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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
365 Canal St Unit 2400, New Orleans, La 70130
Building renovations office building interior alterations and renovations to suite 24 as per plans.
Date:  November 26, 2002
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Insurance,Co, Aetna Life | Permit id: B02005054
2002/11/26086365 Canal St Unit 2400, New Orleans, La 70130Emory Byrd
10 Common St Unit 1400, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building renovations to 14 annex bld of exist- ing office space as per plans.
Date:  November 27, 2002
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Common Inc, Continental | Permit id: B02005341
2002/11/2708610 Common St Unit 1400, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
10 Common St Unit 3030, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building interior cosmetic renovations to exist office space in high rise bld, work to consist of: sheetrock, relocate wall, carpet, paint, minor electric.
Date:  January 16, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Partners Ltd, Bhno | Permit id: B02005845
2003/01/1608610 Common St Unit 3030, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
10 Common St Unit 2660, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building interior cosmetic renovations to exist office space in high rise bld, work to consist of: sheetrock, relocate wall, carpet, painting, minor electric.
Date:  January 16, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Partners Ltd, Bhno | Permit id: B02005846
2003/01/1608610 Common St Unit 2660, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
4 Canal St, New Orleans, La 70130
Alteration casino converting cashier desk to customer service area counter at the mardi gras court as per plans.
Date:  February 7, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: New Orleans, City Of | Permit id: B03000123
2003/02/070864 Canal St, New Orleans, La 70130Emory Byrd
4 Canal St, New Orleans, La 70130
Alteration casino re-locate 2 decorative floats 20ft., minor electrical,& minor lighting- finishes as per sketch.
Date:  January 21, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: New Orleans, City Of | Permit id: B03000296
2003/01/210864 Canal St, New Orleans, La 70130Emory Byrd
4 Canal St, New Orleans, La 70130
Building renovations casino convert existing entertainment area in existing casino to a poker room as per plans.
Date:  February 24, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: New Orleans, City Of | Permit id: B03000297
2003/02/240864 Canal St, New Orleans, La 70130Emory Byrd
701 Poydras St Unit 400, New Orleans, La 70139
Building renovations office building minor renovations to existing office space as per plans.
Date:  March 5, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Fe Ins Co, Metropolitan L I | Permit id: B03000611
2003/03/05086701 Poydras St Unit 400, New Orleans, La 70139Emory Byrd
13 Poydras St Unit 1900, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building renovation to existing office space #19 in high rise bld as per state fire marshal approval.
Date:  February 17, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Permit id: B03000837
2003/02/1708613 Poydras St Unit 1900, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
10 Common St Unit 27flr, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building renovations to existing office space 27th floor of high rise bld per sketch & fire marshal approval.
Date:  February 17, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Ltd, Bhno Partners | Permit id: B03000838
2003/02/1708610 Common St Unit 27flr, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
365 Canal St Unit 1410, New Orleans, La 70130
Alteration office building minor renovations to existing office space-relocate partition walls as per plans.
Date:  April 11, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Insurance Co., Aetna Life | Permit id: B03001327
2003/04/11086365 Canal St Unit 1410, New Orleans, La 70130Emory Byrd
4 Canal St, New Orleans, La 70130
Building renovations casino decorative modifications to vip slot machine area-rails,carpet and glass display.
Date:  March 11, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: New Orleans, City Of | Permit id: B03001329
2003/03/110864 Canal St, New Orleans, La 70130Emory Byrd
12 Poydras St, New Orleans, La 70113
Building renovations office building modify existing office space. Sheetrock, partitions, repair accoustical ceiling, relocate existing door units as per plans.
Date:  August 25, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Ctli,Lp, Istar | Permit id: B03003895
2003/08/2508612 Poydras St, New Orleans, La 70113Emory Byrd
10 Common St Unit 1920, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building renovations to existing office space as per plans.
Date:  October 23, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Common,Inc, Continenetal | Permit id: B03005131
2003/10/2308610 Common St Unit 1920, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
10 Common St Unit 2000, New Orleans, La 75234
Building renovations office building interior renovations to existing office space as per plans.
Date:  December 5, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Mon Inc., Continental Co M | Permit id: B03005784
2003/12/0508610 Common St Unit 2000, New Orleans, La 75234Emory Byrd
4 Canal St, New Orleans, La 70130
Building renovations casino interior demolition of customer service areas and construct new gift shop inside existing casino as per plans.
Date:  December 22, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: New Orleans, City Of | Permit id: B03006072
2003/12/220864 Canal St, New Orleans, La 70130Emory Byrd
12 Poydras St Unit 900, New Orleans, La 85261
Building renovations office building renovate existing office space. No increase in square footage. No change in egress or ingress.
Date:  November 25, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Ctli,Lp, Istar | Permit id: B03006275
2003/11/2508612 Poydras St Unit 900, New Orleans, La 85261Emory Byrd
601 Convention Cent Bl Unit 1flr, New Orleans, La 70130
Change of use office building change of use from a parking garage to a office building as per plans. No exterior work is allowed.
Date:  February 11, 2004
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Company, Harrahs Jazz | Permit id: B04000354
2004/02/11086601 Convention Cent Bl Unit 1flr, New Orleans, La 70130Emory Byrd
Unit 900 / 12 Poydras St Unit 900, New Orleans, La 85261
Building renovations office building renovate existing office space. No increase in square footage. No change in egress or ingress.
Date:  November 24, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Ctli,Lp, Istar | Permit id: B03006275
2003/11/2408612 Poydras St Unit 900, New Orleans, La 85261Emory Byrd
Unit 1900 / 13 Poydras St Unit 1900, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building renovation to existing office space #19 in high rise bld as per state fire marshal approval.
Date:  February 17, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Permit id: B03000837
2003/02/1708613 Poydras St Unit 1900, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
27flr / 10 Common St Unit 27flr, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building renovations to existing office space 27th floor of high rise bld per sketch & fire marshal approval.
Date:  February 17, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Ltd, Bhno Partners | Permit id: B03000838
2003/02/1708610 Common St Unit 27flr, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
Unit 400 / 701 Poydras St Unit 400, New Orleans, La 70139
Building renovations office building minor renovations to existing office space as per plans.
Date:  February 5, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Fe Ins Co, Metropolitan L I | Permit id: B03000611
2003/02/05086701 Poydras St Unit 400, New Orleans, La 70139Emory Byrd
1flr / 601 Convention Cent Bl Unit 1flr, New Orleans, La 70130
Change of use office building change of use from a parking garage to a office building as per plans. No exterior work is allowed.
Date:  January 22, 2004
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Company, Harrahs Jazz | Permit id: B04000354
2004/01/22086601 Convention Cent Bl Unit 1flr, New Orleans, La 70130Emory Byrd
Unit 3030 / 10 Common St Unit 3030, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building interior cosmetic renovations to exist office space in high rise bld, work to consist of: sheetrock, relocate wall, carpet, paint, minor electric.
Date:  December 16, 2002
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Partners Ltd, Bhno | Permit id: B02005845
2002/12/1608610 Common St Unit 3030, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
Unit 2660 / 10 Common St Unit 2660, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building interior cosmetic renovations to exist office space in high rise bld, work to consist of: sheetrock, relocate wall, carpet, painting, minor electric.
Date:  December 16, 2002
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Partners Ltd, Bhno | Permit id: B02005846
2002/12/1608610 Common St Unit 2660, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
Unit 2000 / 10 Common St Unit 2000, New Orleans, La 75234
Building renovations office building interior renovations to existing office space as per plans.
Date:  October 29, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Mon Inc., Continental Co M | Permit id: B03005784
2003/10/2908610 Common St Unit 2000, New Orleans, La 75234Emory Byrd
Unit 1920 / 10 Common St Unit 1920, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building renovations to existing office space as per plans.
Date:  September 26, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Common,Inc, Continenetal | Permit id: B03005131
2003/09/2608610 Common St Unit 1920, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
Unit 1410 / 365 Canal St Unit 1410, New Orleans, La 70130
Alteration office building minor renovations to existing office space-relocate partition walls as per plans.
Date:  March 11, 2003
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Insurance Co., Aetna Life | Permit id: B03001327
2003/03/11086365 Canal St Unit 1410, New Orleans, La 70130Emory Byrd
Unit 1400 / 10 Common St Unit 1400, New Orleans, La 70112
Building renovations office building renovations to 14 annex bld of exist- ing office space as per plans.
Date:  November 11, 2002
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Common Inc, Continental | Permit id: B02005341
2002/11/1108610 Common St Unit 1400, New Orleans, La 70112Emory Byrd
Unit 2400 / 365 Canal St Unit 2400, New Orleans, La 70130
Building renovations office building interior alterations and renovations to suite 24 as per plans.
Date:  October 24, 2002
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Client: Insurance,Co, Aetna Life | Permit id: B02005054
2002/10/24086365 Canal St Unit 2400, New Orleans, La 70130Emory Byrd
365 Canal St, Suite 1300, New Orleans La
Alteration - cost 15,608. Check or relocate 23 existing modulines. Add security bars around one return opening. Copy of the hvac notes for job are attached with complete explanation. This was also submitted online 10-7-16 ref#1cresf rejected 10-10-16 told by mr. Paul reinecke to resubmit. [ #37046 ] 10 12 16
Date:  October 12, 2016
Value:   $15,608
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Permit type: Mechanical hvac | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Business use
2016/10/121560886365 Canal St, Suite 1300, New Orleans LaEmory Byrd
365 Canal St, Suite 1300, New Orleans, La
Alteration - cost 15,608. 00check or relocate 23 existing modulines. Add security bars around one return opening. Copy of the hvac notes for job are attached with complete explanation. This was also submitted online 10-7-16 ref#1cresf rejected 10-10-16 told by mr. Paul reinecke to resubmit. [ #37046 ] 10 12 16
Date:  October 10, 2016
Value:   $15,608
Contractor: Emory Byrd

Permit type: Mechanical hvac | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: April 12, 2017 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 16-33673-Hvac
2016/10/101560886365 Canal St, Suite 1300, New Orleans, LaEmory Byrd

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