SCORE 76 Date: January 7, 2015 Value: $13,260
Permit status: B-complete, e-complete, p | Parcel: 43913038 | 2015/01/07 | 13260 | 76 | 1777 Glen Una Av , San Jose Ca 95125 2530 | Aqua Blue Swimming Pool Const |
SCORE 76 Date: July 16, 2015 Value: $24,680
Client: Verni Mark T And Kelly E | Permit status: B-complete, e-complete, p | Parcel: 41934007 | 2015/07/16 | 24680 | 76 | 14897 Los Gatos Almaden Rd , San Jose Ca 95124 0000 | Aqua Blue Swimming Pool Const |
SCORE 76 Date: April 20, 2016 Value: $25,459
Client: Guerin James M And Laura K | Permit status: B-complete, e-complete, p | Parcel: 44202030 | 2016/04/20 | 25459 | 76 | 1835 Kirkmont Dr , San Jose Ca 95124 1130 | Aqua Blue Swimming Pool Const |
SCORE 76 Date: June 13, 2017 Value: $3,096
Client: Myers Jack M Trustee & Et Al | Permit status: B-complete, e-complete, p | Parcel: 40331192 | 2017/06/13 | 3096 | 76 | 18408 Paseo Olivos , San Jose Ca 951300000 | Aqua Blue Swimming Pool Const |
SCORE 76 Date: October 20, 2015 Value: $19,183
Client: Maniscalco Anthony | Permit status: B-complete, e-complete, p | Parcel: 26449069 | 2015/10/20 | 19183 | 76 | 981 Spencer Av , San Jose Ca 951251672 | Aqua Blue Swimming Pool Const |
SCORE 76 Date: January 7, 2015 Value: $13,260
Client: Tejero Michael R Trustee & Et Al | Permit status: B-complete, e-complete, p | Parcel: 43913038 | 2015/01/07 | 13260 | 76 | 1777 Glen Una Av , San Jose Ca 951252530 | Aqua Blue Swimming Pool Const |