Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 93 Client Address: 3508 Carvers Gap Ct Cary Nc 27519 | Permit type: Single family residential add/ | Permit status: Certificate issued | Completion date: October 6, 2014 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 14-00006948 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client Address: 1505 Fairbanks Rd Cary Nc 275132706 | Permit type: Single family residential add/ | Permit status: Certicate of compliance | Completion date: September 7, 2016 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 17-00000337 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client Address: 103 Wineleaf Ln Cary Nc 275189609 | Permit type: Single family residential add/ | Permit status: Certicate of compliance | Completion date: May 18, 2016 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 16-00006960 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Hook, Matthew A & Carol K | Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Addition - screened porch - pati0 | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Hook, Matthew A & Carol K | Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Detached one car garage | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Hook, Matthew A & Carol K | Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Kitchen remodel | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Phi Lambda Educational Foundation I | Client Address: Po Box 276411 Raleigh Nc 27611 | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Devins, Walter James | Client Address: 23 Silent Stream Ct Raleigh Nc 27607-6039 | Permit type: Deck addition to screen porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Charalidis, Peter A & Lori A | Client Address: 1916 Wild Waters Dr Raleigh Nc 27614-7647 | Permit type: Deck expansion | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Bartis, James N & Patricia T | Client Address: 4812 Westgreen Ct Raleigh Nc 27612-3584 | Permit type: Convert deck into covered porch ; new deck | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Ross, Cynthia Ann | Client Address: 2808 Barmettler St Raleigh Nc 27607-4130 | Permit type: Int. Alt. To kitchen & keeping room | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Bartis, James N & Patricia T | Client Address: 4812 Westgreen Ct Raleigh Nc 27612-3584 | Permit type: Remodel kitchen | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Bartis, James N & Patricia T | Client Address: 4812 Westgreen Ct Raleigh Nc 27612-3584 | Permit type: Remodel kitchen | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Hook, Matthew A & Carol K | Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Addition - screened porch - pati0 | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Hook, Matthew A & Carol K | Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Detached one car garage | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Hook, Matthew A & Carol K | Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Kitchen remodel | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Phi Lambda Educational Foundation I | Client Address: Po Box 276411 Raleigh Nc 27611 | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Devins, Walter James | Client Address: 23 Silent Stream Ct Raleigh Nc 27607-6039 | Permit type: Deck addition to screen porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Charalidis, Peter A & Lori A | Client Address: 1916 Wild Waters Dr Raleigh Nc 27614-7647 | Permit type: Deck expansion | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Bartis, James N & Patricia T | Client Address: 4812 Westgreen Ct Raleigh Nc 27612-3584 | Permit type: Convert deck into covered porch ; new deck | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Ross, Cynthia Ann | Client Address: 2808 Barmettler St Raleigh Nc 27607-4130 | Permit type: Int. Alt. To kitchen & keeping room | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Contractor: Black River Woodwork Llc Permit type: Residential alt/add | Permit id: 16-00006960 | |||||
SCORE 93 Contractor: Black River Woodwork Llc Permit type: Residential accessory | Permit id: 17-00000337 | |||||
SCORE 93 Contractor: Black River Woodwork Llc Permit type: Residential alt/add | Permit id: 14-00006948 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Phi Lambda Educational Foundation I | Client Address: Po Box 276411 Raleigh Nc 27611 | Permit id: 111682 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Ross, Cynthia Ann | Client Address: 2808 Barmettler St Raleigh Nc 27607-4130 | Permit type: Alterations/repairs | Permit id: 123754 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client Address: 1916 Wild Waters Dr Raleigh Nc 27614-7647 | Permit type: Deck expansion | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Addition - screened porch - pati0 | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Detached one car garage | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Kitchen remodel | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Phi Lambda Educational Foundation I | Client Address: Po Box 276411 Raleigh Nc 27611 | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Devins, Walter James | Client Address: 23 Silent Stream Ct Raleigh Nc 27607-6039 | Permit type: Deck addition to screen porch | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client Address: 4812 Westgreen Ct Raleigh Nc 27612-3584 | Permit type: Convert deck into covered porch ; new deck | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Ross, Cynthia Ann | Client Address: 2808 Barmettler St Raleigh Nc 27607-4130 | Permit type: Int. Alt. To kitchen & keeping room | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Single family | |||||
SCORE 93 Client Address: 1916 Wild Waters Dr Raleigh Nc 27614-7647 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 109573 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 111483 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Phi Lambda Educational Foundation I | Client Address: Po Box 276411 Raleigh Nc 27611 | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 111682 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Devins, Walter James | Client Address: 23 Silent Stream Ct Raleigh Nc 27607-6039 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 114600 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client Address: 4812 Westgreen Ct Raleigh Nc 27612-3584 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: September 24, 2016 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 123704 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Ross, Cynthia Ann | Client Address: 2808 Barmettler St Raleigh Nc 27607-4130 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: November 16, 2016 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 123754 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Hook, Matthew A & Carol K | Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 111486 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Bartis, James N & Patricia T | Client Address: 4812 Westgreen Ct Raleigh Nc 27612-3584 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Active (issued) | Expiration date: July 11, 2017 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 137067 | |||||
SCORE 93 Client: Hook, Matthew A & Carol K | Client Address: 3804 Camp Mangum Wynd Raleigh Nc 27612-5340 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 111485 |