Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 74 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Applicant Phone: (512) 784-8893 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 10, 2014 | Expiration date: October 10, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-104141 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Date: May 14, 2014 Contractor: Bradley J Solomon Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 3, 2014 | Expiration date: September 3, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-104141 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Date: May 28, 2014 Contractor: Greg Alford Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 18, 2014 | Expiration date: August 18, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-104141 Mp | |||||
SCORE 89 Change type of construction of existing building full sprinklers fire alarm Applicant: Sean P O Brien | Applicant Phone: (512) 565-4477 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 3, 2015 | Expiration date: March 3, 2015 | Permit id: 2013-1264 Bp | |||||
New reverselit channel letter wall sign on backer panel mounted on the south elevation for indeed Date: May 19, 2014 Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 20, 2014 | Expiration date: October 20, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-051638 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Installing temp power to furniture station only Date: June 23, 2008 Contractor: James Rust Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 10, 2008 | Expiration date: July 10, 2008 | Permit id: 2008-048677 Ep | |||||
SCORE 89 Interior remodel to existing lobby Applicant: Sean P O Brien | Applicant Phone: (512) 565-4477 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: December 3, 2016 | Permit id: 2016-063946 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Ok to add 1 amp main lug only panel with shunt trip breakers for existing elevators and related equipment for elevators in the elevator equipment room to existing commercial building Date: July 18, 2016 Contractor: Raymond John Joseph Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: January 14, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-077531 Ep | |||||
Add 3flrs to exist 3sty expand for bank ofc Date: August 14, 1984 Value: $2,080,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 6, 1985 | Expiration date: September 6, 1985 | Permit id: 1984-011749 Mp | |||||
Elevator Date: January 30, 1985 Value: $5,234 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 21, 1985 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1985-015132 Mp | |||||
Remodel exist to create tempspace for offices Date: October 6, 1983 Value: $1,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 7, 1983 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1983-015242 Mp | |||||
Finish out for office4th floor Date: December 5, 1985 Value: $60,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 20, 1986 | Expiration date: December 28, 1986 | Permit id: 1985-028427 Mp | |||||
Remodel admin business office4th floor Date: March 12, 1991 Value: $26,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 9, 1991 | Expiration date: April 9, 1991 | Permit id: 1991-012455 Mp | |||||
Install new complete union commercial tons Date: December 23, 1991 Value: $23,300 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 5, 1992 | Expiration date: August 3, 1992 | Permit id: 1991-002436 Mp | |||||
Finish out for general office third floor Date: December 27, 1991 Value: $150,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 6, 1992 | Expiration date: August 29, 2007 | Permit id: 1991-002489 Mp | |||||
SCORE 56 Retrofit existing nonsprinklered building with complete system in existing adminbusprof office Applicant: Justin Sandberg | Applicant Phone: (512) 844-6645 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 3, 2015 | Expiration date: March 3, 2015 | Permit id: 2013-089039 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Date: May 22, 2014 Contractor: Eligio T Blanco Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 24, 2014 | Expiration date: September 24, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-104141 Pp | |||||
Remodel for admin office Date: December 13, 1996 Value: $109,880 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 30, 1997 | Expiration date: January 30, 1997 | Permit id: 1996-005917 Mp | |||||
Remodel offices Date: November 18, 1996 Value: $44,100 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 26, 1996 | Expiration date: November 26, 1996 | Permit id: 1996-006088 Mp | |||||
Interior remodel for existing office Date: April 14, 1998 Value: $25,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: October 25, 2004 | Expiration date: October 31, 1998 | Permit id: 1998-011879 Mp | |||||
Remodel office for frog design Date: October 15, 1998 Value: $7,288 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 9, 1999 | Expiration date: March 9, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-0112 Mp | |||||
Remodel for frog design office Date: October 20, 1998 Value: $132,346 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 8, 1999 | Expiration date: February 8, 1999 | Permit id: 1998-0113 Mp | |||||
SCORE 83 Install new 3ton hvac to server room to existing admnbus offices suite 600 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: October 24, 2003 | Expiration date: October 23, 2003 | Permit id: 2003-0085 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior nonstructural demo only 1st flr Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: November 29, 2005 | Permit id: 2005-012001 Mp | |||||
Bldg sign for comercia bank east elev Date: January 23, 1997 Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 24, 1997 | Expiration date: February 24, 1997 | Permit id: 1997-011611 Ep | |||||
Bldg sign for comerica bank north elev Date: January 23, 1997 Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 24, 1997 | Expiration date: February 24, 1997 | Permit id: 1997-011613 Ep | |||||
Bldg sign for comerica bank south elev Date: January 23, 1997 Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 24, 1997 | Expiration date: February 24, 1997 | Permit id: 1997-011614 Ep | |||||
Remodel office financial services Date: September 29, 1999 Value: $30,000 Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 5, 1999 | Expiration date: October 5, 1999 | Permit id: 1999-002113 Ep | |||||
SCORE 56 Interior remodel to existing communication services to create soundproof room Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 28, 2005 | Expiration date: April 28, 2005 | Permit id: 2005-002275 Ep | |||||
Demolish exist bank bldg Date: March 23, 1984 Value: $5,000 Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 1, 1985 | Expiration date: August 1, 1985 | Permit id: 1984-009858 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing administrativebusiness office the third floor Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 30, 2004 | Expiration date: April 30, 2004 | Permit id: 2004-018062 Ep | |||||
SCORE 98 Nonstructural reroof for existing bldg Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: July 23, 2005 | Permit id: 2005-005237 Bp | |||||
Upgrade sec of s wall byadding new face brick Date: November 14, 1986 Value: $4,500 Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: May 13, 1987 | Expiration date: May 13, 1987 | Permit id: 1986-007757 Bp | |||||
SCORE 99 Interior remodel to existing admnbus offices to build demising wall and create two lease spaces Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: May 18, 2004 | Expiration date: May 18, 2004 | Permit id: 2004-000555 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior non structural demo only 4th floor Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 20, 2013 | Expiration date: September 20, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-073867 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior non structural demo only 5th floor Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 20, 2013 | Expiration date: September 20, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-073872 Bp | |||||
SCORE 74 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Applicant Phone: (512) 784-8893 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: October 10, 2014 | Expiration date: October 10, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-104141 Bp | |||||
SCORE 93 Interior remodel to existing lobby Applicant: Sean P Obrien | Applicant Phone: (512) 565-4477 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 24, 2017 | Expiration date: May 24, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-063946 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior non structural demo only 4th floor Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 20, 2013 | Expiration date: September 20, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-073867 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior non structural demo only 5th floor Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: September 20, 2013 | Expiration date: September 20, 2013 | Permit id: 2013-073872 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Install 2 exit fixtures in lobby install chandelier and convert two 2 can lights to battery backup Date: November 17, 2016 Contractor: Raymond John Joseph Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 2, 2017 | Expiration date: May 2, 2017 | Permit id: 2016-140735 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to restroom in existing adminbusprof office building 6th floor Applicant Phone: (512) 445-2424 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 19, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-1343 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior nonstructural demo only 1st flr Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Expiration date: November 29, 2005 | Permit id: 2005-012001 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to restroom in existing adminbusprof office building 6th floor Date: November 7, 2017 Contractor: Jerry L Roudebush Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 19, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-1343 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to restroom in existing adminbusprof office building 6th floor Date: November 8, 2017 Contractor: Greg Alford Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 19, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-1343 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to restroom in existing adminbusprof office building 6th floor Date: November 7, 2017 Contractor: David L Kinney Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 19, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-1343 Pp | |||||
SCORE 93 Change type of construction of existing building full sprinklers fire alarm Applicant: Sean P Obrien | Applicant Phone: (512) 565-4477 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: March 3, 2015 | Expiration date: March 3, 2015 | Permit id: 2013-1264 Bp | |||||
SCORE 89 Interior remodel to existing adminoffice Applicant: Karl J Conger Jr | Applicant Phone: 512 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 11, 2015 | Expiration date: June 11, 2015 | Permit id: 2015-019022 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminoffice Date: March 18, 2015 Contractor: Bradley J Solomon Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 29, 2015 | Expiration date: May 29, 2015 | Permit id: 2015-019022 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminoffice Date: May 14, 2015 Contractor: Greg Alford Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 4, 2015 | Expiration date: June 4, 2015 | Permit id: 2015-019022 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminoffice Date: May 12, 2015 Contractor: Alfred Edward Vinlove Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 10, 2015 | Expiration date: June 10, 2015 | Permit id: 2015-019022 Pp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing 1st floor administrativebusiness office Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 13, 2005 | Expiration date: December 13, 2005 | Permit id: 2005-025089 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing 1st floor administrativebusiness office Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: December 13, 2005 | Expiration date: December 13, 2005 | Permit id: 2005-025089 Mp | |||||
SCORE 56 Change of use from retail to tale out restaurant and interior remodel to create small takeout restaurant inside retail space Applicant: Donald Jay | Applicant Phone: (512) 670-9310 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: June 6, 2016 | Expiration date: June 6, 2016 | Permit id: 2015-095153 Bp | |||||
SCORE 99 Change of use from retail to tale out restaurant and interior remodel to create small takeout restaurant inside retail space Date: December 7, 2015 Contractor: William Goodrich Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 8, 2016 | Expiration date: April 8, 2016 | Permit id: 2015-095153 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Change of use from retail to take out restaurant and interior remodel to create small takeout restaurant inside retail space Date: December 21, 2015 Contractor: Greg Alford Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 6, 2016 | Expiration date: April 6, 2016 | Permit id: 2015-095153 Mp | |||||
SCORE 92 Change of use from retail to tale out restaurant and interior remodel to create small takeout restaurant inside retail space Date: November 9, 2015 Contractor: Michael J Martinez Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 20, 2016 | Expiration date: May 20, 2016 | Permit id: 2015-095153 Pp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing admbusprof office Date: September 11, 2017 Contractor: David L Kinney Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 26, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-094947 Pp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Date: October 4, 2013 Contractor: Joseph D Clark Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 2, 2014 | Expiration date: April 2, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-096299 Pp | |||||
SCORE 89 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Applicant: Sean P O Brien | Applicant Phone: (512) 565-4477 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 3, 2014 | Expiration date: April 3, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-096299 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Date: October 9, 2013 Contractor: Richard Carroll Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 1, 2014 | Expiration date: April 1, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-096299 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Date: October 24, 2013 Contractor: Juan Balderas Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 23, 2014 | Expiration date: January 23, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-096299 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing admbusprof office Date: September 6, 2017 Contractor: Jerry L Roudebush Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 26, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-094947 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing admbusprof office Date: October 19, 2017 Contractor: Greg Alford Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 26, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-094947 Mp | |||||
SCORE 93 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Applicant: Sean P Obrien | Applicant Phone: (512) 565-4477 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: April 3, 2014 | Expiration date: April 3, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-096299 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing admbusprof office Applicant Phone: (512) 445-2424 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 26, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-094947 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Date: October 9, 2013 Contractor: Richard Carroll Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 27, 2014 | Expiration date: February 27, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-096434 Ep | |||||
SCORE 89 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Applicant: Sean P O Brien | Applicant Phone: (512) 565-4477 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 28, 2014 | Expiration date: February 28, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-096434 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Date: October 24, 2013 Contractor: Juan Balderas Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: January 23, 2014 | Expiration date: January 23, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-096434 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Date: October 4, 2013 Contractor: Joseph D Clark Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 27, 2014 | Expiration date: February 27, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-096434 Pp | |||||
SCORE 93 Interior remodel to existing adminbusoffice Applicant: Sean P Obrien | Applicant Phone: (512) 565-4477 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 28, 2014 | Expiration date: February 28, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-096434 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing Date: September 11, 2017 Contractor: David L Kinney Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 26, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-102824 Pp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing Date: September 6, 2017 Contractor: Jerry L Roudebush Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 26, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-102824 Ep | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing Applicant Phone: (512) 445-2424 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 26, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-102824 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to existing Date: October 19, 2017 Contractor: Greg Alford Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: May 26, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-102824 Mp |