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SCORE 74 11066 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles Ca 90025 Supplemental to 12048-10000-00705: change non-illuminated sign to ill Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Permit finaled | Current use: Onsite | Permit id: 12048-10001-007 |
SCORE 74 Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Permit finaled | Current use: Onsite | Permit id: 12048-10000-007 |
SCORE 74 14006 Riverside Dr Los Angeles Ca 91423 New two sets illuminated channel letter wall signs: (1) 2-0" x 6-3" Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Permit finaled | Current use: Onsite | Permit id: 12048-10000-006 |
SCORE 74 11066 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles Ca 90025 New wall sign: non-illumniated flat cut out wall sign: 1-0"x15-7" re Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Permit finaled | Current use: Onsite | Permit id: 12048-10000-007 |
SCORE 74 98 Laurel Canyon Blvd Los Angeles Ca 91331 Replace four (4) 4. 5 sq ft internally illuminated directional cabinets Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Permit finaled | Current use: Onsite | Permit id: 12048-10000-005 |
SCORE 74 13357 Riverside Dr Los Angeles Ca 91423 Remove and replace ex 3 illum nformation signs (17"w x 210"l x 41"h Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Permit finaled | Current use: Onsite | Permit id: 12048-10000-004 |
SCORE 74 98 Laurel Canyon Blvd Los Angeles Ca 91331 Proposed (3) [b1, b3, b4] 1-10" x 13-9. 4" (25. 3 sq ft) "el pollo loc Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Permit finaled | Current use: Onsite | Permit id: 12048-10000-004 |
SCORE 74 11066 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles Ca 90025 One internally illuminated wall sign (39. 6 sq. Ft.) for "del taco" Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Permit finaled | Current use: Onsite | Permit id: 12048-10000-003 |