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3117 Gravier St, New Orleans, La 70119
Install mechanical equipment double residence install gas line,gas water heater and two ods space heater. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  January 26, 2001

Client: Miller, Wendy | Permit id: M01000482
2001/01/260893117 Gravier St, New Orleans, La 70119Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
3119 Gravier St, New Orleans, La 70119
Install mechanical equipment double residence install gas water heater , ods space heater and meter out over six months. Daniel lambert 866-7162 180,0 btus
Date:  January 26, 2001

Client: Miller, Wendy | Permit id: M01000484
2001/01/260893119 Gravier St, New Orleans, La 70119Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
8938 Apple St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162 180,0 btus
Date:  February 5, 2001

Client: Chablis, Oliver | Permit id: M01000651
2001/02/050898938 Apple St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
6124 Annunciation St, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install new gas line and two gas water heater. Daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  February 23, 2001

Client: Sypostrim, William | Permit id: M01001151
2001/02/230896124 Annunciation St, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
1302 N Rocheblave St, New Orleans, La 70116
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162 180,0 btus
Date:  February 26, 2001

Client: Wilson, Robert | Permit id: M01001182
2001/02/260891302 N Rocheblave St, New Orleans, La 70116Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2438 Cleveland Av, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  March 5, 2001

Client: Bergeron, Reginald | Permit id: M01001268
2001/03/050892438 Cleveland Av, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2809 Palmer Av, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  March 13, 2001

Client: Mai, Toan | Permit id: M01001486
2001/03/130892809 Palmer Av, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
1624 Lapeyrouse St, New Orleans, La 70116
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling entergy leak - 2 btus daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  March 13, 2001

Client: Pappas, Iris G | Permit id: M01001504
2001/03/130891624 Lapeyrouse St, New Orleans, La 70116Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
757 Walker St, New Orleans, La 70124
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas line, 2-gas water heater and log lighter. Daniel lambert - 866-7162 400,0 btus
Date:  March 15, 2001

Client: Landrieu J, Maurice E | Permit id: M01001569
2001/03/15089757 Walker St, New Orleans, La 70124Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2116 Dublin St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas water heater and meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  March 19, 2001

Client: Ankriener, Jill | Permit id: M01001675
2001/03/190892116 Dublin St, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
1113 Mandeville St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment double residence install gas water heater. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  March 23, 2001

Client: Offary, Grey | Permit id: M01001888
2001/03/230891113 Mandeville St, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
3615 Delgado Dr, New Orleans, La 70119
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install new gas line, 2 new water heater new log lighter - 400,0 danny - 866-7162
Date:  April 23, 2001

Client: Shuey, James F | Permit id: M01002491
2001/04/230893615 Delgado Dr, New Orleans, La 70119Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
7927 Willow St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment double residence install gas water heater . Daniel lambert - 831-9839 415-6853
Date:  April 30, 2001

Client: Henry, Gary | Permit id: M01002664
2001/04/300897927 Willow St, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2854 Florida Av, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  May 2, 2001

Client: Wilbern, Mrs. | Permit id: M01002716
2001/05/020892854 Florida Av, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
717 Nashville Av Unit 1, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment multi-family dwelling install new gas line. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  May 4, 2001

Client: De Haven, Cheryl | Permit id: M01002756
2001/05/04089717 Nashville Av Unit 1, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
514 S Jefferson Davis Pw, New Orleans, La 70119
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162 180,0 btus
Date:  May 18, 2001

Client: Cambeu, Frank | Permit id: M01003134
2001/05/18089514 S Jefferson Davis Pw, New Orleans, La 70119Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
323 Octavia St, New Orleans, La 70005
Install mechanical equipment community center install elec water heater. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  May 23, 2001

Permit id: M01003220
2001/05/23089323 Octavia St, New Orleans, La 70005Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2637 N Galvez St, New Orleans, La 70117
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas line and gas water heater. Daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  June 1, 2001

Client: Carter, Pamela | Permit id: M01003513
2001/06/010892637 N Galvez St, New Orleans, La 70117Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2225 Cambronne St Unit A, New Orleans, La 71079
Install mechanical equipment multi-family dwelling install new gas water heater. Danial lambert - 866-7162
Date:  June 15, 2001

Client: Exchange Interm, Services Inc . | Permit id: M01003807
2001/06/150892225 Cambronne St Unit A, New Orleans, La 71079Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
13216 St Helena Pl, New Orleans, La 70123
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install elec water heater. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  July 5, 2001

Client: Enterprise Inc, Rhino | Permit id: M01004166
2001/07/0508913216 St Helena Pl, New Orleans, La 70123Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
13252 Willowbrook Dr, New Orleans, La 70123
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install elec water heater. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  July 5, 2001

Client: Enterprise Incs, Rhino | Permit id: M01004167
2001/07/0508913252 Willowbrook Dr, New Orleans, La 70123Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
1025 S Jefferson Davis Pw, New Orleans, La 70125
Install mechanical equipment community center install gas line and boiler. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  July 10, 2001

Client: Broadcasting Co, Burnham | Permit id: M01004309
2001/07/100891025 S Jefferson Davis Pw, New Orleans, La 70125Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
4601 Chef Menteur Hw Unit B, New Orleans, La 70126
Install mechanical equipment community center install wok and rice cooker daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  July 20, 2001

Client: Pontchartrain L, Stor All | Permit id: M01004582
2001/07/200894601 Chef Menteur Hw Unit B, New Orleans, La 70126Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
6034 Magazine St Unit A, New Orleans, La 75209
Install mechanical equipment multi-family dwelling meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  August 2, 2001

Client: Mittler, Harvey D | Permit id: M01004889
2001/08/020896034 Magazine St Unit A, New Orleans, La 75209Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
20 Almonaster St, New Orleans, La 70126
Install mechanical equipment community center fire job - 450,0 btus daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  August 29, 2001

Client: Gibson, Mr. | Permit id: M01005503
2001/08/2908920 Almonaster St, New Orleans, La 70126Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2223 Short St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70125
Install mechanical equipment multi-family dwelling install new gas line . Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  September 12, 2001

Client: South Louisiana, Petroleum Co | Permit id: M01005747
2001/09/120892223 Short St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70125Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
834 Dublin St, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install ods space heater. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  September 28, 2001

Client: Jeffery, Iris H | Permit id: M01006033
2001/09/28089834 Dublin St, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2721 Dante St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment double residence entergy gas leak - 210,0 daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  October 31, 2001

Client: Wilcox, Mrs. | Permit id: M01006832
2001/10/310892721 Dante St, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
253 Cherokee St, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling meter out over six months. Daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  November 9, 2001

Client: Wormser Etal, Leonard V | Permit id: M01007171
2001/11/09089253 Cherokee St, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
874 Harrison Av, New Orleans, La 70124
Install mechanical equipment restaurant 49 and under install gas line, oven and meter increase . Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  November 19, 2001

Client: Schiro, Elton F | Permit id: M01007359
2001/11/19089874 Harrison Av, New Orleans, La 70124Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
732 General Taylor St, New Orleans, La 10010
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install new gas line and gas water heater. Daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  November 21, 2001

Client: Wilby, Daniel P | Permit id: M01007506
2001/11/21089732 General Taylor St, New Orleans, La 10010Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
1422 Lawrence St, New Orleans, La 70065
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  December 3, 2001

Client: Smith, Llewellyn W | Permit id: M01007699
2001/12/030891422 Lawrence St, New Orleans, La 70065Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
8946 Jeannette St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling entergy gas leak - 250,0 btus . Daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  December 3, 2001

Client: Elloie, Ronald | Permit id: M01007700
2001/12/030898946 Jeannette St, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2341 Broadway St, New Orleans, La 70124
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling nopsi gas leak - 250,0 daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  December 14, 2001

Client: Shepard, Kathryn F | Permit id: M01008015
2001/12/140892341 Broadway St, New Orleans, La 70124Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2914 Dumaine St, New Orleans, La 70119
Install mechanical equipment double residence install gas line and gas water heater. Daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  January 14, 2002

Client: Bolding S, Charles E | Permit id: M02000229
2002/01/140892914 Dumaine St, New Orleans, La 70119Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2912 Dumaine St, New Orleans, La 70119
Install mechanical equipment double residence install gas line and gas water heater. Daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  January 14, 2002

Client: Dilligan, Timothy C | Permit id: M02000230
2002/01/140892912 Dumaine St, New Orleans, La 70119Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
21 N Claiborne Av, New Orleans, La 70126
Install mechanical equipment restaurant 49 and under install gas water heater and 6- friers . Daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  January 16, 2002

Client: Inc, Wagner | Permit id: M02000306
2002/01/1608921 N Claiborne Av, New Orleans, La 70126Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2468 N Claiborne Av, New Orleans, La 70117
Install mechanical equipment double residence install gas warm air furnace. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  January 16, 2002

Client: Contractors, G And C | Permit id: M02000308
2002/01/160892468 N Claiborne Av, New Orleans, La 70117Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
225 S Johnson St, New Orleans, La 70113
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install ods space heater and meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  January 23, 2002

Client: Williams, Law | Permit id: M02000484
2002/01/23089225 S Johnson St, New Orleans, La 70113Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2414 Royal St, New Orleans, La 70117
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install new gas line and gas water heater. Daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  January 24, 2002

Client: Rahman, Zahary | Permit id: M02000540
2002/01/240892414 Royal St, New Orleans, La 70117Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
1725 Nunez St Unit B, New Orleans, La 70114
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months. Daniel lambert 866-7162 250,0 btus
Date:  January 25, 2002

Client: Tuberville, Charles E | Permit id: M02000567
2002/01/250891725 Nunez St Unit B, New Orleans, La 70114Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
6031 N Roman St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70117
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  February 26, 2002

Client: Reddix, Solomon | Permit id: M02001277
2002/02/260896031 N Roman St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70117Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
1428 Touro St, New Orleans, La 70116
Install mechanical equipment double residence install gas water heater, ods space heater and meter out over six months. Daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  February 26, 2002

Client: Daniels, Doris H | Permit id: M02001278
2002/02/260891428 Touro St, New Orleans, La 70116Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2338 Martin L King Bl, New Orleans, La 70113
Install mechanical equipment grocery store install gas line, 2-deep fryer, stove , grill and steamer. Daniel lambert - 866-7162 650,000
Date:  April 30, 2002

Client: Esmail, Mohamad | Permit id: M02002682
2002/04/300892338 Martin L King Bl, New Orleans, La 70113Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
7235 S Claiborne Av, New Orleans, La 70125
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas line and gas water heater. Daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  May 16, 2002

Client: De Matteo, Salvatore | Permit id: M02003197
2002/05/160897235 S Claiborne Av, New Orleans, La 70125Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2024 Evergreen Av, New Orleans, La 71207
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162 180,000
Date:  June 19, 2002

Client: Countrywide Hom, Loans Inc | Permit id: M02003859
2002/06/190892024 Evergreen Av, New Orleans, La 71207Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
515 S Genois St, New Orleans, La 70433
Install mechanical equipment double residence install ods space heater , gas water heater and meter out over six months. Daniel lambert 866-7162 180,0 btus
Date:  June 21, 2002

Client: Breen, Wayne E | Permit id: M02003933
2002/06/21089515 S Genois St, New Orleans, La 70433Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
501 Audubon St, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install new gas line, 2-gas water heater, daniel lambert 866-7162
Date:  June 26, 2002

Client: Freiberg, Wilmer J | Permit id: M02004078
2002/06/26089501 Audubon St, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
5108 Laurel St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment double residence entergy gas leak - 250,0 daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  June 27, 2002

Client: Myers, Cody H | Permit id: M02004123
2002/06/270895108 Laurel St, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
40 Laurel St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling meter out over six months and gas water heater. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  July 9, 2002

Client: Richardson, Bertha B | Permit id: M02004307
2002/07/0908940 Laurel St, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
711 Forstall St, New Orleans, La 70117
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162 210,000
Date:  July 31, 2002

Client: Nuner, Keith | Permit id: M02004866
2002/07/31089711 Forstall St, New Orleans, La 70117Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
1414 Cambronne St, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install new gas line and gas water heater. Daniel lambert 866-7162 250,0 btus
Date:  August 6, 2002

Client: Grantham, Thomas | Permit id: M02004993
2002/08/060891414 Cambronne St, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
123 S Clark St, New Orleans, La 70124
Install mechanical equipment restaurant 49 and under install new gas line daniel lambert- 866-7162 210,0 btus
Date:  October 8, 2002

Client: Gengo, Frank J | Permit id: M02006233
2002/10/08089123 S Clark St, New Orleans, La 70124Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
79 Plum St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment multi-family dwelling entergy gas leak - 250,0 daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  October 8, 2002

Client: Wurtzel, Robert S | Permit id: M02006235
2002/10/0808979 Plum St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
616 Nashville Av, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling entergy gas leak - 350,0 daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  October 29, 2002

Client: Wenzel J, John J | Permit id: M02006608
2002/10/29089616 Nashville Av, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
5525 Laurel St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas line, 2-gas lights and gas water heater. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  November 1, 2002

Client: Guice, Kenneth H | Permit id: M02006731
2002/11/010895525 Laurel St, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
196 Forest Oaks , New Orleans, La 70131
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas line, 2-gas water heater, 2-log lighter and 4-gas lite. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  November 20, 2002

Client: Lt Partnership, English Turn | Permit id: M02007154
2002/11/20089196 Forest Oaks , New Orleans, La 70131Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
73 Zimple St, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling nopsi entergy leak daniel lambert - 866-7162 310,0 btus
Date:  December 3, 2002

Client: Oliver J, William H | Permit id: M02007439
2002/12/0308973 Zimple St, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2318 Madrid St, New Orleans, La 70122
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling fire job - 866-7162 daniel lambert 300,0 btus
Date:  December 3, 2002

Client: Ally, Kathileen | Permit id: M02007440
2002/12/030892318 Madrid St, New Orleans, La 70122Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2515 Bayou Rd, New Orleans, La 70119
Install mechanical equipment office building meter out over six months daniel lambert - 866-7162 250,0 btus
Date:  December 4, 2002

Client: Unknown, Unknown | Permit id: M02007461
2002/12/040892515 Bayou Rd, New Orleans, La 70119Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
1725 Dublin St, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months and 4-ods space heater. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  December 9, 2002

Client: Thomas Priere, Nancy | Permit id: M02007547
2002/12/090891725 Dublin St, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
723 Exposition Bl, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas line , 2-elec water heater, log lighter and meter capacity increase. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  December 11, 2002

Client: Servay, Stephen T | Permit id: M02007620
2002/12/11089723 Exposition Bl, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
88 Belfast St, New Orleans, La 0
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  December 23, 2002

Client: Pack, Jacob L | Permit id: M02007929
2002/12/2308988 Belfast St, New Orleans, La 0Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
338 Belleville St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling entergy gas leak - 250,0 accardo lambert - 866-7162
Date:  March 10, 2003

Client: Rosetti, Miss Ann | Permit id: M03001516
2003/03/10089338 Belleville St, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
6348 Carlson Dr, New Orleans, La 70122
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas line and gas water heaer. Daniel lambert - 866-7162 250,0 btus
Date:  April 25, 2003

Client: Ranzino, Guy A | Permit id: M03002840
2003/04/250896348 Carlson Dr, New Orleans, La 70122Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2422 Jena St, New Orleans, La 70119
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling meter out over six months daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  May 1, 2003

Client: Petivan, Arthur | Permit id: M03002988
2003/05/010892422 Jena St, New Orleans, La 70119Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2371 Annunciation St, New Orleans, La 70130
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas line and gas water heater. Daniel lambert 866-7162 250,0 btus
Date:  June 30, 2003

Client: Wasserman, Gerald | Permit id: M03004287
2003/06/300892371 Annunciation St, New Orleans, La 70130Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
1401 Lauradale Dr, New Orleans, La 70068
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  July 15, 2003

Permit id: M03004514
2003/07/150891401 Lauradale Dr, New Orleans, La 70068Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
6728 Bellaire Dr, New Orleans, La 70124
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install gas line , 2-gas water heater and bbq. Daniel lambert 866-7162 350,000
Date:  July 17, 2003

Client: Sins 3, George F | Permit id: M03004546
2003/07/170896728 Bellaire Dr, New Orleans, La 70124Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
37 Banks St, New Orleans, La 70112
Install mechanical equipment double residence entergy gas leak - 185,0 daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  August 8, 2003

Client: Powell, John | Permit id: M03004952
2003/08/0808937 Banks St, New Orleans, La 70112Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
8735 Edinburgh St, New Orleans, La 70119
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months and ods space heater. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  August 20, 2003

Client: St Cyre, Z | Permit id: M03005166
2003/08/200898735 Edinburgh St, New Orleans, La 70119Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2618 St Charles Av, New Orleans, La 70130
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling meter out over six months daniel lambert 866-7162 350,0 btus
Date:  September 4, 2003

Client: Perrier, James M | Permit id: M03005466
2003/09/040892618 St Charles Av, New Orleans, La 70130Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2825 Cherry St, New Orleans, La 70124
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months daniel lambert - 866-7162 185,000
Date:  September 17, 2003

Client: Foster, Ingrid C | Permit id: M03005740
2003/09/170892825 Cherry St, New Orleans, La 70124Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
3813 Paris Av, New Orleans, La 70126
Install mechanical equipment multi-family dwelling install gas water heater and meter out over six months daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  October 10, 2003

Client: Johnson, Alethia | Permit id: M03006187
2003/10/100893813 Paris Av, New Orleans, La 70126Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
4914 Tchoupitoulas St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment shop install elec water heater. Daniel lambert - 866-7162 wood-shop
Date:  February 17, 2004

Client: Llc, Amano | Permit id: M04001255
2004/02/170894914 Tchoupitoulas St, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
A / 2225 Cambronne St Unit A, New Orleans, La 71079
Install mechanical equipment multi-family dwelling install new gas water heater. Danial lambert - 866-7162
Date:  June 15, 2001

Client: Exchange Interm, Services Inc . | Permit id: M01003807
2001/06/150892225 Cambronne St Unit A, New Orleans, La 71079Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
A / 8938 Apple St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162 180,0 btus
Date:  February 5, 2001

Client: Chablis, Oliver | Permit id: M01000651
2001/02/050898938 Apple St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
Unit 1 / 717 Nashville Av Unit 1, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment multi-family dwelling install new gas line. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  May 3, 2001

Client: De Haven, Cheryl | Permit id: M01002756
2001/05/03089717 Nashville Av Unit 1, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2356 Kraft Pl, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162 250,000
Date:  March 21, 2002

Client: Durand, Margie | Permit id: M02001862
2002/03/210892356 Kraft Pl, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
A / 2223 Short St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70125
Install mechanical equipment multi-family dwelling install new gas line . Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  September 12, 2001

Client: South Louisiana, Petroleum Co | Permit id: M01005747
2001/09/120892223 Short St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70125Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
B / 1725 Nunez St Unit B, New Orleans, La 70114
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months. Daniel lambert 866-7162 250,0 btus
Date:  January 25, 2002

Client: Tuberville, Charles E | Permit id: M02000567
2002/01/250891725 Nunez St Unit B, New Orleans, La 70114Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
A / 6031 N Roman St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70117
Install mechanical equipment double residence meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  February 25, 2002

Client: Reddix, Solomon | Permit id: M02001277
2002/02/250896031 N Roman St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70117Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
A / 79 Plum St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70118
Install mechanical equipment multi-family dwelling entergy gas leak - 250,0 daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  October 8, 2002

Client: Wurtzel, Robert S | Permit id: M02006235
2002/10/0808979 Plum St Unit A, New Orleans, La 70118Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
A / 6034 Magazine St Unit A, New Orleans, La 75209
Install mechanical equipment multi-family dwelling meter out over six months. Daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  August 2, 2001

Client: Mittler, Harvey D | Permit id: M01004889
2001/08/020896034 Magazine St Unit A, New Orleans, La 75209Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
2369 Annunciation St, New Orleans, La 70130
Install mechanical equipment double residence install new gas line and gas water heater. Daniel lambert 866-7162 250,000
Date:  June 30, 2003

Client: Wasserman, Gerald | Permit id: M03004288
2003/06/300892369 Annunciation St, New Orleans, La 70130Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
B / 4601 Chef Menteur Hw Unit B, New Orleans, La 70126
Install mechanical equipment community center install wok and rice cooker daniel lambert - 866-7162
Date:  July 19, 2001

Client: Pontchartrain L, Stor All | Permit id: M01004582
2001/07/190894601 Chef Menteur Hw Unit B, New Orleans, La 70126Accardo And Lambert Plumbing
3248 Constance St, New Orleans, La 70115
Install mechanical equipment single-family dwelling install new gas line and gas water heater. Daniel lambert 866-7162 250,000
Date:  June 30, 2003

Client: Carubba, Roy M | Permit id: M03004268
2003/06/300893248 Constance St, New Orleans, La 70115Accardo And Lambert Plumbing

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