D.A.S.Elevator Service Llc specializes in:

D.A.S.Elevator Service Llc offers services:

D.A.S.Elevator Service Llc completed most projects in 2012 and had largest sales volume ($171,000) in 2012. The average valuation of D.A.S.Elevator Service Llc's project is $17,100.

Based on the information received from New Orleans LA building department, there are 10 building permits associated with D.A.S.Elevator Service Llc over the past year . These building permits valued at $171,000.

If you are considering hiring D.A.S.Elevator Service Llc for your home renovation project, we recommend using our bidding system to get competitive quotes.


D.A.S.Elevator Service Llc has CheckPermit score of 79 which places them above 81% of local contractors.
We usually recommend hiring a contractor with a rank of 75 or above.


10 projects completed since 2012.



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1721 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd, New Orleans, La 70113
Work descripton: install 1-chair lift 235-6828 ck# 600historical import type: permits mechanical commercial elevators-moving equipmentuser: cezimmermanntracking: 186196007858status: closedstatus date: 5/30/2012 12:00: amowner: montero pedro howner address: 1719 oretha c haley bl, new orleans, la 70113owner edited by: 5/23/2012 by cezimmermann
Date:  June 22, 2012

Permit type: Moving equipment | Permit status: Application acceptance - | Expiration date: November 28, 2012 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 12mch-03998
703 Carondelet St, New Orleans, La
Work descripton: install 1-elev. 309-4713 ck# 537historical import type: permits mechanical commercial elevators-moving equipmentuser: cezimmermanntracking: 186181649325status: permit issuance activestatus date: 4/30/2012 12:00: amowner: 703 carondelet st. Llcowner address: 703 carondelet st., new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 4/30/2012 by cezimmermann
Date:  May 30, 2012

Permit type: Moving equipment | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Completion date: March 7, 2013 | Expiration date: November 5, 2012 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 12mch-03305
703 Carondelet St, New Orleans, La 70113
Work descripton: install 1-elev. 309-4713 ck# 537historical import type: permits mechanical commercial elevators-moving equipmentuser: cezimmermanntracking: 186181649325status: permit issuance activestatus date: 4 30 2012 12:00: amowner: 703 carondelet st. Llcowner address: 703 carondelet st., new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 4 30 2012 by cezimmermann
Date:  May 30, 2012

Permit type: Moving equipment | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Completion date: March 7, 2013 | Expiration date: November 5, 2012 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 12mch-03305
10001 Lake Forest Blvd, New Orleans, La 70127
Work descripton: mod elev.#2 235-6828 ck# 537historical import type: permits mechanical commercial elevators-moving equipmentuser: cezimmermanntracking: 186123069245status: permit issuance activestatus date: 4/30/2012 12:00: amowner: executive plaza incowner address: 10001 lake forest blvd suite 510, new orleans, la 70127owner edited by: 4/30/2012 by cezimmermann
Date:  May 30, 2012
Value:   $57,000

Permit type: Moving equipment | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Completion date: April 23, 2015 | Expiration date: November 5, 2012 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 12mch-03306
1721 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd, New Orleans La
Work descripton: install 1-chair lift 235-6828 ck# 6 historical import type: permits mechanical commercial elevators-moving equipment user: cezimmermann tracking: 186196007858 status: closed status date: 5/30/2012 12:00: am owner: montero pedro h owner address: 1719 oretha c haley bl, new orleans, la 70113 owner edited by: 5/23/2012 by cezimmermann
Date:  May 28, 2012

Permit type: Moving equipment | Permit status: Application acceptance - | Current use: Business use
1721 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd, New Orleans La
Work descripton: install 1-chair lift 235-6828 ck# 6 historical import type: permits mechanical commercial elevators-moving equipment user: cezimmermann tracking: 186196007858 status: closed status date: 5 30 2012 12:00: am owner: montero pedro h owner address: 1719 oretha c haley bl, new orleans, la 70113 owner edited by: 5 23 2012 by cezimmermann
Date:  May 28, 2012

Permit type: Moving equipment | Permit status: Application acceptance - | Current use: Business use
703 Carondelet St, New Orleans La
Work descripton: install 1-elev. 309-4713 ck# 537 historical import type: permits mechanical commercial elevators-moving equipment user: cezimmermann tracking: 186181649325 status: permit issuance active status date: 4/30/2012 12:00: am owner: 703 carondelet st. Llc owner address: 703 carondelet st., new orleans, la 701 owner edited by: 4/30/2012 by cezimmermann
Date:  May 5, 2012

Permit type: Moving equipment | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Business use
10001 Lake Forest Blvd, New Orleans La
Work descripton: mod elev.#2 235-6828 ck# 537 historical import type: permits mechanical commercial elevators-moving equipment user: cezimmermann tracking: 186123069245 status: permit issuance active status date: 4/30/2012 12:00: am owner: executive plaza inc owner address: 10001 lake forest blvd suite 510, new orleans, la 70127 owner edited by: 4/30/2012 by cezimmermann
Date:  May 5, 2012
Value:   $57,000

Permit type: Moving equipment | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Business use
703 Carondelet St, New Orleans La
Work descripton: install 1-elev. 309-4713 ck# 537 historical import type: permits mechanical commercial elevators-moving equipment user: cezimmermann tracking: 186181649325 status: permit issuance active status date: 4 30 2012 12:00: am owner: 703 carondelet st. Llc owner address: 703 carondelet st., new orleans, la 701 owner edited by: 4 30 2012 by cezimmermann
Date:  May 5, 2012

Permit type: Moving equipment | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Business use
10001 Lake Forest Blvd, New Orleans La
Work descripton: mod elev.#2 235-6828 ck# 537 historical import type: permits mechanical commercial elevators-moving equipment user: cezimmermann tracking: 186123069245 status: permit issuance active status date: 4 30 2012 12:00: am owner: executive plaza inc owner address: 10001 lake forest blvd suite 510, new orleans, la 70127 owner edited by: 4 30 2012 by cezimmermann
Date:  May 5, 2012
Value:   $57,000

Permit type: Moving equipment | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Business use
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