Building Permits at 975 Bush St San Francisco CA

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Based on the information received from San Francisco CA building department, there are 57 building permits associated with 975 Bush St San Francisco CA over the past 32 years . These building permits valued at $319,886.

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57 projects completed between 1982 and 2014.
An average 1 project per year.


Maximum project cost is $112,500.
An average project cost is $5,612.

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Install 2 lights at entry
Date:  December 18, 2014

Permit status: Expired | Permit id: Ew20141218761
Permit to operate boiler
Date:  April 27, 2010

Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: April 27, 2010 | Permit id: 49753
Replace wood single glazed window sash only at openings at bldgs primary facade with wood insulated glass sash of like kind size clear glass operation finish color & exterior profile. Note: extg window frame head jambs sill to remain intact. New sash includes ogee lugs. Replace in kind.
Date:  December 11, 2009
Value:   $35,000
Contractor: James J. Weir

Current use: Tourist hotel/m | Permit id: #200912113101
Replace wood, single glazed window sash only at openings at bldgs primary facade with wood, insulated glass sash of like kind size, clear glass,operation, finish color & exterior profile. Note: extg window frame head jambs, sill to remain intact. New sash includes ogee lugs. Replace in kind.
Date:  December 11, 2009
Value:   $35,000

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: December 14, 2010 | Expiration date: December 11, 2009 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 200912113101
Permit to operate boiler
Date:  April 8, 2009

Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: April 8, 2009 | Permit id: 45082
Permit to operate boiler
Date:  May 7, 2008

Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: May 7, 2008 | Permit id: 40543
Renew pa# 2006 10 02 3928 & pa# 2003 01 24 5931 for final inspection only.
Date:  July 13, 2007
Value:   $1
Contractor: Owner

Current use: Tourist hotel/m | Permit id: #200707136730
Renew pa# 2006 10 02 3928 & pa# 2003 01 24 5931 for final inspection only.
Date:  July 13, 2007
Value:   $1

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Expiration date: July 13, 2007 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 200707136730
Installation of ddc black flow preventor to (e) sprinkler system at request of m. Mithcell. Provide an approved double check back flor on fire service. Re-calculate flow to acct. For drop 4 way at base of raiser in garage. As built for 200301245931
Date:  June 8, 2007
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Ramon Misfeldt

Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #200706083446
Installationofblackflow(sprinklers)attherequestofm. Mitchell.
Date:  June 8, 2007

Expiration date: June 8, 2007 | Permit id: Pp200706082443
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