Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 83 Client Address: 7408 Laketree Dr Raleigh Nc 27615-3433 | Permit type: Screen porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 83 Client Address: 4908 Baylor Ct Raleigh Nc 27609-5307 | Permit type: Add screen porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 83 Client Address: 5447 Wind Mountain Ln Raleigh Nc 27613-1448 | Permit type: Interior remodel | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 83 Client: Rhodes, Graham S | Client Address: 102 Hallberg Ln Raleigh Nc 27614-7716 | Permit type: Deck | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 83 Client Address: 11339 Oakcroft Dr Raleigh Nc 27614-7281 | Permit type: Kitchen and family room renovation | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 83 Client Address: 4908 Baylor Ct Raleigh Nc 27609-5307 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 78746 | |||||
SCORE 83 Client: Libey, Christopher G | Client Address: 1705 Southwell Ct Raleigh Nc 27614-9110 | Permit type: Replace existing deck with new deck/screen porch | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family |