Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 91 2995 Colorado Av Boulder Co Remodel to 7 units (1 2 of building) in existing multi-family building to include electrical, mechanical, and plumbing. No changes to floor area, building coverage, or partitions between units. Proposal results in 7 four bedroom units, and 7 two bedroom units overall. Client: Colorado 2995.0 | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 2, 2011 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 91 1845 17th St Boulder Co Replacement and repair of the decking on existing covered front porch. Materials to be identical to existing as approved through his2012-00039. Client: Alexandrin Johnke | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Building | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family a | |||||
SCORE 91 1845 17th St Boulder Co Interior remodel of an existing triplex -- one (1) three-bedroom unit, and two (2) one bedroom units -- same number of bedrooms to remain -- reconfiguration of interior walls, relocate modify bathroom fixtures, add full bathroom on lower level, convert a full & a 3 4 bathroom on main level to three (3) three-quarter bathrooms. Install compliant egress windows. Work reviewed & approved under his2012-00058. Client: Alexandrin Johnke | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 16, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 91 1833 19th St Boulder Co Remodel of existing september school to add three new attached residential units, four bedrooms each. Removal of south parking lot and replace with landscaping. Associated electrical, mechanical, and plumbing. See lur2012-00024 for approved site review. Client: Schools September | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 3, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 91 1833 19th St Boulder Co Interior non-structural demolition associated with remodel proposed through pmt2012-04159 ![]() ![]() Client: Schools September | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: March 6, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 91 20 Goss St Boulder Co Construction of 75lf of a new six-foot tall fence located on the south and east sections of the property. ![]() ![]() Client: Elizabeth Dykes | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 12, 2013 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 91 1557 9th St Boulder Co Interior remodel of multi-family residence to convert existing 5 unit building into a 4 unit building per approval of adr2013-00152. Scope of work includes removal of interior doors to elimnate separation, new non-bearing interior walls, and associated trim and finishes, removal of kitchen, associated electrical and plumbing work, and exterior work to include installation of railing on second floor deck and conversion of window into door. Client: Frank Kreith,Marion Kreith | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Iss | Completion date: December 19, 2013 | Current use: Multifamily dwe | |||||
SCORE 91 1401 Quince Av Boulder Co Addition and remodel of existing sfd. Please refer to adr2013-00241 for minor mod approval. Scope of work includes demo of north portion of existing structure, with a 1,136sf rebuilt addition, and 978sf remodel. Includes associated meps. Also includes new porch (301sf). Client: Rodrigo Garcia | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 91 1026 15th St Boulder Co Install new cedar fence along north property line between the accessory structure and residence. ![]() ![]() Client: Properties Loving | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 29, 2014 | Current use: Single family a | |||||
SCORE 91 4459 Broadway Boulder Co Sign - installation of wall mounted sign for inchfruteria el valleinch - 30inch x 84inch. ![]() ![]() Client: Investment Emerald | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/reta | |||||
SCORE 91 2525 Arapahoe Av A05 Boulder Co Expansion and remodel of existing restaurant to include tenent finishes and associated meps. Total square footage of work is 1878. See minor modification adr2014-00081 for approval of expansion and exterior work to accomodate parking requirements and outdoor fenced-in seating. Client: Village Gri | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 13, 2014 | Current use: Restaurant, rem | |||||
SCORE 91 1579 Orchard Av Boulder Co Second story deck addition and replacement enlargement of windows at five locations on second story. Client: Martha Arnold | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 16, 2015 | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 91 1617 Lincoln Pl Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise, service outlet and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. ![]() ![]() Client: Neil Dykes | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family d | |||||
SCORE 91 648 University Av Boulder Co Installation of 6foot high fence, 165foot in length, along west, south, and east property lines. Fence adjacent to right of way located in required site triangle to be 75% open for areas from 30inch to 96inch above grade. Gates to access driveway. ![]() ![]() Client: Neil Dykes | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 22, 2015 | Current use: Single family a | |||||
SCORE 91 7 19th St Boulder Co Interior remodel of 278 square feet of existing 2 bedroom unit in lower level of duplex. Includes rough-ins for new bath in unit above with finishes through seperate permit. Includes associated mep. Client: Street 29th | Applicant: Boulder Snow Removal & Landscaping | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family a | |||||
SCORE 91 20 Goss St Boulder Co Construction of 75lf of a new six-foot tall fence located on the south and east sections of the property. Client: Elizabeth Dykes | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 12, 2013 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2013-03512 | |||||
SCORE 91 1557 9th St Boulder Co Interior remodel of multi-family residence to convert existing 5 unit building into a 4 unit building per approval of adr2013-00152. Scope of work includes removal of interior doors to elimnate separation, new non-bearing interior walls, and associated trim and finishes, removal of kitchen, associated electrical and plumbing work, and exterior work to include installation of railing on second floor deck and conversion of window into door. Client: Frank Kreith | Permit type: Building, electrical, plumbing | Permit status: Iss | Completion date: December 19, 2013 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2013-04461 | |||||
SCORE 91 1401 Quince Av Boulder Co Addition and remodel of existing sfd. Please refer to adr2013-00241 for minor mod approval. Scope of work includes demo of north portion of existing structure, with a 1,136sf rebuilt addition, and 978sf remodel. Includes associated meps. Also includes new porch (301sf). Client: Rodrigo Garcia | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 3, 2015 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, additio | Permit id: Pmt2014-01033 | |||||
SCORE 91 1026 15th St Boulder Co Install new cedar fence along north property line between the accessory structure and residence. Client: Properties Loving | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: September 29, 2014 | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2014-01123 | |||||
SCORE 91 2525 Arapahoe Av A05 Boulder Co Expansion and remodel of existing restaurant to include tenent finishes and associated meps. Total square footage of work is 1878. See minor modification adr2014-00081 for approval of expansion and exterior work to accomodate parking requirements and outdoor fenced-in seating. Client: Village Gri | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 13, 2014 | Current use: Restaurant, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2014-02453 | |||||
SCORE 91 1845 17th St Boulder Co Interior remodel of an existing triplex -- one (1) three-bedroom unit, and two (2) one bedroom units -- same number of bedrooms to remain -- reconfiguration of interior walls, relocate modify bathroom fixtures, add full bathroom on lower level, convert a full & a 3 4 bathroom on main level to three (3) three-quarter bathrooms. Install compliant egress windows. Work reviewed & approved under his2012-00058. Client: Alexandrin Johnke | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 16, 2012 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2012-01667 | |||||
SCORE 91 1833 19th St Boulder Co Remodel of existing september school to add three new attached residential units, four bedrooms each. Removal of south parking lot and replace with landscaping. Associated electrical, mechanical, and plumbing. See lur2012-00024 for approved site review. Client: Schools September | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire, water | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 3, 2014 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2012-04159 | |||||
SCORE 91 2995 Colorado Av Boulder Co Remodel to 7 units (1 2 of building) in existing multi-family building to include electrical, mechanical, and plumbing. No changes to floor area, building coverage, or partitions between units. Proposal results in 7 four bedroom units, and 7 two bedroom units overall. Client: Colorado | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: November 2, 2011 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2010-03651 | |||||
SCORE 91 1579 Orchard Av Boulder Co Second story deck addition and replacement enlargement of windows at five locations on second story. Client: Martha Arnold | Permit type: Building, electrical | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 16, 2015 | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, additio | Permit id: Pmt2015-00205 | |||||
SCORE 91 1617 Lincoln Pl Boulder Co Installation of a replacement gas fired, gallon water heater. Install thermal expansion devise, service outlet and carbon monoxide detector(s) per code. Client: Neil Dykes | Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2015-00399 | |||||
SCORE 91 648 University Av Boulder Co Installation of 6foot high fence, 165foot in length, along west, south, and east property lines. Fence adjacent to right of way located in required site triangle to be 75% open for areas from 30inch to 96inch above grade. Gates to access driveway. Client: Neil Dykes | Permit type: Fence | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: April 22, 2015 | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2015-00480 | |||||
SCORE 91 7 19th St Boulder Co Interior remodel of 278 square feet of existing 2 bedroom unit in lower level of duplex. Includes rough-ins for new bath in unit above with finishes through seperate permit. Includes associated mep. Client: Street | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing | Permit status: Iss | Current use: Single family attached dwelling, remodel | Permit id: Pmt2015-01406 | |||||
SCORE 91 1441 Broadway Boulder Co Permit for structural repairs to existing building. Scope to include replacement of footings post supporting rear second story living area and addition of retaining wall sections in crawl space per engineerfoots specifications. Client: Elizabeth Dykes | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cmp | Completion date: August 20, 2015 | Current use: Multifamily dwellings, repair | Permit id: Pmt2015-02012 | |||||
SCORE 91 20 Goss St Boulder Co Construction of a new 2-story accessory building (total of 926sf). Scope includes all associated plumbing, electrical, and mechanical to establish studio. Scope also includes construciton of gravel parking space. ![]() ![]() Client: Elizabeth Dykes | Permit type: Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, water, wastewater | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Single family detached dwelling, existin | Permit id: Pmt2012-05759 | |||||
SCORE 91 4459 Broadway Boulder Co Sign - installation of wall mounted sign for inchfruteria el valleinch - 30inch x 84inch. ![]() ![]() Client: Investment Emerald | Permit type: Sign | Permit status: N&v | Current use: Commercial/retail, existing | Permit id: Pmt2014-01205 |