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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
5022 Pauger St, New Orleans, La 70122
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 3-ton ac and gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton 368-3297
Date:  February 26, 2001
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Smith, Troy L | Permit id: M01001189
2001/02/260895022 Pauger St, New Orleans, La 70122Bryans Ac And Heat
2116 Magazine St, New Orleans, La 70130
Install mechanical equipment community center install two 5-ton ac system and two elec warm air furnace. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  June 13, 2001
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Blotner, Louis | Permit id: M01003748
2001/06/130892116 Magazine St, New Orleans, La 70130Bryans Ac And Heat
209 Vallette St, New Orleans, La 70114
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas & elec warm air furnace and 3 and 5-ton ac. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  July 26, 2001
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Enslow, Stephen W | Permit id: M01004737
2001/07/26089209 Vallette St, New Orleans, La 70114Bryans Ac And Heat
4436 Spain St, New Orleans, La 70122
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling replace 3-ton condensing unit and gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  August 7, 2001
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Smith, Christopher M | Permit id: M01004934
2001/08/070894436 Spain St, New Orleans, La 70122Bryans Ac And Heat
3351 Kabel Dr Unit F, New Orleans, La 70471
Install mechanical equipment community center replace 5-ton condensing and elec warm air furnace. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  August 3, 2001
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Kabel Plaza Llc | Permit id: M01004935
2001/08/030893351 Kabel Dr Unit F, New Orleans, La 70471Bryans Ac And Heat
3351 Kabel Dr Unit J, New Orleans, La 70471
Install mechanical equipment community center replace 5-ton condensing unit and elec warm air furnace. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  August 3, 2001
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Kabel Plaza Llc | Permit id: M01004936
2001/08/030893351 Kabel Dr Unit J, New Orleans, La 70471Bryans Ac And Heat
3351 Kabel Dr Unit H, New Orleans, La 70471
Install mechanical equipment community center replace elec warm air furnace and 4-ton condensing unit . Zack mouton - 368-3297 state farm
Date:  August 3, 2001
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Kabel Plaza Llc | Permit id: M01004938
2001/08/030893351 Kabel Dr Unit H, New Orleans, La 70471Bryans Ac And Heat
49 Camp St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install two 3-ton ac and 2-gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton 368-3297
Date:  October 4, 2001
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Anderson, Deborah S | Permit id: M01006167
2001/10/0408949 Camp St, New Orleans, La 70115Bryans Ac And Heat
Castle Pines Dr, New Orleans, La 70131
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 3 gas warm air furnace and two 4-ton and 2-ton ac zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  October 9, 2001
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Melchiode, Gerald A | Permit id: M01006313
2001/10/09089Castle Pines Dr, New Orleans, La 70131Bryans Ac And Heat
207 Abalon Ct, New Orleans, La 70114
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 2 & 4-ton ac and 2- gas warm air furnace . Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  November 21, 2001
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Algiers Riverpo, T Dev | Permit id: M01007457
2001/11/21089207 Abalon Ct, New Orleans, La 70114Bryans Ac And Heat
169 English Turn Dr, New Orleans, La 70131
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install two gas warm air furnace, 4 & 5-ton ac system. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  November 21, 2001
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Kenny, William | Permit id: M01007458
2001/11/21089169 English Turn Dr, New Orleans, La 70131Bryans Ac And Heat
7932 Dorsett Dr, New Orleans, La 70124
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  January 9, 2002
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Hampton, Terrell P | Permit id: M02000120
2002/01/090897932 Dorsett Dr, New Orleans, La 70124Bryans Ac And Heat
2001 Clouet St, New Orleans, La 70117
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 3-ton system and gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton 368-3297
Date:  January 30, 2002
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Vappie, James W | Permit id: M02000697
2002/01/300892001 Clouet St, New Orleans, La 70117Bryans Ac And Heat
11425 Mississippi Riv Rd, New Orleans, La 70072
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 2-gas warm air furnace and two ac 4 & 3-ton . Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  February 7, 2002
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Druckrey, John A | Permit id: M02000950
2002/02/0708911425 Mississippi Riv Rd, New Orleans, La 70072Bryans Ac And Heat
1454 Casa Calvo St, New Orleans, La 70114
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling replace gas warm air furnace and new duct work. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  April 12, 2002
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Ware, Graphy | Permit id: M02002350
2002/04/120891454 Casa Calvo St, New Orleans, La 70114Bryans Ac And Heat
409 Pacific Av, New Orleans, La 70114
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 3-ton 1st fl., 2-ton 2nd fl. And 2-gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton 368-3297
Date:  May 31, 2002
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Mc Coid, Matthew R | Permit id: M02003489
2002/05/31089409 Pacific Av, New Orleans, La 70114Bryans Ac And Heat
302 French St, New Orleans, La 70124
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 2-ton ac system and gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  June 5, 2002
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Diaz, Luis M | Permit id: M02003569
2002/06/05089302 French St, New Orleans, La 70124Bryans Ac And Heat
104 English Turn Dr, New Orleans, La 70131
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 2-ton ac system and gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  July 15, 2002
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Farris, Kenneth B | Permit id: M02004402
2002/07/15089104 English Turn Dr, New Orleans, La 70131Bryans Ac And Heat
7 English Turn Dr, New Orleans, La 70131
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 2-ton ac system and gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  August 21, 2002
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Howson, Claire G | Permit id: M02005345
2002/08/210897 English Turn Dr, New Orleans, La 70131Bryans Ac And Heat
21 Muirfield Pl, New Orleans, La 70131
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 3-gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton - 368-3297 and two 3-ton and 5-ton system.
Date:  September 6, 2002
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Sport, Michael C | Permit id: M02005604
2002/09/0608921 Muirfield Pl, New Orleans, La 70131Bryans Ac And Heat
4 Pacific Av, New Orleans, La 70114
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas warm air furnace and 5-ton ac system. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  October 18, 2002
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Properties Llc, Peerless | Permit id: M02006422
2002/10/180894 Pacific Av, New Orleans, La 70114Bryans Ac And Heat
23 Island Club Dr, New Orleans, La 70056
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 3-gas warm air furnace and two 4-ton & 2-ton system. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  October 22, 2002
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Sadhwani, Harish | Permit id: M02006498
2002/10/2208923 Island Club Dr, New Orleans, La 70056Bryans Ac And Heat
25 Fairway Oaks Dr, New Orleans, La 70131
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 3-gas warm air furnace and three 3-ton condenser. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  February 21, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Quality Constru, Affordable | Permit id: M03001297
2003/02/2108925 Fairway Oaks Dr, New Orleans, La 70131Bryans Ac And Heat
5 S Murat St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas warm air furnace and 3-ton condensing unit. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  July 14, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Construction, Gridiron | Permit id: M03004486
2003/07/140895 S Murat St, New Orleans, La 70115Bryans Ac And Heat
508 S Murat St, New Orleans, La 70094
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas warm air furnace and 3-ton condensing unit. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  July 14, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Duncan J, John S | Permit id: M03004487
2003/07/14089508 S Murat St, New Orleans, La 70094Bryans Ac And Heat
26 Touro St, New Orleans, La 70119
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 2-elec warm air furnace and two 3-ton condensing unit. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  August 11, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Cordier, Marie | Permit id: M03005011
2003/08/1108926 Touro St, New Orleans, La 70119Bryans Ac And Heat
35 Forest Oaks , New Orleans, La 70131
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 2-gas warm air furnace and two 5-ton condensing unit. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  September 11, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Willem, David B | Permit id: M03005631
2003/09/1108935 Forest Oaks , New Orleans, La 70131Bryans Ac And Heat
8512 Hayne Bl, New Orleans, La 70127
Install mechanical equipment double residence install gas warm air furnace and central air system. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  October 10, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Higgins, Carlos J | Permit id: M03006243
2003/10/100898512 Hayne Bl, New Orleans, La 70127Bryans Ac And Heat
85 Hayne Bl, New Orleans, La 70127
Install mechanical equipment double residence install gas warm air furnace and central air system. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  October 10, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Frank, Carroll L | Permit id: M03006244
2003/10/1008985 Hayne Bl, New Orleans, La 70127Bryans Ac And Heat
1215 St Mary St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70002
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling replace 3-ton conditioning and gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton - 3468-8329
Date:  October 15, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: District Prop., Lower Garden | Permit id: M03006315
2003/10/150891215 St Mary St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70002Bryans Ac And Heat
927 N Miro St, New Orleans, La 70119
Install mechanical equipment daycare center install two 4-ton condensing and two gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  October 15, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Johnson, Aida | Permit id: M03006321
2003/10/15089927 N Miro St, New Orleans, La 70119Bryans Ac And Heat
1937 France St, New Orleans, La 70117
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling replace outdoor condensing unit. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  October 17, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Dailey S, Roosevelt | Permit id: M03006351
2003/10/170891937 France St, New Orleans, La 70117Bryans Ac And Heat
207 Forest Oaks , New Orleans, La 70131
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 2-gas warm air furnace and two ac 3 & 4-ton system. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  October 21, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Burcham, Elizabeth H | Permit id: M03006393
2003/10/21089207 Forest Oaks , New Orleans, La 70131Bryans Ac And Heat
8 Castle Pines Dr, New Orleans, La 70131
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 3-gas warm air furnace, 3-ton and two 5-ton system ac. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  October 21, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Dawson, Robert C | Permit id: M03006394
2003/10/210898 Castle Pines Dr, New Orleans, La 70131Bryans Ac And Heat
50 Woodland Dr Unit 455, New Orleans, La 10017
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install 2-elec warm air furnace and two ac system 2-ton. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  November 10, 2003
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Berk-Cohen Asso, Ates L L C | Permit id: M03006837
2003/11/1008950 Woodland Dr Unit 455, New Orleans, La 10017Bryans Ac And Heat
251 English Turn Dr, New Orleans, La 70126
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install three 3-ton ac system and 3-gas warm air furnace. Zack mouton 368-3297
Date:  February 17, 2004
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Dunham, Denardo | Permit id: M04001231
2004/02/17089251 English Turn Dr, New Orleans, La 70126Bryans Ac And Heat
2404 Pressburg St, New Orleans, La 70006
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install elec warm air furnace and 4-ton condensing unit. Zack mouton - 368-3297
Date:  February 20, 2004
Contractor: Bryans Ac And Heat

Client: Lacoste, Lorraine P | Permit id: M04001232
2004/02/200892404 Pressburg St, New Orleans, La 70006Bryans Ac And Heat

Contractor Rank Contractor Details Number of Projects Avg. Project Cost Years in Business Photos
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