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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
13217 Aurora Dr 44 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: los coches mobile home ests park i. D. No. 37- 0695 space no.: 44 map ref: 1232d7 community: el cajon description: mh installation (ets 133 fhz-a, ae, ah) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  May 13, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 13, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark-
2016/05/1308913217 Aurora Dr 44 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
9041 El Dorado Pkwy 49 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: el dorado mobile park park i. D. No. 37-0247 space no.: 49 map ref: 1232 e6 community: el cajon description: 10 sf mh installation (spa 112-1f) in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 21, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Issued expired | Completion date: December 2, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark-
2016/04/210899041 El Dorado Pkwy 49 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
1815 Sweetwater Rd 156 Spring Valley Ca 91977
Park name: terrace m h park park i. D. No. 37- 0778 space no.: 156 map ref: 1291-a1 community: spring valley description: replacement mh installation (ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 9, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 22, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/04/090891815 Sweetwater Rd 156 Spring Valley Ca 91977Casey Van Horn
95 Harritt Rd 179 Lakeside Ca 92040
Park name: lake jennings park estates park i. D. No. 37- 07 space no.: 179 map ref: 1232f4 community: lakeside description: mh installation (spa 112-1f)- form 433a note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  March 12, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 24, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/03/1208995 Harritt Rd 179 Lakeside Ca 92040Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwood mhpark park i. D. No. 37- 0603 space no.: map ref: 1251 j1 community: el cajon description: 1653 sf mh installation (ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 17, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark-
2016/08/1708911 Pepper Dr El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
3909 Reche Rd 132 Fallbrook Ca 92028
Park name: valley oak mh park park i. D. No. 37- 0265 space no.: 132 map ref: 1028 f4 community: fallbrook description: install a replacement mh (ets133, carport and awning (spa 88-60) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 19, 2014
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: September 29, 2014 | Permit id: Pds2014-Mhpark-
2014/08/190893909 Reche Rd 132 Fallbrook Ca 92028Casey Van Horn
14595 Olde Highway 11 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: flinn springs mobile lodge park i. D. No. 37- 0073 space no.: 11 community: el cajon description: 1512sf mh installation (ets-133) for mh in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 5, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 6, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark-
2016/04/0508914595 Olde Highway 11 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr 1 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwiid park i. D. No. 37- 0603 space no.: 1 map ref: 1251j1 community: el cajon description: 1984sf mh installation for mhpark (eps-133). Note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  February 10, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 13, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark-
2016/02/1008911 Pepper Dr 1 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr 56 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwood mh park park i. D. No. 37- 0603 space no.: 56 map ref:1251 j1 community: el cajon description: new 1539 sf mh installation in park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  October 12, 2015
Value:   $156,223
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 21, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/10/121562238911 Pepper Dr 56 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
143 Rios Canyon Rd 79 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: rios mobile manor park i. D. No. 37- 0633 space no.: 79 map ref: 1232 g6 community: el cajon description: new 1539 sf mh installation in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  October 12, 2015
Value:   $156,223
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 24, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/10/1215622389143 Rios Canyon Rd 79 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
3909 Reche Rd 213 Fallbrook Ca 92028
Park name: valley oak trailer ranch park i. D. No. 37-0265 space no.:213 map ref:1028f4 community: fallbrook description: 1242 sf mh installation (ets-133) 9 4 2015 plan change: see cofa... T. T. Note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  September 3, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: October 6, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/09/030893909 Reche Rd 213 Fallbrook Ca 92028Casey Van Horn
1638 Calavo Rd 31 Fallbrook Ca 92028
Park name: sunshine park estates park i. D. No. 37- 0291 space no.: 31 map ref: 1027 j5 community: fallbrook description: mh installation in sunshine park estates mobile home park (ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  July 20, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: October 16, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/07/200891638 Calavo Rd 31 Fallbrook Ca 92028Casey Van Horn
18 Hillsdale Rd 47 El Cajon Ca 92019
Park name: singing hills park i. D. No. 37-0243 space no.:47 map ref: 1272 b2 community: el cajon description: mh installation in "singing hills " mh park (spa ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  May 28, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: September 15, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/05/2808918 Hillsdale Rd 47 El Cajon Ca 92019Casey Van Horn
13217 Aurora Dr 94 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: los coches mobile home ests park i. D. No. 37- 0695 space no.: 94 map ref: 1232 d7 community: el cajon description: mh installation (ets 133) and awning spa (88-60) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 3, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 17, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/04/0308913217 Aurora Dr 94 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
143 Rios Canyon Rd El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: rios mobile manor park i. D. No. 37- 0633 space no.: map ref: 1232 g6 community: el cajon description: mh installation (spa ets 133) and awning (spa 88-60) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 3, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Issued expired | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/04/03089143 Rios Canyon Rd El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
351 W Palm Canyon Dr 77 Borrego Springs Ca 92004
Park name: holiday hm or borrego park i. D. No. 37- 0365 space no.: 77 map ref: 1078g2 community: borrego springs description: mh installation (spa ets 119 & 112-2f) and awning (spa 88-60) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  December 2, 2014
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 23, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2014-Mhpark-
2014/12/02089351 W Palm Canyon Dr 77 Borrego Springs Ca 92004Casey Van Horn
351 W Palm Canyon Dr 21 Borrego Springs Ca 92004
Park name: holiday home of borrego park i. D. No. 37- 0365 space no.: 21 map ref: 1078g2 community: borrego springs description: mh installation (spa 112-f) and awning (spa 88-60) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  December 2, 2014
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 23, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2014-Mhpark-
2014/12/02089351 W Palm Canyon Dr 21 Borrego Springs Ca 92004Casey Van Horn
134 Hwy 8 Business 4 Lakeside Ca 92040
Park name: lamplighter los coches park i. D. No. 37- 0769 space no.: 4 map ref:1232d6 community: lakeside description: 1458sf mh installation in a park (ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  February 10, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Issued expired | Completion date: July 15, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark-
2016/02/10089134 Hwy 8 Business 4 Lakeside Ca 92040Casey Van Horn
26835 Old Highway 51 Guatay Ca 91931
Park name: heavenly oak park i. D. No. 37- 0233 space no.: 51 community: guatay description: 6 sf mh installation (ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 5, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 7, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark-
2016/04/0508926835 Old Highway 51 Guatay Ca 91931Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr 99 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwood park i. D. No. 37- 0603 space no.: 99 map ref: 1251j1 community: el cajon description: mh installation (spa ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  March 8, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 9, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark-
2016/03/0808911 Pepper Dr 99 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
18 Hillsdale Rd 91 El Cajon Ca 92019
Park name: singing hill park i. D. No. 37- 0243 space no.: 91 map ref: 1252f6 community: el cajon description: 1276sf mh installation in a park. (ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  February 10, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 9, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark-
2016/02/1008918 Hillsdale Rd 91 El Cajon Ca 92019Casey Van Horn
13217 Aurora Dr 37 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: los coches mobile home ests park i. D. No. 37- 0695 space no.: 37 map ref: 1232 d7 community: el cajon description: mh installation (spa ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct
Date:  May 13, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 28, 2016 | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark-
2016/05/1308913217 Aurora Dr 37 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
1015 Valley Crest Dr Vista Ca 92084
768 sf temp healthcare trailer (tie-down system spa # ets 133) w doctor letter . Valid for 1 year.... Annual renewals required
Date:  September 28, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: New residential acc structure | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Resacc-
2016/09/280891015 Valley Crest Dr Vista Ca 92084Casey Van Horn
255 E Bradley Ave 59 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: villa cajon park i. D. No. 37- 0273 space no.: 59 map ref: community: el cajon description: 7 sqft mh installation (ets 133 foundation). Note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  September 15, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/09/15089255 E Bradley Ave 59 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
13217 Aurora Dr El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: los coches mobile home estates park i. D. No. 37- 0695 space no.: 92 map ref: 1232 - d7 community: el cajon description: mh install (ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 4, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: September 21, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/08/0408913217 Aurora Dr El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
San Diego Ca
Park name: heavenly oaks park i. D. No. 37- 0233 space no.: 86 map ref: 1236 g3 community: guatay description: mh installation in "heavenly oaks" (spa# ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  May 29, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 16, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/05/29089San Diego CaCasey Van Horn
143 Rios Canyon Rd 26 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: rios mobile manor park i. D. No. 37-0633 space no.:26 map ref: 1232 g6 community: el cajon description: installation of mh in a park (spa ets-133) needs to be finaled concurrent with pds2015-mhpark-000004 (retaining wall) or after. Note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  January 6, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Issued expired | Completion date: May 15, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/01/06089143 Rios Canyon Rd 26 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
8975 Lawrence Welk Dr 19 Escondido Ca 92026
Park name:lawrence welks country club park i. D. No. 37- 0362 space no.:19 map ref:1089 a2 community:escondido description: 16 sf new mh installation on piers ets # 133 note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  June 24, 2015
Value:   $22,498
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: September 14, 2015 | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark-
2015/06/2422498898975 Lawrence Welk Dr 19 Escondido Ca 92026Casey Van Horn
25484 Lake Wohlford Rd W58 Escondido Ca 92027
Park name: lake wohlford resort park i. D. No. 37-0101 space no.: w58 map ref: 11 j2 community: escondido description: 1509 sf mh installation in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct. 11 29 17-permit renewed at no fee per title 25. Kp
Date:  May 10, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 11, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/05/1008925484 Lake Wohlford Rd W58 Escondido Ca 92027Casey Van Horn
95 Harritt Rd 63 Lakeside Ca 92040
Park name: lake jennings park i. D. No. 37- 07 space no.: 63 map ref: 1232f4 community: lakeside description: mh installation (spa ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  March 13, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 13, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/03/1308995 Harritt Rd 63 Lakeside Ca 92040Casey Van Horn
3909 Reche Rd 9 Fallbrook Ca 92028
Park name: valley oaks park i. D. No. 37- 0265 space no.: 9 map ref: 1028f4 community: fallbrook description: mh installation (spa ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  March 13, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: April 26, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/03/130893909 Reche Rd 9 Fallbrook Ca 92028Casey Van Horn
13834 Blue Sage Ln Valley Center Ca 92082
789 sq ft temp health care trailer (spa#ets133), electrical panel upgrade to 400amp
Date:  April 24, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: New residential acc structure | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: October 6, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Resacc-
2017/04/2408913834 Blue Sage Ln Valley Center Ca 92082Casey Van Horn
12 Barrett Lake Rd Dulzura Ca 91917
Park name: barrett trailer park park i. D. No. 37- 0306 space no.: 23 map ref: 1294-c5 community: dulzura description: 13 sf mh installation (ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct. 6 26 17-permit renewed. Must call for a valid inspection showing progress within 1 days to keep permit active-kp
Date:  December 1, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 30, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark-
2016/12/0108912 Barrett Lake Rd Dulzura Ca 91917Casey Van Horn
1815 Sweetwater Rd Spring Valley Ca 91977
Park name: terrace estates park i. D. No. 37- 0778 space no.: 1 map ref: 1290j1 community: spring valley description: mh installation (spa ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  June 5, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: September 28, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/06/050891815 Sweetwater Rd Spring Valley Ca 91977Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr 138 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwood m h park park i. D. No. 37- 0603 space no.: 138 map ref: community: el cajon description: 1682 sqft mh installation ets-133 note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  July 17, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 16, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/07/1708911 Pepper Dr 138 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
718 Sycamore Ave 14 Vista Ca 92083
Park name: grandview m terrace park i. D. No. 37- 0535 space no.: 14 map ref: community: vista description: 1742 sqft mh installation (ets-133 foundation) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  September 15, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 22, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/09/15089718 Sycamore Ave 14 Vista Ca 92083Casey Van Horn
46 Dulin Rd 195 Fallbrook Ca 92028
Park name: rancho monserate park i. D. No. 37-0834 space no.: 195 map ref:1048 h4 community: fallbrook description: 1728sf mh (ets 133) in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 8, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 28, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/08/0808946 Dulin Rd 195 Fallbrook Ca 92028Casey Van Horn
143 Rios Canyon Rd 32 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: rios mobile manor park i. D. No. 37-0633 space no.:32 map ref:1232 g6 community: el cajon description:1296 sf mh (ets 133) in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 8, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 31, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/08/08089143 Rios Canyon Rd 32 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
1815 Sweetwater Rd 136 Spring Valley Ca 91977
Park name: terrace mhp park i. D. No. 37-0778 space no.:136 map ref: 12 j1 community: spring valley description: 16 sf mh installation (ets 133) in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  June 20, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: September 5, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/06/200891815 Sweetwater Rd 136 Spring Valley Ca 91977Casey Van Horn
14595 Olde Highway 34 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: flinn springs park i. D. No. 37-0073 space no.: 34 community: el cajon description: mh installation (ets-133), awning installation (spa 88-70) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  October 11, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/10/1108914595 Olde Highway 34 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
143 Rios Canyon Rd El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: rios mobile manor park i. D. No. 37-0633 space no.: map ref: 1232 g6 community: el cajon description: 1711 sf mh (ets 133) in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  October 13, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/10/13089143 Rios Canyon Rd El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr 57 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwood park i. D. No. 37-0603 space no.: 57 community: el cajon description: mh installation (spa ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 16, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 12, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/08/1608911 Pepper Dr 57 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
14595 Olde Highway 23 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: flinn springs park i. D. No. 37-0073 space no.: 23 community: el cajon description: mh installation (ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  October 11, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/10/1108914595 Olde Highway 23 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
143 Rios Canyon Rd 31 El Cajon Ca 92021
Park name: rios mobile manor park i. D. No. 37-0633 space no.: 31 community: el cajon description: 1593 sf mh installation (ets-133) in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  October 11, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: January 5, 2018 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/10/11089143 Rios Canyon Rd 31 El Cajon Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
4747 Oakcrest Rd Fallbrook Ca 92028
Park name: oakcrest mobile estates park i. D. No. 37- 0425 space no.: map ref: community: fallbrook description: 1458 sqft mh (foundation -spa ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  October 23, 2017
Value:   $148,001
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh park | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 3, 2017 | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark-
2017/10/23148001894747 Oakcrest Rd Fallbrook Ca 92028Casey Van Horn
1815 Sweetwater Rd 156, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
Park name: terrace m h park park i. D. No. 37- 0778 space no.: 156 map ref: 1291-a1 community: spring valley description: replacement mh installation (ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 9, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 578-060-10-00
2015/04/090891815 Sweetwater Rd 156, Spring Valley, Ca 91977Casey Van Horn
13217 Aurora Dr 94, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: los coches mobile home ests park i. D. No. 37- 0695 space no.: 94 map ref: 1232 d7 community: el cajon description: mh installation (ets 133) and awning spa (88-60) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 3, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 400-370-20-00
2015/04/0308913217 Aurora Dr 94, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
143 Rios Canyon Rd 30, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: rios mobile manor park i. D. No. 37- 0633 space no.: map ref: 1232 g6 community: el cajon description: mh installation (spa ets 133) and awning (spa 88-60) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 3, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 398-150-27-00
2015/04/03089143 Rios Canyon Rd 30, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
95 Harritt Rd 179, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lake jennings park estates park i. D. No. 37- 07 space no.: 179 map ref: 1232f4 community: lakeside description: mh installation (spa 112-1f)- form 433a note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  March 12, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 395-152-28-80
2015/03/1208995 Harritt Rd 179, Lakeside, Ca 92040Casey Van Horn
3909 Reche Rd 132, Fallbrook, Ca 92028
Park name: valley oak mh park park i. D. No. 37- 0265 space no.: 132 map ref: 1028 f4 community: fallbrook description: install a replacement mh (ets133, carport and awning (spa 88-60) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 19, 2014
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2014-Mhpark- | Parcel: 107-070-20-00
2014/08/190893909 Reche Rd 132, Fallbrook, Ca 92028Casey Van Horn
18 Hillsdale Rd 47, El Cajon, Ca 92019
Park name: singing hills park i. D. No. 37-0243 space no.:47 map ref: 1272 b2 community: el cajon description: mh installation in "singing hills " mh park (spa ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  May 28, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Open | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 517-120-77-00
2015/05/2808918 Hillsdale Rd 47, El Cajon, Ca 92019Casey Van Horn
26835 Old Highway 86, Guatay, Ca 91931
Park name: heavenly oaks park i. D. No. 37- 0233 space no.: 86 map ref: 1236 g3 community: guatay description: mh installation in "heavenly oaks" (spa# ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  May 29, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Open | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 408-120-22-00
2015/05/2908926835 Old Highway 86, Guatay, Ca 91931Casey Van Horn
1638 Calavo Rd 31, Fallbrook, Ca 92028
Park name: sunshine park estates park i. D. No. 37- 0291 space no.: 31 map ref: 1027 j5 community: fallbrook description: mh installation in sunshine park estates mobile home park (ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  July 20, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 106-362-01-00
2015/07/200891638 Calavo Rd 31, Fallbrook, Ca 92028Casey Van Horn
143 Rios Canyon Rd 79, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: rios mobile manor park i. D. No. 37- 0633 space no.: 79 map ref: 1232 g6 community: el cajon description: new 1539 sf mh installation in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  October 12, 2015
Value:   $156,223
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 398-150-27-00
2015/10/1215622389143 Rios Canyon Rd 79, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr 56, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwood mh park park i. D. No. 37- 0603 space no.: 56 map ref:1251 j1 community: el cajon description: new 1539 sf mh installation in park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  October 12, 2015
Value:   $156,223
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 388-230-27-00
2015/10/121562238911 Pepper Dr 56, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
351 W Palm Canyon Dr 21, Borrego Springs, Ca 92004
Park name: holiday home of borrego park i. D. No. 37- 0365 space no.: 21 map ref: 1078g2 community: borrego springs description: mh installation (spa 112-f) and awning (spa 88-60) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  December 2, 2014
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2014-Mhpark- | Parcel: 198-010-14-00
2014/12/02089351 W Palm Canyon Dr 21, Borrego Springs, Ca 92004Casey Van Horn
351 W Palm Canyon Dr 77, Borrego Springs, Ca 92004
Park name: holiday hm or borrego park i. D. No. 37- 0365 space no.: 77 map ref: 1078g2 community: borrego springs description: mh installation (spa ets 119 & 112-2f) and awning (spa 88-60) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  December 2, 2014
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Construction in a mh | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2014-Mhpark- | Parcel: 198-010-14-00
2014/12/02089351 W Palm Canyon Dr 77, Borrego Springs, Ca 92004Casey Van Horn
13217 Aurora Dr 37, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: los coches mobile home ests park i. D. No. 37- 0695 space no.: 37 map ref: 1232 d7 community: el cajon description: mh installation (spa ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct
Date:  May 13, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark- | Parcel: 4003702000
2016/05/1308913217 Aurora Dr 37, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
26835 Old Highway 51, Guatay, Ca 91931
Park name: heavenly oak park i. D. No. 37- 0233 space no.: 51 community: guatay description: 6 sf mh installation (ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 5, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark- | Parcel: 4081202200
2016/04/0508926835 Old Highway 51, Guatay, Ca 91931Casey Van Horn
14595 Olde Highway 11, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: flinn springs mobile lodge park i. D. No. 37- 0073 space no.: 11 community: el cajon description: 1512sf mh installation (ets-133) for mh in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 5, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark- | Parcel: 3981301200
2016/04/0508914595 Olde Highway 11, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr 99, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwood park i. D. No. 37- 0603 space no.: 99 map ref: 1251j1 community: el cajon description: mh installation (spa ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  March 8, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark- | Parcel: 3882302700
2016/03/0808911 Pepper Dr 99, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr 100, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwiid park i. D. No. 37- 0603 space no.: 1 map ref: 1251j1 community: el cajon description: 1984sf mh installation for mhpark (eps-133). Note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  February 10, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark- | Parcel: 3882302700
2016/02/1008911 Pepper Dr 100, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
18 Hillsdale Rd 91, El Cajon, Ca 92019
Park name: singing hill park i. D. No. 37- 0243 space no.: 91 map ref: 1252f6 community: el cajon description: 1276sf mh installation in a park. (ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  February 10, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark- | Parcel: 5171207700
2016/02/1008918 Hillsdale Rd 91, El Cajon, Ca 92019Casey Van Horn
134 Hwy 8 Business 4, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lamplighter los coches park i. D. No. 37- 0769 space no.: 4 map ref:1232d6 community: lakeside description: 1458sf mh installation in a park (ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  February 10, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Issued about to expire | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark- | Parcel: 3971404500
2016/02/10089134 Hwy 8 Business 4, Lakeside, Ca 92040Casey Van Horn
9041 El Dorado Pkwy 49, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: el dorado mobile park park i. D. No. 37-0247 space no.: 49 map ref: 1232 e6 community: el cajon description: 10 sf mh installation (spa 112-1f) in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  April 21, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Issued about to expire | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark- | Parcel: 3982903300
2016/04/210899041 El Dorado Pkwy 49, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
1015 Valley Crest Dr, Vista, Ca 92084
768 sf temp healthcare trailer (tie-down system spa # ets 133) w doctor letter . Valid for 1 year.... Annual renewals required
Date:  September 28, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Health care trailer | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Resacc- | Parcel: 1812422100
2016/09/280891015 Valley Crest Dr, Vista, Ca 92084Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwood mhpark park i. D. No. 37- 0603 space no.: map ref: 1251 j1 community: el cajon description: 1653 sf mh installation (ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 17, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark- | Parcel: 3882302700
2016/08/1708911 Pepper Dr, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
13217 Aurora Dr 44, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: los coches mobile home ests park i. D. No. 37- 0695 space no.: 44 map ref: 1232d7 community: el cajon description: mh installation (ets 133 fhz-a, ae, ah) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  May 13, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark- | Parcel: 4003702000
2016/05/1308913217 Aurora Dr 44, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
3909 Reche Rd 9, Fallbrook, Ca 92028
Park name: valley oaks park i. D. No. 37- 0265 space no.: 9 map ref: 1028f4 community: fallbrook description: mh installation (spa ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  March 13, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Misc. Lot utilities - e. P. M. | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark- | Parcel: 1070702000
2017/03/130893909 Reche Rd 9, Fallbrook, Ca 92028Casey Van Horn
3909 Reche Rd 213, Fallbrook, Ca 92028
Park name: valley oak trailer ranch park i. D. No. 37-0265 space no.:213 map ref:1028f4 community: fallbrook description: 1242 sf mh installation (ets-133) 9/4/2015 plan change: see cofa... T. T. Note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  September 3, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 107-070-20-00
2015/09/030893909 Reche Rd 213, Fallbrook, Ca 92028Casey Van Horn
13217 Aurora Dr, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: los coches mobile home estates park i. D. No. 37- 0695 space no.: 92 map ref: 1232 - d7 community: el cajon description: mh install (ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 4, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 400-370-20-00
2015/08/0408913217 Aurora Dr, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
8975 Lawrence Welk Dr 19, Escondido, Ca 92026
Park name:lawrence welks country club park i. D. No. 37- 0362 space no.:19 map ref:1089 a2 community:escondido description: 16 sf new mh installation on piers ets # 133 note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  June 24, 2015
Value:   $22,498
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1158 - m. H. P. - 902 - installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 185-332-13-53
2015/06/2422498898975 Lawrence Welk Dr 19, Escondido, Ca 92026Casey Van Horn
26835 Old Highway 86, Guatay, Ca 91931 San Diego Ca
Park name: heavenly oaks park i. D. No. 37- 0233 space no.: 86 map ref: 1236 g3 community: guatay description: mh installation in "heavenly oaks" (spa# ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  May 29, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 4081202200
2015/05/2908926835 Old Highway 86, Guatay, Ca 91931 San Diego CaCasey Van Horn
143 Rios Canyon Rd 26, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: rios mobile manor park i. D. No. 37-0633 space no.:26 map ref: 1232 g6 community: el cajon description: installation of mh in a park (spa ets-133) needs to be finaled concurrent with pds2015-mhpark-000004 (retaining wall) or after. Note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  May 5, 2015
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: 1154 - m. H. P. - 901a - misc. Accessory structures | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2015-Mhpark- | Parcel: 398-150-27-00
2015/05/05089143 Rios Canyon Rd 26, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
255 E Bradley Ave 59, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: villa cajon park i. D. No. 37- 0273 space no.: 59 map ref: community: el cajon description: 7 sqft mh installation (ets 133 foundation). Note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  September 15, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Misc. Lot utilities - e. P. M. | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark- | Parcel: 4830305300
2017/09/15089255 E Bradley Ave 59, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
718 Sycamore Ave 14, Vista, Ca 92083
Park name: grandview m terrace park i. D. No. 37- 0535 space no.: 14 map ref: community: vista description: 1742 sqft mh installation (ets-133 foundation) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  September 15, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Installation - new or existing | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark- | Parcel: 2171227000
2017/09/15089718 Sycamore Ave 14, Vista, Ca 92083Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr 57, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwood park i. D. No. 37-0603 space no.: 57 community: el cajon description: mh installation (spa ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 16, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Installation - new or existing | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark- | Parcel: 3882302700
2017/08/1608911 Pepper Dr 57, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
46 Dulin Rd 195, Fallbrook, Ca 92028
Park name: rancho monserate park i. D. No. 37-0834 space no.: 195 map ref:1048 h4 community: fallbrook description: 1728sf mh (ets 133) in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 8, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark- | Parcel: 1250904146
2017/08/0808946 Dulin Rd 195, Fallbrook, Ca 92028Casey Van Horn
143 Rios Canyon Rd 32, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: rios mobile manor park i. D. No. 37-0633 space no.:32 map ref:1232 g6 community: el cajon description:1296 sf mh (ets 133) in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  August 8, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark- | Parcel: 3981502700
2017/08/08089143 Rios Canyon Rd 32, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
11 Pepper Dr 138, El Cajon, Ca 92021
Park name: pepperwood m h park park i. D. No. 37- 0603 space no.: 138 map ref: community: el cajon description: 1682 sqft mh installation ets-133 note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  July 17, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark- | Parcel: 3882302700
2017/07/1708911 Pepper Dr 138, El Cajon, Ca 92021Casey Van Horn
1815 Sweetwater Rd 136, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
Park name: terrace mhp park i. D. No. 37-0778 space no.:136 map ref: 12 j1 community: spring valley description: 16 sf mh installation (ets 133) in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  June 20, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark- | Parcel: 5780601000
2017/06/200891815 Sweetwater Rd 136, Spring Valley, Ca 91977Casey Van Horn
1815 Sweetwater Rd, Spring Valley, Ca 91977
Park name: terrace estates park i. D. No. 37- 0778 space no.: 1 map ref: 1290j1 community: spring valley description: mh installation (spa ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  June 5, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Installation - new or existing | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark- | Parcel: 5780601000
2017/06/050891815 Sweetwater Rd, Spring Valley, Ca 91977Casey Van Horn
25484 Lake Wohlford Rd W58, Escondido, Ca 92027
Park name: lake wohlford resort park i. D. No. 37-0101 space no.: w58 map ref: 11 j2 community: escondido description: 1509 sf mh installation in a park note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  May 10, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Installation - new or existing | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark- | Parcel: 1901000800
2017/05/1008925484 Lake Wohlford Rd W58, Escondido, Ca 92027Casey Van Horn
13834 Blue Sage Ln, Valley Center, Ca 92082
789 sq ft temp health care trailer (spa#ets133), electrical panel upgrade to 400amp
Date:  April 24, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Health care trailer | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pds2017-Resacc- | Parcel: 1852011700
2017/04/2408913834 Blue Sage Ln, Valley Center, Ca 92082Casey Van Horn
95 Harritt Rd 63, Lakeside, Ca 92040
Park name: lake jennings park i. D. No. 37- 07 space no.: 63 map ref: 1232f4 community: lakeside description: mh installation (spa ets 133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct.
Date:  March 13, 2017
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: Installation - new or existing | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2017-Mhpark- | Parcel: 3951522763
2017/03/1308995 Harritt Rd 63, Lakeside, Ca 92040Casey Van Horn
12 Barrett Lake Rd, Dulzura, Ca 91917
Park name: barrett trailer park park i. D. No. 37- 0306 space no.: 23 map ref: 1294-c5 community: dulzura description: 13 sf mh installation (ets-133) note to permittee: once this permit is issued it will be valid for six months. Work must commence and a valid inspection performed within six months of issuance. No extension shall be granted where work has not started prior to expiration of the initial permit. Upon payment of fees, a permit extension of six months may be granted. No permit shall be extended more than two years from issuance of the initial permit to construct. 6 26 17-permit renewed. Must call for a valid inspection showing progress within 1 days to keep permit active-kp
Date:  December 1, 2016
Contractor: Casey Van Horn

Permit type: M. H. On piers (private lot) | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: Pds2016-Mhpark- | Parcel: 6510810500
2016/12/0108912 Barrett Lake Rd, Dulzura, Ca 91917Casey Van Horn

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