SCORE 98 Date: October 28, 2010 Value: $24,096
Client: Skillings Bruce L And Lorraine A Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 70116037 | 2010/10/28 | 24096 | 98 | 1089 Caggiano Ct , San Jose Ca 95120 3220 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: December 7, 2009 Value: $23,343
Client: Dattatri Kayshav And Narmada | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 29906011 | 2009/12/07 | 23343 | 98 | 1225 Phelps Av , San Jose Ca 95117 2941 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: May 10, 2005 Value: $13,473
Client: Villatoro Jose E And Lorena C | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 49914026 | 2005/05/10 | 13473 | 98 | 1287 Pellier Dr , San Jose Ca 95121 2254 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: August 31, 2010 Value: $15,060
Client: Merlic Kent E And Dorothy L | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 42913082 | 2010/08/31 | 15060 | 98 | 1301 Cherry Av , San Jose Ca 95125 3722 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: December 8, 2011 Value: $17,319
Client: Thompson Malcolm J Et Al | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 27411029 | 2011/12/08 | 17319 | 98 | 15 Calaveras Av , San Jose Ca 95126 2504 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: May 11, 2004 Value: $7,600
Client: Borch Mary A Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 45126104 | 2004/05/11 | 7600 | 98 | 1557 Glencrest Dr , San Jose Ca 95118 1617 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: November 17, 2003 Value: $8,740
Client: Bence Dorothy M Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 45128038 | 2003/11/17 | 8740 | 98 | 1569 Hallbrook Dr , San Jose Ca 95118 1669 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: November 20, 2007 Value: $13,473
Client: Szarka John B Et Al | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 37730005 | 2007/11/20 | 13473 | 98 | 15 Deerfield Dr , San Jose Ca 95129 4707 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: November 12, 2010 Value: $15,060
Client: Donahue Debra Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 42112042 | 2010/11/12 | 15060 | 98 | 2471 Kingfield Wy , San Jose Ca 95124 4912 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: March 4, 2010 Value: $33,885
Client: Ardantz Michael D And Rita A Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 43959033 | 2010/03/04 | 33885 | 98 | 2581 Cherry Av , San Jose Ca 95125 4812 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: February 3, 2014 Value: $18,825
Client: Le Sage James M And Lisa R | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 40306223 | 2014/02/03 | 18825 | 98 | 4585 Grimsby Dr , San Jose Ca 95130 2035 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: July 19, 2011 Value: $24,849
Client: Pittman Mark E And Patricia M | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 69617018 | 2011/07/19 | 24849 | 98 | 6347 Tamalpais Av , San Jose Ca 95120 1839 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: June 21, 2004 Value: $12,540
Client: Jensen Michael J And Julie A | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 45910035 | 2004/06/21 | 12540 | 98 | 973 Edenbury Ln , San Jose Ca 95136 1411 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: September 15, 2016 Value: $18,368
Client: Cochran Mickey L And Walker-Cochran Olivia | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 44219017 | 2016/09/15 | 18368 | 98 | 1908 Harris Av , San Jose Ca 95124 1016 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: July 27, 2016 Value: $13,776
Client: Guyon Rudolph W Jr And Yamada Chiaki | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 38116083 | 2016/07/27 | 13776 | 98 | 4394 Moran Dr , San Jose Ca 95129 3319 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |
SCORE 98 Date: August 24, 2016 Value: $13,202
Client: Raabe Denise J | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 68960003 | 2016/08/24 | 13202 | 98 | 514 Curie Dr , San Jose Ca 95123 4929 | Daddario Roofing Co. Steve Daddario |