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694 698 E Sixth St Boston Ma 02127
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street. The application proposes no new construction and the character of the neighborhood will not be affected or changed by the application.; the zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000.; the castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 23 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Permit type: Subdivision combinin | Permit status: Open | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519901 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079694 698 E Sixth St Boston Ma 02127Anthony Kraunelis Tr
685 685g E Fifth St Boston Ma 02127
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street.; the subdivision would permit the withdrawal of the separate six unit building at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium in accordance with the proposed subdivision plan of land dated january 28 2012. The zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000. The castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 23 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Permit type: Subdivision combinin | Permit status: Open | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519904 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079685 685g E Fifth St Boston Ma 02127Anthony Kraunelis Tr
695a 695 E Fifth St Boston Ma 02127
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street.; the subdivision would permit the withdrawal of the separate six unit building at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium in accordance with the proposed subdivision plan of land dated january 28 2012. The zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000. The castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 23 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Permit type: Subdivision combinin | Permit status: Open | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519906 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079695a 695 E Fifth St Boston Ma 02127Anthony Kraunelis Tr
694 698 E Sixth St South Boston Ma 02127
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street. The application proposes no new construction and the character of the neighborhood will not be affected or changed by the application.; the zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000.; the castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2/3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Cond | Permit type: Subdivision combining lot | Permit status: Open | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519901 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079694 698 E Sixth St South Boston Ma 02127Anthony Kraunelis Tr
685 685g E Fifth St South Boston Ma 02127
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street.; the subdivision would permit the withdrawal of the separate six unit building at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium in accordance with the proposed subdivision plan of land dated january 28 2012. The zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000. The castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2/3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Cond | Permit type: Subdivision combining lot | Permit status: Open | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519904 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079685 685g E Fifth St South Boston Ma 02127Anthony Kraunelis Tr
695a 695 E Fifth St South Boston Ma 02127
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street.; the subdivision would permit the withdrawal of the separate six unit building at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium in accordance with the proposed subdivision plan of land dated january 28 2012. The zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000. The castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2/3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Cond | Permit type: Subdivision combining lot | Permit status: Open | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519906 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079695a 695 E Fifth St South Boston Ma 02127Anthony Kraunelis Tr
695a695 E Fifth St South Boston Ma 02127
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street.; the subdivision would permit the withdrawal of the separate six unit building at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium in accordance with the proposed subdivision plan of land dated january 28 2012. The zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000. The castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2 3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Condominium Tr | Permit type: Subdivision combining lot | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519906 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079695a695 E Fifth St South Boston Ma 02127Anthony Kraunelis Tr
694698 E Sixth St South Boston Ma 02127
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street. The application proposes no new construction and the character of the neighborhood will not be affected or changed by the application.; the zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000.; the castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2 3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Condominium Tr | Permit type: Subdivision combining lot | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519901 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079694698 E Sixth St South Boston Ma 02127Anthony Kraunelis Tr
685685g E Fifth St South Boston Ma 02127
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street.; the subdivision would permit the withdrawal of the separate six unit building at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium in accordance with the proposed subdivision plan of land dated january 28 2012. The zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000. The castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2 3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Condominium Tr | Permit type: Subdivision combining lot | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519904 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079685685g E Fifth St South Boston Ma 02127Anthony Kraunelis Tr
685 685g E Fifth St South Boston Ma
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street.; the subdivision would permit the withdrawal of the separate six unit building at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium in accordance with the proposed subdivision plan of land dated january 28 2012. The zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000. The castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2/3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Cond | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: April 22, 2016 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519904 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079685 685g E Fifth St South Boston MaAnthony Kraunelis Tr
694 698 E Sixth St South Boston Ma
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street. The application proposes no new construction and the character of the neighborhood will not be affected or changed by the application.; the zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000.; the castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2/3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Cond | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: April 22, 2016 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519901 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079694 698 E Sixth St South Boston MaAnthony Kraunelis Tr
695a 695 E Fifth St South Boston Ma
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street.; the subdivision would permit the withdrawal of the separate six unit building at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium in accordance with the proposed subdivision plan of land dated january 28 2012. The zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000. The castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2/3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Cond | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: April 22, 2016 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519906 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079695a 695 E Fifth St South Boston MaAnthony Kraunelis Tr
694698 E Sixth St South Boston Ma
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street. The application proposes no new construction and the character of the neighborhood will not be affected or changed by the application.; the zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000.; the castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2 3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Condominium Tr | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: April 22, 2016 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519901 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079694698 E Sixth St South Boston MaAnthony Kraunelis Tr
695a695 E Fifth St South Boston Ma
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street.; the subdivision would permit the withdrawal of the separate six unit building at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium in accordance with the proposed subdivision plan of land dated january 28 2012. The zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000. The castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2 3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Condominium Tr | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: April 22, 2016 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519906 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079695a695 E Fifth St South Boston MaAnthony Kraunelis Tr
685685g E Fifth St South Boston Ma
The application seeks to subdivide the lot and dwelling at 694-696 east sixth street from the lot and buildings located at 685-695 east fifth street.; the subdivision would permit the withdrawal of the separate six unit building at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium in accordance with the proposed subdivision plan of land dated january 28 2012. The zoning board of appeals previously approved the proposed subdivision withdrawal and removal of the premises at 694-696 east sixth street from the castle bay condominium on october 25 2000. The castle bay condominium board of trustees are unanimously in favor of this application and the proposed withdrawal from the condominium as well as at least 2 3 of the unit owners in accordance with m. G. L. Chapter 183a.
Date:  October 22, 2015

Client: Castle Bay Condominium Tr | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: April 22, 2016 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt519904 | Parcel: 0604052000
2015/10/22079685685g E Fifth St South Boston MaAnthony Kraunelis Tr

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