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14901 Old Hickory Blvd Nashville Tn 37211
Sign permit for stop one express.... See ground sign permits 2001-9764 and 1999-2904.... Change panels on ground sign... Install price id signs... No increase to size, weight, height.... Sign displays that change price by electronic or mechanical means, must remain fixed.. The display shall remain fixed, static, motionless, and nonflashing without any special effects... Sign on adjacent parcel 178 and four canopy signs... Canopy at 50x25.. Panel at 22"... Allowed on front and back of canopy... 14 sqft.... Allowed on side panels of canopy.. 7 sqft... See plan.... Nothing allowed to extend above roof line and nothing allowed to exceed the 15% allowed.... 22" x 15 and 22" x 25... See plan.. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be
Date:  July 10, 2015
Value:   $5,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201529218 | Parcel: 16200018600
2015/07/1050009114901 Old Hickory Blvd Nashville Tn 37211Columbia Neon Co Inc
719 Thompson Ln 25192 Nashville Tn 37204
Sign permit for electronic express... Using 156" x 78" on wall at 20x54x15%=162. Ul-hn 263605 nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code...
Date:  August 6, 2013
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201323186 | Parcel: 11815001000
2013/08/06400091719 Thompson Ln 25192 Nashville Tn 37204Columbia Neon Co Inc
1003 8th Ave S Nashville Tn 37203
Sign permit for music city indian.... This is the only ground sign on this parcel.... Ht at 1911"... Mn off grade... Front setback min 10... Sides min 10... Size at oval 77 sqft. And wall signs.... See plan... .. Ula 46413493 and 95 and 6413501 nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file
Date:  April 3, 2015
Value:   $10,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201510054 | Parcel: 10502044400
2015/04/0310000911003 8th Ave S Nashville Tn 37203Columbia Neon Co Inc
3887 Lebanon Pike Hermitage Tn 37076
Sign permit for farm bureau.... See u and o t2013-35978. Request 18 x 151 = 18. 8 sqft.. Ul--hn 263649.... See plan... Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file and inspector
Date:  December 13, 2013
Value:   $2,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201328496 | Parcel: 7500020600
2013/12/132000913887 Lebanon Pike Hermitage Tn 37076Columbia Neon Co Inc
4606 Lebanon Pike Hermitage Tn 37076
Sign permit for wing express... Using.. 18" x 147 = 19 sqft... Ul.. Hn 263729.. Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code...
Date:  January 27, 2015
Value:   $2,500

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201501019 | Parcel: 6416002000
2015/01/272500914606 Lebanon Pike Hermitage Tn 37076Columbia Neon Co Inc
2284 Lebanon Pike Nashville Tn 37214
Sign permit for taco bell. Front elevation: 58"x55 logo... 241"x35 led lighted swoosh sign... And 152" x 12 taco bell right elevelation: 58"x55 logo...... And 152" x 12 taco bell. Left side elevation: 58"x55 logo...... And 152" x 12 taco bell. Ul.. T 32495172 - 32495179 and 32495182 - 189... And.... A32495176 and a3249577 and a 32495193; a 46375063 and 64 and a 46375176.. Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file
Date:  April 27, 2015
Value:   $8,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201509625 | Parcel: 9503001300
2015/04/278000912284 Lebanon Pike Nashville Tn 37214Columbia Neon Co Inc
2101 Gallatin Pike Madison Tn 37115
Sign permit for electronic express.. 240x1 = 2 sqft and 12, and 24, and 24, sqft.... On front wall at 89x22. 5x15%=293 sqft.. And 21x3 on side wall... Need hn 263682 and 263683. Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file and inspector
Date:  June 18, 2015
Value:   $24,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201415765 | Parcel: 3403002200
2015/06/1824000912101 Gallatin Pike Madison Tn 37115Columbia Neon Co Inc
201 Crossings Pl Antioch Tn 37013
Sign permit for holiday inn express. ... .. Front wall--71"x71" logo-- with 35x36" letters---. . Rear wall--71" x71" logo--with 13 x 7 letters--- . Not not allowed to extend above roof line unless approved by the board of zoning appeals. 1st set- hr-170295 thru hr-170314 2nd set- hr-170315 thru hr-170334 3rd set- hr-170335 thru hr-170353 pylon- hm-495651 thru hm-495652
Date:  September 3, 2014
Value:   $8,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201429963 | Parcel: 16300036300
2014/09/03800091201 Crossings Pl Antioch Tn 37013Columbia Neon Co Inc
10 E Trinity Ln Nashville Tn 37216
Sign permit for nationwide ins formerly graham insu... Using... 3 x 97" wall sign on wall at 36x12 and change panel on grouond sign approved under 2000-6781....(3x8) wall sign... See plan... No increase to size, weight, height... Ul hn 263691 nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file and inspector
Date:  June 30, 2014
Value:   $2,500

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201422545 | Parcel: 7206022900
2014/06/3025009110 E Trinity Ln Nashville Tn 37216Columbia Neon Co Inc
7 Old Hickory Blvd 306 Brentwood Tn 37027
Sign permit for jimmys cleaners... Using 2 x 10. 5 on wall at 29x16... Ul--hk 683980.... Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file and inspector even with other sign on this facade.... See plan lighting requirements: for internally-illuminated signs, lighting shall be diffused and shall illuminate only letters and logos. Sign background area shall be opaque.
Date:  June 3, 2014
Value:   $2,800

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201417817 | Parcel: 16000004400
2014/06/032800917 Old Hickory Blvd 306 Brentwood Tn 37027Columbia Neon Co Inc
309 W Trinity Ln Nashville Tn 37207
Sign permit for hotel... Repaint ground sign. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code.
Date:  March 2, 2015
Value:   $1,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201505279 | Parcel: 7106000300
2015/03/02100091309 W Trinity Ln Nashville Tn 37207Columbia Neon Co Inc
201 Crossings Pl Antioch Tn 37013
Sign permit for holiday inn ... Remove old ground sign and replace with new ground sign in same location.... No closer to street.. This is the only ground sign on this parcel... Ht at 328" .. Siz at 71" x 145" .. Front setback min 15... See plan.. Ul.. Hm 495651 - 652 pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file
Date:  September 9, 2014
Value:   $19,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201429657 | Parcel: 16300036300
2014/09/091900091201 Crossings Pl Antioch Tn 37013Columbia Neon Co Inc
39 Lebanon Pike Hermitage Tn 37076
Sign permit fot title cash.... See permit 2005-12283 ... Change panel on existing multi tenant ground sign... No increase to size, weight, height. And 2x wall sign on wall at 30x12x15%=54...- ul numbers---201902 nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code...
Date:  July 5, 2013
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201319703 | Parcel: 7513022400
2013/07/0540009139 Lebanon Pike Hermitage Tn 37076Columbia Neon Co Inc
4514 Harding Pike Nashville Tn 37205
Sign permit for starbucks... Usign32x2 on wall at 65x12... This is the only wall sign on this wall. .. Ul.. Hr 187364 and 365..
Date:  April 21, 2014
Value:   $5,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201412005 | Parcel: 11603000500
2014/04/215000914514 Harding Pike Nashville Tn 37205Columbia Neon Co Inc
5333 Hickory Hollow Ln Antioch Tn 37013
Sign permit for salon suites... Change panel on existing ground sign... No increase to size, weight, height... See plan... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file
Date:  March 18, 2015
Value:   $2,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201509622 | Parcel: 16300024600
2015/03/182000915333 Hickory Hollow Ln Antioch Tn 37013Columbia Neon Co Inc
2122 Hillsboro Dr Nashville Tn 37215
To install s f illuminated facade sign on building for noshville. Ul--263642. Udo. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  January 8, 2014
Value:   $1,100

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201339387 | Parcel: 13102002200
2014/01/081100912122 Hillsboro Dr Nashville Tn 37215Columbia Neon Co Inc
53 Nolensville Pike 101 Nashville Tn 37211
Sign permit for beauty supply.... See 2000-630.. Using 30" x 400" = 83 sqft on wall at 84x12... Ul 263749... See plan. Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file
Date:  May 7, 2015
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201501498 | Parcel: 16108005100
2015/05/0740009153 Nolensville Pike 101 Nashville Tn 37211Columbia Neon Co Inc
6718 Nolensville Pike Brentwood Tn 37027
Sign permit for taco bell.... This is the only ground sign on this parcel... Using.. Ht at 35... Size at 81" x 123".... Front setback min 10... Sides min 25... Min off grade.. And wall signs.... See plan... 22 sqft and 13 sqft... Ul... Hr 98892 - 999; 989012 - 019; 989321 - 328 and 209939; 209875; 209986; 989407 and 210421..... See plan..... Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file and inspector taco bell issued under permit 2013-14305 under map and parcel 181-255
Date:  January 8, 2014
Value:   $9,700

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201440720 | Parcel: 18100028800
2014/01/089700916718 Nolensville Pike Brentwood Tn 37027Columbia Neon Co Inc
201 Crossings Pl Antioch Tn 37013
Sign permit for holiday inn express. Sign permit for holiday inn express... Using11x12 on side wall... See plan. Ul hr 170335 - 353. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file
Date:  August 18, 2014
Value:   $3,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201429076 | Parcel: 16300036300
2014/08/18300091201 Crossings Pl Antioch Tn 37013Columbia Neon Co Inc
4033 Dickerson Pike Nashville Tn 37207
Sign permit for church... Change panel on existing ground sign... Nothing allowed to extend across the public right of way..... 4x8..... No increase in size, weight, ht... See plan... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file
Date:  April 14, 2015
Value:   $2,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201512177 | Parcel: 3300008800
2015/04/142000914033 Dickerson Pike Nashville Tn 37207Columbia Neon Co Inc
4013 Hillsboro Cir Nashville Tn 37215
Sign permit for farmers bank... Two non-illuminated wall signs. Request 41 sqft on front wall. Request sqft on left side wall. Non-illuminated sign.. No electrical permit. .. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... . Need to comply with udo approved plan. Site plan sent to file... See revised plan by pc sent to file 8 12 14
Date:  August 18, 2014
Value:   $1,500

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201427043 | Parcel: 13102001500
2014/08/181500914013 Hillsboro Cir Nashville Tn 37215Columbia Neon Co Inc
1003 8th Ave S Nashville, Tn 37203
Sign permit for music city indian.... This is the only ground sign on this parcel.... Ht at 1911 ... Mn off grade... Front setback min 10... Sides min 10... Size at oval 77 sqft. And wall signs.... See plan... .. Ula 46413493 and 95 and 6413501 nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file
Date:  April 3, 2015
Value:   $10,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201510054 | Parcel: 10502044400
2015/04/0310000911003 8th Ave S Nashville, Tn 37203Columbia Neon Co Inc
10 E Trinity Ln Nashville, Tn 37216
Sign permit for nationwide ins formerly graham insu... Using... 3 x 97 wall sign on wall at 36x12 and change panel on grouond sign approved under 2000-6781....(3x8) wall sign... See plan... No increase to size, weight, height... Ul hn 263691 nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file and inspector
Date:  June 30, 2014
Value:   $2,500

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201422545 | Parcel: 07206022900
2014/06/3025009110 E Trinity Ln Nashville, Tn 37216Columbia Neon Co Inc
53 Nolensville Pike 101 Nashville, Tn 37211
Sign permit for beauty supply.... See 2000-630.. Using x 4 = 83 sqft on wall at 84x12... Ul 263749... See plan. Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file
Date:  May 7, 2015
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201501498 | Parcel: 16108005100
2015/05/0740009153 Nolensville Pike 101 Nashville, Tn 37211Columbia Neon Co Inc
6718 Nolensville Pike Brentwood, Tn 37027
Sign permit for taco bell.... This is the only ground sign on this parcel... Using.. Ht at 35... Size at 81 x 123 .... Front setback min 10... Sides min 25... Min off grade.. And wall signs.... See plan... 22 sqft and 13 sqft... Ul... Hr 98892 - 999; 989012 - 019; 989321 - 328 and 209939; 209875; 209986; 989407 and 210421..... See plan..... Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file and inspector taco bell issued under permit 2013-14305 under map and parcel 181-255
Date:  January 8, 2014
Value:   $9,700

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201440720 | Parcel: 18100028800
2014/01/089700916718 Nolensville Pike Brentwood, Tn 37027Columbia Neon Co Inc
3887 Lebanon Pike Hermitage, Tn 37076
Sign permit for farm bureau.... See u and o t2013-35978. Request 18 x 151 = 18. 8 sqft.. Ul--hn 263649.... See plan... Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file and inspector
Date:  December 13, 2013
Value:   $2,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201328496 | Parcel: 07500020600
2013/12/132000913887 Lebanon Pike Hermitage, Tn 37076Columbia Neon Co Inc
2122 Hillsboro Dr Nashville, Tn 37215
To install s/f illuminated facade sign on building for noshville. Ul--263642. Udo. I, the undersigned of this permit (contractor) hereby swear or affirm that i am applying for a building permit from the dept of codes administration of the metropolitan government of nashville and davidson county and am exempt from the requirement of tca 13-8-211 (proof of workers compensation insurance) because i am not required to obtain coverage under the tennessee workers compensation law... Tca--50-6-104 - 106
Date:  January 8, 2014
Value:   $1,100

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201339387 | Parcel: 13102002200
2014/01/081100912122 Hillsboro Dr Nashville, Tn 37215Columbia Neon Co Inc
309 W Trinity Ln Nashville, Tn 37207
Sign permit for hotel... Repaint ground sign. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code.
Date:  March 2, 2015
Value:   $1,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201505279 | Parcel: 07106000300
2015/03/02100091309 W Trinity Ln Nashville, Tn 37207Columbia Neon Co Inc
4514 Harding Pike Nashville, Tn 37205
Sign permit for starbucks... Usign32x2 on wall at 65x12... This is the only wall sign on this wall. .. Ul.. Hr 187364 and 365..
Date:  April 21, 2014
Value:   $5,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201412005 | Parcel: 11603000500
2014/04/215000914514 Harding Pike Nashville, Tn 37205Columbia Neon Co Inc
4606 Lebanon Pike Hermitage, Tn 37076
Sign permit for wing express... Using.. 18 x 147 = 19 sqft... Ul.. Hn 263729.. Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code...
Date:  January 27, 2015
Value:   $2,500

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201501019 | Parcel: 06416002000
2015/01/272500914606 Lebanon Pike Hermitage, Tn 37076Columbia Neon Co Inc
301 Demonbreun St Nashville, Tn 37201
To install signage for steadfast commons...... Steadfast commons 16 x 48 (5. 3 sq ft) internally illuminated aluminum lettered sign flush mounted sign to be installed on front elevation of building...... F neon blade sign x 42 (11. 55 sq ft) verify height off grade requirement with plans review ul #s f46364077 and f46394912 dtc and rutledge hill redevelopment district approvals needed...... Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan..
Date:  May 19, 2016
Value:   $17,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201622478 | Parcel: 093060a90100co
2016/05/191700091301 Demonbreun St Nashville, Tn 37201Columbia Neon Co Inc
2101 Gallatin Pike Madison, Tn 37115
Sign permit for electronic express.. 240x1 = 2 sqft and 12, and 24, and 24, sqft.... On front wall at 89x22. 5x15%=293 sqft.. And 21x3 on side wall... Need hn 263682 and 263683. Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file and inspector
Date:  June 18, 2015
Value:   $24,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201415765 | Parcel: 03403002200
2015/06/1824000912101 Gallatin Pike Madison, Tn 37115Columbia Neon Co Inc
14901 Old Hickory Blvd Nashville, Tn 37211
Sign permit for stop one express.... See ground sign permits 2001-9764 and 1999-2904.... Change panels on ground sign... Install price id signs... No increase to size, weight, height.... Sign displays that change price by electronic or mechanical means, must remain fixed.. The display shall remain fixed, static, motionless, and nonflashing without any special effects... Sign on adjacent parcel 178 and four canopy signs... Canopy at 50x25.. Panel at 22 ... Allowed on front and back of canopy... 14 sqft.... Allowed on side panels of canopy.. 7 sqft... See plan.... Nothing allowed to extend above roof line and nothing allowed to exceed the 15% allowed.... 22 x 15 and 22 x 25... See plan.. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stor
Date:  July 10, 2015
Value:   $5,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201529218 | Parcel: 16200018600
2015/07/1050009114901 Old Hickory Blvd Nashville, Tn 37211Columbia Neon Co Inc
2284 Lebanon Pike Nashville, Tn 37214
Sign permit for taco bell. Front elevation: 58 x55 logo... 241 x35 led lighted swoosh sign... And 152 x 12 taco bell right elevelation: 58 x55 logo...... And 152 x 12 taco bell. Left side elevation: 58 x55 logo...... And 152 x 12 taco bell. Ul.. T 32495172 - 32495179 and 32495182 - 189... And.... A32495176 and a3249577 and a 32495193; a 46375063 and 64 and a 46375176.. Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file
Date:  April 27, 2015
Value:   $8,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201509625 | Parcel: 09503001300
2015/04/278000912284 Lebanon Pike Nashville, Tn 37214Columbia Neon Co Inc
7 Old Hickory Blvd 306 Brentwood, Tn 37027
Sign permit for jimmys cleaners... Using 2 x 10. 5 on wall at 29x16... Ul--hk 683980.... Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file and inspector even with other sign on this facade.... See plan lighting requirements: for internally-illuminated signs, lighting shall be diffused and shall illuminate only letters and logos. Sign background area shall be opaque.
Date:  June 3, 2014
Value:   $2,800

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201417817 | Parcel: 16000004400
2014/06/032800917 Old Hickory Blvd 306 Brentwood, Tn 37027Columbia Neon Co Inc
5114 Old Hickory Blvd Upper Leve Hermitage, Tn 37076
To install a 3 x 12 s f illuminated faade sign under 15% not a roof sign for integrity pain consultants. Ul---e72453711 thru 21.
Date:  August 23, 2017
Value:   $4,500

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 2017055256 | Parcel: 08600030800
2017/08/234500915114 Old Hickory Blvd Upper Leve Hermitage, Tn 37076Columbia Neon Co Inc
2 Chilton St Nashville, Tn 37211
Sign permit for bell auto sales... Using 22 x 3 on wall at 50x16. Ul... Hn 263711 and 712. Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file
Value:   $2,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: T201439726 | Parcel: 13302028900
2000912 Chilton St Nashville, Tn 37211Columbia Neon Co Inc
1401 Gould Blvd Lavergne, Tn 37086
Sign permit for cosmos granite & marble.... Using 142 x 237 = 233 sqft on wall at 22. 5 x 385.... Facing interstate. Ul- hk 684001- 4023... See letter... No change in use... Nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet linenothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade.. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... .. Site plan sent to file and inspector
Value:   $3,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: T201427389 | Parcel: 18300004200
3000911401 Gould Blvd Lavergne, Tn 37086Columbia Neon Co Inc
8 44th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37209
To install a s f illuminated faade sign under 15% not a roof sign for fat bottom brewery. Ul.. C 335641651 - 653
Date:  January 23, 2017
Value:   $5,425

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 2017002030 | Parcel: 09112001600
2017/01/235425918 44th Ave N Nashville, Tn 37209Columbia Neon Co Inc
201 Crossings Pl Antioch, Tn 37013
Sign permit for holiday inn ... Remove old ground sign and replace with new ground sign in same location.... No closer to street.. This is the only ground sign on this parcel... Ht at 328 .. Siz at 71 x 145 .. Front setback min 15... See plan.. Ul.. Hm 495651 - 652 pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file
Date:  September 9, 2014
Value:   $19,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201429657 | Parcel: 16300036300
2014/09/091900091201 Crossings Pl Antioch, Tn 37013Columbia Neon Co Inc
2233 10th Ave S Nashville, Tn 37204
Sign permit for bakery cafe... Bongo java...... See permit 2016-22910..... Using. 34 x 85 ... Ul... 52951023 - 27 need to comply with pc approved plannn.. Signage meets the requirements of 2009sp-005-001 (only 13. 9% of the building elevation)
Date:  December 5, 2016
Value:   $2,400

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 2016066793 | Parcel: 10513024500
2016/12/052400912233 10th Ave S Nashville, Tn 37204Columbia Neon Co Inc
4013 Hillsboro Cir Nashville, Tn 37215
Sign permit for farmers bank... Two non-illuminated wall signs. Request 41 sqft on front wall. Request sqft on left side wall. Non-illuminated sign.. No electrical permit. .. See plan.. . Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code... . Need to comply with udo approved plan. Site plan sent to file... See revised plan by pc sent to file 8/12/14
Date:  August 18, 2014
Value:   $1,500

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201427043 | Parcel: 13102001500
2014/08/181500914013 Hillsboro Cir Nashville, Tn 37215Columbia Neon Co Inc
2101 Rosa L Parks Blvd Nashville, Tn 37228
To install s f faade signage on three (3) elevations under 15% not a roof sign and install logo entrance max allowed height is inches max allowed size is 6 for taco bell. Ul---687025639;40;44;h37542834 thru 60.
Date:  December 29, 2016
Value:   $18,400

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 2016072819 | Parcel: 08104023500
2016/12/2918400912101 Rosa L Parks Blvd Nashville, Tn 37228Columbia Neon Co Inc
62 Hermitage Ave Tenant Spa Nashville, Tn 372
Sign permit for rooted... Using 3x7 panel with opaque background... Only letters are lighted.. Complies with dtc.... Ul.. 87037825
Date:  December 28, 2016
Value:   $2,250

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 2016071856 | Parcel: 09311025000
2016/12/2822509162 Hermitage Ave Tenant Spa Nashville, Tn 372Columbia Neon Co Inc
201 Crossings Pl Antioch, Tn 37013
Sign permit for holiday inn express. ... .. Front wall--71 x71 logo-- with 35x36 letters---. . Rear wall--71 x71 logo--with 13 x 7 letters--- . Not not allowed to extend above roof line unless approved by the board of zoning appeals. 1st set- hr-170295 thru hr-170314 2nd set- hr-170315 thru hr-170334 3rd set- hr-170335 thru hr-170353 pylon- hm-495651 thru hm-495652
Date:  September 3, 2014
Value:   $8,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201429963 | Parcel: 16300036300
2014/09/03800091201 Crossings Pl Antioch, Tn 37013Columbia Neon Co Inc
8211 Highway 1 Taco Bell Nashville, Tn 37221
To install front and side faade signage under 15% not a roof sign and install a d f pole mounted id sign for taco bell. Min front s b with min clearance. Ul--f97857758 thru 65 and f97857777.
Date:  September 8, 2016
Value:   $9,700

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 2016045183 | Parcel: 15500029900
2016/09/089700918211 Highway 1 Taco Bell Nashville, Tn 37221Columbia Neon Co Inc
201 Crossings Pl Antioch, Tn 37013
Sign permit for holiday inn express. Sign permit for holiday inn express... Using11x12 on side wall... See plan. Ul hr 170335 - 353. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file
Date:  August 18, 2014
Value:   $3,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201429076 | Parcel: 16300036300
2014/08/18300091201 Crossings Pl Antioch, Tn 37013Columbia Neon Co Inc
7613 Highway S Nashville, Tn 37221
Sign permit for dairy queen.. 1..... This is the only ground sign on this parcel.... Height at 39... Min off grade... Two panels... One at 86 x 56 and manuel readerboard (not digita at x 73 .. 2...... And direction signs at 6 sqft max with a max ht at ... With a min 2 setback from lot lines.... 3..... And two wall signs on two different walls....(5. 5x8. 5 and 2x8. 5) on each of the two walls...... See plan ... Under the 15% allowed and under the roof line.. Ul.. A 1 011343 - 346. The sign is an illuminated sign then the sign permit and electrical permit must be issued to a sign contractor electrical contractor licensed in davidson county (nashville).. The sign permit and the electrical permit must be issued at the sametime to the same contractor. The sign contractor and the electrical contractor must be the same contractor. If it is abc sign contractor taking out the sign permit it must be abc electrical contractor taking out the electrical permit.
Date:  February 9, 2017
Value:   $12,500

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 2017003640 | Parcel: 14200023700
2017/02/0912500917613 Highway S Nashville, Tn 37221Columbia Neon Co Inc
37 Dickerson Pike Nashville, Tn 37207
To install a 112 sf d f signage on existing poles this is the only allowed f s sign on property for exxon. Min front s b with min clearance. Not to obstruct 35 zone of visibility. Ul---j17209949 thru 51. Corner lot.
Date:  September 21, 2017
Value:   $10,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 2017061601 | Parcel: 04116000700
2017/09/21100009137 Dickerson Pike Nashville, Tn 37207Columbia Neon Co Inc
1817 West End Ave Nashville, Tn 37203
Sign permit for first bank.... This is the only ground sign on this property.... Corner lot... Min from each street/lot line... Min off grade... Size at 5x10... Ht under 19. And wall signs. 1 at 42 x 251 = 73 sqft... On front wall... Also on this wall... Atm sign... And two at x 1 = 37 sqft see plan... All under 15%.... One sign on each wall... Front and two sides... Ul.. Hn 8186 - 629 and hn 263806. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file
Date:  November 18, 2015
Value:   $24,600

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201550866 | Parcel: 09216016200
2015/11/1824600911817 West End Ave Nashville, Tn 37203Columbia Neon Co Inc
5116 Old Hickory Blvd Hermitage, Tn 37076
Sign permit for electronic express... Change panel on multi tenant ground sign... No increase to size, weight, height... And new 6. 6x13 wall sign... On side wall als 2x13 and 2x12 on two side walls........ Ul.. Hn 263796 - 99.... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file
Date:  November 3, 2015
Value:   $5,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201548178 | Parcel: 08600030800
2015/11/035000915116 Old Hickory Blvd Hermitage, Tn 37076Columbia Neon Co Inc
14 Brick Church Pike Nashville, Tn 37207
To install s/f facade signage on front and side facades for taco bell under 15% not roof signs. Ul---e00522641 thru e00522668pursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  January 12, 2016
Value:   $9,200

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201601606 | Parcel: 07106007300
2016/01/1292009114 Brick Church Pike Nashville, Tn 37207Columbia Neon Co Inc
9 Murfreesboro Pike Nashville, Tn 37217
To install s/f facade signage on front and side facades for taco bell under 15% not roof signs. Ul---97990782 thru 97990791, 97860023 thru 97860027, 725124 thru 725136signage includes: led illuminated swoosh, 12 white led building letter set, illuminated side view-flush mount (bell logo)directional sign (4 sq ft) clearance bar, and umbrellapursuant to ordinance no. 2006-1263 of the metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction and demolition waste generated by any and all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction and demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of the metropolitan code.
Date:  June 27, 2016
Value:   $22,400

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 2016031703 | Parcel: 10600008100
2016/06/2722400919 Murfreesboro Pike Nashville, Tn 37217Columbia Neon Co Inc
4033 Dickerson Pike Nashville, Tn 37207
Sign permit for church... Change panel on existing ground sign... Nothing allowed to extend across the public right of way..... 4x8..... No increase in size, weight, ht... See plan... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file
Date:  April 14, 2015
Value:   $2,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201512177 | Parcel: 03300008800
2015/04/142000914033 Dickerson Pike Nashville, Tn 37207Columbia Neon Co Inc
5333 Hickory Hollow Ln Antioch, Tn 37013
Sign permit for salon suites... Change panel on existing ground sign... No increase to size, weight, height... See plan... Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file
Date:  March 18, 2015
Value:   $2,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201509622 | Parcel: 16300024600
2015/03/182000915333 Hickory Hollow Ln Antioch, Tn 37013Columbia Neon Co Inc
3101 Stokers Ln Nashville, Tn 37218
6/12/2015- mrp-check in safe 147. Ck # 15797 sign permit for stokers lane church of god... This is the only ground sign on this parcel... Front setback min 15.. Sides min 10... Max ht 8.... Max size 48 sqft... Using 35 sqft.... See plan.. Ul #s hn263761 need ul numbers
Date:  December 28, 2015
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: 201522162 | Parcel: 07002000700
2015/12/284000913101 Stokers Ln Nashville, Tn 37218Columbia Neon Co Inc
5114 Nolensville Pike Nashville, Tn 37211
Sign permit for auto repair business... This is the only ground sign on this parcel... Ht under 1911...... Front setback min 15.. Sides min 10....... Size at 6x10.. See plan... Ul.. Hj 911241... See plan. Pursuant ordinance # 2006-1263 metropolitan code of laws, i (the holder on this permit) hereby certify that all construction & demolition waste generated by any & all activities governed by this permit shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. Further, i certify that no construction & demolition waste shall be stored on the property in violation of any provision of metropolitan code. Site plan sent to file
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: T201510053 | Parcel: 16104006500
4000915114 Nolensville Pike Nashville, Tn 37211Columbia Neon Co Inc
719 Thompson Ln Nashville, Tn 37204
Sign permit for electronic expressretail one (1) wall sign6. 6x13 channel letters mounted to black metal depth... Illuminated ul#--f46395039 on front faade along harding industrial drive nothing to extend above roof line nor start of parapet line nothing to exceed the 15% allowed per faade see plan
Value:   $3,000

Permit type: Building sign permit | Permit id: T2017077097 | Parcel: 11815001000
300091719 Thompson Ln Nashville, Tn 37204Columbia Neon Co Inc

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