Phone: (253) 200-6074

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You can reach Cameron Christlieb by phone: (253) 200-6074.
Cameron Christlieb's company name is: Sefnco.

Cameron Christlieb completed most projects in 2015.

Based on the information received from Redmond WA building department, there are 8 building permits associated with Cameron Christlieb over the past year .

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Cameron Christlieb has CheckPermit score of 77 which places them above 75% of local contractors.
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8 projects completed since 2015.

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66 185th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Proof and pull from ped to vault in existing conduit. Bore from vault onto private property approximately 191 feet to side of building.
Date:  January 29, 2016
Contractor: Cameron Christlieb

Applicant: Owen Shackett | Permit type: Right of way | Permit id: Row-2016-00572 | Parcel: 7198950080
15814 Bear Creek Pkwy Redmond, Wa 98052
Proof and pull . 625 coax from manhole to new vault location. Set new vault over 4-inch pipe from manhole. Bore from new vault to lock box location and mount lock box and place 2-inch/. 625 coax.
Date:  January 29, 2016
Contractor: Cameron Christlieb

Applicant: Jeff Burris | Permit type: Right of way | Permit id: Row-2016-00573 | Parcel: 9270700025
7102 180th Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
From existing pedestal/ bore 62 feet and place vault. From new vault bore onto property and set 2 aadditional vaults to fee three buildings. Mount new lock boxes on all three buildings.
Date:  December 18, 2015
Contractor: Cameron Christlieb

Permit type: Right of way | Permit id: Row-2015-09422 | Parcel: 6648680010
15831 Ne 116th St Redmond, Wa 98052
Participate in jut/lid with pse and frontier. Builder to open trench and place conduit for utilities to relocate existing aerial plan to underground. Comcast to place 1 36x42 and 1 30x vault in row for relocation/ push new coax and fiber once in place. Wreckout all aerial plant at location in order to relocate fiber at this location. Comcast will need t overlash to existing aerial line starting at utility pole 3 feet south of intersection of 154th place ne and redmond-woodinville road and heading north to intersection of redmond-woodinville road to ne 116th street for 1 span to side location.
Date:  December 16, 2015
Contractor: Cameron Christlieb

Applicant: Jason Archey | Permit type: Right of way | Permit id: Row-2015-08968 | Parcel: 3825311190
15815 Ne 56th Way Redmond, Wa 98052
On south side of ne 56th way/ pothole for locating damaged storm drain. Possible 4x6 open cut for storm drain repair.
Date:  December 10, 2015
Contractor: Cameron Christlieb

Applicant: Henry Faamoe | Permit type: Right of way | Permit id: Row-2015-09093 | Parcel: 1828000360
2249 152nd Ave Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Directional drill 8 feet in row from existing comcast pedestal west across 152nd avenue ne and then south along west side of 152nd st. Place 4-inch conduit and set vault in row then transition to private property.
Date:  November 24, 2015
Contractor: Cameron Christlieb

Permit type: Right of way | Permit id: Row-2015-08936 | Parcel: 3927200010
Ne 33rd Street Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Se corner of intersection 172nd ave/ne 33rd st - set j11 flush vault at existing riser location/ open trench 4 feet from vault to new pole and set new riser. Utility poles located on ne corner of ne 30th pl/172nd ave ne/ open trench existing riser 2 feet from existing utility pole to new utility pole.
Date:  June 16, 2015
Contractor: Cameron Christlieb

Applicant: Sunshine Crabbs | Permit type: Right of way | Permit id: Row-2015-04379 | Parcel: 2260000230
16609 Ne 50th Way Working South On Wlsp) Redmond, Wa 98052
Move existing utility riser at three locations to new poles placed. Location 1 - riser needs to be open/ trench 4 feet to new pole. Location 2 - existing riser needs to be open trenched 5 feet to new pole. Location 3 - existing utility riser needs to be open trench 5 feet to new pole.
Date:  May 6, 2015
Contractor: Cameron Christlieb

Applicant: Sunshine Crabbs | Permit type: Right of way | Permit id: Row-2015-03071 | Parcel: 5196420390
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