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SCORE 64 Client: Lot 23 | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 05-02210 | Parcel: 22306 |
SCORE 64 Unit 519 / 56 Oteen Church Rd, Asheville, Nc 28805 Placement of mobile home in oteen church mh park, 14x sfb; should be pin # redacted phone number53233 property located in rm-8 zoning district. Manufactured homes and manufactured home parks are not a use allowed by right in the rm-8 district. Oteen mhp appears to be a legal non-conforming manufactured housing park. Lot 613 appears to be pre-existing. William carter, owner of oteen mhp, live on site and verified this is a pre-existing space. Enter into park, drive past carter home (on right) second site on left is 613. Zoning setbacks are measured from property perimeter. Swr march 28, 2005 11:42:21 am stuartr ; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above Client: Tipton Mh Lot 613 | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 05-01373 | Parcel: 19093 |
SCORE 64 519, / 56 Oteen Church Rd, Asheville, Nc 28805 Placement of mobile home in oteen church mh park, 14x sfb; should be pin # redacted phone number53233 property located in rm-8 zoning district. Manufactured homes and manufactured home parks are not a use allowed by right in the rm-8 district. Oteen mhp appears to be a legal non-conforming manufactured housing park. Lot 613 appears to be pre-existing. William carter, owner of oteen mhp, live on site and verified this is a pre-existing space. Enter into park, drive past carter home (on right) second site on left is 613. Zoning setbacks are measured from property perimeter. Swr march 28, 2005 11:42:21 am stuartr ; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above Client: Tipton Mh Lot 613 | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 05-01373 | Parcel: 19093 |
SCORE 64 1 Valley King Dr, Asheville, Nc 28806 Comment date: fri jan 21 00:00: est 2005 - moving mobile home onto lot 13 sfb property located inside mh overlay. Swr 1/21/05 3:56:19 pm ; comment date: fri feb Client: Lot 13 M&j Mobile Home Pa | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 05-00373 | Parcel: 21976 |