Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 82 Bfd chemist certificate proces ![]() ![]() Client: Boston Universi | Permit id: Chm477887 | Parcel: 2100185000 | |||||
Temporary bagging of smoke detectors ![]() Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Bfd bag smoke detectors | Permit id: Bsd482397 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
SCORE 83 Hvac communication wiring. Fancoil units with thermo stat - work being at # beacon st Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: October 25, 2014 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E356492 | |||||
Relocate (2) heads on an existing fire sprinkler system.; heads are located in the lobby on 1st floor ![]() Permit type: Bfd sprinkler system | Permit id: Sprk148459 | |||||
SCORE 100 Low voltage security system at 8a beacon Permit type: Electrical low voltage | Expiration date: November 8, 2015 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv470296 | |||||
SCORE 90 Renovations to apartments: bathrooms kitchens. Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: November 20, 2015 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Sf473015 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install automatic sprinkler system in apartments common areas and basement to comply with nfpa 13. A single nozzle fire department connection added to 8 beacon street facade of building and a supervised floor control valvue assembly. 8 and 872 share a fire suppression system. Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: November 21, 2015 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt473133 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
SCORE 100 Remodel kitchen and bath. Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: November 21, 2015 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: E474908 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
SCORE 96 Plumbing renovations of bathrooms and kitchens. Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: November 22, 2015 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl475548 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
Replacement of existing ![]() Permit type: Bfd fire alarm installations | Permit id: Bfdf531495 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install new single phase 400amp service. Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: January 10, 2016 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: E491737 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
Stand truck at curb / meters; 2 spaces; / ![]() Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: May 19, 2015 | Permit id: Occu-472944 | |||||
To remove asbestos from 8 beacon street ![]() Permit type: Bfd asbestos removal | Permit id: Asb190398 | |||||
SCORE 87 The building shall be unoccuptied and the fire alarm system shall be maintained at all times a permit is required to bag any smoke detectors. ![]() ![]() Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Bfd sprinkler system | Permit id: Sprk470305 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
Removal of asbestos ![]() Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Bfd asbestos removal | Permit id: Asb266355 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
Boston university. 5lf of pipe insulation and 10sf of plaster from wall in room 5 living room ![]() Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Bfd asbestos removal | Permit id: Asb432636 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
To remove asbestos from 8 beacon street .. Boston university ![]() Permit type: Bfd asbestos removal | Permit id: Asb66272 | |||||
Stand truck at curb for maintenance work in sdwk vault ![]() Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: April 6, 2015 | Permit id: Occu-459742 | |||||
SCORE 90 Renovation to units and common areas including demo of walls and ceilings to studs insulate board &; plaster paint ![]() ![]() Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Bfd construction demo reno | Permit id: Fdc473037 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
SCORE 99 To remove old failed rubber roof and install new. Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: December 20, 2011 | Current use: 4unit | Permit id: Sf80272 | Parcel: 2100190000 | |||||
Repair;damaged conduit; x 2 rdwy; # 1394820170008 ![]() Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: May 11, 2014 | Permit id: Exca-349915 | |||||
To remove asbestos ![]() Permit type: Bfd asbestos removal | Permit id: Asb160397 | |||||
Repair conduit; 3 x 3 rdwy; #1369335281281; ![]() Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: June 30, 2013 | Permit id: Exca-249139 | |||||
Bfd chemist certificate proces ![]() Client: Boston Universi | Permit id: Chm470983 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
Temporary bagging of smoke detectors for dust control during painting ![]() Permit type: Bfd bag smoke detectors | Permit id: Bsd165144 | |||||
SCORE 100 Replace lighting with energy efficient fixtures at afscme (master meter) 617-367-6007. Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: December 27, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E224150 | |||||
Temporary bagging of smoke detectors for dust control during renovation work one floor at a time bfd paid detail required ![]() Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Bfd bag smoke detectors | Permit id: Bsd474719 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
Certificate number expired on date of this permit 4/25/15. Afscme93. Removal of pipe insulation from kitchen/mechanical room. ![]() Permit type: Bfd asbestos removal | Permit id: Asb467564 | |||||
Floors in every room throughout the whole building ![]() Client: Boston Universi | Permit type: Bfd asbestos removal | Permit id: Asb472255 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
Replacing aging conventional fire alarm with new addressable system. The new system will meet all the regulations of the boston fire department for a high rise building. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Electrical fire alarms | Expiration date: April 19, 2016 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Efa530542 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install a new fire suppression system sprinkler throughout the building and new fire department connection at corner of beacon and arundel street. Client: Boston University Trsts Of | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: September 30, 2016 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Alt575349 | Parcel: 2100207000 | |||||
Repair conduit; 3 x 3; rdwy; ; mass bridge project; ; 9: am to 3: pm; ; boston police area d; 343-4210; ![]() Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: February 21, 2016 | Permit id: Exca-560230 | |||||
SCORE 63 Replacing aging conventional fire alarm with new addressable system. The new system will meet all the regulations of the boston fire department for a high rise building. Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: April 28, 2016 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt530593 | |||||
Stand truck at curb ; meters; 2 spaces; ![]() Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: May 19, 2015 | Permit id: Occu-472944 | |||||
Certificate number expired on date of this permit 4 25 15. Afscme93. Removal of pipe insulation from kitchen mechanical room. ![]() Permit type: Bfd asbestos removal | Permit id: Asb467564 | |||||
SCORE 96 Plumbing renovations of bathrooms and kitchens. Client: Boston University Trsts Of | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: November 22, 2015 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl475548 | Parcel: 2100217000 | |||||
SCORE 87 Install a new fire suppression system sprinkler throughout the building and new fire department connection at the corner of beacon and arundel street.; work to be done per nfpa stands 7 cmr. ![]() ![]() Client: Boston University Trsts Of | Permit type: Bfd sprinkler system | Permit id: Sprk577237 | Parcel: 2100207000 | |||||
SCORE 85 Office renovation installing four duplex receptacles one light switch four 2x2 led recessed light fixtures and four voice and data outlets. Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: October 18, 2017 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E699354 | |||||
SCORE 99 Low voltage - 1 2 beacon - flat file storage card reader add Permit type: Electrical low voltage | Expiration date: November 25, 2017 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv711121 | |||||
SCORE 100 Production and installation of 2 x 3 blade sign to hang on at existing roof line above entrance to retail convenient store. Matches existing businesses near by and has a classic look and color. Approved by bra(attached) Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: August 23, 2017 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Alt656703 | |||||
Audobon circle project; m susi for pwd; phase 1a; work hours 7am-4pm; no lane closures before 9:30am; all travel lanes must be cleared by 3:15pm;&; opened by 3:30pm unless otherwise specified by btd; weekdays only; boston police detail area d; 343-42 as described in contract documents ![]() Client: Ruggles St Baptist Church | Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: July 21, 2017 | Permit id: Exca-663272 | Parcel: 2100196000 | |||||
SCORE 100 Erect 8x16x24" high stage on 11/17/14. Removal on 11/18/14. Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: May 17, 2015 | Current use: Other | Permit id: Sf426653 |