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SCORE 98 Installation of exhaust fire suppression system. Hood system to be filed under a separate application (job#140213926) all cooking equipment to be electric. No change in use, egress, or occupancy. Client: Marcello Assante | Client Address: 89 7th South New York Ny 10014 | Client Phone: (862) 452-4364 | Client Company: Organika Nyc | Permit id: 140213935 |
SCORE 98 Installation of exhaust ventilation system. All cooking equipments to be electric. No change in use, egress, or occupancy. Client: Marcello Assante | Client Address: 89 89 7th South New York Ny 10014 | Client Phone: (862) 452-4364 | Client Company: Organika Nyc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 140213926 |
SCORE 98 Installing fire suppression system and installation of exhaust ventilation system. All cooking equipments to be electric. No change in use, egress, or occupancy. Client: Jairo Barros | Client Address: 89 7th South New York Ny 10014 | Client Phone: (862) 452-4364 | Client Company: Organika Nyc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 140135011 |