SCORE 93 Date: April 7, 2014 Value: $12,648
Client: Laugenour Mark K And Claudia J | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 42116059 | 2014/04/07 | 12648 | 93 | 15206 Clydelle Av , San Jose Ca 95124 5303 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: November 8, 2013 Value: $9,672
Client: Parrino Victor L And Rebecca A Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 45129091 | 2013/11/08 | 9672 | 93 | 40 Petulla Ct , San Jose Ca 95124 4833 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: December 3, 2014 Value: $778
Client: Ishizaki Hisashi Et Al | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 68941065 | 2014/12/03 | 778 | 93 | 4 Safari Dr , San Jose Ca 95123 4232 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: August 1, 2013 Value: $12,628
Client: Mcdonald Bruce D | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 70444018 | 2013/08/01 | 12628 | 93 | 69 Del Rio Dr , San Jose Ca 95119 1830 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: October 14, 2014 Value: $3,890
Client: Tesfaye Yonas M And Ebertz Joy K | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 38101042 | 2014/10/14 | 3890 | 93 | 897 Brentwood Dr , San Jose Ca 95129 2243 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: August 19, 2016 Value: $31,248
Client: Osterlund Erik And Lissi Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 42117023 | 2016/08/19 | 31248 | 93 | 15255 Cooper Av , San Jose Ca 95124 5404 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: August 31, 2016 Value: $18,368
Client: Tanase Yoshiaki And Chieko | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 37730003 | 2016/08/31 | 18368 | 93 | 1616 Deerfield Dr , San Jose Ca 95129 4707 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: May 24, 2016 Value: $28,644
Client: Takeuchi Roy T Trustee | Permit status: B-4. Complete | Parcel: 49727009 | 2016/05/24 | 28644 | 93 | 484 Lewis Rd , San Jose Ca 95111 2150 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: April 28, 2016 Value: $14,880
Client: Estudillo Nelson A | Permit status: B-4. Complete | Parcel: 24942086 | 2016/04/28 | 14880 | 93 | 672 N 1st St , San Jose Ca 95112 5109 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: October 18, 2016 Value: $23,436
Client: Vanderbilt Vern C And Brown Lynne H Trustee | Permit status: B-4. Complete | Completion date: September 28, 2017 | Parcel: 47732146 | 2016/10/18 | 23436 | 93 | 1414 Tami Lee Dr , San Jose Ca 951222884 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: November 2, 2017 Value: $23,436
Client: Vanderbilt Vern C And Brown Lynne H Trustee | Permit status: B-4. Complete | Parcel: 47732146 | 2017/11/02 | 23436 | 93 | 1414 Tami Lee Dr , San Jose Ca 951222884 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: August 18, 2017 Value: $24,552
Client: Tong Seng Peng And Wong Doris S | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 44619003 | 2017/08/18 | 24552 | 93 | 1648 Andalusia Wy , San Jose Ca 951255003 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: June 1, 2017 Value: $3,720
Client: Hess Thomas G And Jean F Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 69211059 | 2017/06/01 | 3720 | 93 | 277 Bieber Dr , San Jose Ca 951233613 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: August 24, 2017 Value: $7,440
Client: Abrahamsen Adam And Anagnost Lindsay | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 59951070 | 2017/08/24 | 7440 | 93 | 3212 Kawalker Ln , San Jose Ca 951271014 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: July 28, 2017 Value: $2,232
Client: Bancroft Kenneth M And Sharon M Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 38129040 | 2017/07/28 | 2232 | 93 | 4882 Clarendon Dr , San Jose Ca 951294313 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: November 13, 2017 Value: $8,558
Client: Kashiwagi Wesley | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 47219083 | 2017/11/13 | 8558 | 93 | 899 S 9th St , San Jose Ca 951122469 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: June 9, 2017 Value: $778
Client: Reis Neuza | Permit status: B-4. Complete | Parcel: 47212082 | 2017/06/09 | 778 | 93 | 951 S 12th St 3 , San Jose Ca 951122462 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: October 20, 2015 Value: $23,436
Client: Vanderbilt Vern C And Brown Lynne H Trustee | Permit status: B-4. Complete | Parcel: 47732146 | 2015/10/20 | 23436 | 93 | 1414 Tami Lee Dr , San Jose Ca 951222884 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: April 7, 2014 Value: $12,648
Client: Laugenour Mark K And Claudia J | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 42116059 | 2014/04/07 | 12648 | 93 | 15206 Clydelle Av , San Jose Ca 951245303 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: November 8, 2013 Value: $9,672
Client: Parrino Victor L And Rebecca A Trustee | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 45129091 | 2013/11/08 | 9672 | 93 | 40 Petulla Ct , San Jose Ca 951244833 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: May 24, 2016 Value: $28,644
Client: Takeuchi Roy T Trustee | Permit status: B-4. Complete | Parcel: 49727009 | 2016/05/24 | 28644 | 93 | 484 Lewis Rd , San Jose Ca 951112150 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: December 3, 2014 Value: $778
Client: Ishizaki Hisashi Et Al | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 68941065 | 2014/12/03 | 778 | 93 | 4 Safari Dr , San Jose Ca 951234232 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: April 28, 2016 Value: $14,880
Client: Estudillo Nelson A | Permit status: B-4. Complete | Parcel: 24942086 | 2016/04/28 | 14880 | 93 | 672 N 1st St , San Jose Ca 951125109 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: August 1, 2013 Value: $12,628
Client: Mcdonald Bruce D | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 70444018 | 2013/08/01 | 12628 | 93 | 69 Del Rio Dr , San Jose Ca 951191830 | Armstrong Installation |
SCORE 93 Date: October 14, 2014 Value: $3,890
Client: Tesfaye Yonas M And Ebertz Joy K | Permit status: B-complete | Parcel: 38101042 | 2014/10/14 | 3890 | 93 | 897 Brentwood Dr , San Jose Ca 951292243 | Armstrong Installation |