Building Permits at 779779a Dorchester Dorchester MA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
The job entails the remodeling of the convenience store. The following will be done: -demolition of interior wall ceiling and flooring to studs. -replacement of windows which includes the store front and sides. -renovations of new store side flooring wall and ceiling.
Date:  August 5, 2015
Value:   $22,000
Contractor: Nghiem Hoang

Permit type: Renovations -interior nsc | Permit status: Open | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Sf499775 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/08/052200094779 779a Dorchester Dorchester Ma 02125Nghiem Hoang
Remodel convenience store set up new outlets for machines and lights.
Date:  August 21, 2015
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Alexander Ngo

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Open | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: E509541 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/08/21300091779 779a Dorchester Dorchester Ma 02125Alexander Ngo
Installation of (1) 180"x22" 1" tube matte black frame wall sign "triangle point market" and (1) 36"x24" double sided projecting blade sign with bracket
Date:  November 20, 2015
Value:   $6,775
Contractor: Nancy Maggs

Permit type: Signs | Permit status: Open | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Alt531104 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/11/206775100779 779a Dorchester Dorchester Ma 02125Nancy Maggs
Installation of (1) 180"x22" 1" tube matte black frame wall sign "triangle point market" and (1) 36"x24" double sided projecting blade sign with bracket
Date:  November 20, 2015
Value:   $6,775
Contractor: Nancy Maggs

Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: May 20, 2016 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Alt531104 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/11/206775100779 779a Dorchester Dorchester MaNancy Maggs
Remodel convenience store set up new outlets for machines and lights.
Date:  August 21, 2015
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Alexander Ngo

Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: February 21, 2016 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: E509541 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/08/21300091779 779a Dorchester Dorchester MaAlexander Ngo
Proposed to construct a partial second floor addition (14-0" x 15-7") as a family room at rear of the existing property (as per plans).
Date:  August 28, 2013
Value:   $20,000
Contractor: Mai Phung

Permit type: Board of appeals | Expiration date: August 28, 2015 | Permit id: Boa280645 | Parcel: 0703185000
2013/08/2820000100779 779a Dorchester Dorchester MaMai Phung
The job entails the remodeling of the convenience store. The following will be done: -demolition of interior wall ceiling and flooring to studs. -replacement of windows which includes the store front and sides. -renovations of new store side flooring wall and ceiling.
Date:  August 5, 2015
Value:   $22,000
Contractor: Nghiem Hoang

Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: February 5, 2016 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Sf499775 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/08/052200094779 779a Dorchester Dorchester MaNghiem Hoang
Remodel convenience store set up new outlets for machines and lights.
Date:  August 21, 2015
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Alexander Ngo

Client: Nguyen Trung | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: E509541 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/08/21300091779779a Dorchester Dorchester Ma 02125Alexander Ngo
The job entails the remodeling of the convenience store. The following will be done: -demolition of interior wall ceiling and flooring to studs. -replacement of windows which includes the store front and sides. -renovations of new store side flooring wall and ceiling.
Date:  August 5, 2015
Value:   $22,000
Contractor: Nghiem Hoang

Client: Nguyen Trung | Permit type: Renovations -interior nsc | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Sf499775 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/08/052200094779779a Dorchester Dorchester Ma 02125Nghiem Hoang
Installation of (1) 180"x22" 1" tube matte black frame wall sign "triangle point market" and (1) 36"x24" double sided projecting blade sign with bracket
Date:  November 20, 2015
Value:   $6,775
Contractor: Nancy Maggs

Client: Nguyen Trung | Permit type: Signs | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Alt531104 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/11/206775100779779a Dorchester Dorchester Ma 02125Nancy Maggs
Installation of (1) 180"x22" 1" tube matte black frame wall sign "triangle point market" and (1) 36"x24" double sided projecting blade sign with bracket
Date:  November 20, 2015
Value:   $6,775
Contractor: Nancy Maggs

Client: Nguyen Trung | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: May 20, 2016 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Alt531104 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/11/206775100779779a Dorchester Dorchester MaNancy Maggs
The job entails the remodeling of the convenience store. The following will be done: -demolition of interior wall ceiling and flooring to studs. -replacement of windows which includes the store front and sides. -renovations of new store side flooring wall and ceiling.
Date:  August 5, 2015
Value:   $22,000
Contractor: Nghiem Hoang

Client: Nguyen Trung | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: February 5, 2016 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: Sf499775 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/08/052200094779779a Dorchester Dorchester MaNghiem Hoang
Remodel convenience store set up new outlets for machines and lights.
Date:  August 21, 2015
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Alexander Ngo

Client: Nguyen Trung | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: February 21, 2016 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: E509541 | Parcel: 0703185000
2015/08/21300091779779a Dorchester Dorchester MaAlexander Ngo
Proposed to construct a partial second floor addition (14-0" x 15-7") as a family room at rear of the existing property (as per plans).
Date:  August 28, 2013
Value:   $20,000
Contractor: Mai Phung

Client: Nguyen Trung | Permit type: Board of appeals | Expiration date: August 28, 2015 | Permit id: Boa280645 | Parcel: 0703185000
2013/08/2820000100779779a Dorchester Dorchester MaMai Phung

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