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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
12343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew shadow creek lot 4- plan sc315x - construct a new fire-sprinklered single family residence - 2 story w basement. Dwelling area 3 951 sq. Ft. Covered porch area 140sq. Ft. Covered deck area 267sq. Ft. Garage area 687 sq. Ft. Total sq. Ft. 5 045
Date:  September 1, 2015
Value:   $489,805

2015/09/014898058612343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 11 - plan sc255 elevation b - construct a new fire-sprinklered single family 2-story residence. 2 872 sf dwelling 135 sf covered porch 1 sf covered rear patio and 697 sf garage - 3 864 sf total.
Date:  September 29, 2015
Value:   $364,477

2015/09/293644778612431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek - lot - plan sc227 - construct a new fire-sprinklered two story garage right single family residence. Dwelling area 3 652 sq. Ft garage area 6 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 1 sq. Ft uncovered deck area 1 sq. Ft and covered entry patio of 134 sq. Ft. Total of: 4 714 sq. Ft.
Date:  February 18, 2016
Value:   $453,498

2016/02/184534988612421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 5 - plan sc322x - garage left - construct a new 2-story w basement fire-sprinklered sfr. Dwelling area of 4426 sf covered front porch area of 88 sf covered rear deck area of 1 sf and garage area of 705 sf. Total 5 399 sf.
Date:  April 5, 2016
Value:   $543,453

2016/04/055434538612353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew- shadow creek lot 14 plan sc321 garage right- construct a new fire sprinklered sfr. Dwelling area 3106 sq ft covered porch 1 sq ft covered patio 123 sq ft and 908 sq ft garage. Total area of work 4307 sq ft.
Date:  April 5, 2016
Value:   $405,064

2016/04/054050648612354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 9 - plan sc315x2car - construct a new fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 3 963 sq. Ft. Garage area of 542 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 453 sq. Ft uncovered deck area 141 sq. Ft and covered entry patio of 1 sq. Ft. Total of: 5 239 sq. Ft.
Date:  July 14, 2016
Value:   $492,541

2016/07/144925418612411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 8 - plan sc316x - construct a new 2-story with basement fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 3192 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 182 sq. Ft uncovered deck area 120sq. Ft. Covered front porch of 48 sf. Garage area 7 sq. Ft. Total sq. Ft. 4 292
Date:  August 1, 2016
Value:   $409,189

2016/08/014091898612401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 15 - plan sc322 - garage left - construct a 2-story new fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling 3 261 sq. Ft. Covered patio 144 sq. Ft covered front porch area 207 sq. Ft. And 672 sq. Ft garage. Total sq. Ft. 4 284.
Date:  August 1, 2016
Value:   $414,893

2016/08/014148938612342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 13 - plan sc227 - project includes construction of a new 2 story fire sprinkled garage right single family residence. Construction of a 3 652 sq ft dwelling area a 1 sq ft covered patio a 108 sq ft covered front porch and a 6 sq ft garage. Total sq. Ft. 4 540.
Date:  September 16, 2016
Value:   $452,253

2016/09/164522538612366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek - lot 7 - plan sc255xc - construct a new fire sprinkled single family residence. Dwelling area 3 773 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 1 sq. Ft. Covered entry patio of 1 sq. Ft. Uncovered deck area 192 sq. Ft. And garage area of 697 sq. Ft. Total of: 4 962 sq. Ft.
Date:  October 11, 2016
Value:   $478,556

2016/10/114785568612395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12363 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 06 - plan sc227x - construct a new fire-sprinklered 2 story with basement single family residence. Dwelling area 4966 sq. Ft. 144 sq. Ft covered rear deck area 1 sf uncovered rear deck covered front porch area 136 sq. Ft. Garage area 6 sq. Ft. 273 sf unfinished basement total sq. Ft. 6 349.
Date:  October 27, 2016
Value:   $616,390

2016/10/276163908612363 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
16456 Ne 122nd St Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa shadow creek 425-454-19 - build an entry monument for a 15 lot subdivision named shadow creek
Date:  February 19, 2015
Value:   $10,000

Applicant: Tiffiny Brown | Permit type: Sign | Permit id: Sign-2015-00519
2015/02/19100008616456 Ne 122nd St Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 11 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (5) bathroom sink (3) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  October 9, 2015
Value:   $10,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-07708
2015/10/09100008612431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 11 - customer paid for:(1) gas water heater (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (4) vent fans (1) air conditioners
Date:  October 9, 2015
Value:   $8,000

Applicant: Jim Mcfadden | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2015-07709
2015/10/0980008612431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12441 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 12 - patio - outdoor fireplace - customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping
Date:  October 30, 2015
Value:   $1,500

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2015-08318
2015/10/3015008612441 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew shadow creek lot 4- plan sc315x - construct a new fire-sprinklered single family residence - 2 story w basement. Dwelling area 3 951 sq. Ft. Covered porch area 140sq. Ft. Covered deck area 267sq. Ft. Garage area 687 sq. Ft. Total sq. Ft. 5 045
Date:  September 1, 2015
Value:   $489,805

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2015-05821
2015/09/014898058612343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa shadow creek lot 4- 425-818-7474 1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (4) shower valve replacement (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  September 18, 2015
Value:   $12,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-07087
2015/09/18120008612343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa shadow creek lot 4- 425-818-7474 customer paid for:(2) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) air conditioners
Date:  September 18, 2015
Value:   $10,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2015-07089
2015/09/18100008612343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 11 - plan sc255 elevation b - construct a new fire-sprinklered single family 2-story residence. 2 872 sf dwelling 135 sf covered porch 1 sf covered rear patio and 697 sf garage - 3 864 sf total.
Date:  September 29, 2015
Value:   $364,477

Applicant: Jim Mcfadden | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2015-06288
2015/09/293644778612431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12323 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot 3 - 425-818-7474 - customer paid for:(1) gas logs insert
Date:  December 18, 2015
Value:   $800

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2015-09531
2015/12/188008612323 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek - lot - plan sc227 - construct a new fire-sprinklered two story garage right single family residence. Dwelling area 3 652 sq. Ft garage area 6 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 1 sq. Ft uncovered deck area 1 sq. Ft and covered entry patio of 134 sq. Ft. Total of: 4 714 sq. Ft.
Date:  February 18, 2016
Value:   $453,498

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2015-09324
2016/02/184534988612421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot - 425-766-3202 - electrical work for single family residence customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) temporary service (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  February 22, 2016
Value:   $8,500

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-01268
2016/02/2285008612421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot - 425-766-3202 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (3) shower valve replacement (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  February 22, 2016
Value:   $13,500

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-01271
2016/02/22135008612421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot - 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping (1) gas piping only (1) gas water heater (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) air conditioners
Date:  February 22, 2016
Value:   $14,600

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-01270
2016/02/22146008612421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Reinstated permit mech2015-07089 shadow creek lot 4- 425-818-7474 customer paid for:(2) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) air conditioners
Date:  March 29, 2016
Value:   $10,000

Applicant: Jim Mcfadden | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-02465
2016/03/29100008612343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 5 - plan sc322x - garage left - construct a new 2-story w basement fire-sprinklered sfr. Dwelling area of 4426 sf covered front porch area of 88 sf covered rear deck area of 1 sf and garage area of 705 sf. Total 5 399 sf.
Date:  April 5, 2016
Value:   $543,453

Applicant: Jim Mcfadden | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-01203
2016/04/055434538612353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew- shadow creek lot 14 plan sc321 garage right- construct a new fire sprinklered sfr. Dwelling area 3106 sq ft covered porch 1 sq ft covered patio 123 sq ft and 908 sq ft garage. Total area of work 4307 sq ft.
Date:  April 5, 2016
Value:   $405,064

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-01830
2016/04/054050648612354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 14 - 425-766-3202 - (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (7) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (3) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  April 18, 2016
Value:   $14,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-03119
2016/04/18140008612354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 14 - 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) wood pellet stove or insert (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (5) vent fans (1) air conditioners
Date:  April 18, 2016
Value:   $9,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-03118
2016/04/1890008612354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Online - shadow creek - lot 5 - 425-818-7474 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  April 25, 2016
Value:   $13,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-03372
2016/04/25130008612353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Shadow creek lot 5 -425-818-7474 customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) wood pellet stove or insert (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  April 25, 2016
Value:   $9,000

Applicant: Jim Mcfadden | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-03370
2016/04/2590008612353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 9 - plan sc315x2car - construct a new fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 3 963 sq. Ft. Garage area of 542 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 453 sq. Ft uncovered deck area 141 sq. Ft and covered entry patio of 1 sq. Ft. Total of: 5 239 sq. Ft.
Date:  July 14, 2016
Value:   $492,541

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-05348
2016/07/144925418612411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot 15 - 425-818-7474 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (5) bathroom sink (3) toilet (1) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (1) backwater valve (2) hose bibs (1) water service. Total of (20) fixtures
Date:  July 28, 2016
Value:   $12,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-06430
2016/07/28120008612342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 9 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (5) bathroom sink (3) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (1) backwater valve (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  July 28, 2016
Value:   $12,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-06433
2016/07/28120008612411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 8 - plan sc316x - construct a new 2-story with basement fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 3192 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 182 sq. Ft uncovered deck area 120sq. Ft. Covered front porch of 48 sf. Garage area 7 sq. Ft. Total sq. Ft. 4 292
Date:  August 1, 2016
Value:   $409,189

Applicant: Joseph Herr | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-04223
2016/08/014091898612401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 15 - plan sc322 - garage left - construct a 2-story new fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling 3 261 sq. Ft. Covered patio 144 sq. Ft covered front porch area 207 sq. Ft. And 672 sq. Ft garage. Total sq. Ft. 4 284.
Date:  August 1, 2016
Value:   $414,893

Applicant: Joseph Herr | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-05690
2016/08/014148938612342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 13 - plan sc227 - project includes construction of a new 2 story fire sprinkled garage right single family residence. Construction of a 3 652 sq ft dwelling area a 1 sq ft covered patio a 108 sq ft covered front porch and a 6 sq ft garage. Total sq. Ft. 4 540.
Date:  September 16, 2016
Value:   $452,253

Applicant: Joseph Herr | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-07041
2016/09/164522538612366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot 13 - jim - 425-766-3202 - (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (7) bathroom sink (5) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (2) hose bibs
Date:  September 23, 2016
Value:   $14,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-07980
2016/09/23140008612366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 8 - jim - 425-766-3202 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (2) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  September 27, 2016
Value:   $13,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-08070
2016/09/27130008612401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot 15 - customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (8) vent fans (2) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  September 27, 2016
Value:   $11,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-07981
2016/09/27110008612342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek - lot 7 - plan sc255xc - construct a new fire sprinkled single family residence. Dwelling area 3 773 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 1 sq. Ft. Covered entry patio of 1 sq. Ft. Uncovered deck area 192 sq. Ft. And garage area of 697 sq. Ft. Total of: 4 962 sq. Ft.
Date:  October 11, 2016
Value:   $478,556

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-05894
2016/10/114785568612395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot 7 - jim - 125-766-3202 - (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (2) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  October 17, 2016
Value:   $13,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-08538
2016/10/17130008612395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12363 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 06 - plan sc227x - construct a new fire-sprinklered 2 story with basement single family residence. Dwelling area 4966 sq. Ft. 144 sq. Ft covered rear deck area 1 sf uncovered rear deck covered front porch area 136 sq. Ft. Garage area 6 sq. Ft. 273 sf unfinished basement total sq. Ft. 6 349.
Date:  October 27, 2016
Value:   $616,390

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-08173
2016/10/276163908612363 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12363 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 06 - jim 425-766-3202 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (2) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (7) bathroom sink (5) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  December 20, 2016
Value:   $15,800

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-10073
2016/12/20158008612363 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 9 - 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (2) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (5) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  December 27, 2016
Value:   $8,500

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-10153
2016/12/2785008612411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 2 - jim - 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(5) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (2) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  March 24, 2017
Value:   $9,300

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2017-02142
2017/03/2493008612287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 2 - (2) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (3) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (1) backwater valve (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  March 24, 2017
Value:   $16,900

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2017-02141
2017/03/24169008612287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa #47268 - shadow creek - lot 7 - jm 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(6) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (7) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (2) air conditioners
Date:  March 31, 2017
Value:   $12,300

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2017-02313
2017/03/31123008612395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa- shadow creek lot 8 - jim - 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(6) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  March 6, 2017
Value:   $12,300

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2017-01561
2017/03/06123008612401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12251 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 1 - plan sc227x 425-766-3202 (jim) - (6) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (8) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners. Total of 19 fixtures.
Date:  March 24, 2017
Value:   $12,200

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2017-02138
2017/03/24122008612251 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 13 -jim 425-766-3202 customer paid for:(5) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (2) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  February 14, 2017
Value:   $9,500

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2017-01105
2017/02/1495008612366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12251 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 1 - plan sc227x - construct a new 2 story with basement garage right fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 4 9 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 144 sq. Ft. Covered entry patio of 134 sq. Ft. Uncovered deck area 150sq. Ft. And garage area of 6 sq. Ft. Unfinished area of 307 sq ft. Total of: 6 345 sq. Ft.
Date:  February 16, 2017
Value:   $613,085

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2017-00369
2017/02/166130858612251 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 2 - plan sc321xa - construct a new 2-story with basement garage right fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 3 997 sq. Ft. Covered deck 113 sq. Ft. Uncovered deck sq. Ft. 1 sq. Ft covered porch and garage area of 892 sq. Ft. Total of: 5 262 sq. Ft.
Date:  February 21, 2017
Value:   $507,700

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2017-00284
2017/02/215077008612287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12251 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 1 - plan sc227x - construct a new 2 story with basement garage right fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 4 9 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 144 sq. Ft. Covered entry patio of 134 sq. Ft. Uncovered deck area 150sq. Ft. And garage area of 6 sq. Ft. Unfinished area of 307 sq ft. Total of: 6 345 sq. Ft.
Date:  February 16, 2017
Value:   $613,085

2017/02/166130858612251 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 2 - plan sc321xa - construct a new 2-story with basement garage right fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 3 997 sq. Ft. Covered deck 113 sq. Ft. Uncovered deck sq. Ft. 1 sq. Ft covered porch and garage area of 892 sq. Ft. Total of: 5 262 sq. Ft.
Date:  February 21, 2017
Value:   $507,700

2017/02/215077008612287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew shadow creek lot 4- plan sc315x - construct a new fire-sprinklered single family residence - 2 story w basement. Dwelling area 3 951 sq. Ft. Covered porch area 140sq. Ft. Covered deck area 267sq. Ft. Garage area 687 sq. Ft. Total sq. Ft. 5 045
Date:  September 1, 2015
Value:   $489,805

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2015-05821 | Parcel: 7702050040
2015/09/014898058612343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 11 - plan sc255 elevation b - construct a new fire-sprinklered single family 2-story residence. 2 872 sf dwelling 135 sf covered porch 1 sf covered rear patio and 697 sf garage - 3 864 sf total.
Date:  September 29, 2015
Value:   $364,477

Applicant: Jim Mcfadden | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2015-06288 | Parcel: 7702050110
2015/09/293644778612431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek - lot - plan sc227 - construct a new fire-sprinklered two story garage right single family residence. Dwelling area 3 652 sq. Ft garage area 6 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 1 sq. Ft uncovered deck area 1 sq. Ft and covered entry patio of 134 sq. Ft. Total of: 4 714 sq. Ft.
Date:  February 18, 2016
Value:   $453,498

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2015-09324 | Parcel: 7702050100
2016/02/184534988612421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot - 425-766-3202 - electrical work for single family residence customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) temporary service (1) service - new (1) ground ufer - per inspector visit
Date:  February 22, 2016
Value:   $8,500

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-01268 | Parcel: 7702050100
2016/02/2285008612421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 5 - plan sc322x - garage left - construct a new 2-story w basement fire-sprinklered sfr. Dwelling area of 4426 sf covered front porch area of 88 sf covered rear deck area of 1 sf and garage area of 705 sf. Total 5 399 sf.
Date:  April 5, 2016
Value:   $543,453

Applicant: Jim Mcfadden | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-01203 | Parcel: 7702050050
2016/04/055434538612353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew- shadow creek lot 14 plan sc321 garage right- construct a new fire sprinklered sfr. Dwelling area 3106 sq ft covered porch 1 sq ft covered patio 123 sq ft and 908 sq ft garage. Total area of work 4307 sq ft.
Date:  April 5, 2016
Value:   $405,064

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-01830 | Parcel: 7702050140
2016/04/054050648612354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 9 - plan sc315x2car - construct a new fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 3 963 sq. Ft. Garage area of 542 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 453 sq. Ft uncovered deck area 141 sq. Ft and covered entry patio of 1 sq. Ft. Total of: 5 239 sq. Ft.
Date:  July 14, 2016
Value:   $492,541

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-05348 | Parcel: 7702050090
2016/07/144925418612411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 8 - plan sc316x - construct a new 2-story with basement fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 3192 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 182 sq. Ft uncovered deck area 120sq. Ft. Covered front porch of 48 sf. Garage area 7 sq. Ft. Total sq. Ft. 4 292
Date:  August 1, 2016
Value:   $409,189

Applicant: Joseph Herr | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-04223 | Parcel: 7702050080
2016/08/014091898612401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 15 - plan sc322 - garage left - construct a 2-story new fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling 3 261 sq. Ft. Covered patio 144 sq. Ft covered front porch area 207 sq. Ft. And 672 sq. Ft garage. Total sq. Ft. 4 284.
Date:  August 1, 2016
Value:   $414,893

Applicant: Joseph Herr | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-05690 | Parcel: 7702050150
2016/08/014148938612342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 13 - plan sc227 - project includes construction of a new 2 story fire sprinkled garage right single family residence. Construction of a 3 652 sq ft dwelling area a 1 sq ft covered patio a 108 sq ft covered front porch and a 6 sq ft garage. Total sq. Ft. 4 540.
Date:  September 16, 2016
Value:   $452,253

Applicant: Joseph Herr | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-07041 | Parcel: 7702050130
2016/09/164522538612366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek - lot 7 - plan sc255xc - construct a new fire sprinkled single family residence. Dwelling area 3 773 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 1 sq. Ft. Covered entry patio of 1 sq. Ft. Uncovered deck area 192 sq. Ft. And garage area of 697 sq. Ft. Total of: 4 962 sq. Ft.
Date:  October 11, 2016
Value:   $478,556

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-05894 | Parcel: 7702050070
2016/10/114785568612395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12363 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 06 - plan sc227x - construct a new fire-sprinklered 2 story with basement single family residence. Dwelling area 4966 sq. Ft. 144 sq. Ft covered rear deck area 1 sf uncovered rear deck covered front porch area 136 sq. Ft. Garage area 6 sq. Ft. 273 sf unfinished basement total sq. Ft. 6 349.
Date:  October 27, 2016
Value:   $616,390

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2016-08173 | Parcel: 7702050060
2016/10/276163908612363 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
16456 Ne 122nd St Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa shadow creek 425-454-19 - build an entry monument for a 15 lot subdivision named shadow creek
Date:  February 19, 2015
Value:   $10,000

Applicant: Tiffiny Brown | Permit type: Sign | Permit id: Sign-2015-00519 | Parcel: 2526059044
2015/02/19100008616456 Ne 122nd St Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 11 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (5) bathroom sink (3) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  October 9, 2015
Value:   $10,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-07708 | Parcel: 7702050110
2015/10/09100008612431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 11 - customer paid for:(1) gas water heater (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (4) vent fans (1) air conditioners
Date:  October 9, 2015
Value:   $8,000

Applicant: Jim Mcfadden | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2015-07709 | Parcel: 7702050110
2015/10/0980008612431 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12441 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 12 - patio - outdoor fireplace - customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping
Date:  October 30, 2015
Value:   $1,500

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2015-08318 | Parcel: 7702050120
2015/10/3015008612441 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa shadow creek lot 4- 425-818-7474 1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (4) shower valve replacement (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  September 18, 2015
Value:   $12,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-07087 | Parcel: 7702050040
2015/09/18120008612343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa shadow creek lot 4- 425-818-7474 customer paid for:(2) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) air conditioners
Date:  September 18, 2015
Value:   $10,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2015-07089 | Parcel: 7702050040
2015/09/18100008612343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12323 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot 3 - 425-818-7474 - customer paid for:(1) gas logs insert
Date:  December 18, 2015
Value:   $800

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2015-09531 | Parcel: 7702050030
2015/12/188008612323 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot - 425-766-3202 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (3) shower valve replacement (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  February 22, 2016
Value:   $13,500

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-01271 | Parcel: 7702050100
2016/02/22135008612421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot - 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping (1) gas piping only (1) gas water heater (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) air conditioners
Date:  February 22, 2016
Value:   $14,600

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-01270 | Parcel: 7702050100
2016/02/22146008612421 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Reinstated permit mech2015-07089 shadow creek lot 4- 425-818-7474 customer paid for:(2) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) air conditioners
Date:  March 29, 2016
Value:   $10,000

Applicant: Jim Mcfadden | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-02465 | Parcel: 7702050040
2016/03/29100008612343 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 14 - 425-766-3202 - (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (7) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (3) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  April 18, 2016
Value:   $14,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-03119 | Parcel: 7702050140
2016/04/18140008612354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 14 - 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) wood pellet stove or insert (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (5) vent fans (1) air conditioners
Date:  April 18, 2016
Value:   $9,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-03118 | Parcel: 7702050140
2016/04/1890008612354 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Online - shadow creek - lot 5 - 425-818-7474 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  April 25, 2016
Value:   $13,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-03372 | Parcel: 7702050050
2016/04/25130008612353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Shadow creek lot 5 -425-818-7474 customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) wood pellet stove or insert (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  April 25, 2016
Value:   $9,000

Applicant: Jim Mcfadden | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-03370 | Parcel: 7702050050
2016/04/2590008612353 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot 15 - 425-818-7474 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (5) bathroom sink (3) toilet (1) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (1) backwater valve (2) hose bibs (1) water service. Total of (20) fixtures
Date:  July 28, 2016
Value:   $12,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-06430 | Parcel: 7702050150
2016/07/28120008612342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 9 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (5) bathroom sink (3) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (1) backwater valve (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  July 28, 2016
Value:   $12,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-06433 | Parcel: 7702050090
2016/07/28120008612411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot 13 - jim - 425-766-3202 - (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (7) bathroom sink (5) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (2) hose bibs
Date:  September 23, 2016
Value:   $14,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-07980 | Parcel: 7702050130
2016/09/23140008612366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 8 - jim - 425-766-3202 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (2) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  September 27, 2016
Value:   $13,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-08070 | Parcel: 7702050080
2016/09/27130008612401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot 15 - customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (8) vent fans (2) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  September 27, 2016
Value:   $11,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-07981 | Parcel: 7702050150
2016/09/27110008612342 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek - lot 7 - jim - 125-766-3202 - (1) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (2) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  October 17, 2016
Value:   $13,000

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-08538 | Parcel: 7702050070
2016/10/17130008612395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12363 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 06 - jim 425-766-3202 - (1) back flow preventer & vaccum breaker (2) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (7) bathroom sink (5) toilet (2) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  December 20, 2016
Value:   $15,800

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-10073 | Parcel: 7702050060
2016/12/20158008612363 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 9 - 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(1) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (2) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (5) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  December 27, 2016
Value:   $8,500

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2016-10153 | Parcel: 7702050090
2016/12/2785008612411 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12251 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 1 - plan sc227x - construct a new 2 story with basement garage right fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 4 9 sq. Ft. Covered deck area 144 sq. Ft. Covered entry patio of 134 sq. Ft. Uncovered deck area 150sq. Ft. And garage area of 6 sq. Ft. Unfinished area of 307 sq ft. Total of: 6 345 sq. Ft.
Date:  February 16, 2017
Value:   $613,085

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2017-00369 | Parcel: 7702050010
2017/02/166130858612251 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Rnew - shadow creek lot 2 - plan sc321xa - construct a new 2-story with basement garage right fire-sprinklered single family residence. Dwelling area 3 997 sq. Ft. Covered deck 113 sq. Ft. Uncovered deck sq. Ft. 1 sq. Ft covered porch and garage area of 892 sq. Ft. Total of: 5 262 sq. Ft.
Date:  February 21, 2017
Value:   $507,700

Applicant: Steven Ehrlich | Permit type: Residential | Permit id: Bldg-2017-00284 | Parcel: 7702050020
2017/02/215077008612287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 13 -jim 425-766-3202 customer paid for:(5) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (2) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  February 14, 2017
Value:   $9,500

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2017-01105 | Parcel: 7702050130
2017/02/1495008612366 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa- shadow creek lot 8 - jim - 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(6) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  March 6, 2017
Value:   $12,300

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2017-01561 | Parcel: 7702050080
2017/03/06123008612401 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12251 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 1 - plan sc227x 425-766-3202 (jim) - (6) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (8) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners. Total of 19 fixtures.
Date:  March 24, 2017
Value:   $12,200

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2017-02138 | Parcel: 7702050010
2017/03/24122008612251 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 2 - jim - 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(5) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (2) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (6) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (1) air conditioners
Date:  March 24, 2017
Value:   $9,300

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2017-02142 | Parcel: 7702050020
2017/03/2493008612287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa - shadow creek lot 2 - (2) kitchen sink (1) dishwasher (1) garbage disposal (1) clothes washer (6) bathroom sink (4) toilet (3) bathtubs (1) laundry tray & utility sink (1) bar sink (1) backwater valve (2) hose bibs (1) water service
Date:  March 24, 2017
Value:   $16,900

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2017-02141 | Parcel: 7702050020
2017/03/24169008612287 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc
12395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052
Sopa #47268 - shadow creek - lot 7 - jm 425-766-3202 - customer paid for:(6) gas appliance and piping (1) gas water heater (1) gas logs insert (1) heating equipment including ductwork (7) vent fans (1) ventilation systems (2) air conditioners
Date:  March 31, 2017
Value:   $12,300

Applicant: Brian Martens | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2017-02313 | Parcel: 7702050070
2017/03/31123008612395 166th Ct Ne Redmond, Wa 98052Burnstead Construction Llc

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