Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Cogdill, greg ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 12-03535 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-00291 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-00060 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-00100 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 00-05131 | |||||
SCORE 91 Comment date: tue mar 16 00:00: est 2004 - mobile home set up lot 10;scc please mail to: gsc properties p. O. Box 17099 aseville nc 28816; comment date: fri apr 00:00: edt 2004 - 4/30/04 10:43:45 am; v Client: Lot 10 | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 04-01172 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Mobile home set up -greg cogdill-springside mobile home park;scc; 3 2 04 4:29:45 pm; mobile home setup, cogdill. Springside mhp. Issued by ssb.; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activated. C ![]() Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-00291 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Cogdill, greg ![]() Client: Cogdill, Greg | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-03535 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 100 Cogdill, greg Client: Cogdill, Greg | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-03535 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 98 Cogdill, greg Client: Cogdill, Greg | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-03535 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Zoning enforcement Client: Mhp | Permit status: In compliance | Current use: Complaint-enforcement | Permit id: 12-05650s | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Zoning enforcement Client: Lot 11 | Permit status: In compliance | Current use: Complaint-enforcement | Permit id: 12-05655s | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Gsc properties lot 6; call harry taylor for building inspection at redacted phone number all subcontractors shall contact building safety (redacted phone number) to activate electrical, plumbing & mechanical permits. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water/waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 00-05131 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Springside mhp lot 5; springside mhp/lot 5/jsb; call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. To activate subcontractors permits call redacted phone number. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water/waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure ele Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-00100 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Lot #12 mobile home; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water/waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activated. Can use same electrical permit for set-up & air conditioner or heat pump, however a mechanical permit is required to assure s Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-00060 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Mobile home set up -greg cogdill-springside mobile home park;scc; 3/2/04 4:29:45 pm; mobile home setup, cogdill. Springside mhp. Issued by ssb.; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water/waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activated. C Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-00291 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Mobile home set up lot 10;scc please mail to: gsc properties p. O. Box 17099 aseville nc 28816; 4/30/04 10:43:45 am; via fax ssb activated electrical.; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water/waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activa Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-01172 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Zoning enforcement Permit status: In compliance | Permit id: 12-05650s | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
June 21, 2012 3:56:27 pm ssalyer. Placing used mobile home with 2-4x8 decks for greg cogdill lot 14 springside mhp;sls s on hendersonville hwy to skyland at dunkin doughnuts turn r onto spirngside rd go 50yds into mhp; replacing a 12x mobile home with a 14x mobile home to be placed in mph. Also adding (2) 4x8 decks. The mobile home and decks must meet all applicable udo standards. If the required setbacks cannot be met this permit shall become null and void. June 28, 2012 10:39:51 am garym.; october 3, 2012 3:03:37 pm mlipe. Premise number is redacted phone number4; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use manual on pier and anchor strap spacing. If manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade tie-downs & pier spacing are to be designed by a engineer. Stairs require Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 12-03535 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Mobile home lot 8 springside mobile home park; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water/waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activated. Can use same electrical permit for set-up & air conditioner or heat pump, however a mechanical perm Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 99-05974 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Zoning enforcement Permit status: In compliance | Permit id: 12-05655s | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Cogdill, greg ![]() ![]() Client: Cogdill, Greg | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-03535 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Zoning enforcement ![]() Client: Mhp | Permit status: In compliance | Current use: Complaint-enforcement | Permit id: 12-05650s | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Historical ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-00291 | |||||
Residential ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-00060 | |||||
Historical ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-00100 | |||||
Residential ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 00-05131 | |||||
Historical ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 99-05974 | |||||
Residential ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-01172 | |||||
SCORE 61 Comment date: tue mar 16 00:00: est 2004 - mobile home set up lot 10;scc please mail to: gsc properties p. O. Box 17099 aseville nc 28816; comment date: fri apr 00:00: edt 2004 - 4/30/04 10:43:45 am; v Client: Lot 10 | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 04-01172 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 87 Comment date: wed dec 01 00:00: est 1999 - mobile home lot 8 springside mobile home park; comment date: wed dec 01 00:00: est 1999 - manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. U Client: Cogdill | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 99-05974 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 78 Comment date: mon jan 07 00:00: est 2002 - springside mhp lot 5; comment date: mon jun 17 00:00: edt 2002 - springside mhp/lot 5/jsb; comment date: mon jan 07 00:00: est 2002 - call jim reato at redac Client: Springside Mhp Lot 5 | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 02-00100 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 98 Comment date: mon jan 06 00:00: est 2003 - lot #12 mobile home; comment date: mon jan 06 00:00: est 2003 - manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and Client: Cogdill Mobile Home | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 03-00060 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 91 Comment date: mon oct 00:00: est 20 - gsc properties lot 6; comment date: mon oct 00:00: est 20 - call harry taylor for building inspection at redacted phone number all subcontractors shall contact bu Client: Lot 6 | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 00-05131 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 100 Comment date: mon jan 06 00:00: est 2003 - lot #12 mobile home; comment date: mon jan 06 00:00: est 2003 - manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and Client: Cogdill Mobile Home | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 03-00060 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 91 Comment date: wed jan 21 00:00: est 2004 - mobile home set up -greg cogdill-springside mobile home park;scc; comment date: tue mar 02 00:00: est 2004 - 3/2/04 4:29:45 pm; mobile home setup, cogdill. S Client: Lot #9 | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 04-00291 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 72 Comment date: wed jan 21 00:00: est 2004 - mobile home set up -greg cogdill-springside mobile home park;scc; comment date: tue mar 02 00:00: est 2004 - 3/2/04 4:29:45 pm; mobile home setup, cogdill. S Client: Lot #9 | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 04-00291 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Gsc properties lot 6; call harry taylor for building inspection at redacted phone number all subcontractors shall contact building safety (redacted phone number) to activate electrical, plumbing & mechanical permits. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until ![]() Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 00-05131 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 100 Comment date: tue mar 16 00:00: est 2004 - mobile home set up lot 10;scc please mail to: gsc properties p. O. Box 17099 aseville nc 28816; comment date: fri apr 00:00: edt 2004 - 4/30/04 10:43:45 am; v Client: Lot 10 | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 04-01172 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Springside mhp lot 5; springside mhp lot 5 jsb; call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. To activate subcontractors permits call redacted phone number. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure ele ![]() Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-00100 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 100 Comment date: wed jan 21 00:00: est 2004 - mobile home set up -greg cogdill-springside mobile home park;scc; comment date: tue mar 02 00:00: est 2004 - 3/2/04 4:29:45 pm; mobile home setup, cogdill. S Client: Lot #9 | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 04-00291 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 89 Comment date: mon oct 00:00: est 20 - gsc properties lot 6; comment date: mon oct 00:00: est 20 - call harry taylor for building inspection at redacted phone number all subcontractors shall contact bu Client: Lot 6 | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 00-05131 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 91 Comment date: wed dec 01 00:00: est 1999 - mobile home lot 8 springside mobile home park; comment date: wed dec 01 00:00: est 1999 - manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. U Client: Cogdill | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 99-05974 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
SCORE 91 Comment date: mon jan 07 00:00: est 2002 - springside mhp lot 5; comment date: mon jun 17 00:00: edt 2002 - springside mhp/lot 5/jsb; comment date: mon jan 07 00:00: est 2002 - call jim reato at redac Client: Springside Mhp Lot 5 | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 02-00100 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Lot #12 mobile home; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activated. Can use same electrical permit for set-up & air conditioner or heat pump, however a mechanical permit is required to assure s ![]() Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-00060 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Mobile home set up lot 10;scc please mail to: gsc properties p. O. Box 17099 aseville nc 28816; 4 30 04 10:43:45 am; via fax ssb activated electrical.; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activa ![]() Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-01172 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
June 21, 2012 3:56:27 pm ssalyer. Placing used mobile home with 2-4x8 decks for greg cogdill lot 14 springside mhp;sls s on hendersonville hwy to skyland at dunkin doughnuts turn r onto spirngside rd go 50yds into mhp; replacing a 12x mobile home with a 14x mobile home to be placed in mph. Also adding (2) 4x8 decks. The mobile home and decks must meet all applicable udo standards. If the required setbacks cannot be met this permit shall become null and void. June 28, 2012 10:39:51 am garym.; october 3, 2012 3:03:37 pm mlipe. Premise number is redacted phone number4; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use manual on pier and anchor strap spacing. If manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade tie-downs & pier spacing are to be designed by a engineer. Stairs require ![]() Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 12-03535 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Zoning enforcement ![]() Permit status: In compliance | Permit id: 12-05650s | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Mobile home lot 8 springside mobile home park; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activated. Can use same electrical permit for set-up & air conditioner or heat pump, however a mechanical perm ![]() Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 99-05974 | Parcel: 34486 | |||||
Placement of 1998 12x32 moible home into springside mhp lot 6 with 2-4x8 decks for greg cogdill, no heat pump or a c ![]() Permit status: Plan check | Permit id: 15-05571 | |||||
SCORE 95 Res: plumbing ![]() Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 15-05573 | Parcel: 108561 | |||||
Placement of 1998 12x32 moible home into springside mhp lot 6 with 2-4x8 decks for greg cogdill, no heat pump or a/c ![]() Permit type: Residential | Permit status: Plan check | Permit id: 15-05571 | |||||
SCORE 95 4x8 decks for greg cogdill, no heat pump or a c ![]() ![]() Client: Cogdill, Greg S | Permit type: Res: plumbing | Permit status: Issued | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 15-05573 | Parcel: 108561 | |||||
SCORE 95 Res: plumbing ![]() ![]() Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 15-05573 | Parcel: 108561 | |||||
SCORE 95 4x8 decks for greg cogdill, no heat pump or a c. New application received, old permit has expired no work has been done, no change in subs. Added fees and reissued permit ![]() ![]() Client: Cogdill, Greg S | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Reissued | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 15-05571 | Parcel: 108561 | |||||
SCORE 95 Setting and hook up of 1998 12 x 32 mobile to replace older home. No heat pump or a/c one 4 x deck ![]() ![]() Client: Cogdill, Greg | Permit type: Res: plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 16-00214 | Parcel: 108561 | |||||
SCORE 100 Setting and hook up of 1998 12 x 32 mobile to replace older home. No heat pump or a/c one 4 x deck ![]() ![]() Client: Cogdill, Greg | Permit type: Res: electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 16-00213 | Parcel: 108561 | |||||
SCORE 100 4x8 decks for greg cogdill, no heat pump or a c ![]() ![]() Client: Cogdill, Greg S | Permit type: Res: electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 15-05572 | Parcel: 108561 |