Building Permits at Asbury Rd, Asheville, NC 28804

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
A b c store
Date:  August 15, 2012

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 12-04799
2012/08/15095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28801
Abc store
Date:  October 10, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 13-06251
2013/10/10095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28801
A b c store
Date:  August 13, 2015
Value:   $4,000
Contractor: Ronnie Dean Moss

Client: A B C Store | Permit type: Stand alone sign | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Sign | Permit id: 12-04799 | Parcel: 66681
2015/08/13400084Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28801Ronnie Dean Moss
A b c store
Date:  August 13, 2015
Value:   $4,000
Contractor: Moss Sign Service

Client: A B C Store | Permit type: Stand alone sign | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Sign | Permit id: 12-04799 | Parcel: 66681
2015/08/134000100Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28801Moss Sign Service
A b c store
Date:  August 15, 2012
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Sign | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 12-04799
2012/08/15400095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28801
Abc store
Date:  October 10, 2013
Value:   $145

Permit type: Commercial | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 13-06251
2013/10/1014595Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28801
October 10, 2013 12:38:39 pm mlipe. Wiring at&t equipment next to abc store at&t equipment next to abc store rec via fax, for inspection please call 828-redacted phone number by 4:30pm the day before premise number redacted phone number2
Date:  July 23, 2015
Value:   $145
Contractor: Treadway Electric

Client: Abc Store | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Finaled | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 13-06251 | Parcel: 66681
2015/07/2314599Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28801Treadway Electric
Love-detached garage
Date:  September 29, 2009

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 08-02324
2009/09/29095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
Date:  April 23, 2008

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02194
2008/04/23095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
Comment date: tue may 27 00:00: edt 2003 - new detached garage 690sf:; comment date: wed apr 23 00:00: edt 2008 - april 23, 2008 4:18:05 pm kneel voided no activity.; comment date: thu may 29 00:00: e
Value:   $10,000

Client: Love | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 03-02194 | Parcel: 26188
1000095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
Detached garage
Value:   $10,000

Client: Love-Detached Garage | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 08-02324 | Parcel: 26188
1000095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
Love ericka s
Date:  February 7, 2013
Contractor: H R C Electric

Client: Love Ericka S | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 13-00274 | Parcel: 917918
2013/02/070100Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804H R C Electric
Love ericka s
Date:  February 7, 2013

Client: Love Ericka S | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 13-00274 | Parcel: 917918
2013/02/07096Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804Bruce Glenn Blevins
Detached garage
Date:  September 29, 2009
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: C.D. Merrill

Client: Love-Detached Garage | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 08-02324 | Parcel: 26188
2009/09/291000099Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804C.D. Merrill
New detached garage 690sf:; april 23, 2008 4:18:05 pm kneel voided no activity.; the footprint of one accessory structure shall not exceed 7 sq ft (property less than 1 acre), 1,2 sq ft (property 1 to 3 acres and unlimited (property over 3 acres). Additionally, all accessory structures shall not exceed a combine square footage of 1,0 sq ft (property less than 1 acre), 1,6 sq ft (property 1-3 acres) and unlimited (property over 3 acres). Accessory structures are required to be located beside or behind the main residence unless otherwise permitted not to. Setbacks along street right of ways must be measured from the street right of way line or the street, whichever is closest to the property. All other setbacks are to be measured from the property boundary lines. Setbacks also apply such items as porches, decks, patios, etc.; building comments: refer to your approved plans and plan review comments regarding code-related issues

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02194 | Parcel: 26188
095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
January 10, 2013 1:53:18 pm alishac. Remove condemed oil furnace, install new gas furnace, vent furnace, install gas piping to furnace, rewire electrical to furnace. Love residence rec via walk-in, for inspections please call 828-redacted phone number by 4: the day before. Adc.

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 13-00274 | Parcel: 917918
095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
April 23, 2008 4:18:49 pm kneel 6 sq ft detached garage, previous permit 03-2194 was voided due to inactivity. Location: beaverdam rd to wolfe cove to asbury.; 6 sq. Ft detached garage approved. Accessory structure meets the size requirements and setback (with a variance granted on 5/19/03)requirements for the rs4 zoning district. Aas; february 13, 2009 12:53:01 pm cbeavers. Amendment rec. To change elec. Contractor; september 29, 2009 4:16:51 pm kneel. 6 sq ft detached garage; detached garage meets setbacks as granted by variance request on may 19, 2003 to reduce rear setback from 25 to in the rs4 zoning district. Garage also meets accessory size requirements. April 25, 2008 3:27:12 pm ashuford; received application and site plans. April 28, 2008 4:40:22 pm sdecker; gave application and site plans to ric ledford for review. April 28, 2008 4:41:32 pm sdecker; to request residential inspections call redacted phone number: build

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 08-02324 | Parcel: 26188
095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
Detached garage
Date:  September 29, 2009
Value:   $10,000

Client: Love-Detached Garage | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 08-02324 | Parcel: 26188
2009/09/291000095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
New detached garage 690sf:; comment date: wed apr 23 00:00: edt 2008 - april 23, 2008 4:18:05 pm kneel voided no activity.; comment date: thu may 29 00:00: e
Date:  April 23, 2008
Value:   $10,000

Client: Love | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 03-02194 | Parcel: 26188
2008/04/231000095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
Love-detached garage
Date:  September 29, 2009
Value:   $10,000

Permit type: Historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 08-02324
2009/09/291000095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
Date:  April 23, 2008
Value:   $10,000

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02194
2008/04/231000095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
New detached garage 690sf:; april 23, 2008 4:18:05 pm kneel voided no activity.; the footprint of one accessory structure shall not exceed 7 sq ft (property less than 1 acre), 1,2 sq ft (property 1 to 3 acres and unlimited (property over 3 acres). Additionally, all accessory structures shall not exceed a combine square footage of 1,0 sq ft (property less than 1 acre), 1,6 sq ft (property 1-3 acres) and unlimited (property over 3 acres). Accessory structures are required to be located beside or behind the main residence unless otherwise permitted not to. Setbacks along street right of ways must be measured from the street right of way line or the street, whichever is closest to the property. All other setbacks are to be measured from the property boundary lines. Setbacks also apply such items as porches, decks, patios, etc.; building comments: refer to your approved plans and plan review comments regarding code-related issues
Date:  April 23, 2008

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02194 | Parcel: 26188
2008/04/23095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
January 10, 2013 1:53:18 pm alishac. Remove condemed oil furnace, install new gas furnace, vent furnace, install gas piping to furnace, rewire electrical to furnace. Love residence rec via walk-in, for inspections please call 828-redacted phone number by 4: the day before. Adc.
Date:  February 7, 2013

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 13-00274 | Parcel: 917918
2013/02/07095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
April 23, 2008 4:18:49 pm kneel 6 sq ft detached garage, previous permit 03-2194 was voided due to inactivity. Location: beaverdam rd to wolfe cove to asbury.; 6 sq. Ft detached garage approved. Accessory structure meets the size requirements and setback (with a variance granted on 5 19 03)requirements for the rs4 zoning district. Aas; february 13, 2009 12:53:01 pm cbeavers. Amendment rec. To change elec. Contractor; september 29, 2009 4:16:51 pm kneel. 6 sq ft detached garage; detached garage meets setbacks as granted by variance request on may 19, 2003 to reduce rear setback from 25 to in the rs4 zoning district. Garage also meets accessory size requirements. April 25, 2008 3:27:12 pm ashuford; received application and site plans. April 28, 2008 4:40:22 pm sdecker; gave application and site plans to ric ledford for review. April 28, 2008 4:41:32 pm sdecker; to request residential inspections call redacted phone number: build
Date:  September 29, 2009

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 08-02324 | Parcel: 26188
2009/09/29095Asbury Rd, Asheville, Nc 28804
Kevin bennett
Date:  July 19, 2006

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 06-03394
2006/07/19095Asbury Pl, Asheville, Nc 28801
Bennett, patricia
Date:  December 2, 2010

Client: Bennett, Patricia | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 10-06281 | Parcel: 209528
2010/12/02095Asbury Pl, Asheville, Nc 28801Mikes Heating And Cooling
Kevin bennett
Date:  July 19, 2006
Contractor: Whitley Plumbing

Client: Kevin Bennett | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 06-03394 | Parcel: 66042
2006/07/190100Asbury Pl, Asheville, Nc 28801Whitley Plumbing
November 3, 20 10:19:58 am mlipe. G/f change out and reconnect electrical bennett residence rec via fax, for inspection information please call (828)redacted phone number

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 10-06281 | Parcel: 209528
095Asbury Pl, Asheville, Nc 28801
Bennett, patricia
Date:  December 2, 2010

Client: Bennett, Patricia | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 10-06281 | Parcel: 209528
2010/12/02095Asbury Pl, Asheville, Nc 28801Mikes Heating And Cooling
November 3, 20 10:19:58 am mlipe. G f change out and reconnect electrical bennett residence rec via fax, for inspection information please call (828)redacted phone number
Date:  December 2, 2010

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 10-06281 | Parcel: 209528
2010/12/02095Asbury Pl, Asheville, Nc 28801

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