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2413 St Ann St, New Orleans, La 70119
Renovation to single (front building) per hdlcp-10-0930. Supplement to 10bld-04438. Non-conforming as to 2 singles in an rd-3 zoning district.
Date:  December 4, 2012
Value:   $50,000

Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Certificate of occupancy | Completion date: January 22, 2014 | Expiration date: June 4, 2013 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 12-32401-Rnvn
2012/12/0450000882413 St Ann St, New Orleans, La 70119Coldewy Corp Dba Landrieu Brothers
2413 St Ann St, New Orleans La
Renovation to single (front building) per hdlcp-10-0930. Supplement to 10bld-04438. Non-conforming as to 2 singles in an rd-3 zoning district.
Date:  December 4, 2012
Value:   $50,000

Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Single family
2012/12/0450000882413 St Ann St, New Orleans LaColdewy Corp Dba Landrieu Brothers
5129 Forest Park Ln, New Orleans La
Work descripton: to elevate an existing structure a foundation plan and other foundation details prepared and certified by a louisiana registered architect or a louisiana registered civil engineer shall be available at the construction site for the foundation inspection. The foundation plan must show how the structure will be anchored to the foundation. No change in parking and no increase in livable area. All electrical. No mechanical permits required. Historical import type: permits residential single (one-family unit) renovation (structural) user: ccross tracking: 8617374296 status: permit issuance active status date: 5/9/2012 12:00: am owner: james nadine c owner address: 5129 forest park ln, new orleans, la 70131 owner edited by: 4/13/2012 by ccross
Date:  May 9, 2012
Value:   $112,678

Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Single family
2012/05/09112678885129 Forest Park Ln, New Orleans LaColdewy Corp Dba Landrieu Brothers
4728 St Peter St, New Orleans La
Repair legal non-conforming fire damaged tri-plex per sketch - electrical, trim, sheetrock, paint, flooring, windows, weather boards. No mechanical under this permit.
Date:  June 8, 2016
Value:   $72,875

Client: Shelly A Salmon | Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Multi-family
2016/06/0872875884728 St Peter St, New Orleans LaColdewy Corp Dba Landrieu Brothers
5041 St Anthony Ave, New Orleans, La 70122
Repairs of a single family dwelling: electrical,mechanical,insulation,plumbing,sheetrock;termite repair and paint.
Date:  October 21, 2014
Value:   $15,000

Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: April 21, 2015 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 14-32631-Rnvn
2014/10/2115000885041 St Anthony Ave, New Orleans, La 70122Coldewy Corp Dba Landrieu Brothers
4728 St Peter St, New Orleans, La 70119
Repair legal non-conforming fire damaged tri-plex per sketch - electrical, trim, sheetrock, paint, flooring, windows, weather boards. No mechanical under this permit.
Date:  June 1, 2016
Value:   $72,875

Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: December 8, 2016 | Current use: Multi-family | Permit id: 16-18228-Rnvn
2016/06/0172875884728 St Peter St, New Orleans, La 70119Coldewy Corp Dba Landrieu Brothers
5041 St Anthony Ave, New Orleans La
Repairs of a single family dwelling: electrical,mechanical,insulation,plumbing,sheetrock;termite repair and paint.
Date:  October 21, 2014
Value:   $15,000

Client: Joyce Davis | Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family
2014/10/2115000885041 St Anthony Ave, New Orleans LaColdewy Corp Dba Landrieu Brothers
5129 Forest Park Ln, New Orleans La
Work descripton: to elevate an existing structure a foundation plan and other foundation details prepared and certified by a louisiana registered architect or a louisiana registered civil engineer shall be available at the construction site for the foundation inspection. The foundation plan must show how the structure will be anchored to the foundation. No change in parking and no increase in livable area. All electrical. No mechanical permits required. Historical import type: permits residential single (one-family unit) renovation (structural) user: ccross tracking: 8617374296 status: permit issuance active status date: 5 9 2012 12:00: am owner: james nadine c owner address: 5129 forest park ln, new orleans, la 70131 owner edited by: 4 13 2012 by ccross
Date:  May 9, 2012
Value:   $112,678

Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Single family
2012/05/09112678885129 Forest Park Ln, New Orleans LaColdewy Corp Dba Landrieu Brothers
2017 Elizardi Blvd, New Orleans La
Work descripton: to elevate an existing structure (2017-19) a foundation plan and other foundation details prepared and certified by a louisiana registered architect or a louisiana registered civil engineer shall be available at the construction site for the foundation inspection. The foundation plan must show how the structure will be anchored to the foundation. No change in parking and no increase in livable area. Electrical and mechanical permits required. Historical import type: permits residential double (two-family unit) renovation (structural) user: ccross tracking: 861521643 status: permit issuance active status date: 5 9 2012 12:00: am owner: wilkerson amanda h owner address: 2017 elizardi blvd, new orleans, la 70114 owner edited by: 4 13 2012 by ccross
Date:  May 9, 2012
Value:   $140,239

Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Two-family
2012/05/09140239882017 Elizardi Blvd, New Orleans LaColdewy Corp Dba Landrieu Brothers
4725 Chantilly Dr [catering Unlimited], New Orleans, La
Elevate existing single to meet/be above the bfe. To elevate an existing structure a foundation plan and other foundation details prepared and certified by a louisiana registered architect or a louisiana registered civil engineer shall be available at the construction site for the foundation inspection. The foundation plan must show how the structure will be anchored to the foundation. No change in parking and no increase in livable area. All elevation permits require electrical and mechanical permits.
Date:  May 20, 2013
Value:   $100,000

Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Zoning review | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 13-15687-Rnvs
2013/05/20100000884725 Chantilly Dr [catering Unlimited], New Orleans, LaColdewy Corp Dba Landrieu Brothers

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