Building Permits at 883 Classon Avenue Brooklyn NY

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Based on the information received from Brooklyn NY building department, there are 60 building permits associated with 883 Classon Avenue Brooklyn NY over the past 25 years . These building permits valued at $20,573,261.

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60 projects completed between 1992 and 2017.
An average 2 projects per year.


Maximum project cost is $14,158,495.
An average project cost is $342,887.

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Pl: remove and replace 34 roof drains with associated piping. Mh- removal and reinstallation of existing fans; remove and replace existing split system air conditioner and exhaust fan as per submitted plans.
Date:  July 21, 2017
Value:   $167,285
Contractor: Ravi Shenoy

Client: James Elberfeld | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Ave Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 572-5318 | Client Company: Nyc School Constr. Authority | Permit id: 302572295
Concrete repairs; brick masonry replacement; parapet reconstruction at various roof locations, roof replacement at all roofs and install waterproofing systems at the cellar.
Date:  July 20, 2016
Value:   $14,158,495
Contractor: David May

Client: James Elberfeld | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Ave Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 572-5318 | Client Company: Nyc School Constr. Authority | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 302572295
Date:  July 12, 2013
Contractor: Maher Labib

Client: Elan Abneri | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8534 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit id: 301614242
Prospect heights hs 3rd fl gym @ school
Date:  July 10, 2013
Contractor: Maher Labib

Client: Stephen Grant | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Ave Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nyc Scs | Permit id: 301180521
Remove existing glazed brick, ceramic tile and waterproofing. Provide new waterproofing and tile at pool and pool deck. Replace pool gutter drains,balance tank and pool main drains and all associated pool piping.
Date:  July 12, 2012
Value:   $1,299,935
Contractor: Susan Doban

Client: Eftihia Tsitiridis | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue L.I. City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8493 | Client Company: Nyc School Construction Authorit | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 302557677
Prospect heights h. S. Proposed minor cutting and patching work related to replacement of ventilation system. All as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy.
Date:  August 30, 2011
Value:   $100,000
Contractor: David Kriegel

Client: Alan Senzer | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Nyc School Construction Authorit | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 302133652
Prospect height hs remove stone & concrete retaining wall, new concrete wall w foundation, replace w. I. Fence, reseed grass @ ball field, remove, regrade & repave parking lot, replace concrete vehicular access service ramp, remove pro tect & reintstall baseball backstop, misc concrete repair
Date:  July 1, 2011
Value:   $1,802,236
Contractor: Susan Doban

Client: Effie Tsitiridis | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8493 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 302133475
Proposed open cut excavation filed in conjunction with application 302133475. All as per plans filed herewith.
Date:  July 1, 2011
Contractor: Jieming Wang

Client: Alan Senzer | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Ave Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8123 | Client Company: School Construction Authority | Permit id: 302135883
Prospect heights high school, install 2 lf of 8 high construction fence, there will be no change in use, egress or occupancy. We shall comply will ll 33 91. This job is filed in conjunction with dob#: 302133475
Date:  March 21, 2011
Contractor: Allen Parmet

Client: Senzer Allen | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8149 | Client Company: Sca | Permit id: 302135669
Prospect heights hs removal of existing circulation desk, casework & carpet, i nstallation of new circulation desk, perimeter casework & built-in computer st ations, installation of a new suspenced ceiling & vct flooring, minor wall & c eiling repairs, installation of a new electrical panel & circuits for addition al lighting above circulation desk
Date:  November 19, 2010
Value:   $300,190
Contractor: Anderew Berger

Client: Stan Dahir | Client Address: 30 30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (718) 472-8000 | Client Company: Ny School Construction Authority | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 302556829
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