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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
13217 Aurora Dr 11, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: los coches park i. D. No. 37- 0695 space no.: 11 map ref: 1232 d7 community: el cajon description: replace mh with an existing mh note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  October 7, 2009

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2009-1035-20 | Parcel: 400-370-20-00
2009/10/0709313217 Aurora Dr 11, El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
39225 Jewel Valley Way, Boulevard, Ca 91905
Retrofit to existing mh on piers to mobilehome on foundation system. To file 433
Date:  July 21, 2009
Value:   $18,291

Permit type: New primary resident | Permit status: Issued expired | Permit id: Pds2009-1033-20 | Parcel: 612-041-15-00
2009/07/21182919339225 Jewel Valley Way, Boulevard, Ca 91905David P Walterhouse Contracting
26835 Old Highway 82, Guatay, Ca 91931
Park name: heavenly oaks (pair a dice hide away) park i. D. No. 37- 0233 space no.: 82 map ref: 1236 g3 community: guatay description: remove mh in park and relocate another mh ( 14 x spa-102 b) into existing space. Also relocate awning and porch (spa 10-198). Note to permittee: this permit is valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  December 8, 2008

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1035-20 | Parcel: 408-120-22-00
2008/12/0809326835 Old Highway 82, Guatay, Ca 91931David P Walterhouse Contracting
26835 Old Highway 42, Guatay, Ca 91931
Park name: heavenly oaks (pair a dice hide away) park i. D. No. 37- 0233 space no.: 42 map ref: 1236 g3 community: guatay description: remove mh in park and relocate another mh into existing space. Also relocate awning and porch. Note to permittee: this permit is valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  November 7, 2008

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1035-20 | Parcel: 408-120-22-00
2008/11/0709326835 Old Highway 42, Guatay, Ca 91931David P Walterhouse Contracting
95 Harritt Rd 185, Alpine, Ca 91901
Park name: lake jennings park estates park i. D. No. 37- 07 space no.: 185 map ref: 1232 f4 community: lakeside description: foundation retrofit to 54-7f. 01 18 08 brought in 433 a... Vmd 1-22-08 - brought in license plate and insignias. Vam note to permittee: this permit is valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  January 15, 2008

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2008-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-152-28-86
2008/01/1509395 Harritt Rd 185, Alpine, Ca 91901David P Walterhouse Contracting
26835 Old Highway 12, Guatay, Ca 91931
Park name: heavenly oaks park i. D. No. 37- 0233 space no.: 12 map ref: 1236 g3 community: guatay description: remove existing mh and replace with another mh. Note to permittee: this permit is valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  December 19, 2007

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1035-20 | Parcel: 408-120-22-00
2007/12/1909326835 Old Highway 12, Guatay, Ca 91931David P Walterhouse Contracting
107 Jamacha Blvd 59, Spring Valley, Ca 91978
Park name: rancho jamacha park i. D. No. 37- 0585 space no.: 59 map ref: 1271 f7 community: spring valley description: remove existing mh from space and replace with another unit. Note to permittee: this permit is valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  September 17, 2007

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1035-20 | Parcel: 505-180-29-00
2007/09/17093107 Jamacha Blvd 59, Spring Valley, Ca 91978David P Walterhouse Contracting
13217 Aurora Dr 59, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: los coches mh estates park i. D. No. 37- 0695 space no.: 59 map ref: 1232 d7 community: el cajon description: remove existing mh and replace with another mh note to permittee: this permit is valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  September 28, 2007

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Pc expired | Permit id: Pds2007-1035-20 | Parcel: 400-370-20-00
2007/09/2809313217 Aurora Dr 59, El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
Unit 14 / 12028 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: westward ho park i. D. No. 37- 0271 space no.: 14 map ref: 1251 j1 community: el cajon description: remove exist m h and replace with another unit. Also install 3 s. F. Carport. Note to permittee: this permit is valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 8, 2007

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1035-20 | Parcel: 388-423-06-00
2007/08/0809312028 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
614 Snowden Pl, El Cajon, Ca 92019
576 s. F. Detached garage. Misc elect ~~this permit application replaces 1006 20050309 which has been abandoned by owner. Property was effected by cedar fire but per contractor there was no garage on site at time of fire. Ksg~~
Date:  May 10, 2007
Value:   $15,327

Permit type: New residential acc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1006-20 | Parcel: 399-280-28-00
2007/05/101532793614 Snowden Pl, El Cajon, Ca 92019David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 104, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakefront mh park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 104 map ref: 1232 f4 community: lakeside description: install (1) 11 x 44 carport for mh in park
Date:  February 7, 2007

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2007/02/070939395 Harritt Rd 104, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 236, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakefront mh park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 236 map ref: 1232 f4 community: lakeside description: install (1) x awning, (1) 11 x 42 carport & (1) x porch for existing mh in park
Date:  February 7, 2007

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2007/02/070939395 Harritt Rd 236, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 217, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakefront mh park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 217 map ref: 1232 f4 community: lakeside description: install (1) 11 x 46 carport for mh in park
Date:  February 7, 2007

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2007/02/070939395 Harritt Rd 217, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
13655 Hy 8 Business 70, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: rancho laguna park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: map ref: 1232 e6 community: el cajon description: 3 s. F. Awning for existing mh. Spa 10-198.
Date:  February 7, 2007

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1035-20 | Parcel: 398-080-30-00
2007/02/0709313655 Hy 8 Business 70, El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 236, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lake front m-h parki park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 236 map ref: 1232-f4 community: el cajon description: m-h installation (replacement) in park
Date:  November 30, 2006

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2006/11/300939395 Harritt Rd 236, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 217, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakefront park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 217 map ref: 1232 f4 community: lakeside description: install new mh (27 x 62) for mh in park
Date:  November 30, 2006

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2006/11/300939395 Harritt Rd 217, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
Unit 35 / 12044 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: westward ho park i. D. No. 37- 271 space no.: 35 map ref: 1252 a1 community: ec description: remove & replace existing coach w 1152 sq ft m h install sq ft awning & 4 sq ft carport
Date:  October 27, 2006

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 388-423-06-00
2006/10/2709312044 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 104, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakefront mhp park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 104 map ref: 1232 f4 community: lakeside description: remove & replace existing coach for mh in park
Date:  August 31, 2006

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2006/08/310939395 Harritt Rd 104, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
108 Hy 67 57, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakeside view estates park i. D. No. 37- 642 space no.: 57 map ref: 1232 a1 community: lakeside description: remove & replace existing coach for mh in park
Date:  August 31, 2006

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 392-010-19-00
2006/08/31093108 Hy 67 57, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
13792 Highway 8 Business 9
Park name: heart o hills park i. D. No. 37- 06 space no.: 9 map ref: 1232 f5 community: el cajon description: replace existing mh with new unit.
Date:  July 14, 2006

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Pc expired | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 398-260-21-00
2006/07/1409313792 Highway 8 Business 9David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 212, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakefront mhp park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 212 map ref: 1232 f4 community: lakeside description: remove existing mh and replace with new mh in existing occupied space. Also replace existing carport and awning with new.
Date:  April 13, 2006

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2006/04/130939395 Harritt Rd 212, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
13655 I 8 Business 52, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: rancho laguna park i. D. No. 37-04 space no.:52 map ref:1232 e6 community:el cajon 42h103 - 12x25 cabana for mh
Date:  February 17, 2006
Value:   $40,971

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 398-080-30-00
2006/02/17409719313655 I 8 Business 52, El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
98 Chocolate Summit Dr 1, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: richard bridges park i. D. No. 37- 05 space no.: 1 map ref:1233 f3 community: alpine description: mh was replaced on this one space park. This permit to replace carport, awning and porch with same. This coach is legal non-conforming therefore any future changes needs to meet the non-conforming regulations. Ernesto alvarez 3-30-06
Date:  January 31, 2006

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 402-350-10-00
2006/01/3109398 Chocolate Summit Dr 1, El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
13838 Sr 94, Jamul, Ca 91935
Park name: vita springs park i. D. No. 37- 0208 space no.: 09 map ref: 1294-e2 community: jamul description: installation (replacement) of m-h and 9 x 28 awning (spa 10-198) and 8 x porch (county standard) for m-h in park
Date:  January 6, 2006

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 596-071-10-00
2006/01/0609313838 Sr 94, Jamul, Ca 91935David P Walterhouse Contracting
Unit 17 / 12044 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: westward ho park i. D. No. 37- 0271 space no.: 17 map ref: 1252 a1 community: el cajon description: remove & replace existing coach for mh in park
Date:  November 8, 2005

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 388-423-06-00
2005/11/0809312044 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
13792 Highway 8 Business 10
Park name: heart of the hills mobile lodge park i. D. No. 37- 06 space no.: map ref: 1232-f5 community: el cajon description: m-h installation (replacement) in park and 3 s. F. Carport.
Date:  October 26, 2005

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 398-260-21-00
2005/10/2609313792 Highway 8 Business 10David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 199, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakefront mh park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 199 map ref: 1232 f4 community: lakeside description: remove & replace existing coach for mh in park
Date:  October 14, 2005

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2005/10/140939395 Harritt Rd 199, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
134 Hwy 8 Business 83
Park name: pan a rama park i. D. No. 37- 0951 space no.: 83 map ref: 1232-d6 community: lakeside description: m-h installation (replacement) in park
Date:  September 21, 2005

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 397-140-46-00
2005/09/21093134 Hwy 8 Business 83David P Walterhouse Contracting
98 Chocolate Summit Dr 1, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: richard bridges park i. D. No. 37- 05 space no.: 1 map ref: 1233 f3 community: el cajon 18-jan-2006. M-h park status relinquished on november 03, 2005. Ljc. Description: mh on piers installation on a private lot (remove existing single coach & replace with doublewide coach). This coach is legal non-conforming therefore any future changes needs to meet the non-conforming regulations. Ernesto alvarez 3-30-06 04-apr-2006: permit has exceeded 6 month limit from date of issuance. Permit renewed this date for another six months. Ksg
Date:  September 9, 2005

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 402-350-10-00
2005/09/0909398 Chocolate Summit Dr 1, El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
20 Crofton St 3
Park name: sweetwater vistas park i. D. No. 37- 1587 space no.: 3 map ref: 1291 a1 community: spring valley description: mh foundation retrofit to perm foundation. Existing mh @ this space is on piers. Existing mh to remain but with new foundation system. 433a submitted check for 22. (2 units) to state of ca collected at issuance. Sweetwater vista is condo park. ~~collect separate check to state of ca for 22. (11. Per wide) for 433a~~
Date:  August 25, 2005
Value:   $3,500

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 578-012-76-00
2005/08/2535009320 Crofton St 3David P Walterhouse Contracting
13792 Highway 8 Business 41
Park name: heart of the hills park i. D. No. 37- 06 space no.: 41 map ref: 1232 f5 community: el cajon description: remove & replace existing coach for mh in park
Date:  August 1, 2005

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 398-260-21-00
2005/08/0109313792 Highway 8 Business 41David P Walterhouse Contracting
134 Hwy 8 Business 108
Park name: pan a rama park i. D. No. 37- 0951 space no.: 108 map ref: 1232 d6 community: lakeside description: mh stup
Date:  June 14, 2005

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 397-140-46-00
2005/06/14093134 Hwy 8 Business 108David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 224, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakefront mh park park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 224 map ref: 1232 f4 community: lakeside description: mh setup
Date:  May 16, 2005

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2005/05/160939395 Harritt Rd 224, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
20 Crofton St 25
Park name: sweetwater vista park i. D. No. 37- 1587 space no.:25 map ref: 1291 a1 community: spring valley description: mh foundation retrofit to perm foundation. 433a submitted check for 11. Per wide to state of ca collected at issuance. Sweetwater vista is condo park.
Date:  March 17, 2005
Value:   $3,500

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 578-012-76-00
2005/03/1735009320 Crofton St 25David P Walterhouse Contracting
17, / 12044 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: westward ho park i. D. No. 37- 0271 space no.: 17 map ref: 1252 a1 community: el cajon description: remove & replace existing coach for mh in park
Date:  November 8, 2005

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 3884230600
2005/11/0809312044 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
14, / 12028 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: westward ho park i. D. No. 37- 0271 space no.: 14 map ref: 1251 j1 community: el cajon description: remove exist m h and replace with another unit. Also install 3 s. F. Carport. Note to permittee: this permit is valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 8, 2007

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1035-20 | Parcel: 3884230600
2007/08/0809312028 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
35, / 12044 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: westward ho park i. D. No. 37- 271 space no.: 35 map ref: 1252 a1 community: ec description: remove & replace existing coach w 1152 sq ft m h install sq ft awning & 4 sq ft carport
Date:  October 27, 2006

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 3884230600
2006/10/2709312044 Royal Rd El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
13655 I8 Business 52, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: rancho laguna park i. D. No. 37-04 space no.:52 map ref:1232 e6 community:el cajon 42h103 - 12x25 cabana for mh
Date:  February 17, 2006
Value:   $40,971

Permit type: 1154 - m. H. P. - 901a - misc. Accessory structures | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 3980803000
2006/02/17409719313655 I8 Business 52, El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting
13838 Sr94, Jamul, Ca 91935
Park name: vita springs park i. D. No. 37- 0208 space no.: 09 map ref: 1294-e2 community: jamul description: installation (replacement) of m-h and 9 x 28 awning (spa 10-198) and 8 x porch (county standard) for m-h in park
Date:  January 6, 2006

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 5960711000
2006/01/0609313838 Sr94, Jamul, Ca 91935David P Walterhouse Contracting
24 Alpine Blvd 146, Alpine, Ca 91901
Park name: alpine estates park i. D. No. 37- 0467 space no.: 146 map ref:1234 b5 community: alpine description: install 9 x 24 awning and 11 x 42 carport for mh in park
Date:  August 17, 2006

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 403-410-08-00
2006/08/1709324 Alpine Blvd 146, Alpine, Ca 91901David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 83, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakefront m-h park park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 83 map ref: 1232-f4 community: lakeside description: 6 x 22 awning (spa 10-198) and 12 x carport (spa 10-198) for existing m-h in park
Date:  December 20, 2006

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2006-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2006/12/200939395 Harritt Rd 83, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 139, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakefront mhp park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 139 map ref: 1232 f4 community: lakeside description: remove exist mh and replace with another mh. Note to permittee: this permit is valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  November 5, 2007

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2007-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2007/11/050939395 Harritt Rd 139, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
13792 Highway 8 Business 46
Park name: heart o hills park i. D. No. 37- 06 space no.: 46 map ref: 1232-f5 community: el cajon description: 8 x 22 awning (spa 88-60) and 8 x 16 porch (county standard) for existing m-h in park
Date:  July 12, 2005

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 398-260-21-00
2005/07/1209313792 Highway 8 Business 46David P Walterhouse Contracting
9395 Harritt Rd 241, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lakefront m-h park park i. D. No. 37- 04 space no.: 241 map ref: 1232-f4 community: lakeside description: 168 sq ft awning, 624 sq ft carport, and 1 sq ft porch for existing m-h in park
Date:  April 20, 2005

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Pc expired | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 395-220-19-00
2005/04/200939395 Harritt Rd 241, Lakeside, Ca 92040David P Walterhouse Contracting
24 Alpine Blvd 42, Alpine, Ca 91901
Park name: alpine m-h estates park i. D. No. 37- 0467 space no.: 42 map ref: 1234-b5 community: alpine description: m-h installation (replacement) in park
Date:  December 21, 2005

Permit type: 1154 - m. H. P. - 901a - misc. Accessory structures | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 403-410-08-00
2005/12/2109324 Alpine Blvd 42, Alpine, Ca 91901David P Walterhouse Contracting
10001 Dunbar Ln 10, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: rancho sierra park i. D. No. 37- 0383 space no.: map ref: 1233-d1 community: blossom valley description: 6 x 24 porch (county standard) for existing m-h in park
Date:  December 13, 2005

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Pc expired | Permit id: Pds2005-1035-20 | Parcel: 402-120-32-00
2005/12/1309310001 Dunbar Ln 10, El Cajon, Ca 92021David P Walterhouse Contracting

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