SCORE 88 Date: May 7, 2015 Value: $12,000
Permit status: Permit application closed | Current use: Sfd | Permit id: 765850 | 2015/05/07 | 12000 | 88 | 2176 Palolo Ave Honolulu Waialae Kahala 96816 | Contractors Equipment And Service Corp C |
SCORE 88 Date: November 14, 2007 Value: $7,000
Permit status: Permit application closed | Current use: Sfd | Permit id: 619836 | 2007/11/14 | 7000 | 88 | 398 Kam Hwy Pearl City 96782 | Contractors Equipment And Service Corp C |
SCORE 88 Date: February 6, 2015 Value: $10,000
Permit status: Permit application closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 760808 | 2015/02/06 | 10000 | 88 | 2837 Kahawai St Honolulu Makiki 96822 | Contractors Equipment And Service Corp C |
SCORE 88 Date: March 28, 2011 Value: $6,000
Permit status: Permit application closed | Current use: Ex sfd | Permit id: 669189 | 2011/03/28 | 6000 | 88 | 3343 Pakanu Pl Honolulu Makiki 96822 | Contractors Equipment And Service Corp C |
SCORE 88 Date: October 24, 2007 Value: $6,583
Permit status: Permit application closed | Current use: Two family detached | Permit id: 619017 | 2007/10/24 | 6583 | 88 | 3804 Mariposa Dr Honolulu Waialae Kahala 96816 | Contractors Equipment And Service Corp C |
SCORE 88 Date: July 18, 2012 Value: $5,000
Permit status: Permit application closed | Current use: Sfd | Permit id: 697302 | 2012/07/18 | 5000 | 88 | 372 Kapaloala Pl Unit A Honolulu Downtown 96813 | Contractors Equipment And Service Corp C |
SCORE 88 Date: November 17, 2008 Value: $5,000
Permit status: Permit application closed | Current use: Sfd | Permit id: 634973 | 2008/11/17 | 5000 | 88 | 3418 Mccorriston St Honolulu Waikiki 96815 | Contractors Equipment And Service Corp C |
SCORE 88 Date: December 8, 2011 Value: $5,000
Permit status: Permit application closed | Current use: Sfd | Permit id: 682752 | 2011/12/08 | 5000 | 88 | 2018 Houghtailing St Honolulu Kapalama 96817 | Contractors Equipment And Service Corp C |
SCORE 88 Date: October 10, 2007 Value: $8,000
Permit status: Permit application closed | Current use: Single family dwelling | Permit id: 618402 | 2007/10/10 | 8000 | 88 | 2609 Booth Rd Honolulu Downtown 96813 | Contractors Equipment And Service Corp C |