, 2011  Value: $900
Permit id: Plum20111015 | 2011/01/06 | 900 | 96 | 3145 11th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 10, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Putnam, Jim | Permit id: Plum20101886 | 2010/09/10 | 695 | 96 | 2736 18th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 13, 2011  Value: $5,765
Permit id: Plum20111904 | 2011/09/13 | 5765 | 96 | 1123 Marigold Cir Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 15, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Mack | Permit id: Plum20111365 | 2011/04/15 | 695 | 96 | 5141 Norwich Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 7, 2011  Value: $765
Client: Bertrand, Chad | Permit id: Plum20111554 | 2011/06/07 | 765 | 96 | 2359 Silverthorn Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 12, 2011  Value: $795
Client: Olmstead, Dean | Permit id: Plum20111795 | 2011/08/12 | 795 | 96 | 2606 Spring Creek Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 1645 Alpine Rd Rockford, Il 61107Mk nails spa - interior buildout. Construct demising wall, and new laundry room. Nail salon with pedicure and manicure stations. Plan review #09-0713, permit by appt. 1" water line to fixtures, (20) air chambers for fixtures, 1 expansion tank wheater, 1 rpz, 1 temp control valve for handsink, 1 handicap stool, 1 future stool, 2 hsinks, 1 msink, 1 fdrain, 1 opensite, 1 w&d combo  Date: September 1, 2009
Client: Orput Companies | Permit id: Plum20091528 | 2009/09/01 | 0 | 96 | 1645 Alpine Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 19, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Orsinger, Louis | Permit id: Plum20111713 | 2011/07/19 | 695 | 96 | 3316 Windsong Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 3, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Uchegbu | Permit id: Plum20111766 | 2011/08/03 | 695 | 96 | 5125 Pepper Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 21, 2010  Value: $2,965
Client: Stern, David | Permit id: Plum20101927 | 2010/09/21 | 2965 | 96 | 3213 Youngfield Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 19, 2011  Value: $795
Client: Bronzi, William | Permit id: Plum20111712 | 2011/07/19 | 795 | 96 | 4604 Pepper Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 1, 2011  Value: $765
Client: Saccomando | Permit id: Plum20111074 | 2011/02/01 | 765 | 96 | 1739 Red Oak Ln Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 28, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Lundberg, Anita | Permit id: Plum20111288 | 2011/03/28 | 695 | 96 | 39 Sage Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 12, 2011  Value: $1,195
Client: Brynolt, Mark | Permit id: Plum20111900 | 2011/09/12 | 1195 | 96 | 5459 11th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 18, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Campbell, John | Permit id: Plum20111125 | 2011/02/18 | 695 | 96 | 3806 Toft St Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 5268 Deer Pte Rockford, Il 61114Replace water heater, gal due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: January 10, 2011  Value: $795
Permit id: Plum20111024 | 2011/01/10 | 795 | 96 | 5268 Deer Pte Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 27, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Boehler, Eileen | Permit id: Plum20111526 | 2011/05/27 | 695 | 96 | 3544 St Moritz Trl Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 20, 2010  Value: $5,165
Client: Peterson Meadows | Permit id: Plum20102011 | 2010/10/20 | 5165 | 96 | 6401 Newburg Rd Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 12, 2011  Value: $7,965
Client: Peterson Meadows | Permit id: Plum20111677 | 2011/07/12 | 7965 | 96 | 6401 Newburg Rd Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 4429 Pepper Dr Rockford, Il 61114Replace water heater, galreplace electric due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: January 7, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Molencurr, Mark | Permit id: Plum20111017 | 2011/01/07 | 695 | 96 | 4429 Pepper Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: January 4, 2013  Value: $5,965
Client: Chateau Court Apartments | Permit id: Plum20131014 | 2013/01/04 | 5965 | 96 | 1971 Riverside Blvd Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 7, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Rowe, Ralph | Permit id: Plum20101525 | 2010/06/07 | 695 | 96 | 1726 Duncan Ave Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 17, 2010  Value: $965
Client: Lee, Bill | Permit id: Plum20101564 | 2010/06/17 | 965 | 96 | 1331 Broadway Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 11, 2010  Value: $2,965
Client: Homeowner, Gary | Permit id: Plum20101758 | 2010/08/11 | 2965 | 96 | 1417 Broadway Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 15, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Forschen, Carol | Permit id: Plum20102003 | 2010/10/15 | 695 | 96 | 3423 Cross St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 12, 2010  Value: $1,595
Client: Liebgott, Donald | Permit id: Plum20101987 | 2010/10/12 | 1595 | 96 | 3725 Connecticut Dr Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 13, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Carlson, Kathy | Permit id: Plum20101892 | 2010/09/13 | 695 | 96 | 811 Emerson Dr Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 26, 2011  Value: $765
Client: Rasmussen, Chris | Permit id: Plum20112065 | 2011/10/26 | 765 | 96 | 3613 Charles St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 6, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Davis, Louise | Permit id: Plum20101620 | 2010/07/06 | 695 | 96 | 803 Emerson Dr Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 31, 2011  Value: $765
Client: Rasmussen, Chris | Permit id: Plum20112083 | 2011/10/31 | 765 | 96 | 3613 Charles St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 18, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Zanello, Robert | Permit id: Plum20111824 | 2011/08/18 | 695 | 96 | 527 Fairview Ave Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 24, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Zanello, Robert | Permit id: Plum20111842 | 2011/08/24 | 695 | 96 | 324 Baker Pl Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 435 Mulford Rd Rockford, Il 61107Plumbing child permit - 1 water closet, 1 lavatory, 1 backflow rpz (3/4"), 1 mop sink. Internal remodeling of non-load bearing walls and electrical. 1,388 square feet. Plan review 12-1201  Date: December 24, 2012  Value: $3,715
Client: Johnson, Trent | Permit id: Plum20122177 | 2012/12/24 | 3715 | 96 | 435 Mulford Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 21, 2012  Value: $1,095
Client: Jones, Teddy | Permit id: Plum20122235 | 2012/12/21 | 1095 | 96 | 2315 Main St Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 22, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Tzenopoulos, Marth | Permit id: Plum20111260 | 2011/03/22 | 695 | 96 | 711 Johnston Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 16, 2011  Value: $2,765
Client: Henry, Laila | Permit id: Plum20111587 | 2011/06/16 | 2765 | 96 | 517 Greenview Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 28, 2010  Value: $1,365
Client: Hugel, Ken | Permit id: Plum20101585 | 2010/06/28 | 1365 | 96 | 12 Fairview Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 25, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Snoddy | Permit id: Plum20111161 | 2011/02/25 | 695 | 96 | 1435 Fairview Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 26, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Ross, Donald | Permit id: Plum20101490 | 2010/05/26 | 695 | 96 | 433 Jilson Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 30, 2012  Value: $1,965
Client: Young, Blake | Permit id: Plum20121717 | 2012/07/30 | 1965 | 96 | 1229 Preston St Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 7, 2011  Value: $1,965
Client: Kloski, Eric | Permit id: Plum20111659 | 2011/07/07 | 1965 | 96 | 19 Bruner St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 1, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Alsup, Kathyleen | Permit id: Plum20101851 | 2010/09/01 | 695 | 96 | 2034 Douglas St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 23, 2010  Value: $1,465
Client: Punison, Mark | Permit id: Plum20102152 | 2010/11/23 | 1465 | 96 | 1722 Huffman Blvd Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 2009 Grant Ave Rockford, Il 61103Replace overflow & waste bath tub due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify homeowner city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: May 25, 2010  Value: $300
Client: Griert, Larry | Permit id: Plum20101484 | 2010/05/25 | 300 | 96 | 2009 Grant Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 9, 2011  Value: $725
Client: Ford, Theodore | Permit id: Plum20111447 | 2011/05/09 | 725 | 96 | 19 Clinton St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 29, 2011  Value: $1,995
Client: Liahona Development | Permit id: Plum20111853 | 2011/08/29 | 1995 | 96 | 402 Churchill St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 14, 2011  Value: $7,490
Client: Wilson, Mike | Permit id: Plum20111072 | 2011/02/14 | 7490 | 96 | 808 Garfield Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 12, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Saunders, Patricia | Permit id: Plum20101990 | 2010/10/12 | 695 | 96 | 7 Chicago Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 8, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Messina, Dominic | Permit id: Plum20112112 | 2011/11/08 | 695 | 96 | 3515 Packard Pkwy Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 4, 2010  Value: $1,395
Client: Davis | Permit id: Plum20101732 | 2010/08/04 | 1395 | 96 | 1633 Jonathan Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 19, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Permondt, Neil | Permit id: Plum20111714 | 2011/07/19 | 695 | 96 | 2206 Halsted Rd Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 6, 2010  Value: $733
Client: Rowe, Virginia | Permit id: Plum20101621 | 2010/07/06 | 733 | 96 | 2309 Court St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 19, 2010  Value: $5,065
Client: Pemberton, Chris | Permit id: Plum20101783 | 2010/08/19 | 5065 | 96 | 707 Coolidge Pl Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 3, 2010  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20102078 | 2010/11/03 | 695 | 96 | 2903 Buckingham Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 1, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Felse, Susan | Permit id: Plum20112089 | 2011/11/01 | 695 | 96 | 2321 Clifton Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: January 21, 2011  Value: $1,395
Client: Niggemann, Scott | Permit id: Plum20111051 | 2011/01/21 | 1395 | 96 | 2815 Brendenwood Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 28, 2010  Value: $765
Client: Perange, Rick | Permit id: Plum20101701 | 2010/07/28 | 765 | 96 | 1018 Chelsea Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 31, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Jacobs, Jeff | Permit id: Plum20112079 | 2011/10/31 | 695 | 96 | 205 Dawson Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 205 Dawson Ave Rockford, Il 61107Galplease be sure to complete each permit application i entered this one as a water heater. Please let me know if that needs to be corrected.  Date: June 28, 2010  Value: $465
Client: Jacobs, Jeff | Permit id: Plum20101583 | 2010/06/28 | 465 | 96 | 205 Dawson Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 4, 2011  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20112105 | 2011/11/04 | 695 | 96 | 425 Robert Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 24, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Maklezow, Henery | Permit id: Plum20111151 | 2011/02/24 | 695 | 96 | 434 Hilton Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 15, 2011  Value: $2,865
Permit id: Plum20112263 | 2011/12/15 | 2865 | 96 | 715 Parkview Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 25, 2010  Value: $1,295
Permit id: Plum20102047 | 2010/10/25 | 1295 | 96 | 1414 Irvington Pl Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 17, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Moore, Kelly | Permit id: Plum20101775 | 2010/08/17 | 695 | 96 | 6551 Guilford Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 31, 2010  Value: $749
Client: Nanni, Mario | Permit id: Plum20101828 | 2010/08/31 | 749 | 96 | 418 Barry Rd Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 10, 2011  Value: $1,464
Client: Higgs, Rodger | Permit id: Plum20111781 | 2011/08/10 | 1464 | 96 | 413 Barnum Rd Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 21, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Fiorucci, Greg | Permit id: Plum20111724 | 2011/07/21 | 695 | 96 | 647 Easton Pkwy Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 12, 2011  Value: $1,965
Client: Clifton, Linda | Permit id: Plum20111798 | 2011/08/12 | 1965 | 96 | 1193 Arnold Ave Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 58 Garrett Ln Rockford, Il 61107Replace water heater, gal due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: December 7, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Brown, Ronald | Permit id: Plum20102211 | 2010/12/07 | 695 | 96 | 58 Garrett Ln Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 8, 2011  Value: $665
Client: Swanson, Ramona | Permit id: Plum20111192 | 2011/03/08 | 665 | 96 | 571 Donna Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 17, 2010  Value: $765
Client: Patel | Permit id: Plum20101774 | 2010/08/17 | 765 | 96 | 5513 Heidi Dr Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 3, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Addams, John | Permit id: Plum20111764 | 2011/08/03 | 695 | 96 | 2019 Hillside Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 25, 2011  Value: $1,365
Client: Kerney | Permit id: Plum20111153 | 2011/02/25 | 1365 | 96 | 54 Brookview Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: January 14, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Alpine Bank | Permit id: Plum20111034 | 2011/01/14 | 695 | 96 | 4004 Landstrom Rd Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 30, 2011  Value: $765
Client: Hopkins, Kathryn | Permit id: Plum20111294 | 2011/03/30 | 765 | 96 | 3834 Badger Rd Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 24, 2012  Value: $2,300
Client: Lozdoski, Dustin | Permit id: Plum20121828 | 2012/08/24 | 2300 | 96 | 5564 Raspberry Trl Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 23, 2012  Value: $7,965
Permit id: Plum20121695 | 2012/07/23 | 7965 | 96 | 6499 Palo Verde Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 23, 2010  Value: $733
Permit id: Plum20101690 | 2010/07/23 | 733 | 96 | 3631 Calderwood Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 30, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Price, David | Permit id: Plum20101603 | 2010/06/30 | 695 | 96 | 57 Clarendon Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 14, 2010  Value: $2,965
Permit id: Plum20102215 | 2010/12/14 | 2965 | 96 | 6075 Fireside Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 21, 2011  Value: $765
Permit id: Plum20111935 | 2011/09/21 | 765 | 96 | 4746 Brougham Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 20, 2010  Value: $1,165
Client: Mccoy, Diane | Permit id: Plum20101924 | 2010/09/20 | 1165 | 96 | 5409 Rudgate Ct Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 13, 2011  Value: $795
Client: Larson, Debie | Permit id: Plum20111692 | 2011/07/13 | 795 | 96 | 6535 Burberry Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 1317 Horace Ave Rockford, Il 61101Replace gal water heater, gas due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: December 2, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Lee, Georgia | Permit id: Plum20102192 | 2010/12/02 | 695 | 96 | 1317 Horace Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 31, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Britnell | Permit id: Plum20111530 | 2011/05/31 | 695 | 96 | 34 Briar Ln Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 14, 2011  Value: $1,365
Client: Y M C A Of Rockford, Doc 71-858 | Permit id: Plum20112123 | 2011/11/14 | 1365 | 96 | 2 Y Blvd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 26, 2010  Value: $500
Client: Marshall, Amy | Permit id: Plum20101491 | 2010/05/26 | 500 | 96 | 2123 Clinton St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 2, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Moore, Dorothy | Permit id: Plum20101721 | 2010/08/02 | 695 | 96 | 4521 Erickson Dr Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 19, 2010  Value: $500
Client: Shank | Permit id: Plum20101791 | 2010/08/19 | 500 | 96 | 1688 Divine Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 29, 2012  Value: $1,800
Client: Asia Banquet | Permit id: Plum20122163 | 2012/11/29 | 1800 | 96 | 1205 Broadway Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 29, 2012  Value: $1,800
Client: Asia Banquet | Permit id: Plum20122162 | 2012/11/29 | 1800 | 96 | 1205 Broadway Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 12, 2011  Value: $1,500
Client: Sweet Pan Shoppe | Permit id: Plum20112253 | 2011/12/12 | 1500 | 96 | 40 11th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 15, 2012  Value: $2,165
Client: Inthabangith, Som | Permit id: Plum20121784 | 2012/08/15 | 2165 | 96 | 1214 11th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 24, 2012  Value: $3,095
Client: Defay, Carl | Permit id: Plum20121928 | 2012/09/24 | 3095 | 96 | 2326 16th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 31, 2012  Value: $500
Client: Mcdonalds Corporation | Permit id: Plum20122060 | 2012/10/31 | 500 | 96 | 4623 State St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 13, 2012  Value: $7,233
Client: Amcore Investment Group | Permit id: Plum20122208 | 2012/12/13 | 7233 | 96 | 24 Charles St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 4007 State St Rockford, Il 611087-6-12 water supply fix. Units #5 - dishwasher #1 - 3 comp. Sink #1 - hand sink #3 - floor drain #1 & grease trap child permit don carter kitchen. Add/update new exhuast hood and cooking area to comply with code. Building plan review #12-0511. Work includes gas piping, hood suppression, hood, exhaust and make up air, electrical and plumbing.  Date: July 6, 2012  Value: $8,995
Client: Sommer, John | Permit id: Plum20121472 | 2012/07/06 | 8995 | 96 | 4007 State St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 2, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Zanello, Robert | Permit id: Plum20112096 | 2011/11/02 | 695 | 96 | 527 Fairview Ave Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 22, 2012  Value: $500
Permit id: Plum20121575 | 2012/06/22 | 500 | 96 | 1137 Broadway Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 26, 2012  Value: $2,565
Client: Waldyn, Michael | Permit id: Plum20121276 | 2012/03/26 | 2565 | 96 | 617 Grove St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 10, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Magee, Colleen | Permit id: Plum20112119 | 2011/11/10 | 695 | 96 | 1925 Clinton St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 15, 2011  Value: $2,245
Client: Nafziger, J. Lowell | Permit id: Plum20112127 | 2011/11/15 | 2245 | 96 | 20 Harlem Blvd Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 21, 2012  Value: $1,565
Permit id: Plum20121925 | 2012/09/21 | 1565 | 96 | 304 Gardiner Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 13, 2012  Value: $1,365
Permit id: Plum20121663 | 2012/07/13 | 1365 | 96 | 3216 Darwood Dr Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 26, 2012  Value: $2,865
Client: Jacobs, Jeff | Permit id: Plum20122142 | 2012/11/26 | 2865 | 96 | 205 Dawson Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 30, 2012  Value: $1,265
Client: Sederstrom, Bryan | Permit id: Plum20121712 | 2012/07/30 | 1265 | 96 | 26 Craig Hill Dr Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 21, 2011  Value: $2,865
Client: Snavely, Forrest G | Permit id: Plum20112154 | 2011/11/21 | 2865 | 96 | 32 10th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 22, 2011  Value: $1,865
Client: Ri Heritage Inn Of Rockford, Resident Inn | Permit id: Plum20112177 | 2011/11/22 | 1865 | 96 | 7542 Colosseum Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 25, 2012  Value: $2,995
Client: Gann, Michael | Permit id: Plum20121394 | 2012/04/25 | 2995 | 96 | 6084 Sorrel Tree Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 12, 2011  Value: $4,495
Client: Plett, Ernie | Permit id: Plum20112252 | 2011/12/12 | 4495 | 96 | 1448 Brittany Ct Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 7, 2011  Value: $2,965
Client: Sullivan, Tom | Permit id: Plum20112235 | 2011/12/07 | 2965 | 96 | 1434 Brittany Ct Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 1, 2012  Value: $3,300
Permit id: Plum20121735 | 2012/08/01 | 3300 | 96 | 5282 Solitude Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 14, 2012  Value: $1,965
Client: Mt. Olivebaptist Church | Permit id: Plum20121232 | 2012/03/14 | 1965 | 96 | 2001 Alpine Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 1, 2012  Value: $3,200
Client: Sandberg, David | Permit id: Plum20121734 | 2012/08/01 | 3200 | 96 | 5294 Solitude Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 15, 2012  Value: $3,615
Client: Weber, Sue | Permit id: Plum20121783 | 2012/08/15 | 3615 | 96 | 62 Brynwood Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 30, 2012  Value: $4,465
Permit id: Plum20121411 | 2012/04/30 | 4465 | 96 | 4646 Spring Brook Rd Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 7, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Peterson, Gary | Permit id: Plum20112106 | 2011/11/07 | 695 | 96 | 5401 Applewood Clos Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 17, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Clausen, Heather | Permit id: Plum20101565 | 2010/06/17 | 695 | 96 | 7343 Travertine Trl Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 1, 2009  Value: $3,165
Permit id: Plum20091902 | 2009/12/01 | 3165 | 96 | 1924 Pierce Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 12, 2011  Value: $765
Client: Rock, Linda | Permit id: Plum20111676 | 2011/07/12 | 765 | 96 | 1626 Fairview Ct Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 7, 2010  Value: $973
Client: Mulford Park Apartments | Permit id: Plum20101424 | 2010/05/07 | 973 | 96 | 3 Gramercy Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 13, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Anderson, Davie | Permit id: Plum20101436 | 2010/05/13 | 695 | 96 | 17 Macarthur Dr Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 7, 2010  Value: $1,295
Client: Cory, Mary | Permit id: Plum20102210 | 2010/12/07 | 1295 | 96 | 1216 Sanford St Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 5, 2011  Value: $1,365
Client: Young, Dan | Permit id: Plum20111319 | 2011/04/05 | 1365 | 96 | 1779 Sentinel Ct Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 27, 2012  Value: $3,165
Permit id: Plum20122239 | 2012/12/27 | 3165 | 96 | 2007 13th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 14, 2010  Value: $3,865
Client: Harris Bank | Permit id: Plum20101655 | 2010/07/14 | 3865 | 96 | 617 Albert Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 13, 2011  Value: $1,365
Client: Plummer | Permit id: Plum20111351 | 2011/04/13 | 1365 | 96 | 1123 Chelsea Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: January 21, 2011  Value: $765
Permit id: Plum20111048 | 2011/01/21 | 765 | 96 | 2016 Birchwood Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 20, 2011  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20112271 | 2011/12/20 | 695 | 96 | 319 Gardiner Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 6, 2011  Value: $1,365
Client: Young, Dan | Permit id: Plum20111321 | 2011/04/06 | 1365 | 96 | 1779 Sentinel Ct Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 28, 2010  Value: $1,140
Permit id: Plum20102063 | 2010/10/28 | 1140 | 96 | 4 Blackhawk Park Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 735 Bohm Ct Rockford, Il 61107Replace 70,0 btu furnace, 95% due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: December 17, 2010  Value: $2,200
Client: Simms, Kelly | Permit id: Mech20102795 | 2010/12/17 | 2200 | 96 | 735 Bohm Ct Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 3, 2010  Value: $3,065
Client: Davis | Permit id: Plum20102195 | 2010/12/03 | 3065 | 96 | 834 19th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 9, 2010  Value: $765
Permit id: Plum20101634 | 2010/07/09 | 765 | 96 | 2865 Soland Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 21, 2010  Value: $500
Client: Irish Rose | Permit id: Plum20102248 | 2010/12/21 | 500 | 96 | 519 State St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: January 6, 2011  Value: $965
Client: Oreilly Auto Parts | Permit id: Plum20101966 | 2011/01/06 | 965 | 96 | 3145 11th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 20, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Barron, Mike | Permit id: Plum20111470 | 2011/05/20 | 695 | 96 | 42 Yale Dr Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 28, 2010  Value: $2,495
Client: Layg | Permit id: Plum20101593 | 2010/06/28 | 2495 | 96 | 3417 Landstrom Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 21, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Sashman, Rosemary | Permit id: Plum20111610 | 2011/06/21 | 695 | 96 | 3133 Marshall St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 9, 2010  Value: $1,195
Client: Thompson, Randy | Permit id: Plum20102217 | 2010/12/09 | 1195 | 96 | 3911 Delaware St Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 12, 2010  Value: $2,765
Permit id: Plum20101112 | 2010/02/12 | 2765 | 96 | 33 Summerdale Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 19, 2010  Value: $495
Client: Wilcoxen, Sandra | Permit id: Plum20102021 | 2010/10/19 | 495 | 96 | 3203 Chadwick Dr Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 17, 2010  Value: $465
Client: Clutter, Matthew | Permit id: Plum20101915 | 2010/09/17 | 465 | 96 | 2523 Heritage Ct Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 15, 2010  Value: $765
Permit id: Plum20102117 | 2010/11/15 | 765 | 96 | 907 Lundvall Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 29, 2010  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20101948 | 2010/09/29 | 695 | 96 | 1816 Dresden Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 20, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Cannot, Ravel | Permit id: Plum20111469 | 2011/05/20 | 695 | 96 | 4519 Longmeadow Ln Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 4, 2010  Value: $733
Client: Strombeck, Dorothy | Permit id: Plum20101733 | 2010/08/04 | 733 | 96 | 229 Welty Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 2, 2009  Value: $1,765
Permit id: Plum20091824 | 2009/11/02 | 1765 | 96 | 514 Newport Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 31, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Kent, Marie | Permit id: Plum20111864 | 2011/08/31 | 695 | 96 | 304 Kenilworth Dr Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 19, 2010  Value: $1,865
Client: Landreth, Silvna | Permit id: Plum20101336 | 2010/04/19 | 1865 | 96 | 1308 Ridge Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 10, 2010  Value: $765
Client: Pedro | Permit id: Plum20101885 | 2010/09/10 | 765 | 96 | 3404 Balsam Ln Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 29, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Kniess, Joyce | Permit id: Plum20102169 | 2010/11/29 | 695 | 96 | 4669 High Point Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 1, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Kehoe | Permit id: Plum20101502 | 2010/06/01 | 695 | 96 | 1623 Oakdale St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 5, 2011  Value: $400
Client: Kapotas, John | Permit id: Plum20112219 | 2011/12/05 | 400 | 96 | 3618 State St Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 17, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Zeal, Dale | Permit id: Plum20101776 | 2010/08/17 | 695 | 96 | 4655 Cardamon Ln Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 19, 2010  Value: $3,465
Client: Green, Paul | Permit id: Plum20102020 | 2010/10/19 | 3465 | 96 | 5314 Wilderness Trl Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 4007 State St Rockford, Il 611088-22-12 gas piping - btu 580,0 - notes: install 2 fryers - 1 double fryer - 1 grill - 1 convection child permit don carter kitchen. Add/update new exhuast hood and cooking area to comply with code. Building plan review #12-0511. Work includes gas piping, hood suppression, hood, exhaust and make up air, electrical and plumbing.  Date: August 22, 2012  Value: $1,086
Client: Sommer, John | Permit id: Mech20121557 | 2012/08/22 | 1086 | 96 | 4007 State St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 26, 2012  Value: $3,195
Client: Schumann, Eileen | Permit id: Plum20121273 | 2012/03/26 | 3195 | 96 | 6112 Sorrel Tree Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 20, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Vandiver, James | Permit id: Plum20111473 | 2011/05/20 | 695 | 96 | 921 Ridgewood Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 40 11th St Rockford, Il 61109Gas piping child permit sweet pans shoppe addition. Building plan review #11-0811. Addition of 4,0 s. F. (20 s. F. First floor and 20 s. F. Basement) to include sales area, prep room, storage rooms, and toilet on the first floor and storage and mech in the lower level. Work includes building, mechanical (hvac & gas), electrical, and plumbing.  Date: December 7, 2011
Client: Wallschlaeger, Lorraine | Permit id: Mech20112190 | 2011/12/07 | 0 | 96 | 40 11th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 1, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Lundberg, Anita | Permit id: Plum20111169 | 2011/03/01 | 695 | 96 | 47 Charing Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 12, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Smavely, Forrest | Permit id: Plum20111458 | 2011/05/12 | 695 | 96 | 32 10th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 3247 Dartmouth Dr Rockford, Il 61108Replace water heater, galreplace gas due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: December 29, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Schlee, Bruce | Permit id: Plum20102287 | 2010/12/29 | 695 | 96 | 3247 Dartmouth Dr Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 27, 2010  Value: $6,695
Client: Johnson, Kris | Permit id: Plum20101945 | 2010/09/27 | 6695 | 96 | 1921 Eastgate Pkwy Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 6, 2009  Value: $2,495
Permit id: Plum20091839 | 2009/11/06 | 2495 | 96 | 619 Lexington Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 6429 Sentinel Rd Rockford, Il 6110775 gal, 76 btu gas due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: August 12, 2010  Value: $965
Client: Stone | Permit id: Plum20101767 | 2010/08/12 | 965 | 96 | 6429 Sentinel Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 1, 2010
Client: Brown, Geraldine | Permit id: Plum20091935 | 2010/03/01 | 0 | 96 | 3836 Preston St Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 15, 2012  Value: $3,380
Client: Carter, Don | Permit id: Plum20121780 | 2012/08/15 | 3380 | 96 | 4007 State St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 10, 2010  Value: $765
Permit id: Plum20101756 | 2010/08/10 | 765 | 96 | 715 Glendale Ave Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 3, 2010  Value: $800
Client: Kellen, Mary | Permit id: Plum20101080 | 2010/02/03 | 800 | 96 | 2837 Cannon St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 29, 2012  Value: $600
Client: Carter Bowling Lanes, Sommer | Permit id: Plum20121855 | 2012/08/29 | 600 | 96 | 4007 State St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 9 Court St Rockford, Il 61103Replace water heater, gal due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: December 21, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Anderson, Rodger | Permit id: Plum20102247 | 2010/12/21 | 695 | 96 | 9 Court St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 12, 2011  Value: $1,965
Client: Swenson, Don | Permit id: Plum20111794 | 2011/08/12 | 1965 | 96 | 1311 11th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 15, 2010  Value: $733
Client: Walters, Charlott | Permit id: Plum20101656 | 2010/07/15 | 733 | 96 | 1621 Pershing Ave Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 3, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Wilson, Mary | Permit id: Plum20101727 | 2010/08/03 | 695 | 96 | 129 Rockford Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 6, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Ziegler, Mark | Permit id: Plum20101622 | 2010/07/06 | 695 | 96 | 1596 Marshfield Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 20, 2011  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20111926 | 2011/09/20 | 695 | 96 | 3523 Fleetwood Dr Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 7, 2010  Value: $973
Client: Mulford Park Apartments | Permit id: Plum20101421 | 2010/05/07 | 973 | 96 | 444 Gramercy Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 20, 2012  Value: $895
Permit id: Plum20121689 | 2012/07/20 | 895 | 96 | 1205 Broadway Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 20, 2010  Value: $695
Client: His Hands Inc | Permit id: Plum20102025 | 2010/10/20 | 695 | 96 | 4103 Lydia Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 30, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Wilson, Keith | Permit id: Plum20111300 | 2011/03/30 | 695 | 96 | 707 Auburn St Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 23, 2010  Value: $500
Client: Walt, Sharon | Permit id: Plum20101799 | 2010/08/23 | 500 | 96 | 1235 Stony Creek Way Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 1111 Kenmore Rd Rockford, Il 61108Replace water heater, gal due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: December 13, 2010  Value: $765
Client: Allen, Barb | Permit id: Plum20102224 | 2010/12/13 | 765 | 96 | 1111 Kenmore Rd Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 21, 2009  Value: $1,565
Permit id: Plum20091957 | 2009/12/21 | 1565 | 96 | 2329 10th Ave Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 22, 2010  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20101930 | 2010/09/22 | 695 | 96 | 5519 White Plains Way Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: January 26, 2011  Value: $14,226
Client: Rosauer, John | Permit id: Plum20101933 | 2011/01/26 | 14226 | 96 | 32 Alpine Rd Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 9, 2011  Value: $4,665
Client: Red Roof Inn | Permit id: Plum20111096 | 2011/02/09 | 4665 | 96 | 7434 State St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 5, 2010  Value: $400
Client: Freelikk, Nancy | Permit id: Plum20101969 | 2010/10/05 | 400 | 96 | 2016 Birchwood Dr Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 3, 2011  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20111971 | 2011/10/03 | 695 | 96 | 4122 Landstrom Rd Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 10, 2010  Value: $1,500
Client: Schubert, Ellan | Permit id: Plum20101198 | 2010/03/10 | 1500 | 96 | 1245 Benton St Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 24, 2008
Client: Marchetti, Melba | Permit id: Plum20081019 | 2008/10/24 | 0 | 96 | 404 Mclain Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: February 22, 2010
Client: Hill, Bobbie | Permit id: Plum20101120 | 2010/02/22 | 0 | 96 | 2803 Gladstone Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 10, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Downing | Permit id: Plum20101752 | 2010/08/10 | 695 | 96 | 2515 Crosby St Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 28, 2012  Value: $9,965
Client: Center Place L P, Merriam Zuba | Permit id: Mech20122505 | 2012/11/28 | 9965 | 96 | 126 1st St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 23, 2011  Value: $535
Client: Welch, Jeff | Permit id: Plum20111472 | 2011/05/23 | 535 | 96 | 1514 Magnolia St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 3, 2010  Value: $225
Permit id: Plum20102079 | 2010/11/03 | 225 | 96 | 2911 Highcrest Rd Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 401 London Ave Rockford, Il 61107Replace water due to insufficient notice, it is contractors responsibility to notify customer city inspection may not occur on install date  Date: December 27, 2010  Value: $1,765
Client: Mederis, Walter | Permit id: Plum20102261 | 2010/12/27 | 1765 | 96 | 401 London Ave Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 1312 7th St Rockford, Il 611041 water closet - 1 lavatory - 1 mop sink notes: removing toliet & urinal & capping plumbing off - misc: drain waste/vent - ck. Bar sinks to cap off  Date: February 6, 2012  Value: $8,000
Permit id: Plum20121098 | 2012/02/06 | 8000 | 96 | 1312 7th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: June 23, 2011  Value: $1,795
Client: Delacluz, Mario | Permit id: Plum20111617 | 2011/06/23 | 1795 | 96 | 1701 Lyran Ave Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 7, 2011  Value: $3,965
Permit id: Plum20111968 | 2011/10/07 | 3965 | 96 | 2614 Hanson St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96 40 11th St Rockford, Il 61109Sweet pans shoppe addition. 1wc, 1lav, rpz 1", 1 3comp sink, 1 hand sink, 1 fld, 1 grease trp, 1 gal gas wh 40,0 btu, 1urinal  Date: September 15, 2011  Value: $15,965
Client: Wallschlaeger, Lorraine | Permit id: Plum20111830 | 2011/09/15 | 15965 | 96 | 40 11th St Rockford, Il 61109 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 20, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Hicks, Dave | Permit id: Plum20101917 | 2010/09/20 | 695 | 96 | 416 Day Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 27, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Macdonald, Phil | Permit id: Plum20111402 | 2011/04/27 | 695 | 96 | 4402 Tallwood Ave Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 23, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Dahlberg, Ruth | Permit id: Plum20101692 | 2010/07/23 | 695 | 96 | 1831 Camp Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 11, 2009
Client: Manley, Maxine | Permit id: Plum20091913 | 2009/12/11 | 0 | 96 | 3024 Gladstone Ave Rockford, Il 61101 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: July 28, 2010  Value: $695
Client: Magee | Permit id: Plum20101702 | 2010/07/28 | 695 | 96 | 3621 Fawnridge Dr Rockford, Il 61114 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 31, 2010  Value: $1,149
Client: Anton, Anton | Permit id: Plum20101836 | 2010/08/31 | 1149 | 96 | 6276 Carriage Green Way Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: December 2, 2010  Value: $1,740
Client: Jones | Permit id: Plum20102193 | 2010/12/02 | 1740 | 96 | 614 Newport Ave Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: October 5, 2011  Value: $695
Client: Pettit, Jacob | Permit id: Plum20111982 | 2011/10/05 | 695 | 96 | 1328 25th St Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: May 5, 2010  Value: $1,000
Permit id: Plum20101407 | 2010/05/05 | 1000 | 96 | 1217 Gordon Ave Rockford, Il 61108 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 5, 2010  Value: $1,695
Client: Hatfield, Kevin | Permit id: Plum20101741 | 2010/08/05 | 1695 | 96 | 1008 14th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: March 9, 2011  Value: $300
Client: Wilson, Mike | Permit id: Mech20111349 | 2011/03/09 | 300 | 96 | 808 Garfield Ave Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 3, 2010  Value: $895
Client: Bower | Permit id: Plum20101723 | 2010/08/03 | 895 | 96 | 1122 Winthrop Ln Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: January 24, 2011  Value: $695
Permit id: Plum20111052 | 2011/01/24 | 695 | 96 | 12 Ferguson St Rockford, Il 61102 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: September 28, 2012  Value: $3,865
Permit id: Plum20121954 | 2012/09/28 | 3865 | 96 | 1416 Brittany Ct Rockford, Il 61107 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: April 11, 2011  Value: $5,965
Client: Axion Properties | Permit id: Plum20111335 | 2011/04/11 | 5965 | 96 | 3936 Eagle Dr Rockford, Il 61103 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: August 25, 2011
Permit id: Row20111975 | 2011/08/25 | 0 | 96 | 2209 Parmele St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |
SCORE 96  Date: November 8, 2011  Value: $765
Client: Watt, John | Permit id: Plum20112111 | 2011/11/08 | 765 | 96 | 1022 6th St Rockford, Il 61104 | Freed John |